Kabir couldn’t take Riddhima being insulted by Ishani when everyone stood silent witnessing

Kabir: Ishani!!!! How can you blame Riddhima for everything that happens in this house!

Riddhima and Vansh eyes him in suspicion while Kabir

Kabir: Riddhima why are you eying me in this way. Am just supporting you vaise bhi there’s no one who’ll do this for you. Everyone blames you for something which you didn’t do.

Riddhima: I have my family for my support Kabir I don’t need yours not even in my worse dreams

Vansh smirks while Kabir fumes

Kabir (thinking): Thank god Ishani saved you Riddhima it wasn’t for you it was for this Vansh who snatched my family from me. And Riddhima you better don’t show your attitude to me because in the end, it’s only me who’ll have you and very soon you’ll be with me so better don’t stress yourself around these fools. But the fire in you ignites my desires to have you in my arms soon (evil smirk). Am eagerly waiting when your fire would calm my desires.

Ishani: What do you think of yourself Riddhima? Are you some great soul that nothing would happen to you if that chandelier falls on you? (anger)

All were staring at her in confusion!!!

Ishani: What?? Now you aren’t speaking anything! Did you have any deal with any god that you’ll take the responsibility of saving every individual of this family? (rolling her eyes) Don’t you ever think of bhai! Did you think if at all something happens to you then what’ll happen to bhai? You are selfish you only think of the family not about yourself and people connected to you! How can you be so self – centered!!! Do you have any idea what would have happened to this family most importantly bhai if something unexpected happened to you! Why the hell don’t you think of yourself before hurting yourself or saving someone! Why don’t you understand this family will be shattered if you aren’t there!! (tears rolling)

None reacted. Everyone stood motionless. They were literally shocked. They felt as if the earth beneath swallowed them leaving their souls to wander. They felt as if they are having the worse dream of their life.

Siya (pinching herself): Ouchhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone turned towards her to see and were worried to find Siya laughing in pain.

Aryan: Siya you fine? Why did you shout?

Chanchal: Ha Siya and why are you laughing?

Dadi: Not only Siya now even am going to test myself and shout.

Siya (laughing): Dadi am I dreaming?

Dadi (smiling): Even am speechless!!! But look at the 3 faces there who are definitely going to get a heart attack!

Dadi was referring to Angre, Vansh & Riddhima who’s jaws dropped and were staring at Ishani as if they saw some ghost. They were perplexed. They didn’t blink their eye assuming if they do then the dream would fade away. Siya approached Angre while dadi approached Vansh & Riddhima to pinch them bringing them back to reality.

Trio: Ouchhhh!!!!

Angre: Boss I guess am dreaming

Siya (laughing): Jeeju you aren’t!! And please explain to me what’s happening or what happened!

Angre: Arrey Siya first let me comprehend the situation. I’d suggest don’t disturb me. I feel haze. (confused look)

Vansh: I guess you are right Angre even am dazed. I think am daydreaming. Riddhima I think I need to have some rest. Come let’s go!

Riddhima: Shut up Vansh & Angre!!

Siya: Bhabhi why are you asking them to shut up in fact we all are confused. Look at Jeeju! Poor he! His condition cant be described!! He’s still in shock and is unable to recover from that shock

Ishani glared at everyone and then at Angre who was stood as if experienced a jolt! Vansh tried to control his laughter while Riddhima hit him to shut his mouth.

Ishani: Acha ok!!! I can understand the meaning of these glares. And am so ….. sorry!!!!!

All (unison) (shout): WHATTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Angre and Vansh fell on the couch whining.

Ishani (rolling her eyes): Whatever!! Today I’d like to speak myself even if you all make fun of me. (approaching Riddhima) Riddhima I know I always hurt you and taunted you, gave you names but trust me I did all that because I love bhai and I wanted best for him, and from the beginning your actions gave me a vibe that you aren’t fit to be my Vansh Bhai’s wife so I behaved such with you. I crossed my limits many times but you amazed me always. You always stood for this family as bhai does. We hurt you but you never left us. Whenever any issue tried to reach this family you stood against it fighting for us. I always tried to ignore whatever you did for the family because I didn’t want to accept you. But even after many insults you never failed to save this family from unexpected troubles and even today in this condition (pointing her feet) you ran all the way to save me and bhai proves that you care for everyone except yourself. Bhai is right you are a pure soul. Today I proudly say that none can be as perfect as you for bhai. You are indeed made for each other. And your pair is made in heaven and who am I not to accept it. Today I accept all my mistakes and accept you as my bhabhi and I even want to seek forgiveness for all my past mistakes.

