#RIANSH – LOVE, EMOTIONS & RELATIONS – Episode 54 – You are Mine!!!

Episode starts with….

Vansh stood from his chair and turned towards Riddhima who was by now having tears in her eyes and Kabir almost collapsed of shock. Vansh understood the pain Riddhima was going through because of someone else expressing their love for him and the jealousy overpowered her and was burning in rage and if this drags then she’ll burst

Vansh (thinking): How do I manage this new trouble now! Seeing Riddhima jealous is giving me happiness which shows her love for me but then I know her anger and if this jealousy reaches its peak point then am sure today Ritu is dead!! As she controlled the situation by taking yellow even I can do that but then it’d be like giving hopes maybe. What do I do now!!! Idea!!!!

He glared Kabir and when Kabir saw him, Vansh gestured him to give him a call and Kabir understood that and slid his phone and silently gave a call on Vansh’s phone. As soon as it rang, Vansh stared at it as it was an important call

Vansh: Guys am sorry it’s an important call and I need to attend it. Do excuse me guys.

He slid from there and almost went towards the lobby of the office. Riddhima glared his retreating figure while all the staff too went into their seats. Riddhima gave Kabir a glare and he understood because Ritu still stood their without moving with a hope that he might come after the call and accept her rose, and her that over confidence was pissing Riddhima

Kabir: Ritu, you too leave! May be its an important call and we aren’t sure when he’ll be back.

Ritu: No sir am fine. I’ll wait for his call to end. Vaise bhi I have waited for him all this long so this few minutes don’t matter.

Kabir tried but Ritu being adamant didn’t wish to leave the cabin until she expresses her feelings to Vansh. All this while Riddhima was trying hard to control her anger but she was pissed with Ritu’s behaviour that she just barged out of the room leaving Kabir and Ritu confused.

Kabir (faking a smile): She had to go somewhere so maybe she left in a hustle

Ritu smiled and nodded and sat there waiting for Vansh while Kabir excused and left. Vansh was impatiently waiting in the parking lot to avoid Ritu when he saw Riddhima coming and rushed to meet her. Riddhima didn’t know why but as soon as she saw him, she ran to hug him and was weeping inconsolably. Vansh tried to calm and pacify her

Vansh: Shh… shhh… Riddhu calm down!!! What happened why are you crying! Did anyone tell anything?

Riddhima (making a face): I don’t know I felt like crying.

Vansh (smiling): You are cute!!

Riddhima: But am hurt! I didn’t like all that happened isliye I cried (making a cute innocent face)

Vansh hugged her and she was resting herself listening to his heartbeats. He caressed her and gave a peck on her crown and departing from there he took to the car and they were driving home when Vansh informed Kabir about the same and he said he’ll leave too after a while. All this while Riddhima didn’t let go the bouquet Vansh gave. She held it tight to her heart and dozed off while Vansh was adoring his sleeping beauty. He caressed her face and giving a flying kiss, he drove back home. As soon as they reached, Riddhima went to freshen while Vansh was somewhere worried about all the incidents that happened and was wondering if that’ll affect his relationship with Riddhima. Riddhima came out of the washroom and saw Vansh missing and then she received his message

“Riddhu, I have small work am going out. Will be back soon. Eat your dinner and sleep don’t wait for me. I may be late. But I assure you I’ll try to reach asap. Now don’t be an upset cat and smile – Your Vansh”

Riddhima smiled and after dinner, she was standing by the window and was wondering something and something strikes her. She was thinking of that when she saw Kabir entering the room

Kabir: Where are you lost?

Riddhima (excited): Kabir I need your help

Kabir: Now what are you up to? (raising eyebrows)



Kabir: Seems like you are in full verge

Riddhima (blushing): Shut up and lets get to work.

Kabir and smiled and nodded. And they were working on something for hours and when done they hi – fived each other.

