#RIANSH – LOVE, EMOTIONS & RELATIONS – Episode 57 – I Promise!!

A promise is made to give hope to the person assuring to be with them in their Ups and Downs; Good and Bad Times no matter what may be the situation.

!!!Happy Promise Day!!!

Episode starts with….

Ritu: I don’t understand what’s the problem with sir! Why isn’t he understanding my love for him.

Riya: Ritu don’t you think you are crossing your limits?

Ritu: I haven’t crossed any yet. This is my love for him.

Shreya: Ritu you are neglecting the fact that he himself said that he has someone in his life

Ritu: And you believed!! He is Vansh sir! And if he had anyone in his life then don’t you think she wouldn’t have come to the office? He was amazed when I expressed my feelings for him so he wantedly bought the topic that he has someone in his life, eh assumed I’d back out but he didn’t understand me yet. I’d not back out unless I see his so – called girlfriend.

Anu: So, if he gets you her in front of you, will you back out?

Ritu: It depends if he is indeed speaking truth or pretending

Shreya: You mean to say, if he proves you that he is indeed committed then you’ll stop this madness!!!

Ritu: Maybe yes!!

Daksh: You are so stubborn

Aditi: You aren’t any less. Even Akash. You guys are hellbent in wooing her even when she has been refusing you guys

Akash: Because she’s hot and s*xy. I cant miss the chance to get closer to her. And even this is true that I do have some feelings for her but if its love, like, crush or lust isn’t a clarity

Daksh: And I always liked her and want to be with her. I feel am having a beautiful possession with me.

Ritu: You guys are so nutty. You are only going by her physical appearance and not her mentality or character

Daksh: You are speaking as if you are behind Vansh Sir’s character! Even you like his physical appearance.

Ritu: I never got any chance to get him know to such extent. And in the chance I got I understood he’s not like all other boys. He’s different. For him his family and friends are everything. He adores them. If he cares for his family and friends then just imagine how he’d care for his love! How he’d cherish being with her! I want to be that lucky girl.

Diya: This girl turned insane.

Anu: Leave her, but what about these guys! Look at their courage of proposing her in front of Sir. What if they take their this madness seriously and either kick them or throw them out!! These guys aren’t even scared of that

Akash: Pyaar kya toh darna kya!! (wink)

Shreya: But you don’t love her

Daksh: We don’t even hate her!

Anu: Guys you three are playing with your lives. You going to face the consequences. Beware!!!

Ritu: I don’t care unless he’s indeed committed. Tomorrow am going to take Riddhima’s help at any cost.

Shreya: What the heck!!!

Daksh: And am taking Kabir sir’s help.

Diya: Guys if you forgot let me remind that it was you Daksh who told us that someone is going to propose Riddhima last night so how could you still have hopes?

Aditi: And if am not wrong then maybe the one who came today is the same guy.

Alok: Exactly, didn’t you guys see the way they were walking hand in hand. Maybe he proposed last night and she accepted too.

Akash: But she didn’t say anything such. Till today she neither rejected nor accepted so will be behind her until she either accepts or shows that she’s committed

Riya: Guys you turned insane. Now whatever may happened you are responsible for that.

Ritu had an evil smirk as if she’d take Riddhima’s help and win Vansh at any cost. Unaware that she’s asking her boss’s wife to win her boss. There was someone who heard it and was lost in thoughts.

Its 8:30 pm, VRS Mansion,

Vansh and Riddhima reached their house and Riddhima freshen up and was scribbling through her designs and was lost in some thoughts when Vansh came out of washroom and observing that she was lost in thoughts, he went towards her and spoke

Vansh: You are thinking of the office staff?

Riddhima (puzzled): How did you know?

Vansh: I know you much more than you think

Riddhima: Am worried Vansh!!!

Vansh came sat beside her and taking her hands in his, he pressed them gently assuring her

Vansh: Riddhu, am yours and you need not be insecure for that. None can snatch me from you.

