#RIANSH – LOVE, EMOTIONS & RELATIONS – Episode 67 – Bonding!!!

Episode starts with….

It’s been 2 weeks since everything sorted and everything was perfect in their lives. Ishani was busy with many projects in her pocket while Sejal was enjoying her love life with Chirag along with organizing parties. Siya started her fashion design career under Aryan and were spending their newly blossomed love. Vansh and Riddhima were happy along with each other. Riddhima completed her designing the cubicles and other cabins. She was now working on Vansh’s cabin and she shifted him to other cabin as his cabin was under redesign. She was frequently visiting his office and her bond with staff was totally different, they were getting together well and all the differences were sorted and none tried to cross their limits and even if they did she used to laugh out with them making the moment light. Kabir was out of the city as he went for a conference in Delhi

Its 4pm, VR Enterprises,

Riddhima reached Vansh’s office and was supervising the work in his cabin when she was jerked with a loud noise behind her

“Bhoommmmmm!!!!” Riddhima jerked and turned around to find the person laughing hard rolling on the floor, she sighed and then she hit him on his arm making him wince in pain

“Ouch!!! What yaar Riddhima!!”

Riddhima: I need to ask you that who scares a person such way Kabir!

Kabir: Yaar Riddhima am back after a week and you are welcoming me with your hits

Riddhima: And you are meeting me after a week and you are pulling my leg as soon as you came! Not fair (making face)

He hugged her

Riddhima: I missed you, Kabir

Kabir: I missed you too bhabhi ji (chuckles)

Riddhima hits him and he runs out of the cabin with her chasing him and the staff who are very well aware of their banter was smiling. Kabir ran into Vansh’s cabin where he was busy when he saw his door opening and Kabir running towards him as if he’s being hunted by some devil

Vansh: Kabir what happened?

Kabir (panting): Bhai am being chased

Vansh: Chased by? What did you do and to whom?

Kabir: Bhai ….

Before he could speak further they saw Riddhima barging into the cabin and as soon as her eyes were laid on Kabir, she was hitting him and he was running around while Vansh stood confused. He realised he messed Riddhima and now it’s his turn to save his not so innocent brother. He held Riddhima trying to calm her while Kabir was panting and laughing

Vansh: Sweetheart calm down and poor he leave him, he’s back after a week long. He’s tired na!

Riddhima: Vansh ask him why he always does that!

Vansh (confused): What did he do now?

Riddhima: He … he once again called me ….

Vansh: Called you what?

Kabir (laughing): Bhabhi ji!!!

Riddhima (frustrated): Vansh!!!!!!! Kabir am not going to leave you now

Vansh (still holding Riddhima): Kabir!!! Why are you pissing her as soon as you are back!!! Do you want to die?

Kabir: Because I missed doing it for a week bhai. I missed our banter! There was no one who could give me those killing glares, who could run behind me, who’ll be pissed by my actions. Am addicted to this fool bhai and being away for a week without our daily tantrums was a bit difficult isliye I reached here directly from airport to meet her first.

Riddhima calmed and hugged him

Riddhima: I missed you too

Kabir: I missed you a lot!!! You know for years we have been fighting daily and I thought we hate each other but the truth was our love was in those fights and when I was away I realized the worth. From now on if at all we had to part ways for any purpose, please make sure we fight daily varna ye bandha mar jaayega.

Riddhima: Aww…. My poor devar missed me a lot.

She was pulling his cheeks while Vansh was adoring their bond. He never know that one day the fighter friends would miss each other. Why won’t they, after all, they have been together for years and there wasn’t a day when they didn’t pull each other’s legs and didn’t fight over silly matters. There wasn’t a day when they had to stay away from each other and so he is addicted to her presence and her blabbering that one week when he had to be away from everyone though they spoke regularly the charm of hitting each other was missing.

Vansh: Seems like the bhabhi and devar forgot me here

Riddhima: Am not his bhabhi

Kabir: You are bhabhi (stressing the word bhabhi)

He and Vansh hi-fived and chuckled while Riddhima was fuming.

Vansh: Acha ok no more pulling legs! So, Kabir tell me how was the meeting?

Kabir: Bhai it was perfect and the deal has been locked

Riddhima & Vansh: Woahhh!!!!

Vansh: Am proud of you Kabir!

Kabir smiled and they all had some snacks before leaving towards the house. After dinner everyone retired to their rooms when Vansh was in study as he had some work.

Its 11:30pm, VRS Mansion,

Riddhima was waiting for Vansh but there was no sign of him so she decided to go and check on him and when she reached the study she found him engrossed in his laptop speaking to someone about some meeting. She decided not to disturb him so she steadily left towards their room and dozed off waiting for him.

Vansh who was engrossed in his work, didn’t realize the time and when his work was done, he checked the time and he was shocked

Vansh: Oh shit!!!! How can I be so careless! Its late, she might be waiting for me!!!

He closed his laptop and ran to his room to find Riddhima tossing on her bed unable to sleep. He closed the door and tiptoed to her making sure not to disturb her when he could clearly see that she’s indeed disturbed. He slid onto the bed and smiling he pulled her into his arms and she realized the touch and without opening her eyes a smile crept her face.

Riddhima (murmuring): Vansh!!!

Vansh: Sweetheart didn’t you sleep yet?

Riddhima: Tried but couldn’t. Am addicted to your arms where I’d get sleep.

Vansh: Am sorry for being late Riddhu! Come lets sleep

He pulled her into his arms and covering themselves in the duvet, she slept off listening to his heartbeat while he was caressing her hair, and even he dozed off.

Its 7am,

Riddhima woke to find Vansh missing and then she found her phone blinking and there was a message from Vansh

Vansh (message): Good Morning Riddhu. Sorry I have a meeting so got to leave early. Will meet you in the afternoon at VR Enterprises. Love you!!

Riddhima smiled and after breakfast, she left for her hospital. And once her work was done, she moved towards VR Enterprises, she saw Vansh’s cabin empty and decided to check on Kabir and found even he’s missing.

Riddhima (thinking): Where did these two go now!!

She finds Ritu passing by and asks her

Riddhima: Hey Ritu did you see Vansh and Kabir?

Ritu: Hello Ma’am actually they are in the conference room attending a meeting

Riddhima: Acha ok!!

Saying she left towards Vansh’s cabin and settled herself and was supervising her assistants. She gets a call

Riddhima: Hey Ishani! Where are you? Did you land?

Ishani: Yes Riddhima. I have landed and am going towards home and where are you?

Riddhima: Am in Vansh’s office. Will reach home soon.

They were talking as if the long-lost sisters. Their bond was such, in fact in the past she was only connected to Sejal being her classmate, best friend but then she met Vansh because of a person and they connected instantly and then they became best friends. Soon her bond with Kabir, Siya and Ishani too grew where Ishani, Siya and Sejal were like sisters for her with whom she could share everything Kabir became her fight partner and Vansh her soulmate! Life brings people into our lives with a reason and that one person gave her a family and then snatched everything from her, snatched another family from her. Now, she feels her life is a fairy tale but she isn’t aware of what future holds for her.

Is her life going to be a fairy tale or is past going to hit her with reality and she’s going to break???


Hope you like it.

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