Its 12:30am, VRS Mansion,

Vansh was tired and as soon as he entered his room, he found the room dark and assumed Riddhima to asleep and he finds his way into the washroom and then there he finds a note

“Dear Hubby, make your way where you’ll find my fragrance even when am not there – Your Sweetheart”

Vansh smiled and went into the closet to find another note

“Woah!!! Seems like you cracked it. Impressive Mr. Rai Singhania. Now to reach me find the next note where moon has the best reflection -Your Sweetheart”

Vansh reached pool area and was searching for the note but didn’t find any but then he stared at the reflection of moon in the pool and then there lay a bottle message. He dived and bought the bottle and there was another note

“Not bad Mr. Diver. Vaise look at yourself, you are wet so now get my another note where you relax yourself – Your Sweetheart”

Vansh reached Piano area and on piano was a note on a gift wrapped

“Dear Hubby now wear this and reach terrace lawn. Am waiting – Your Sweetheart”

Vansh opened the gift to find cream coloured shirt with trousers. He smiled and went to change and then rushed to the terrace and as soon as he entered, he found the terrace lawn with a portable tent with padded mat and cushions decorated with fairy lights and there was even camp fire set. And to the other corner was a gazebo lattice designed dinner set. He turned around to find Riddhima and his eyes were glued to her in awe as she was drop – dead gorgeous clad in Halter bow necked Vintage Lace Tea – Length Gown. His eyes popped out and he was just staring at her absorbing her beauty.

He didn’t even get to her beauty that her next step came as a shocker as she bent in front of him with 18kt white gold diamond full pave ring. Before he could react, she was speaking and he wanted to hear her before speaking anything else


You are the only one who understands me even more than myself. You are the only one with whom I can share everything, even my personal secrets. I want you to be with me always. All say love makes you special, but for me, it is you. All say light can drive out the dark, but for me, it is your smile, all say God gives us life, but in my case, it is your love. I want to be with you forever. You are always on my mind and all the time I keep on thinking of you. Come to me, hold my hand, and then never leave it. I want to spend my life with you and to walk beside you. All I want is to be with you all my life. You are someone who makes me feel safe, who makes me smile, who is there beside me no matter what. You have become my home. I’ve always heard about having butterflies in tummies, but when you look at me with a kind smile, I feel at comfort and peace. Every morning, I wake up and think of you. You brighten up my every day. As you open your eyes, know that you are the only source of my love and happiness. Your appearance in my life makes my world colourful. Love is not a word to say. You are the complement of my life. I cannot imagine a single day without you. You are a warm cup of coffee on a rainy morning, a soft blanket in the cold night, the rainbow following a storm, and the sauna at the end of a difficult week. You are all of the love, passion, and comfort of my life. Love is not a game to play. Love doesn’t start in April and ends in May. Love is yesterday, tomorrow, and forever. Will you be mine to the eternal! I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you, not only for what you have made of yourself, for what you making of me. I Love you Vansh! Am stupid, I have always loved you but my brain never let me accept the fact and was denying my feelings for you. Today I want to confess that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Will you be my love forever and ever even if we have any more births!!”

Vansh was stunned, he stood as if electrocuted. He was not in sense to react to her confession. The confession for which he strived for days, months and years was now done so smoothly and yet he couldn’t believe this to be truth. He felt it to be one of his beautiful dreams and was staring at those cute black eyes which were staring him to respond. His trance broke when he saw her still on her knees. His conscience woke him stating its not any dream and reality. He bent to her level and nodding his head he forwards his hand and Riddhima happily slid the ring on his hand when he kissed her hand. And then they hugged each other as if they are not going to get this chance once again.

Vansh: Riddhu you always amaze me! This was marvellous and I have no words to express my happiness. You are someone with whom I can live my afterlife too.

Her eyes had tears and he wiped them and kissed her eyes and then Riddhima turned the music on and forwarded her hand towards Vansh who was surprised and accepted her offer and they were twirling around on the beats of

Are re are yeh kya hua maine na yeh jana

Are re are ban jaaye na kahin koi afsana

Arre re arre kuchh ho gaya koi na pehchana

Are re are banata hai to ban jaaye afsana

Vansh and Riddhima were engrossed in their moves that they lost track of time. He was pulling her closer to him as he wanted to inhale her that fragrance which turns his senses. She was heavily blushing. Though Vansh didn’t say those three magical words for which her heart was eagerly waiting, she was satisfied by his gesture and this calmed her feelings but when he was pulling her closer, she could feel her heart beats increasing, her hands turned numb and she could feel herself turning into a glacier. It was the effect he has on her.

Music stopped but their dance didn’t, they were lost in each other that they lost the track of time. Suddenly a call on Vansh’s phone brings them back to senses and they depart while Vansh cuts the call as he wanted to spend time with his sweetheart. Riddhima led him to the gazebo where she arranged dinner with his favourite dishes which included Four Cheese Pasta, Lentil Tacos & Vegan Burrito with some champagne.