Riddhima threw her work and hugged him to calm her heart.

Riddhima: Vansh am not insecure because I know you love me but the reason for my insecurity is that their madness!! Daksh, Akash & Ritu are mad for us and now this madness is freaking me. Am not sure why am afraid but am afraid that’s it.

Vansh: Riddhima!!! Look, I know you are worried, I was thinking why don’t we reveal our relation? If you are ok then we can reveal it.

Riddhima: I thought of that the on rose day but then we can’t Vansh because we delayed. If we do it now then they’ll assume we are pretending this relation to convince them that we are indeed in relation with someone. They’d be convinced that you lied about loving someone. It seems like all ways have been closed. It’s my mistake I shouldn’t have stopped you from revealing our relation on day 1. If I didn’t then this day wouldn’t have come. Its all my mistake. I spoiled everything

Vansh: Shhh…. Calm down Riddhima. Its not your mistake. Because even I didn’t feel like revealing it then. So, even am to be blamed right! We shall find a solution for this too. And don’t stress yourself on such small matters. Vaise it’s not love, it’s just their stubbornness and madness so it’ll fade away soon and they’ll realise their madness and regret so don’t worry.

Riddhima: Hmm….

Vansh: What hmmm? Don’t you trust me?

Riddhima: I trust you more than anyone else Vansh! Why do ask such question?

Vansh: Riddhu, I wanted to light your mood so cracked some PJ which is a disaster I can understand (making a face)

Riddhima smiled and hugged him

Vansh: Trust me I’ll sort everything.

Riddhima nodded and they were chitchatting when they were called for dinner. They were having dinner

Vansh: Vaise where is Siya & Sejal?

Ishani: Bhai Sejal went out for dinner

Riddhima: With?

Ishani: Who else….

Vansh: Chirag (smiling)

Kabir: Seems like these days they are bonding a lot

Riddhima: Maybe the lost love is blooming

Ishani: I just hope she’s happy nothing else

Vansh: And where is Siya?

Kabir: Siya went on a date with Aryan

Riddhima: Woahh!!! The fever of love is spread everywhere

Ishani was upset and calm which was observed by Vansh and Kabir. They didn’t want to bring the topic so just stayed calm. All the while during Vansh and Kabir were glaring Ishani who was lost in some thoughts and wasn’t in a mood to have dinner. She plastered a smile on her face

Ishani: Guys am full. Am tired. I’ll sleep. Good Night

She went back to her room while Vansh and Kabir were glaring the retreating figure of Ishani as she closed her room with a thud.

Ishani’s room,

Ishani went towards her closet and bought a phone and some gifts from the locker. She turned the phone on and in the gallery she was swiping pics of someone and crying

Ishani (to the pic): You told me you love me and then you left me!! Why!!! Am unable to pretend to be happy when actually am not. Your absence is killing me. Today is teddy day and look the teddy’s you gave me from past 3 years but …. But where is my this year’s teddy? Why aren’t you here with me? Why did you leave me alone? You always loved her and now for her you left me!! You left your Ishani! This Ishani is nothing without you. Am a lonely soul wandering around in search of solace, peace but am not at peace. I need you!! Your Ishani needs you. I can’t live this way plastering a smile. This isn’t me. This isn’t my life. My life without you is nothing less than a hell. Please take me with you!!! Please!!!

She was crying when she saw the door of her room was opening, she hurriedly tried to wipe her tears and place the phone and gifts back in the locker but she wasn’t able to, by then she saw 2 figures on the door observing her state which was broke.

Vansh: Why are you hiding from us? (concern)

Ishani hugged him and was weeping while he made her sit on her bed with Kabir on other side of her.

Kabir: Ishani we know you love him and are even missing him but….

Vansh: But we are sorry we aren’t able to help you out. We are helpless and being your brother am unable to help you to come out of this pain! Forgive me Ishani!!