Everyone felt electrocuted by her confession, their eyes fell of the socket. All were stealing glances from each other!! None uttered a word as they were in no position to state anything. Vansh approached Ishani and touching her forehead as if examining

Vansh (worry): Ishani you well? Did you fall while coming? (glaring Angre) Didn’t you take her for her check-up? How can you be so careless with your health?

Ishani: Bhai shut up!! Am fine and in my senses. Am asking for forgiveness from bottom of my heart. (glaring Riddhima) Am sorry for hurting you can you forgive me please! Cant you give me a chance!!

Angre (shock): Bhai I think I need to visit a doctor. My eyes and ears aren’t working

Siya and Vansh giggled while Riddhima glaring the trio and approaching Ishani

Riddhima: Shut up Angre!! And Ishani no need to ask for forgiveness. I never took your actions to heart. I know your love for Vansh so I can understand your behavior. Why don’t we forgive the past and start afresh?

Ishani (happy): Sure, sure am eager bhabhi!!!!!!!

Riddhima (dizzy): Vansh I’ll faint!!! How can god give all the surprises at a time!!!

Ishani: Riddhima yaar tum bhi (making a face)

Everyone laughed and Riddhima hugged Ishani stating their new beginning. Ishani broke the hug and with tears in her eyes she glared Riddhima who was smiling and then at Vansh who was chuckling along with Angre

Ishani: Riddhima today we are starting our relation so I want it to be on the basis of truth and not lies

Riddhima: What do you mean Ishani? (confused)

Ishani: I want to confess something

Vansh (raising eyebrows): What do you want to Ishani?

Ishani gave a glance of guilt to Riddhima and then Vansh. As if her eyes spoke, Vansh jumped into the confession

Vansh: Ishani!! Enough of confessions for today. I think you need rest. (eyeing Angre) Angre take her to the room.

Angre understood the situation and proceeding towards Ishani but when she spoke

Ishani: Today I don’t want to back off from confessing my truth which is hurting me in form of guilt for years

Vansh (shout): Angre!!!!!

Angre: Ishani, you are tired. Please come!!

Ishani: Bhai it’s my swear for you if you try to stop me! Please bhai let me confess maybe then my guilt would be less! (crying)

Vansh (worried): Ishani it’s not needed!!! Please!!!

Ishani: NO Bhai not today!!!

Riddhima was confused about all that’s happening and was wondering

Riddhima: Vansh what happened? What does she want to confess and why are you stopping her? What’s the matter?

Vansh: Riddhima nothing come let’s go to our room

He was taking her though she was confused but Ishani’s voice stopped them

Ishani: Riddhima I’ll tell you what’s the matter

Vansh: Ishani!!!

Ishani: Riddhima, today I’ll reveal to you my bitter past and my grave mistake for which I have had many sleepless nights and that guilt isn’t letting me live peacefully. Maybe after confessing, I may be guilt-free! So, the point is in 1996 bhai went to the juvenile center for a crime that he didn’t commit. It was me who was driving the car when the accident happened and …. And….. in that accident, it was not Kabir’s family who died but they were your parents!!!! Yes, Riddhima I committed the accident where your parents lost their lives, where you lost your family, where you became an orphan!! (crying)!!! Am the reason for your life’s miserable conditions. It wasn’t intentional Riddhima, I was a kid, and in excitement, I grabbed the car and left when I lost control I collided it with another car in which your parents were there. It was a pure accident and to save me bhai took the blame on himself and took the punishment which was supposed to be for me. He assured me that none will know the truth and he has been fulfilling that promise till today. Am your culprit. And today whatever punishment you want to give you can I’ll accept it because today I want to start afresh with you and I can’t do that without confessing my crime.

Kabir (shock): WHATTTT!!!!!!!

Riddhima felt as if her earth collapsed and in shock, she stepped back where she collided with Vansh who felt sorry for her state. Everyone was shocked to hear the confession of which even they had no idea of

Vansh: Riddhima please don’t consider her as a criminal. She was a kid and it was an accident she didn’t do it intentionally. I can understand the pain you are going through but please…..

