#RIANSH – LOVE, EMOTIONS & RELATIONS – Episode 77 – RiAnsh Get Away!!!

Episode starts with….

They forgot that they were in office and the whole staff was in awe with their union. The continuous clapping and hooting bought them back to reality and breaking the hug, they turned around to see the reality. They were embarrassed while staff were in love with the couple and it was only Kabir who was laughing hard grabbing Riddhima’s attention. She was about to go to him to seek apologies but then he sensing it,

Kabir: Bhai, I have some work, I’d be leaving. You both come soon. I called another car for you.

He left even before she could speak. Thinking of speaking with him at home she brushed his thoughts and once again turned to find Vansh smiling at her. Observing the staff dispersing she hugged him with a smile

Vansh: Want to stay back here or can we go out?

Riddhima (smiling): I’ll get my bag

Vansh: I am waiting

She left towards Kabir’s cabin to fetch her bag and once grabbing it she almost ran towards Vansh. Ordering the driver to reach home by cab, he took the driver seat with Riddhima in the passenger seat.

Riddhima: How come you here? And suddenly…

Vansh: Postponed my meetings to meet you

Riddhima leaned over his shoulder and kissing his cheek

Riddhima: I love you

Vansh held her face and kissing her temple

Vansh: I Love you too sweetheart!!!

Riddhima: So, where are we going now?

Vansh: Um…. surprise

Riddhima: Seems like Mr. Rai Singhania is in a romantic mood!!

Vansh: Of course, Mrs. Rai Singhania, after all, am meeting my sweetheart after 36 hours!!!

By the time they reached the destination, it was dusk and Riddhima was humming the songs in FM while the cool breeze of the monsoon weather was creating magic on her. Playing with her hands in the air like a kid she was enjoying every bit of the weather. Vansh halts the vehicle and Riddhima was overjoyed seeing the surroundings, it was Tiger’s Leap, a cliff-top with a sheer drop of over 650 m, offering a wide view of the hills. Offering spectacular views of forests, lush greenery, waterfalls, and lakes around. She jumped around like a kid, removing her heels, she started walking on the lush green grass which grew due to the heavy rains recently and the rains helped them hear the flowing waterfall but due to improper light couldn’t see the beauty of those falls. The soft grass was sending chills down her spine. She almost reached the end of the cliff with Vansh following her with her heels in his hands. Standing at the end, she started enjoying the sunset, the colors of the sky was mesmerizing her and the birds flying to reach their nests before it gets much darker. Vansh reached her and wrapped her in his arms from behind while she rests her head on his chest with one hand of her on his which was on her waist.

There was utter silence, 2 hearts were enjoying the mere presence of each other. Finding an empty bench, Vansh led her towards it and sitting with her beside him, leaning on his shoulders while he pulls her into himself.

Riddhima: This is so mesmerizing Vansh… total silence … such a peace!!!

Vansh: My peace lies with you Riddhu, those hours away from you…huh!!! Don’t ask… it was no less than a tornado… everything was a mess; everything seemed to be so suffocating; everywhere I only found chaos; it seemed like peace was missing in my whole life. I found relief after reaching, after hugging you. You give solace to my racing life. Finding you every night after office relieves all my stress and used to bring a smile to my face but these hours without you, it was just so…uneasy to live without your mere presence.

Riddhima stood from her place and sat in his lap encircling her hands on his neck while he wrapped his arms over her waist. She cupped his face and kissed his forehead soothing his heart.

Riddhima: Am always with you Vansh… Always!!! Here (pointing at his heart)… I live there, that’s my kingdom; my palace; my home where you live. We were meant to be together so did destiny play its dirty game to bring us together. Though I hate to reminisce that night but still, because of that person, because of that night, our lives took a 360˚ turn, and look where we are…. in each other’s embrace, loving each other.

Riddhima (pouting): But remember one thing, dare you leave me and go once again, wherever you have to go… am accompanying you. I can’t live without you… so, please…

Vansh (pecking her pout): Today I promise that I will never ever leave you alone because even I cant live without you. So, hereby whenever I would go I’d tag you along.

She smiled and was staring at his dark black orbs which held the love of the galaxy only for her, his love. He was observing her emotions which she was conveying with her hazel eyes. Riddhima cupped his face and before he could realize what she was about to do or what she was thinking, he felt her soft rose petal lips on his. He was flabbergasted in the beginning but wrapping his arms around her waist tightly, he too started reciprocating the kiss. Nibbling each other’s lips, they were having their share of love when for the first time Vansh decided to taste her tongue and mouth and so he gently bit her lower lip making her gasp, leading for him to enter her mouth. She gasped at the new development in their kiss, she could feel his tongue moving around her mouth exploring every inch with ease. She took few seconds to digest what happened or what’s happening and soon even she felt of taking the initiative to enter his mouth to explore him. She too started to enter his mouth making him smirk. Their tongues intervened leading to a fight of dominance but soon both gave in and started exploring each other until they felt the loss of oxygen. Breaking the kiss they joined their foreheads, grasping the fresh breeze. Once their breath was back to normal he pecked her lips and hugged her resting his head on her crook while she was caressing his back.

Lost in themselves, they lost track of the time. Dusk turned into a dark and so did fireflies made their entry into the picture making Riddhima jump off his lap and running to the edge from where they were making an entry. She was admiring the beauty of night in the light of fireflies. Watching them fly from one corner to the other making some feeble sounds, she was awestruck. Vansh was clicking her those childish pics which he felt adorable.

After a while, they decided to leave and Riddhima wanted to have dinner in some dhaba so he halted their vehicle on some dhaba and ordering mouth-watering Aloo Paratha with butter overflowing making it delicious. They had their dinner and drove back to the mansion. Riddhima was tired so she retired to the room while Vansh was meeting and greeting his family who were in a mood of pulling his legs while he casually sat on the couch unaware of the KBC questioning about to start

Sejal: So, bhai when did you come (sarcasm)?

Vansh: I landed around 3 pm maybe

Siya: And who came to pick you?

Vansh: Kabir

All stared at Kabir while he making an excuse of call skipped from there

Uma: And from there you reached….?

Vansh: Obviously to office

Dadi: Why?

Vansh: Of course, to meet my sweetheart (dreamy)

Ishani: Oh, sweetheart ke husband, come back to earth….. (sarcasm)

Dadi: What’s the time now Vansh?

Vansh: Dadi you are growing old… look there we have such a huge clock showing us time and you yet ask me time

Dadi twisted his ears making him wince in pain while all were chuckling

Anupriya: Leave him you all… poor my Vansh. He is tired of the journey and you all are hell-bent on pulling his legs. Ma even you?

Ishani: Chachi, he isn’t tired of the journey but…… (wink)

Siya: But….. (Evil smirk)

Sejal: But because of doing something else after coming back or after going to office… hain na bhai (evil glint in her eyes)

Vansh now understood what his family was intending to do. Banging his head, he quickly got off the couch and moving back

Vansh: I got you all…. let me tell you, …… (moving away from them to avoid hits) I love my sweetheart more than my sisters

Saying in a go he ran away from there not before getting hit by a cushion when 3 were thrown at him, only one hit the target. Once he left all laughed at him and dispersed to their respective rooms.



Hope you like it.

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