Vansh (astonished): Riddhu! You prepared this for me?

Riddhima: I know my Vansh’s taste so it’s for you!

Vansh: Woahh!!! “My Vansh” (stressing it) (wink)

Riddhima was trying to figure out a way to escape his leg – pulling when he pulled her closer to him through her waist and his touch was sending chills down her spines. She was blushing and Vansh observed it

Vansh: I never knew that the lioness Riddhima blushes too (smirk)

Riddhima (blushing): Because then she wasn’t head over heels in love with anyone

Vansh placed a peck on her crown and then they settled to have their food and they were feeding each other engrossed in their own world without any intervening from the outer world. Once done, they retired to the tent where Vansh was sitting whereas Riddhima lay and was observing the night sky and trying to count the stars where as Vansh was observing his lady love doing childish acts.

After a while Vansh realised it’s too late and thought it’d be better if they retired to bed

Vansh: Riddhu, enough of counting come lets sleep. It’s already 3:45am.

Riddhima: Oh shit!!! Chalo phir lets sleep.

She was sliding into the tent when Vansh was giving her questioning looks

Riddhima: What are you waiting for?

Vansh: What are you up to?

Riddhima: Sleeping

Vansh: Where (confused)?

Riddhima: Of course, here (pointing towards the tent)

Vansh: Riddhu are you sure we’ll fit in this?

Riddhima dragged him into the tent and made him sleep and then even she dozed off beside him.

Vansh (thinking): Am confused!!! Is she ok with me sleeping with her on the same place!!! Of course, idiot!! She’s trying to take this relationship further. She proposed to you! So, she’s comfortable with you. But I want to cuddle her and hug her to my heart and sleep in her arms. Its ok Vansh you shifted from couch to beside and maybe soon she’ll sleep in your arms.

He made sure she dozed off and then covering her in a duvet, he placed a peck on her forehead and even he slid into deep slumber.

Its 7am,

Riddhima woke up and Vansh arranging breakfast for her

Riddhima: Good morning Vansh! (yawning)

Vansh: Good Morning sweetheart!!

He fed her breakfast and later then rushed to get ready to reach their respective work places.

Its 9am, VRS Mansion,

Vansh was about to go when he saw Riddhima coming out of closet and he approached her, giving her a peck on her forehead

Vansh: Take care, take your medicines and if possible try to come to office. I’ll be waiting. Bye

She smiled as he left instructing a doctor to take care of herself. She caressed the part where Vansh placed a kiss and smiled at his care.

Riddhima reached hospital but her mind was pre – occupied by Vansh and his thoughts. She completed her check-ups as fast as she could because she wanted to reach Vansh’s office to spend time with him.

Its 4pm, VR Enterprises,

As soon as she entered she observed chaos in office and was confused. She decided to check on Kabir and when she opened the door of his cabin she saw Shreya already present and they both smiled at each other before she left.

Riddhima: Vaise what’s happening? Why is there chaos?

Kabir: Its propose day so people are going to start celebrations in few minutes so finding chaos is common here.

Riddhima: Woah!!! Am excited to see who’s proposing whom

Kabir: Vaise last night plan successful? Proposed him? (wink)

Riddhima blushed and nodded. Kabir hugged her in happiness

Kabir: OMG!! Riddhima am so happy and am unable to express my happiness! Finally, you are committed to your first love!!! Woahh!!!!!

Kabir (thinking): Bhai congratulations. Finally, after years you got your love. Your love story is complete. I cant express my happiness as I know the pain you went through of not letting your feelings over power your duty of a friend. Now your best friend, who was your first love too is your wife also! This is what a perfect love story should be.

Riddhima: Oh helloo!!! Where are you lost? Expecting any proposals for yourself?

Kabir: Kaash this happens. Am waiting vaise toh (wink)

They were laughing when something strikes them. And both together shout “Ritu”

Riddhima (burning in anger cum jealousy): Kabir I swear! I swear if she crosses her limits today. If I found her approaching Vansh then there wont be anyone to save her from me. I’ll kick her hard that she’ll never dare eve eye my Vansh!

Kabir: Riddhima I can understand but please calm yourself. Please I request please don’t burst. I think we better once check on her cubicle maybe we can get a lead as to what’s she up to

Riddhima agreed and they both went towards cubicle section where they eavesdrop to her conversation with her colleague

Ritu: Today I decided to propose Vansh sir and I hope he’ll accept

Anu: Don’t you think you are crossing limits! Even yesterday you revealed your feelings but nothing happened as he left and didn’t return.

