#RIANSH – LOVE, EMOTIONS & RELATIONS – Episode 45 – Riddhima Disturbed!

Episode starts with….

Its 9:30am, VRS Mansion,

Riddhima wakes up to find dadi, Uma, and Anupriya near her. Riddhima has no idea about last night. Her body was aching and finding the elders around her freaked her

Riddhima (weak): Dadi you all here in the morning! Is everything ok!!

Uma: Riddhima you need rest. Just stay calm and lay down.

Riddhima: But what happened to me!

Anupriya: Look at this girl!!! You had a high fever last night and you are a bit better now! You were not even in your senses

Riddhima: What!!! How can I not be in my senses!!

Dadi: Doctor said that you haven’t eaten anything for the last 36 hours so your body lost its immunity and working longer stressed you and you were shivering with a fever last night.

Riddhima made a face and was about to get up when Sejal entered

Sejal: Ohhh Ohh!!! Where are you going?

Riddhima: Of course, to the hospital

Sejal and others laughed confusing her. She raised her eyebrows

Sejal (controlling her laughter): He guessed it right

Riddhima (confused): Who? And about what?

Sejal: Arrey Vansh bhai guessed ki once you wake up you’ll decide to go to the hospital and see you did the same!

Riddhima: Vansh was here? Where’s he now?

Anupriya: Beta he had an important meeting so along with Kabir he left

Dadi: You know him if it wasn’t important then he wouldn’t have left your side. He couldn’t even cancel or postpone so had to leave you. He stayed all night with you taking care of you.

Riddhima (thinking): If he cared for me why did he leave without meeting me! Do I know him? My Vansh would have canceled the meeting if, at all he had to choose between me and the meeting, he’d have chosen me but today he stated that the meeting can’t be canceled. Is it indeed important? Or is it he wanted to leave me!! Am I overthinking!! Why isn’t my mind and heart accepting the same theory!! Ahh!!!! My head!!!

She held her head

Dadi: Beta are you ok!!

Riddhima nodded

Riddhima: I need to go to the hospital. I have appointments

Anupriya: You aren’t going out of the house, in fact, Vansh ordered not to let you get down the bed

Uma: And if it’s about patients and hospital then Vansh informed them about your health and they sanctioned leave so you are going to take rest.

Riddhima didn’t utter anything as she’s aware that she’ll face trouble named Vansh if she disobeys his set orders. She made a face and everyone laughed at her

Dadi: You brush your teeth; we’ll get something to eat for you

Riddhima nodded and with much difficulty in standing due to weakness. Sejal helped her and dropped her to the washroom and

Sejal: Am sure you have weakness so am standing out and don’t lock the door and if you have any issue am just a word away.

Riddhima nodded and was brushing when she started thinking about Vansh

Riddhima: Why am I having vibes that he’s ignoring me for few days! If that’s the case then why! If not then why is he leaving early and reaching home late! Why isn’t he answering my calls or messages! I know he cares for me and as dadi said he might have strived for my health but why didn’t he meet me before leaving!! Am I not important for him now! It’s been 3 days since I spoke to him. He’s not even paying heed to my existence, but why!! Did I do anything which hurt him? I don’t remember anything such! Then why!!! Why is he behaving weirdly?

Riddhima came out and Sejal helped her in sponging. Once settled on the bed, dadi bought hot soup, she fed it herself to Riddhima. After that, she took her medicines and laid to sleep but she wasn’t in any mood to take a rest but was restricted to even step out of the bed. She tried to divert her mind from Vansh and his weird behavior but that wasn’t happening! She was stressing herself with those thoughts as they were disturbing her a lot.

Its 12pm, VR Enterprises,

Kabir was busy with his work that he forgot to speak with Vansh. When he finally got some time, he went into Vansh’s cabin. Vansh seemed lost in thoughts observing his laptop

Kabir: Bhai!!

Vansh (coming out of his thoughts): ….. haa….. Kabir!!!

He shut his laptop in a hustle and stared at Kabir as if he intruded his space.

Vansh: Kabir is everything ok?

Kabir: Bhai I need to ask you that!!

Vansh: What do you mean? What happened?

Kabir: Bhai I have been observing you for 3 days. You aren’t you. You seem to be avoiding something. In the beginning, I thought I was overthinking but today your expressions cleared something to me that you are trying to avoid Riddhima! My question is only WHY!!! What happened because of which you aren’t paying heed to her? Did you both fight? Or is there any other issue? Even today you’d have canceled the meeting to stay by her side when she’s unwell but you chose to leave her and come! Why???? Bhai is there anything you are hiding? I have seen her upset, waiting for your arrival. But you aren’t anywhere around her! Why bhai???

Vansh was perplexed that his actions were being noticed. He decided to confess with Kabir as he wanted to get rid of the load his heart was carrying for days.

Vansh narrates why he’s avoiding her for her betterment

Vansh: Kabir whatever am doing is for her betterment. If you remember, then, after all, that happened 2 and half months back she was broke. She tried killing herself. When this marriage topic came, she informed me that I better never expect love from her as for her am just her best friend and can never be anything else. If at all in the future I love someone or if I feel this marriage isn’t leading anywhere then she’d divorce me. This was her condition to agree to this marriage. Actually, that day I went there to confess my feelings. To inform her that am not just her best friend but also I love her and am ready to marry her and to promise to fill her life with love even if she doesn’t love me. But after the condition she put forth I couldn’t even utter a word. After witnessing her pain how could I confess that I love her? I suppressed my feelings for her. I accepted that she can never love me and am fine with it. But these days my feelings for her have been escalating and am unable to control my feelings for her no matter how hard I try. Am afraid I may confess it in front of her and I don’t want that to happen because once she learns about my feelings then she’ll be broken and attaching her is next to impossible. The wound she got 2 and half months back is still afresh and she still tries to handle and forget everything but the wound she’ll get after my feelings are out is going to be tough for her to even handle and I can’t risk losing her. Am distancing myself from her to avoid the pain I may give if I confess my feelings for her. What do you think, it’s easy for me!! NO Kabir!! NO!!!! Am dying every second with her thoughts. Am living in hell being away from her and avoiding her. I just keep staring at her pics which gives me relief that she’s with me. I know am the reason for pain but this pain is better than the pain she may go through if my feelings are out. I can bear this pain of being away from me but at least she’s around us but if my feelings are out then she’ll leave us and would go her way. She’ll blame herself for the love I have for her. I can’t take that!!!! Isliye am avoiding her Kabir! Am avoiding her!!! Even now am having her by my side (pointing to the pics of her on his laptop). I accept she’s far from me but never away from me. she’s my life, my everything. To save her I can hurt myself. And to avoid giving her the pain of being broken if my feelings are revealed I prefer to hurt myself.

Hope you like it.

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