#RIANSH – LOVE, EMOTIONS & RELATIONS – Episode 36 – Aryan to the Rescue

Episode starts with….

The trio were staring at each other and the whole staff was staring at them. Then came a person as saviour

“Here is your bhabhi!!!” All turned towards the source of sound to find Aryan walking towards them freaking the trio as they were assuming him to reveal the truth. Kabir wanted to stop him and before he could do something

Aryan: Here!!! Your Kabir bhai’s bhabhi as per you!!

All were giving him puzzled looks including the trio. They had no clue what he was speaking of

Aryan: Arrey Siya what are you staring at! Look your so called bhabhi is here!

Was handing her a phone and then was saying

Aryan: Here your so called Kabir bhai’s wife and your bhabhi! His phone!!! (trying to giggle)

Though the trio exactly didn’t understand what he was trying to say, they tried to laugh to avoid any doubts

Aryan: Siya you are still a child! You are teasing Kabir here in his office too!! I understand he is always on his phone so you gave his phone a tag of his wife that doesn’t mean you use it everywhere! If anyone would have heard, then they might have thought that your bhai is indeed married. Thank god none heard

He turned around to see everyone glaring at them

Aryan: Oh shit!!!! Look Siya what your playful act has turned into a suspicion in everyone’s eyes. You will never change!!!

He indirectly gave a hint to the trio of the context and they started playing along

Kabir (thinking): Me and phone like seriously!!! I do accept that I use phone but am not that addict!! But what to do! I need to play along varna my pyaari Riddhima bhabhi would kill me for letting her secret out

Kabir (taking his phone): You are right Aryan this girl has totally forgot where we are and referring my phone as my wife would create many doubts!

Siya: Am sorry bhai. I was used to call your phone as my bhabhi so I referred it the same as usual.

Aryan (turning around staff): Guys am sorry on behalf of Siya! Actually, the point here is Kabir is always on phone when at home or with family and friends so Siya gave his phone a tag of his wife and so refers to it as bhabhi. Look, her this playful term created many confusion, questions in all of you. If am not wrong may be many even had heart breaks right (wink)

Staff gave a bright smile and continued their work while all the four reached Vansh’s cabin and once there Kabir and Aryan gave a stern look to Siya who was by now was biting her tongue and was making faces asking for apologies.

Kabir: Seriously Siya!!! You almost spoiled our plan and we were almost caught if this Aryan didn’t come to save us!

Aryan (feeling proud): Thank you thank you!!!

Kabir: Shut up you idiot! And what was that! Me and phone together!!! Like seriously! When did you see me using my phone for such long hours that my phone became my wife!!

Aryan: Am sorry but I shouldn’t be. In fact, I saved you all. So, you should be thanking me! If the matter is about phone and you then I didn’t find any other way to get you all out of that so….

Vansh: Thank you Aryan! You saved us! Varna Riddhima would have kicked us all for revealing her secret in this way! But I need to appreciate your idea of how you used Kabir and his phone. It was indeed funny yet reasonable. Or else we were all caught! The thought that the staff learning about Riddhima’s true identity is so horrific. The imagination of how would Riddhima react if her identity is revealed is such a terrific dream I tell you. But thank you Aryan! If at all you didn’t reach on time then we wouldn’t have been out of this mess!

Siya: Am sorry bhai! It all happened because of me!!

Vansh: Its ok. I know you have been calling her bhabhi since many days and you are used to it. You can’t change calling her suddenly so its ok. Never mind.

They were all chitchatting while Riddhima made her entry after supervising all her work.

Riddhima: Guys shall we leave! We need to arrange for dinner too.

Kabir: Dinner? What’s so special! We have it daily right!

Riddhima: Oh, forgot I didn’t inform you right! Actually ….

She told them about meeting Chirag last evening and inviting him for dinner to surprise Sejal.

Siya: OMG! Bhabhi is he the same Chirag on which Di had crush right!

Vansh: Yes the same. Actually, we invited him for dinner tonight.

Riddhima: And I just spoke to him and shared our location. He’ll be there by 7:30pm so we need to rush asap

Kabir: Yes let’s leave

As they stepped out of Vansh’s cabin, all the staff members were glaring them as they felt that Aryan and Riddhima are a couple because Riddhima and Aryan were moving together as a couple while Kabir and Vansh were moving with Siya. The male staff were having a sought of heart break as they wanted to woo her but today they assumed that she is committed but irony is not to Vansh her husband but to her friend Aryan! Female staff too had a jealousy feeling seeing Riddhima having a higher hand on Vansh, Kabir and now even Aryan!

Precap: I can’t see you broken! I need to distance myself from you to avoid you giving any pain. I am unable to control my feelings when near you

Hope you like it.

If there are any suggestions or improvement needed, please do suggest.

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