Ishani: No bhai. There’s no mistake of yours. It all happened in a hustle and before we could do anything we lost him. He himself went away for her. His love for her is much more than anything for him in this world. If there’s anything that’d matter to him then that’s her. Am trying hard to suppress my pain bhi but…. but am unable to. How do I get out from this bhai!!! How!!!!

Kabir: Ishu please handle yourself. We cant see you broken. The chirpy, funny, naughty Ishani is our tigress sister not this broken one.

Ishani (sarcastic smile): The tigress is nothing without her tiger Kabir. Bhai any information about him?

Vansh: Am in that and Kabir got some news

Kabir: Ishani maybe by month end he’ll be free. Maybe then you could meet him!!

Ishani nodded and then thy bro – sis – bro duo spent some time chitchatting with each other. Vansh excused himself and left for his room while Ishani and Kabir was speaking

Kabir: Ishani I got to show you something

He shows something to her in his phone and she is shocked

Ishani: What the heck!!! Ye sab kya hain Kabir!

Kabir: Bitter reality. I was like super pissed after this

Ishani: I have an idea ……

Its 11:30 pm,

Riddhima was scribbling her designs while Vansh was on his laptop engrossed in some thoughts

Vansh (thinking): As per the lawyer, we have a hearing next week and maybe we succeed in this session. I just want everything set. But will everything happen as we want! Can I be able to solve the prevailing issue! Can I mend everything right! Am so nervous. One wrong step and I’ll lose my everything, my life, my Riddhu. I need to be strong enough to face and solve everything…

He was lost in thoughts that he didn’t even notice Riddhima calling his name and when he didn’t respond she approached him and jerked him to bring him back to reality

Vansh:…. Ha…. (saw Riddhima)

Riddhima (questioning looks): Where are you lost? Is everything ok?

Vansh: Yea everything is fine.

Riddhima: You seem to be lost. What happened!

Vansh: Nothing to worry. Just office stress.

Riddhima (concern): Sure?

Vansh (smile): Ha baba. Am fine

Riddhima: Shall we go for a walk?

Vansh: Now?

Riddhima nodded making a puppy face. Vansh had to agree and they decided to go around in the locality for a while. She hung to his shoulders as he pulled her closer to him being a possessive husband. They were walking hand in hand in utmost silence. Riddhima saw him and he had a small smile crept on his face with the silence almost taking away all his stress. Riddhima found peace in his smile.

Riddhima: You fine now?

Vansh: How did you know I needed fresh air?

Riddhima: I can read your mind so understood the only remedy for your stress was walk and fresh air so here we go. My Vansh is back!

Vansh: Thank you so much.

He pulls her and encircles his arm around her and she clings into his arm and hung onto his shirt. After a while they returned home and dozed off in each other’s arms.

Its 8am, VRS Mansion,

Vansh woke up to find Riddhima missing on his left, he again turned towards his right to find her staring at him with a small smile.

Vansh (smiling): Good Morning Sweetheart

Riddhima didn’t respond but was staring him as if she’d blink her eyes then he’d vanish

Vansh: Riddhu!! What happened?


“In love, it is only the promise and commitment that make the relationship strong. And I promise to do that. With every beat of my heart, I will love you more and more for upcoming years of togetherness. This is my solemn vow for you. No matter how tough it gets, no matter how dark it gets, I promise to always hold your hands and walk this life with you. Happy Promise Day Dear Hubby”

She hugs him and kisses his forehead. He smiles at her and taking her hands into his, he kisses them before speaking


On the special occasion of Promise Day, I promise to walk every step with you and always stand by you through thick and thin. Best people are to be kept close to your heart. It is a promise that you will always rule my heart because you are the queen of my heart. I promise to take care of the most special woman in my life with all my love, affection and care. Happy Promise Day Sweetheart!!!”

