#RIANSH – LOVE, EMOTIONS & RELATIONS – Episode 73 – Uff!!! Not Again

Episode starts with….

Kabir: Thanks, Badi ma at least you understood the reality now! Uff…. Please reveal it to everyone now

Ishani: Ma, what did you understand reveal na

Sejal: Yes Badi Ma am eager to know

Dadi: Uma, just speak up now. We all are enthusiastic

Uma: Arrey Ma, it’s simple. Look, Kabir came home with a bouquet of elegant flowers and he said he doesn’t have any girl or boy in his life right! And he even said that it’s all because of Riddhima. So, isn’t everything clear to you all?

Siya: Mom, don’t beat around the bush just bol do na

Uma: Arrey!!! Guys, he meant to say that ….

Kabir (as if achieving something): Listen carefully guys and mark all the words Badi ma is going to tell

Ishani: Shut up Kabir and let Ma speak

Uma: Acha I meant to tell that he meant to say ki the bouquet was given to Kabir by some of Riddhima’s friends as she admires him. Isn’t it!!! (excited)

Kabir’s face fell while Riddhima couldn’t control anymore and once again burst into laughter while everyone was glaring at Kabir as if to confirm what Uma said is true.

Kabir (pissed): Seriously Badi Ma!!! I thought you understood but I was right this family is totally insane and MAD!!!

Riddhima (laughing): Ma, you are hilarious. Am sure I never laughed to this extent in my whole life.

Kabir: Shut up yaar Riddhima! All this is happening because of you and your that… anyways now I can’t take this stupidity anymore and now I need to clarify this confusion and (glaring everyone) listen to everything carefully and yes Siya you were asking me right that whom am I going to get home your Bhabhi or Jeeju (sarcasm)… then listen am not going to bring anyone instead its neither bhabhi nor Jeeju but its bhai

Ishani: But Kabir the one you get home would be bhabhi if a girl and Jeeju if it’s a boy right

Riddhima chuckles and Kabir gives her a dangerous glare

Kabir (taking a long breath): First of all, who the hell said that the bouquet is for me?

Sejal: If it’s not for you then why is it here? And why did you bring it?

Kabir: Sejal first let me complete my part of the story, if you break my flow then the confusion will never be cleared. Uff!!! So, where was I!!….

Siya (giggling): You were in home bhai in fact you still are….

Kabir gives a deadly glare to Siya and she instantly zips her mouth while the other girls were chuckling and Riddhima was trying hard to control her laughter.

Kabir: Uff!!! I’ll turn mad staying by you guys’ side. And ha that bouquet isn’t for me instead it’s for Riddhima which I just helped her to place it in her room.

Now all turned mute and were glaring at Riddhima who was trying hard not to laugh seeing their expressions and Kabir was giving confused looks

Kabir (thinking): Till when they assumed that the bouquet is for me, they were speaking non-stop interrogating me with baseless questions and were even creating their own theories on this purpose but when I told them who’s the receiver of the bouquet they are glaring her as if she committed a sin to receive the bouquet. Am I turning insane or my family is!!!

Kabir (snapping his fingers): Guys what happened? Why are you behaving as if you saw some ghost?

Ishani: Kabir how can you be so casual that she received a bouquet and

Sejal: Imagine how bhai would react to know that a crazy admirer sent a bouquet to his wife in his absence and

Siya: That too to his office where all his employees might have noticed it.

Uma: OMG! Am afraid now what he’d do. we all are aware of his anger when it comes to Riddhima. He is possessive for her and now this crazy admirer

Anupriya: Who the hell is he and how dare he send such things to the daughter of Rai Singhania’s. Isn’t his life precious to him? He dug a grave for him with his own hands

Dadi: Beta if some Romeo gave such a gift to you why the hell did you bring it home? You know about Vansh right, now if he gets to know that you bought it home, then he’ll burst out, and calming him is impossible. You shouldn’t have done this madness Riddhima. Kabir how did you support her in getting it home! Who’ll manage Vansh now!!

Uma: Ma, I think we need to throw that bouquet before Vansh arrives and

Anupriya: Dare anyone would speak about this bouquet with anyone most importantly Vansh. He should never know that his wife got a bouquet from someone in his absence and she bought it home.

Now it was time for Kabir to burst into laughter, he was laughing hard while all were giving him confused glares and Riddhima was on the verge of killing him but then seeing him even she started laughing confusing all around.

