#RIANSH – LOVE, EMOTIONS & RELATIONS – Episode 80 – Kabir’s Bitter Past!!!

Episode starts with….

Riddhima gave in and was trying many but Kabir bhai wasn’t satisfied so he decided to call Ragini and face timed her and started showing her the rings, Riddhima was trying and bhai was showing them to her and after changing shops and designs finally they zeroed on a ring. The same happened with her attires too at Aryan’s boutique, Kabir and Aryan asked Riddhima to try and Kabir bhai started clicking her pics and sending them to Ragini to choose among them. In this way, we were done with our shopping, but our couple was going out for many dates Kabir informed Riddhima that Ragini loves roadside stalls and so Riddhima used to arrange some dates for them on some best roadside stalls. And once back she used to ask Ragini if she liked it or if she has any preferences she would arrange the next date there. But Ragini used to smile and thank her for her gesture.

The date for the D-day was approaching and it was a month to their engagement when one day Riddhima had to go for a camp and that bhai and Vansh bhai were in Delhi for some work so she called up Kabir bhai for help as her camp place was far from the city and she was stuck there without any transport while many of her colleagues left. She was afraid and she dialed Kabir bhai for help; Kabir bhai instantly left towards her camp place and picking her and dropping her back home he reached home late at night. Riddhima took the responsibility of theme for engagement and decorations and also our dance performances for bhai and Ragini. We dedicated our whole time to the celebrations as in half a month it was wedding day and in 10 days it was engagement. We, youngsters, decided to have a dance for engagement too and Riddhima was choreographing us. Being the bride and groom her focus was on their steps perfection, one evening Ragini was late for the practice so Riddhima was working on bhai’s steps and was dancing with him when Ragini came, and then they both worked on their steps.

Everything seemed going smooth until the day of engagement. We were all very excited so was bhai, but Ragini seemed so off or not into the celebrations. Finally, the moment of exchange of rings was here, and sitting on the couch me and Riddhima standing aside with rings beside the groom and bride lend the rings. Dadi asked Ragini to first slide the ring onto bhai’s finger and the excited groom forwarded his hand while I gave the ring to Ragini, she took it but wasn’t sliding onto his finger but was fidgeting with it as if thinking something

Dadi: Ragini, beta what happened?

Uma (teasing): Beta don’t miss this guy, look around many girls are ogling at your fiancée (wink)

That bhai: Absolutely aunty…. many are waiting for him to change his relationship status (wink)

Kabir bhai (smiling): But am not into anyone except my Ragini

Me: Ragini make him yours soon varna who knows which girl from the queue would make him theirs (wink)

Ragini: And the first among them in the queue would be Riddhima right

That statement changed the environment as first we didn’t understand but the moment we digested the statement we all glared at her with wide eyes. We were confused about how to react and then Riddhima laughed hard grabbing everyone’s attention

Riddhima: Ragini (laugh) it was the best quip or joke. Look at everyone all are aghast by that remark. Guys relax she was kidding

We sighed and laughed along with Riddhima but the next statement shook us

Ragini: Yes indeed, my life itself turned into a joke right!

This made us realize that she wasn’t kidding, we including Riddhima looked baffled and were glaring at her with utter silence.

Kabir bhai: Ragini what happened?

Ragini (yelling): You tell me Kabir, who I am to you?

Her that step was something none expected, her eyes didn’t have tears but her voice held rage of something or like some hidden motive behind her that action, which seemed unclear at that moment. But mom decided to speak

Mom: Beta what happened? Why are you behaving in this way?

Ragini: Ask your son aunty, who I am?

Kabir bhai: What’s this Ragini, you are my fiancée

Ragini (sarcasm): Is it? I didn’t know

Ishani: Ragini what happened? We all know right that you are his fiancée then why are you asking this question as if it’s something new?

Ragini: Even I felt like am his fiancée but for many days I started having a doubt in this regard. Am I indeed his fiancée?

Me: Ragini what sought of question is this? Don’t beat around the bush and say what you mean

Ragini: Fine, my feelings seem like am beating around the bush right then answer my one question. Who’s Riddhima?