He hugs her to his heart to find solace in her arms. He kisses her cheek and

Vansh: You are my everything and without you your Vansh is just a lifeless body. I love you Riddhima

Riddhima (smiles): Now wake up we need to rush.

Vansh nodded and at breakfast table

Sejal: Guys I need to confess something

Everyone were eying Sejal with suspicion as she was shying. They felt something fishy that’s when Ishani and Riddhima’s eyes widened and they looked at each other and then at Sejal and shouted on top of their voice and hugged each other before pulling Sejal into a hug. Everyone was looking at their madness unable to understand.

Riddhima: When?

Ishani: I can’t believe!!! When did this happen? And why didn’t you tell?

Sejal: Arrey give me a moment to speak

Riddhima & Ishani: Speak!!!

Sejal: Last night (shy)

Riddhima: Woah (excitement)

They all once again joined into a hug.

Dadi: Girls what happened? Will anyone tell us?

Kabir: Dadi even we are confused

Ishani: Dadi the subject is that …..

Riddhima: Ishani, Sejal should tell this

Sejal: Actually, last night Chirag proposed me and I accepted his proposal

Everyone: WHAT!!!!

Ishani and Riddhima were smiling crazily, while others were trying to digest the fact. Siya was the first to accept and congratulated her, followed by other family members.

Anupriya: Am glad!! Am glad you got your first love. Am happy for you.

Kabir & Vansh: Does he indeed love you? (suspicion)

Ishani: Lo here comes the possessive and over protective brothers

Siya: Di, don’t underestimate them, when Aryan discussed his plan of proposing me, they interviewed him for an hour asking many weird questions and then they agreed for his proposal. Poor my Aryan, he was sharing his ordeal with me last night.

Vansh: Toh kya will we let our innocent sisters to love anyone?

Kabir: Exactly! They need to have some qualities to be suitable for our sisters. We’ll never let any random guy to play with your feelings.

Vansh: Sejal ask Chirag to meet us in office today. Then we’ll decide

Saying so he and Kabir left to office while Sejal stood worried

Riddhima: Sejal relax, I’ll manage.

Siya: Exactly Di, they boss around everyone but only bhabhi has the authority to boss around them so you can relax as she’ll manage

Sejal sighed a relief while girls had a group hug before Riddhima spoke

Riddhima: Guys I need your help

Riddhima: Actually in 3 days its Vansh’s birthday and so I was planning for a surprise in his office and one in our home too. So, I need your help in arranging the parties

Ishani: We are in it. Vaise bhi that’s valentines day so why don’t we plan a party for bhai in his office during lunch and vaise bhi they’ll have valentines celebrations so we can continue celebrations after bhai’s birthday

Sejal: Done, I’ll make the arrangements.

Siya: I’ll help you in that.

Riddhima: Done. you guys inform Aryan, Kabir and Chirag too to join us in the celebrations.

Everyone nodded as Ishani wanted to accompany Riddhima to hospital so they both reached hospital and she had less patients to attend and once done they reached VR Enterprises.

Except elders, now everyone is aware of Riansh love sequences and Office madness too and they all decided to handle it themselves.

Its 1 pm, VR Enterprises,

They entered the cabin to find Chirag with Vansh and Kabir and they were glaring Chirag as if they’d eat him with their eyes. Chirag was nervous and the girls could notice.

Riddhima: Chirag congratulations!!!

Chirag: Hey hi Riddhima. Thank you

Ishani: Hey Chirag am Ishani, Sejal’s sister. Congratulations

Chirag: Of course, I know you. Thank you.

Chirag shared a side hug with the girls when Riddhima whispered

Riddhima (whispered): From when did they start torturing you?

Chirag (whispered): Its almost an hour and the way they are glaring me is freaking me. Save me

Ishani (whispering): Chill Riddhima will handle now

Vansh (authority): So, I was asking….