Riddhima: Kabir I need to agree that our family is so innocent and cute

Kabir: Man!!! Am having a hard time laughing

Ishani: Now what happened why you both are laughing as if the situation is so funny

Sejal: You aren’t understanding the intensity of the situation. If bhai gets to know about the bouquet then he’s going to make the house a living hell and the person can forget that he was ever born. Bhai is going to rip him apart

But the duo (Riddhima and Kabir) were next to impossible they were laughing hard

Dadi: Siya beta these people turned insane. You along with D’Souza just throw the bouquet out before Vansh arrives.

Kabir and Riddhima’s eyes widened and glared at each other and before they could react

Dadi (shout): D’Souza

D’Souza came running

Uma: D’Souza there a huge bouquet in Riddhima & Vansh’s room just throw it out now

Kabir & Riddhima: NO!!!!

Everyone glared at them in confusion

Anupriya: Riddhima if you need such a bouquet we’ll buy one but taking such a thing from an anonymous person isn’t right and just think of Vansh how he’d feel

Riddhima: But Chachi …..

Uma: Riddhima Anupriya is right, we’ll get you one but not this. First of all, you shouldn’t have accepted it, now no more ifs and buts. It’s decided that we are going to throw this out of the mansion NOW!!!

Dadi: D’Souza go and bring it

Kabir & Riddhima: NOOO!!!!

Anupriya: Kabir!!!!

Kabir: Ma, if you throw that out then we need to get ready to face the volcano of this house

Dadi: Kabir we’ll face that if we don’t throw this out

Ishani (observing Kabir and Riddhima’s reaction): One moment!!! Is it what am thinking it to be?

Riddhima and Kabir sighed and just nodded their heads and Ishani once after digesting laughs hard along with Kabir and Riddhima just glares them asking them to just convey it to the family who are giving them bewildered looks.

Uma: Ishani now you too? Have you all turned insane? Now am not going to listen to anyone. D’ Souza just throw the bouquet

Ishani: D’Souza throw it out if you want to leave your job behind (laugh)

Dadi: Ishani why are you blackmailing her for that bouquet? Even I’ll see who’ll throw her out when am here

Kabir: Dadi the person who’ll definitely listen to you but when it’s about his possession, then none has the audacity to question him (chuckling)

Uma: Vansh? (confused)

Ishani & Kabir: YES!!!!

Anupriya: But why will he throw D’Souza out?

Sejal & Siya: We got it!!! Is it the same?

The trio youngsters nodded

Sejal: Oh god!!!! Dadi we were going to commit a mistake by throwing the bouquet out

Uma: Why? Will anyone clear the confusion?

Riddhima: Ma, that bouquet was given by….

Siya: Vansh Bhai (chuckles)

Everyone’s jaws dropped and Riddhima sighed as finally the baseless confusion was cleared. And then the youngsters heard slight giggles and when they lift their head to see what it was and they were amused to see the elders controlling their laughter and seeing the youngsters face they burst into laughter. Youngsters who were first puzzled just took a moment to digest and then they too joined in the laugh except for Riddhima who was wondering if she should laugh with them but how can she as they were laughing at her and then she can’t laugh at herself. She was making faces and pouting which was increasing the pace of the laughter.

Dadi (laugh): Children this is the first time am laughing this hard

Uma (laugh): Indeed Ma. Just (laugh) imagine if at all we threw the bouquet

Anupriya (laugh): Then we can forget our existence

Sejal: Exactly Ma!!! (laugh) One bouquet created much confusion in the house

Siya: But bhabhi I have a doubt

Sejal: I know the doubt

Ishani: It is ki how did Bhai give you the bouquet?

Kabir: Arrey bhai sent it to her through online. He placed an order for 1000 Regal Roses in the morning and it was delivered to the office in the evening.

Siya: Awww!!!! How romantic

Sejal: Look bhai can’t even live without his sweetheart for a day that he started pampering her in his absence too.

Ishani: Indeed!!! But is it the only thing he sent?

Kabir: Arrey not just this

Riddhima (glaring at him): Shut up Kabir

Uma: Now even am eager to know what else

Riddhima: Maa even you (pouting)

Sejal: Yes Bhai

Kabir: Actually (chuckles)….

Riddhima: KABIR!!!!

Kabir: She even (giggles) got a love letter

Everyone: AWWW AWWWWW!!!!!!

Riddhima was now almost blushing and was fidgeting with her fingers while all were teasing her

Anupriya: Kabir what was in the letter

Riddhima (shock): Chachi!!!!

All were laughing

Kabir: It said …..



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