Kabir (irritated): What’s this question Ragini? You pretty well know she’s our friend!!

Ragini: As in Friends with Benefits right?

This was something none ever said to her. She was taken aback and almost fell off but Vansh bhai held her and this statement raised the rage of the trio boys

Trio(anger): Ragini!!!!!

Ragini (shout): Don’t you show your anger to me. If she isn’t friends with benefits then who’s she?

Kabir: Ragini you are crossing your limits. She is just a friend

Ragini: Oh, yea. I who is your fiancée has some limits but your this friend doesn’t have any right! She can show up at any time anywhere. She has no limits, right?

Vansh bhai: Ragini what do you mean? This is her family and her house, she can roam anywhere

Ragini: This woman spoiled my whole life. This family belongs to her, the people are hers then who am I?

Ishani: Look Ragini…

Ragini: NO!!! Today I’ll speak and I need answers to my questions. Why does she always involve in our matters? The proposal Kabir did was planned by her, our dates were planned by her. Why does she like to intervene on a personal date? If you find a couple having dinner who the hell disturbs them and gate-crashes their date? She does…. I and Kabir were spending some moments but na, this woman can’t see us happy; she gate-crashes us and spends the dinner with us not giving some space to the couple. The ring I have to adorn and the dresses I have to wear will be worn by her first and then I’d wear it? Am I some trash where you’d dump your used or worn clothes? It’s my engagement but this girl would dance with my groom. WHY? She’ll decide the theme and decorations for my wedding. Why? Doesn’t she have a minimum common sense of not to disturb a couple? She calls Kabir to pick her from somewhere she went at night. Is he your driver? Can’t you call anyone else? You might have many such drivers right, after all, you seem to be a girl who’d get close to men for your benefits (rolling her eyes) “Friend with benefits”….

Before she could speak further she received a slap on her face and it was Kabir bhai who slapped her shocking us all but somewhere we all knew that it was needed for her to stop her baseless allegations on Riddhima. We all were aghast of all this stupidity Ragini was showing and Riddhima… she was so thunderstruck that she was continuously crying over Vansh bhai’s shoulders. For the first time in all these years, someone dared to hurt Riddhima to such an extent that they pointed a finger at her character and at the same time her relationship with Kabir bhai who’s like her brother.

Ragini: You slapped me? Did you raise your hand on me for this girl? Who’s she, Kabir? Is she so important to you than your love?

Kabir bhai: Shut up Ragini!! Just shut up!!!! Are you in your senses?

Ragini: I got my senses now Kabir…

Mom: Ragini beta you are having a misconception and raising a finger on Riddhima isn’t right

Ragini: Why didn’t you share this knowledge with your son or that girl who’s behind every man?

That Bhai (yell): I won’t listen to a word against Riddhu

Ragini (shout): And I can’t share my life with such a person who roams around another girl than his fiancée

Kabir bhai: Enough Ragini. You are exaggerating a misunderstanding. We have been this close for a decade and more and today you come and point a finger at our relation and her character we can’t take it. That night she didn’t gate-crash our date at the restaurant; she was just being her regular self of catching up with her friends and we never had any objection; we’d have an objection if she didn’t do such. She refused to wear the rings and dresses as they’d belong to you but it was me who forced her to try them so that you can know how it’d look. And she wasn’t dancing with me instead she was making my steps perfect as she didn’t want you to get embarrassed in front of everyone if I couldn’t meet up to your expectations. We have always been overprotective of the girls and so some of the among us trio boys used to tag along with them and that night Vansh and he weren’t available so she called me and do you have any idea where and in which situation she was by I reached there? God forbid but if at all I delayed reaching her then today she wouldn’t have been physically present here among us. She chose the theme and deco as you were busy with your so-called meetings and whatever. If you had time to discuss and decide the theme she wouldn’t have took leave from her work to plan your engagement and other functions. And you are giving her names… till today none… none spoke to her the way you are blabbering of her character.

Ragini: Now you’ll blame me for this girl right!!!