Riddhima: What were you asking Vansh? (stern look)

Vansh (normal look): Nothing Riddhu, was just normal chitchatting

Chirag (whisper): Ishani what’s happening? (confused)

Ishani (giggles) (whisper): This is my bhai who’s just a cute romantic husband in front of his wife

Ishani (whisper): Don’t be shocked just for a word. Just wait and watch how both the brothers would listen to everything she says

Chirag was puzzled while Ishani was trying hard controlling her laughter

Riddhima: What were you chitchatting?

Kabir: Nothing Riddhima, normal we were discussing how he fell in love with Sejal

Kabir: Hain na Chirag (eying Chirag to nod)

Riddhima glared at Kabir and his gestures were caught by her

Riddhima: Kabir!! You can’t scare him

Vansh: Riddhu, we weren’t scaring him, was just making sure he’s worth Sejal

Riddhima: Oh, I see, what did you conclude?

Kabir: How can we when you interrupted (murmuring)

Riddhima: And I heard it Kabir (firm)

Vansh mentally hut Kabir while Riddhima was glaring him

Vansh: The conclusion is …..

Everyone was waiting patiently while Kabir was glancing him

Vansh: He’s perfect for our Sejal

Riddhima, Ishani & Chirag hugged each other in happiness while Vansh and Kabir were smiling at them when Sejal too arrived and she heard his conclusion and shouted and hugged Riddhima and Ishani. She then hugged Chirag and girls hooted them in Awe!!! Chirag once again hugged Riddhima

Chirag: Thank you so much Riddhima. If at all you didn’t come then maybe today this interview wouldn’t have been completed.

Vansh who saw Chirag hugging his wife burned in jealousy and went towards them and pulled Riddhima towards him shocking Riddhima and Chirag including others in the cabin.

Vansh (irritated): She’s my wife don’t you dare try to get close to her

Everyone laughed at his possessiveness including Riddhima.

Chirag: Bhai need not worry, she’s my sister

Sejal: Aww!!! My bhai is so possessive about our bhabhi

Ishani: Kabir just imagine if he behaved this way with Chirag then what would happen to the staff who are daily behind Riddhima!!!

Kabir (laughing): I can’t even imagine their plight. Vansh si controlling his anger in front of them but when it leads its capacity then the volcano erupted wont leave anyone for messing around Riddhima.

Riddhima: Shut up guys. Stop puling my Vansh’s legs. He’s mine only mine!!!

She hugged him and he reciprocated. After a while everyone had a group hug. They were hungry so proceeded towards canteen except Vansh as he had some important work.


They were having their food when Kabir’s eyes fell on a figure walking towards them and then he banged his head and Ishani who saw that asked him what happened and he gestured towards the person and she too cursed the stars. The person reached their table, when Riddhima saw the person, she hit herself number of times before giving a fake forced smile

Riddhima: Hello Ritu.

Ritu: Hello Ma’am. I actually wanted to have a word with you if you could spare some time

Riddhima glaring at each other and thinking

Riddhima (thinking): Now what does she want and why sis she here!!! Bappa please not again.

Riddhima: Yes tell me

Ritu: Ma’am can we have a personal talk

Riddhima: Its ok Ritu, you can speak here, they are all family

Ritu (excited): Ma’am you are aware of my love for Vansh sir and his rejection for some random girl. But Ma’am trust me am the best for sir and I’d take care of him as his family does and he’ll be happy with me rather than her. You know me ma’am am sincere and truthful. How can he reject me for that girl who’s existence is a mystery! Please Ma’am I got to know that if you say he’ll accept without a word, so, why don’t you recommend my love to him. Please ma’am please!!! I’ll be favourable to you. Please help me in doing this!!! Am planning to propose sir on Valentines day so would you please help me in doing so please! You might be aware of his tastes and what he likes in girls and what he doesn’t. So, will you please help me in getting my love!!!”

Everyone stood in shock

“WHAT!!!” Riddhima totally was stunned and was laughing mentally when everyone reacted

Kabir (whispering): Ishani what was this?

