#RIANSH – LOVE, EMOTIONS & RELATIONS – Episode 47 – Jealousy!!

Episode starts with….

Its 5:30pm, VR Enterprises,

Riddhima was about to enter his floor but then felt weak and was feeling dizzy

Riddhima: Oh God!!! What do I do now!!! Am feeling dizzy!!! I better drink something in the canteen before meeting him varna before I confront him he’ll pounce on me as a dictator! (making a face)

She headed towards the canteen to fetch a juice for herself. Being it a tea break, few staff were already present. Few even wished her evening and were chitchatting with her. She wanted to rush towards Vansh’s cabin but the staff was not going to let her go so easily. She was waiting patiently so that they could leave and even she could barge!!

As usual her saviour was there on time!

Kabir: Riddhima!!! (confused)

She got a ray of hope and smiled broadly at him and waved her hand. He approached her with questioning looks. Staff excused themselves and left towards their work

Kabir: What the heck! What are you doing here? (confused and angry)

Riddhima: What do you mean? Am drinking juice

Kabir: Riddhima!!! I was asking about what are you doing here in the office now? You aren’t well if you forgot let me remind you!

Riddhima: Arrey am fine! Vaise bhi I was hell bored staying home all day.

Kabir: So!!! So, you reached here!! You know right bhai would burst volcanoes if he learns of your presence

Riddhima: First of all am here because of him

Kabir: What did he do? (confused)

Riddhima: You know what! He has been avoiding me for 3 days. It’s been 3 days since I saw or spoke to him. Today I want answers to my questions.

Kabir (thinking): Something is definitely fishy! Her eyes are happy and her lips are speaking of confrontation! Why do I feel there’s something else she’s hiding! What do I do!!! Why don’t I play with her to learn her intentions!!! Great! All this while she used to play with us and now it’s my chance to prank on her!! Kabir great going!

Kabir: Vaise one second, if you are here then who’s with bhai?

Riddhima (shock): What do you mean by who’s with Vansh?

Kabir: I mean I thought you are with him in his cabin but if you are here and even almost all the staff is here except a few female staff.

Riddhima: What do you mean!!! Now, who entered his cabin! I won’t spare those girls whoever is trying to get close to my Vansh (anger)

Kabir: My Vansh!!!!

Riddhima (trying to cover up): I mean our Vansh! He is so innocent and I don’t want anyone to take advantage of him.

Riddhima: Vaise bhi come let’s go. I need to see who’s that trying to snatch my Vansh from me (murmuring)

Kabir: Did you say something?

Riddhima: No nothing

Kabir (thinking): But I heard you Riddhima bhabhi! Bhai would be happy when he gets to know that you referred to him as your Vansh and speaking of someone snatching him from you. I know you won’t accept soon but these are the signs of falling in love and this is going to be the best news of the day for bhai.

Riddhima and Kabir reached Vansh’s cabin and found the cabin empty

Riddhima: Now where did he go?

Kabir: He was here a few minutes back.

Riddhima calls him but her call is unanswered and messages are unread. She started being possessive about Vansh after the fan following he has in his office and now his absence started pissing her and she was being insecure.

Riddhima (thinking): Where did he go now! Did he leave? No, I don’t think so. Because Kabir saw him few minutes back. But where did he go!!!

She calls the office boy and asks him

Office Boy: No idea Ma’am. Sir was here a few minutes back but now am not sure where he left!

Kabir could see Riddhima being worried and insecure so tried pulling her leg and

Kabir: Where did bhai go! I have seen Ritu going into his cabin and then he vanished! How can that happen! We can’t even ask Shreya as she was in the canteen. I think we need to check on Reception if he left with her

Riddhima (anger): What do you mean by left? And now who’s this Ritu?

Kabir: Ritu is one of our employee who was on leave since few days so you aren’t aware and now she’s back to duty and is close to bhai and the rumors are that she not only has a crush on him but love him deeply and I think even bhai knows about her feelings

Riddhima (anger): What the heck!!! Who the hell is she to love him! Isn’t she ashamed to love a married man and what do you mean by Vansh knows about her feelings? If he knew why isn’t he clarifying to her that he is married?

Kabir (thinking): Am having lots of fun. Riddhima now you need to accept that he is with some other woman and some other woman having feelings for him is affecting you deeply

Kabir: What do I know why bhai isn’t being offended! And none knows about him being married. So, technically he can’t reveal his marriage.

Riddhima (pissed off): I won’t leave that girl. Come let’s check on reception

Kabir: You go I’ll pick fetch my phone and car keys from my cabin and come

Riddhima: Seriously Kabir!! Am here pissed of Vansh’s absence and you want your phone and keys

Kabir: Arrey, if at all bhai left, then we need to go from there itself right!

Riddhima: Do whatever you want am going to the reception

Riddhima left towards reception and Kabir was having fun teasing her.

Kabir (thinking): You won’t accept but I am sure that you have feelings for bhai but you are either not ready to accept or you yourself didn’t understand these feelings. Once bhai finds about your possessiveness he’ll be on cloud nine

Riddhima reaches reception and there finds a new employee.

Receptionist: Yes Ma’am. Whom do you want to meet?

Riddhima: Where is Vansh?

Receptionist: Excuse me Ma’am (confused and shocked)

Riddhima: I am asking about Vansh. Where is he? He isn’t in his cabin. Where did he go?

Receptionist: Pardon me, Ma’am. But May I know who are you!!

Riddhima (pissed): Excuse me!!!

Precap: All the best bhai you need it much more now

Hope you like it.

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