Ritu: Because he got an emergency call. Vaise didn’t you see his expressions when I revealed my feelings. He was shocked to learn that I have feelings for him because he might have never expected that I’d be also having same feelings as he has.

Anu: Are you crazy!! How can you say that he has feelings for you?

Ritu: You won’t understand because for that you need to love someone truly. And I love him and his eyes speak he loves me and am sure today he’ll also express his feelings.

Akash: Not sure about you all but am trying my hand and I hope she accepts

Diya: Who’s that?

Akash: You’ll know soon

Riddhima and Kabir who heard it were almost dead! Riddhima’s eyes carried the fire of burning Ritu but Kabir managed to bring her to his cabin with much difficulty

Riddhima (anger) (shout): Kabir!!! Kabir!!! Kabir!!! I’ll kill her. She’s planning to propose my Vansh and what was she speaking of eye contact, eyes reading and love bla, bla, bla!!! What the heck did she see in his eyes! And for her kind information. His eyes depict love for me and not her. And they speak only with me.

Kabir: Even am confused ki where did she find love for her in bhai’s eyes! Riddhima please calm down. Your anger may create a great impact here. We shall see what bhai does. We need to be there to witness that. Come! And please calm. I beg you.

Riddhima: Calm my foot Kabir! You’ll understand the pain when someone else proposes to your love. But still, I’ll try to but can’t assure.

Kabir sighed and prayed god to save the day. And both left towards Vansh’s cabin and as soon as he saw Riddhima he went to give her a tight hug.

Vansh: I missed you a lot!! (making a face)

Riddhima (smiling): I missed you too!!

She tip toed and placed a kiss on his forehead which was broke by Kabir’s fake cough

Kabir: Oh, Love birds, even am here! And in fact, whole staff is here. So, please handle your hormones (smirk)

Riddhima & Vansh: Kabir!!!!

Kabir: Acha baba sorry! Come I think we need to go. Everyone is waiting in the lobby.

Trio went into the lobby where whole staff was present. Riddhima and Kabir’s glance fell on Ritu who was over excited and her those expressions turned into jealousy and angry.

Shreya: Hello Guys!! So, being propose day, we’d propose the opposite gender and its truly based on them if they’d accept your proposal or not. Once a no is a no and there wont be any dragging. Come let’s start

Gradually the staff started proposing their crushes as some accepted and some rejected and they took it sportively. Out of blue diya came towards Kabir and proposed him

Diya: Sir I have feelings for you since many days but never dared express them. But today I want to take a chance. Am not sure if they are love or like feelings but yet I want to propose you. If you’d like to … can you take this rose!!

Kabir was stunned while he heard two giggles and they were Riddhima and Vansh trying hard not to laugh. Kabir glared them and then at diya

Kabir: Diya am confused but am sorry! I can’t accept your proposal as I always felt you as a co – worker and nothing else. So, please don’t mind!

Diya gave a week smile and went back when Riddhima smack his arm

Riddhima (whispering): Idiot you hurt her poor she!

Kabir: So, what should I do Riddhima!!! I don’t love her and even she has no clarity if she likes me or loves me.

They were having their discussion and suddenly they felt Akash approaching Riddhima and her eyes fell put of socket and it was same for Vansh and Kabir.

Akash: Riddhima, I like you since day 1 and thought to impress you and did all that I could but you never noticed but today I’d like to express my feelings for you. And I hope you accept my love for you because there isn’t any one in the world who’d love you the way I do!

Kabir was shocked and stood motionless first because he called Riddhima by her name and his proposal was next foolish step he took. He stared at Riddhima who was glancing him and then they both stared at Vansh who was by now burning in anger and was almost out of order and was ready to kick that guy who proposed his wife. Riddhima decided to speak

Riddhima: Akash, you cant impress by doing any random stuff and expect them to accept you. Love happens when destined. And am sorry I can’t accept your proposal.

Daksh: May I know if you love someone?

Riddhima glared and Vansh and then Kabir

Riddhima: I don’t think am supposed to reveal my personal details

Alok: Ma’am am sorry but even I was planning to propose you so are eager to know if there’s anyone in your life

Kabir: Guys it’s her personal and none has right to ask her about this. We need to respect the privacy.