She with tears and broken condition glared at him and her eyes asked him only one question which he understood

Vansh (feeling sorry): I didn’t want to lose you not at any cost! I know that if your parent’s truth is out then you’ll be hurt and maybe even leave me forever and I can’t bare being away from you. You are my everything and I can lose my life but not you!! I had to hide the matter to save our love, you, and our family. I know whatever I did was for our relation. Am sorry but please don’t leave me!!! I can’t live without you!!! (moist eyes)

Riddhima glared at him and then Ishani who was crying inconsolably. She approached her while Angre and Vansh tried to stop her but in vain as Ishani held her hand indicating to stop. Riddhima raised her hand shocking everyone and Ishani closed her eyes in reflex and………

And to everyone’s surprise, Riddhima hugged Ishani

Riddhima (crying): Shh…… Ishani calm down!!! Technically am supposed to be angry with you for killing my parents but trust me am not angry with you because you were a kid and you didn’t kill them intentionally it was an accident and your tears reveal the pain you have been going through in all these years and now its time to relieve all that pain which is hurting you. Trust me I forgave you and in fact, am happy you revealed the truth and didn’t hide it anymore. I accept am a bit upset but I’ll be fine.

She broke the hug and Ishani had relief in her eyes

Ishani: Am sorry!!! I really am!!! (guilty)

Riddhima (wiping her tears): I accept your apologies! Now no more tears!!!

Everyone was emotional and were happy that everything is sorted now. Vansh hugged both the ladies

Vansh: Am proud of you Ishani. Your confession proves you have a change of heart and am happy for you. Finally, your heart is guilt free and your relation with Riddhima is fair. And now all misunderstandings are cleared and I hope everything is set and no more issues come into our lives!!!

Riddhima and Ishani hugged him back and smiled while Riddhima was caressing Ishani’s face. Vansh places a peck on their foreheads and suddenly something strikes him and his expressions change

Vansh (angry): How did the chandelier fall!!!!

Everyone had a questioning look while Kabir was still in shock to realize that Vansh didn’t kill his family and was playing with his emotions. This raged a fire in his heart for using his emotions to save his sister. His thoughts were broken by a voice

Aryan glared at Kabir assuming him to be the one behind and as if she read his eyes, she spoke

Riddhima: Aryan!!!! Do you know how it fell? (raising eyebrows)

Aryan (hiding his thoughts): No!! I have no idea Riddhima! (something strikes him) Actually, for many days there was an issue with this

Vansh: If that was the case why didn’t you inform me Aryan?

Aryan: Am sorry bhai I’ll get it fixed

Vansh gave him a serious look as if warning and spoke

Vansh: Riddhima your feet aren’t healed yet. Come let’s go to the room

Riddhima gestured her hand approached Kabir and looking straight into his eyes, as if caught something, she shocked everyone with her actions including Kabir. She slapped him hard.

Riddhima (fierce): How dare you!! How dare you try to hurt Vansh and Ishani! Have you gone nuts? How dare you try to harm them!!! What if I didn’t notice that and saved them! You could have killed them right!!

Kabir (trying to calm himself): Riddhima you are having a misconception!! Am not even concerned

Riddhima slapped him once again

Riddhima (anger): Don’t you dare lie to me!! Am pretty well aware of your intentions and deeds so better don’t lie!! Just tell me why did you take that heinous step!!

Kabir (anger): Yes!!! I removed the knob and let it fall because I wanted to avenge Vansh for killing my family. My intention was to kill Vansh and Ishani was there it wasn’t my concern; she shouldn’t have been there. My enmity is with Vansh and none else!!

Riddhima: How could you Kabir!!! How could you!!! (holding his collar) You tried to kill my husband. I‘ll never ever forgive you for that. If this is my reaction on learning about your try then am leaving it to you guess what the future holds if this happens once again. I swear on Vansh, I’ll forget that you are a part of this family. This is my last warning. Whenever you try to harm him you’ll find me as his shield. Get yourself beware of this. And dare you to try to even touch his shadow!! And now I hope you got clarity that he didn’t harm your family so better accept and forget the idea of harming him.

She was about to faint when Vansh held her in his arms and

Vansh: Riddhima enough now!! You aren’t well and stress isn’t good for you!!!

Giving a serious glare he took her towards their room while everyone dispersed giving a glare to Kabir leaving him fuming. Kabir reached his room and there was a life–size cut out of Riddhima. Approaching it

Kabir (smirk): Am glad at least you touched me after a long time Riddhima. Whatever may be the reason, your touch sends certain sensual vibrations in my body. To feel that touch am ready to commit many such mistakes. I know you aren’t happy with that Vansh and your happiness lies only with me and don’t worry soon you’ll be with me and then we shall go away from here forever and start our own family.

He started touching her image sensually and was rubbing her lips with his thumb and placed a peck on it and gave a naughty smirk.

Hope you like it and will encourage me and give your valuable suggestions

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