#RIANSH – LOVE, EMOTIONS & RELATIONS – Episode 32 – Riddhima Dilemma

Episode starts with….

Its 9:30 am, VRS Mansion,

Riddhima reached her hospital and was engrossed in her usual work checking on patients. But she wasn’t literally paying attention to her patients. She was trying hard but her heart was pondering for Vansh and his glimpse. Reason was unknown.

Patient: Ma’am!!!! Ma’am!!!!

Riddhima: …. Ha….

Patient: So, when shall I come for the check-up?

Riddhima: May be within 3 days.

Patient leaves when nurse enters

Nurse: Ma’am shall I call the next patient

Riddhima: No! give me 2 minutes.

Riddhima (thinking): What happened to me!! Why am I behaving odd! Since morning am behaving weird. If am thinking so what would Vansh be thinking. He might have assumed me to be a fool!! But what happened to me! Why am I unable to concentrate on my work! Why is Vansh crossing my mind again and again! Why do I feel the urge of seeing him and speaking to him! Why am I even thinking of him! This never happened to me but why these days! Am I unwell! Should I consult some psychiatrist! I think I better take an appointment!! Riddhima now concentrate on your work. Stop thinking about Vansh!!!

Taking a long breath, she asked nurse to send other patients. She was engrossed in treating her patients. Though Vansh was still running her mind, she tried to focus on her work. After attending all her patients, she was packing her stuff to reach VR Enterprises when she was thinking

Riddhima (thinking): I don’t know why since almost 2 weeks am feeling different. I feel like spending time with you. Since the day I came to your office and you took a stand for me, it was something new. Its not that you never took a stand for me but then that moment was so awesome. I felt I have you. I know you were always with me but still…. Am confused yaar. You are understanding right what I meant! It was new and the feeling was ambivalent. Since many days I have been observing that my behaviour is changed, I who always loved to treat my patients is now waiting to complete my work to spend time with you. Though interior designing is my passion, I never thought that this would be an excuse to reach your office to spend time with you. Look at me who is eager to meet you, spend time with you, talk with you. I don’t know what’s happening with me! Am I falling ill! Do I indeed have to consult a psychiatrist? Am I turning insane! Am I having some mental health condition which I didn’t know till now!!! Oh God what’s happening to me!! Why am I being desperate!! How do I handle myself! What if its indeed a mental health condition! Or what if it isn’t!! Then what’s my condition called!!! What’s this feeling called!!!

There was a knock on her cabin breaking her thoughts.

Riddhima: Come in!!!

“Hiiiiiii” Riddhima turned to see Siya and Aryan near the door.

Riddhima: Hey!! Come

Siya: Bhabhi did we disturb you!

Riddhima: Of course, not Siya! My work was done. I was about to go to Vansh

Aryan: Vansh!!! (teasing her)

Riddhima: I meant I was going towards VR Enterprises. And you both here? Is everything ok? (firm tone)

Aryan: Bhulakkad!!! You asked me to bring her for some tests! If you forgot let me remind you

Riddhima: Oh, Yea I forgot. Chalo lets get some tests done.

They left towards the tests section and while the lab operator was conducting tests Riddhima and Aryan were waiting

Aryan: Riddhima! Did Vansh doubt us morning?

Riddhima: Are you mad! Like how could you just speak all that in front of him!

Aryan: I didn’t know that he was there! How will I expect him to be present!!

Riddhima: How could you not? Its his room too and it’s his house. I know him he did get doubt and he is not going to leave this matter until and unless he finds the truth!

Aryan: Oh god!! What to do now!

Riddhima: Its ok I’ll handle him. But you tell me why were you asking all that suddenly!

Aryan: I want to propose her. You know I love her! I have waited for years just to confess my feelings but now am unable to control my feelings for her!

Riddhima: I understand your situation. I assure you she’ll be fine pretty soon. You need to have patience and if cant then reveal your feelings for her.

Aryan: You know. I can’t. I don’t want her to think my love for her as a pity on her condition.

Riddhima: Aryan you are over thinking! What if something opposite happens? I mean! What if after she gets well and you confess her feelings and she might think you didn’t confess because of her condition! Then what would you do! There are chances that this might happen!! If you confess now and explain her from when you started loving her then she might accept you but if you confess after she gets well then there are chances of misunderstanding. Think once!!!

Aryan fell into deep thoughts! He felt her words did have deep meaning. Breaking his thoughts Siya came.

Aryan: How’d everything go?

Siya: Am I doctor? Ask the doctor (smiling)

Aryan banged his head and stared at Riddhima expecting her to reveal something

Riddhima: Relax Aryan! Reports will be out by tomorrow.

Aryan: Oh okay!

They all left towards Riddhima’s cabin

Siya: Bhabhi, so what are your plans for the day?

Riddhima: Am supposed to go to Vansh’s office and check on the work. Hey why don’t you join! Vansh will be happy

Aryan: Woah great idea Riddhima! Chalo lets leave now

Siya (hesitant): I don’t want to come! You guys go. I’ll go home

Aryan and Riddhima understood her state and

Riddhima: Siya! I understand why you don’t want to come! But why do you want to confine yourself into the house! Why do you want to distance yourself from the world! Yesterday you stepped out right! If am not wrong then you had great time then why not now!

Aryan: Siya you have lived your life that way and enjoyed it fully and will enjoy that life soon. Till then why to waste this time in confining yourself to one place! Experience this too. Vaise you should be happy that you have got many servants to take care of you. Look since 2months Riddhima is taking care of you as servant and even me, Sejal, Vansh and Kabir too are fulfilling your wishes and now you just command and everything will be in front of you. You are a princess and your command is our order!!

Siya smiled and

Siya: I accept to join you guys but on one condition

Aryan: And what’s that?

Siya: That from today you would always fulfill whatever I ask for and whenever I ask!

Aryan: Yes Madam! In your service!

Precap: Siya what happened to your bhabhi?

Hope you like it.

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