Male staff who wanted to propose her dropped their roses and backed out before even proposing her ad Kabir along with Vansh was shocked to find that half the office was trying to propose her. Vansh was burning in anger to kill all those who eyed his Riddhima. But what he didn’t know that now he should handle his Riddhima because of Ritu. That’s when Ritu approached Vansh, pissing Riddhima.

Ritu: Sir, yesterday you couldn’t accept my rose as you had to attend an important call. I can understand it sir. Today I don’t want to reveal my feelings instead I want to confess my love for you. I have been loving you for a year sir and I have a hope that even you like me as your eyes reveal those feelings. Sir, today am here with a hope that my love will be accepted.

Riddhima was glaring her as fi she’d burn her on the spot, while Kabir was stunned and if there was any who was dumbfounded then it was Vansh. He could see Riddhima burning in rage and now he was aware that Ritu is unknowingly hurting his Riddhima and tears in her eyes are his weakness. He thought he cant even use the same policy of previous day but then it’d create many questions but then how should he handle the situation. He decided only one revelation would stop the madness of Ritu.

Vansh: Ritu! You are talented, smart and literate, you’ll find your Mr. Perfect but sorry neither am I your Mr. Perfect nor can be. May be it’d be harsh but am sorry! It cant happen.

Ritu (broke apart): Sir, I thought you love me!! Because your eyes had love for me. I have seen it.

Vansh, Riddhima & Kabir: What!!!! (shock)

Vansh glared Riddhima who was giving him a small smile for his timely management. He smiled back before speaking

Vansh: Ritu you might have misunderstood but I never loved you.

Ritu (stammering): Sir, do you….. l….. love someone?

Vansh gave a corner look to Riddhima as she was waiting patiently and even Kabir was wondering how Vansh is going to manage this

Vansh (smile): Ritu actually I have no need to reveal that as it’s my personal but then I know many have expectations that am single but I don’t want to give any misconceptions so I’d like to clear that I have a person in my life who’s most important to me in my life and none can take her place in my life so please now stop this mad behaviour. (stern)

He said that and left leaving broken Ritu and few other female staff too but if there was anyone who was happy then it was Riddhima and smile wasn’t letting go her lips. She was overjoyed as Vansh revealed about her indirectly and realizing that her man loves her and respects her overpowered her. Kabir was observing her and seeing her smile crept a smile on his face too.

After a while, staff dispersed while Kabir and Riddhima went into his cabin when all of a sudden Riddhima started jumping in his cabin in excitement

Kabir: Riddhima what happened! You’ll fall

Riddhima (excited): Am so happy and excited Kabir. My happiness isn’t having any boundaries. He told about me! He said am important. Though he didn’t reveal my identity, he did give them a glimpse that he is committed.

Kabir (smiling): Vaise didn’t anyone ever tell you that stupid

Riddhima: Shut up yaar Kabir! Am happy!!!!s

Kabir: Yes I can see that

Riddhima: But am sorry for Ritu too! Poor Girl she had many hopes but now everything shattered for her. Am worried of how she’d be and will she be able to cope with this!!

Kabir: What are you Riddhima! You hate the fact that she was around Vansh and now you are sorry for her because bhai rejected her!! You are next to impossible to understand.

After a while they returned home and as soon as Riddhima entered her room, she found a parcel for her

“Sweetheart! We are going for dinner and you’ll be wearing this outfit. Am sure you’ll look ravishing as usual but my gut feeling is that you’ll rock it. I’ll be waiting for you by 8:30 on lawn. Do reach on time – Your Hubby”

Riddhima blushed and saw time. It was 7:45pm and so she rushed to brace herself for the date. She checked on herself in the mirror for almost 100 times making sure she’s perfect. Checking the time, she rushed to the lawn and saw Vansh waiting for her and she was much more breath-taking than he has expected. Clad in his gifted Baby pink off-shoulder draped ball gown with her hair flowing in wind was giving her a touch of ravishing. Riddhima was observing her love who was glaring her as if he’d pounce on her. He was clad in Navy blue wool, cotton and silk-blend classic smoking suit. He was smoking hot and she couldn’t take her eyes off him. And his glare was sending chill down her spines and she was nervous too. Vansh observed this and forwarded his hand for her and pulled her closer to him and bent to kiss her earlobe and kissing her there, he with husky voice spoke

Vansh: You are drop dead gorgeous!! I have no words to describe you. Am dead with your beauty. Your this innocence and cuteness is adding extra charisma to the outfit.