Kabir Bhai: Am not blaming you, am just giving you clarity of the misconception, you have developed

Ragini: Enough Kabir, now you have to decide it’s either me or her

We all were rooted in our places. As if her blaming Riddhima for her misconception wasn’t enough she wanted bhai to choose between her and Riddhima. There was utter silence; none spoke. The only sound was of gasps and sobbing of Riddhima. The irony was Ragini didn’t have a tear in her eyes; as if she wanted bhai to choose Riddhima; as if she was in the engagement just to break it; her eyes had some other feeling instead of heartbreak, which we clearly didn’t understand at that moment.

Dadi: Ragini beta how can you say so?

Ragini: I don’t have the patience to bear their so-called friendship my whole life. I can’t live my whole life trying to analyze their friendship. Now it’s up to him, he has to choose one among us. If he loves me then he has to cut all his relations with her or else forget me.

Riddhima (sobbing): Ragini, am… am sorry. This mess is because…. of my existence right….. You need not break your engagement with him. He …. he loves you and today, it’s not you who’d walk from here…. it’d be me. I’ll walk out of his life then you have no issue with the engagement right!!

We never expected Riddhima to say so, Vansh bhai and Kabir bhai were the most affected persons. Mom, Badi ma, and dadi tried to speak to her but Riddhima was guilty enough to walk out for the ceremony. She was about to walk out but Kabir bhai stopped her holding her wrist

Kabir bhai: No Riddhima, you aren’t going anywhere

Riddhima (crying): No Kabir it’s needed for you and Ragini’s future

Kabir bhai: Which future Riddhima? We all are addicted to your presence, if not for you then our life would have been a mess a decade ago. Your relation with us isn’t something that can be broke in a span of seconds. Future without you is nothing but a plain life without happiness, excitement, laughter, emotions, and relations. Ragini you entered my life a few months back and started trying to rule my life? I never asked you whom you meet or who your friends are then how can you restrict my friendship with Riddhima? Today you raised a finger on mine and Riddhima’s relation tomorrow you might raise the same finger between me and my sisters. Today you asked me to choose one between Riddhima and you, what if tomorrow you ask me to choose between you and my sisters or family?

Kabir bhai: Look Ragini, you definitely had a misconception and now I don’t want it to be dragged so you tell me your decision

Ragini: You clearly chose her instead of me so…. so, my decision is this engagement isn’t going to happen.


Sejal: Saying it she threw the ring in her hand on the floor and left the mansion didn’t even turn around to see the mess she created. Kabir bhai was devastated, heartbroken. Riddhima was guilty of something which she never did. She rushed from there, Kabir bhai rushed to his room and locked it. We all were clueless about how to react or what to do. The day which was supposed to be the best day of our lives turned into a disaster because of that woman.

Sejal: For the whole 2 days neither Riddhima came out of her room over her house nor did Kabir bhai here. They locked themselves hurting each other and Riddhima was blaming herself. Though after 2 days of emotional blackmailing we got them out of the room, we couldn’t get them off that incident. Vansh bhai bought Riddhima home forcefully and finding Kabir bhai Riddhima instantly started apologizing shocking us. We were all aware that she wasn’t at fault but she blaming herself vexed us and so did for Kabir bhai and he vent his anger and frustration on her and left the place, and she too rushed to her home crying once again. For the whole 2 months, nothing seemed the same. Bhai turned moody, Riddhima started isolating herself as she indeed felt that Ragini broke bhai’s heart because of her.

Sejal: 2 months…. after 2 months everything started getting back to normal as we got to know the truth that Ragini left bhai not because of Riddhima but because she found another man who promised her to give a great future in New York as per her. She was in a relationship with him 2 months before the engagement date. Technically, she was cheating bhai and this was bought in front of us by that bhai and Vansh bhai’s investigation. After the truth was out, Kabir bhai did break but didn’t let her betrayal break him and his happiness so he once again started living his life as he used to; we got our previous version of bhai but Riddhima she was still upset but eventually we know our trio boys, they finally bought that lost Riddhima back and everything got back to normal…. (Sarcastic chuckle) but seems destiny had another plans isliye toh all that had to happen 4 months back making our Riddhima drown in the incidents of that night.


Hope you like it.

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