#RIANSH – LOVE, EMOTIONS & RELATIONS – Episode 20 – Riansh awkward moment

Episode starts with….

She reached her room and opened the door as usual but was astonished to what she saw. She wanted to move or turn around but something stopped her from doing so. She stood there staring at the bare body of her husband. Yes, Vansh just came out from washroom clad in a towel around his waist and nothing on his upper part of the body. He just had shower and came to dry his hair. Riddhima didn’t know why she stood there in awe but she was having mixed feelings, she wanted to stay there yet she felt awkward; she wanted to make some noise to inform him of her presence yet her conscience stopped her; she didn’t know why but she wanted to go and hug him but something stopped her from doing so.

She didn’t react but was just staring at him as he was drying his hair. His back was towards her and she could see the masculine body, he was fair enough. Water was flowing from his hair and those were rhythmically flowing through his back.

Riddhima (thinking): What the heck are you doing Riddhima!!! He is your best friend and you are staring him this way! Just stop doing this stupidity! But why am I staring in such way! Just make some as excuse and run from here! But why should I? It’s even my room!! Riddhima what are you speaking!!! Why are you nervous, confused!!! Riddhima don’t forget he is your husband and you have all rights to see him like this. Enough!!!! I shouldn’t think all this. Riddhima you are either leaving and coming back or getting in. Decide!!!

Riddhima took a long breath and

Riddhima (as if she just entered): Am sorry!!! I didn’t know you are here

Vansh turning around to see her near the door and realised that he was bare body as she turned around to avoid awkwardness. He took another towel which was on bed and covered himself in reflex

Vansh: Am sorry. I thought you’d take time so came out this way.

Riddhima (still not facing Vansh): Its ok Vansh. I’ll leave

She was about to when he stopped her by her wrist. She turned around to see Vansh

Vansh: You need not go!! I am going into the closet you can use washroom.

She didn’t see him as she was feeling weak and so she just nodded and entered the room followed by Vansh. The water from his hair fell on the carpet and due to those water she was about to trip and fall and her senses stopped functioning and she closed her eyes in reflex. But she felt like she didn’t fall on floor instead she held onto something or specifically someone. She could feel her waist being held by a hand and she could sense that her hands are not in air but she held onto some soft thing or personality.

She slowly opened her eyes and there stood her saviour. She realised she held on to him as she laid her hands on him while he held her by waist. She was mesmerised by his those dark brown round eyes. She could see care in them for her. His soft hands were holding her preventing her from falling down. They were having an eye – lock while the water from his hair were dripping on her and her sight fell on his soft hair and she was about to touch them when a voice from distance broke their trance and he helped her stand and they both looked awkwardly in opposite directions. Vansh slipped into the closet while Riddhima escaped into the washroom.

The voice was of dadi calling Vansh & Riddhima for dinner. Vansh reached closet and was lost in thoughts of the moment they shared a few minutes back and was having a smile while Riddhima was in shower and even she was thinking of that moment but irony was that she wasn’t having a smile instead was bearing a confused expression on her face.

Riddhima (thinking): What happened to me!! Why am I behaving odd!! Why did I lose my senses! Why was I staring him as if I went into some trance! What will he think of me ab! Am being foolish and he might be thinking ki I have lost my mind and being weird. Riddhima you are such a stupid personality.

Vansh reached dining area where everyone already assembled

Dadi: Vansh where is Riddhima?

Vansh: Dadi she is getting freshen up. She’ll be back in few minutes

Aryan: Seems like someone had some private moment because of which its taking time (giggling)

Everyone were laughing while Vansh was glaring Aryan seriously

Sejal: Absolutely Aryan varna Riddhima and late! Never

Anupriya: Stop you both always pulling his leg.

Kabir: Mom what wrong did they say! Even I feel something is fishy

Vansh: You guys won’t change!

Siya: Bhai!!!

Everyone turned around to see Siya coming in her wheel chair. Vansh went and helped her take a seat on the dining table.

Siya: Bhai where is bhabhi?

Sejal & Aryan: She’ll freshen up and come (chuckling)

Siya (Laughing): Why are you both stressing that word?

Vansh (glaring them): Siya let it go they have gone mad

Aryan: Arrey Vansh you are behaving as if we lied! Did we?

Sejal: Yes bhai! You tell us why is she late?

“Who’s late?”

Everyone turned to see Riddhima coming into the dining area. Riddhima and Vansh’s glances met and they fell into awkward silence as it reminded them of that happened few minutes back and Riddhima was feeling awkward and embarrassed so she didn’t dare look into his eyes. She just came and was about to serve dinner

Riddhima: Sejal you didn’t answer my question! Who’s late?

Sejal, Kabir & Aryan (shouted on top of their voice): YOU!!! (laughing)

Riddhima: What did I do? (confused)

Aryan: Why are you late? (raising eyebrows)

Riddhima stared Vansh and didn’t understand how to react. Vansh took the lead to save his love and himself too

Vansh: Will you all shut up!

Dadi: Exactly!!! Stop teasing my kids.

Riddhima didn’t utter a word was about to serve everyone when Vansh held her wrist to stop her while she was puzzled and stared him blankly. The other naughty gang was having a free cup of entertainment and didn’t feel like disturbing yet wanted to take chance to pull their leg so Kabir took the lead

Kabir: Aryan I guess this is dining room and not bedroom (giggling)

Precap: Riddhima: Shut up Kabir. Vansh isn’t such. He knows what’s wrong and right. So, stop bad mouthing him

Hope you like it.

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