He kissed her forehead and led her to the car. They reached a beach restaurant and Vansh booked a table where she could experience beach aroma. The manager led the couple to their table and went to arrange the food which was pre – ordered by Vansh. All this while Vansh was observing the innocence on her face glowing to the ambience.

Vansh: So, Mrs. Rai Singhania, seems like impressed! Am I Right?

Riddhima (glow): Vansh I cant even express how excited and happy I am being here. I just love this place. It’s exactly as per ….

Vansh: As per you dream date! Right (wink)

Riddhima (Shock): You still remember!!!

Vansh: Riddhu I can never forget anything related you.

She gave him a broad smile and was enjoying the place and the waves which were roaring and then calming themselves. She was engrossed in the beach and the waves totally didn’t notice that food has been served. Vansh was happy to see her being normal after 2 and half months. And it was something for which he has been striving for. This smile soothed all his pain

Vansh: Riddhu! Eat, your food has been served.

Riddhima turned around to find her favourite dishes Spicy Vegetarian Tortilla Soup, Vegetarian Mexican Pizza, Spaghetti with Veracruz Sauce, Chile and Cheese Flautas. Her happiness had no bounds

Riddhima (happy): OMG!!! Vansh you are awesome. In fact, I was having cravings for Mexican since morning. Thank you so much!!

She gives him a flying kiss and starts eating leaving Vansh smiling at her gesture. Once they were done with main course, they were waiting for the dessert to be served and she was observing the peace in beach and he taking it as the opportunity, he grabbed a box from his suit which had Platinum DB Classic Full Eternity 0.5ct diamond ring and knelt in front of her. She didn’t realise but then heard people in the restaurant cheering so she turned to see what it was and shocked to find Vansh on his knees smiling at her


You make me think about yourself all the time. You are the women of my dreams and you give me the reason for life. My life is wonderful because you are with me, you make me happy even if I feel sad and low. Your smile lightens up my life and all the darkness disappears. Your love has made me crazy. Every time I’m with you I cannot avoid feeling something very special in my heart. The only reason is I would love to be with you throughout the day and make everything possible to make you happy. When you’re in front of me, my eyes cannot leave your sight. When you’re away from me, my mind cannot stop thinking about you. It’s time to open my heart and express my deepest feelings to you. I want you to know that I love you like I have never loved anyone before and would like you to concede me the great honour to be my soulmate in all the births if we have any. I don’t want anyone else to have your heart, kiss your lips, be in your arms, be the one you love. I don’t want anyone to take my place. I wish I could make you feel the depth of my love for you. Words will fail to show my eternal love for you. When I think of you, I can feel your warm hand in mine, your hair blowing against my cheek. You are my world, my everything. Each time I look in your eyes, I feel like I’m lost. My love for you has no boundary, no end. Your smile lights up my world. You rule my heart; you made my life amazing. I feel so happy and proud when I call you “mine.” Your love makes me feel alive. Even my heartbeat says that I love you. I will love you till the end of my life. And I want to be with all my life. I love you. I love you Riddhima! In fact, this isn’t from few days or months but it’s the love I had for you since years. I loved you since years but never dared to reveal afraid of your reaction but today I want to as this feeling is killing me and I cant live this way neither can I live without you. You asked me the reason I was avoiding you for days right, the reason was that I love you and being close to you my feelings are out of my hand. I didn’t want to hurt you by expressing my feelings so distanced myself but after learning that even you love me I cant wait to confess. Am not sure if my feelings are intactly conveyed but one thing I’d like to say is I love you sweetheart!! I love you!!!!”

Riddhima was surprised by his confession and the thought that he always loved her made her nostalgia. She was cursing herself for not being able to recognize his love and wasting time living away from that love. He stared at those black eyes which had surprise, tears of happiness and love for him. He knew her answer is yes but then he was waiting for her to accept. She understood his feelings and forwarding her hand for him she nodded and then shouted “YES, YES, YES”!!!!!

He smiled at her childishness and slid the ring onto her finger and then hugged her to his heart immersing her to him. Riddhima was having happy tears while Vansh was flying on cloud nine to get his love. After all these years he did lose hope that he’d have this day but then everything changed and she’s in his arms as his love, his lifeline, his wife cum best friend. They forgot that they were in a public space. The cheers and claps of the public bought them back to senses and they broke the hug and composed themselves and then smiled at the crowd and then Vansh gave her a peck on her forehead.




Hope you like it.

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