Ishani (whispering): For the first time in history, a girl is asking a wife to help her woo her husband.

Sejal (whispering): What the heck is she comparing herself to Riddhima!

Chirag (whispering): Didn’t she find anyone except Riddhima for this stupid baseless work!!!

Ishani (whispering): Guys I think we need to inform bhai about this

Chirag (whispering): Guys that can be done later but what about Riddhima. She’s smiling like nothing happened and look at Ritu and her expressions the way she’s confused by Riddhima’s behaviour.

Ishani: Riddhima, you ok?

Kabir: Come let’s go!!!

Riddhima: Guys wait!!! Let me speak

Riddhima: Ritu, I don’t know why you feel that Vansh doesn’t deserve the girl in his life and deserves you but let me make it clear I stand by Vansh and cant help you in your madness. For me Vansh and his happiness is important. So, am sorry

Ritu: Ma’am how can you all tell that his happiness is in that fictional character?

Sejal: Fictional character? (confused)

Ritu: Oh, come on Ma’am we aren’t that dumb that he’ll tell he has someone in his life and we’ll believe. If it was true, then why didn’t she ever come to the office? Why didn’t we find sir roaming with anyone except his sisters and Riddhima Ma’am?

Ishani: Firstly, it isn’t any fictional character. Secondly, what if she didn’t come to office? That doesn’t prove that she doesn’t exist.

Ritu: Acha Ma’am then tell me did you guys know about sir having a girl in his life?

Kabir (laughing): Am sorryyy!!! But it was kind of a joke

Ishani (smiling): Exactly!!! We saw her and in fact

Sejal (smirk): We meet her daily

Chirag: I don’t know him much but yea he has only one girl in his life & heart except his sisters and that’s his one and only girl, who’s his everything

Riddhima: Am sorry on behalf of their behaviour. But trust me Ritu, drop the plan of proposal because he’s going to reject you and I don’t want you to go through that so please forget it.

Ritu: Ma’am I love him!!!

Kabir: Ritu, understand he has someone in his life.

Ritu: Sir, Ma’am am sorry but my heart isn’t convinced that he has someone. Am sorry but yes I’ll propose him on Valentine’s Day and Ma’am I’ll be waiting for your support. Please be available

She left and they all glared ta each other in confusion

Chirag: Has she gone mad? I mean we are hellbent in explaining her that he is committed but she’s so adamant not to pay heed

Riddhima: Am worried her heart is going to break when she proposes

Ishani: Seriously Riddhima!!! You are still thinking ki she’ll be hurt

Kabir: Riddhima how can you be so pure soul!!! This girl just in directly bad mouthed you and yet you are worried for her

Riddhima didn’t utter anything and left towards Vansh’s cabin while Ishani and others were discussing about something Kabir has in his phone, when they heard a voice and their discussion was interrupted

Daksh: Kabir sir we want to talk to you something

Kabir (pissed): Uff!!!! Now what do you guys want?

Akash: Sir can we have a private talk?

Kabir and Ishani almost understood everything

Ishani: Look, whatever you want to speak, you can speak here

Akash: Sir, we both love Riddhima and we want your help

Akash: We are planning to propose her on Valentines and so we need your help

Daksh: So, that we can know how to impress her and how to win her

Akash: You are her good friend and so you might be aware of everything so please help us in winning our love

Sejal: Have you both lost your mind?

Chirag: She has been rejecting your attempts and yet you want to propose her why??

Daksh: Sir we love her and we want her in our lives

Akash: I want her to be the queen of my life

Ishani (murmuring): She’s queen of your boss

Kabir: Guys am her friend and am not going against her decision and am supporting her in all aspects. So, am not going to help you all.

Saying so everyone left towards Vansh’s cabin leaving upset Daksh and Akash


Hope you like it.

If there are any suggestions or improvement needed, please do suggest.

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