Both hugged eachother. After few minutes vansh broke the hug and parted away
Riddhima: ok Vansh bye see u tomorrow
Vansh: ok sweetheart byee. They left the place.
At night
Riansh r thinking about eachother they feels new type of feeling and slept.
Vansh sleeping peacefully after a long time… Angre came wake up vansh. vansh open a eyes see angre
And clock
Vansh: angre y u didn’t not wake up see the time am late Bcz of u my sweetheart waiting
Angre: vo.. boss
Vansh vo what angre tell me clearly
Angre: boss last 30 minutes I start to wake up but u didn’t open your eyes boss
Vansh: ok leave it arrange my dress
Angre: yes boss
Vansh: wait u bring casual dress ok and one more thing arrange bike..
Angre was hell shocked and murmur is my boss or any Ghost
Vansh: am not ghost am only your boss so don’t over thinking and do what I am saying
Angre nodded and left
Now Vansh ready and looking herself to mirror for last 15 minutes
Vansh look

Angre saw all these smiles and say boss today u look so handsome
Vansh blushing and replied thanks angre….
Angre: boss riddhima is waiting for u
Vansh: what? y u didn’t tell me this first ok leave it and bye
He was about to leave door opened riddhima enter and say hi vansh shall we go now
Riddhima look

But vansh was lots in her beauty….u looking very beautiful sweetheart
Riddhima blush… Vansh I ask shall we go not this anyway thanks and come lets go…. saying she took a Vansh hand
Angre whispered Vansh ear all the best boss
Vansh: riddhima u like bike ridding na so today we going only bike wala ride
Riddhima: really vansh am so happy wait a minute how do you know about this
Vansh: my sixth sense told me
Riddhima: oh really
Vansh: yes
Both riansh are laughed
Vansh: ok now tell were we going first
Riddhima: as your wish
Vansh: riddhima u know na am new in the place
Riddhima: accha baba tek hai. Swaroop Nagar
Vansh: y that place is anything spl?
Riddhima: yes very spl to me vansh and am sure u definitely like the place…it’s riddhima ka promise
Vansh: ok madam
They both rode a bike
Swaroop Nagar
Riansh reach swaroop Nagar
Riddhima: Are u hungry
Vansh: no riddhima
Riddhima: but hungry come let’s go
Vansh: but were
Riddhima: restaurant first we finish our breakfast then we continue our journey.
Vansh: hmm
Anaibha’s Restaurant
This is small restaurant vansh not five star hotel so please don’t mind it and am 100% sure u like it…once u taste it then u never forget your lifetime vansh… it’s riddhima ka promise
Vansh: oh! really
Riddhima: yea . Come sit I ordered food

Vansh taste it and say yes riddhima taste is so yummy
Riddhima: I know
Riansh eat together happily
Next were we r going Madam asked by vansh
Vansh: what
Riddhima: close your mouths else mosquito will enter… basically am not going but today my friend forcing so .. please vansh come na puppy eyes
Vansh: drama queen
Riddhima smiling

Barrack’s Disc &Resturant in swaroop

Riddhima friends r came hugged and ask who is the handsome riddhu
Riddhima: Is my friend vansh dudes and vansh is my friend anumaan
Vansh: what? Anumaan saying he laughed
Riddhima: Hello it’s ped name actually I called only like this jayanumaan and too shortly JAM
Vansh: jaianumaan it’s mean
Riddhima: jai for my frd jayashree, anu for Anannya and maanu for maanvika ( she is the one live kanpur in Swaroop Nagar & my cute pie) and I have lots of friends Sushree, jakia naznin shova, Niyati, Arushi, cutte,aayu japjot kaur, Ashlee Jasmine, so many frds are there.
Vansh: oh! I have only one frd my bestfriend angre not only frd… like I consider my brother. He is very close to me riddhu
Riddhima: am impressed vansh bcz I thought angre your assistant only but Today
They shared eye lock
Jam: guys come your love dream lands
Riansh broke the eye contact and says let’s go
All r dance together but our Riansh r again eye contact and romantically dance together
After they went bar counter

Order red wine ( not alcohol) and drunk it.
Jam r whisper riddhima ear
U both r Made for each other. I know he look very very handsome…he one look every girls fall on him
If u don’t like vansh then we love him
Riddhima: nooooo it’s not like that I Love very much no one can’t separate them
Jam: niw u realise your feelings to vansh riddhima we r just teasing u
Riddhima: u three r really naughty & don’t look at my jaan is only mine girls
Jam: but u didn’t confess your feelings na so we use this opportunity
Riddhima shocked jam r rocked
After hearing all this riddhima immediately took a Vansh hand and say to jam goodbye frds see u later
Riansh left the place
Vansh: sweetheart y u so hurried I didn’t even say I was going to bye what they think about me
Riddhima: so u think about only my frds not me.
Vansh: not like that riddhima ok leave it. Next were we go
Riddhima: I don’t know vansh my mood is totally off
Vansh: oh! Come with me first we have coffee…is really refresh your mind

California cafe
Riansh enter a cafe shop
They sit together

Vansh order cold coffee but waiter give one cold coffee and left bcz he think they lovers
Riansh look at each other
Vansh: y he give one only cold coffee
Riddhima: u not understand
Vansh: yes
Riddhima: dumbo…he thinks we r lovers that’s y
Vansh: oh
Riddhima: Tube light Vansh Rai Singhania
Vansh: what we will do now
Riddhima: it’s ok vansh so
Vansh: so
Riddhima: nothing leave it and make a cute pout
( he know y riddhima make a cute pout but he want riddhima words only but we know our riddhima is ziddhima) so he order another one cold coffe
They drink cold coffee suddenly riddhima phone ring she talk to her friends at the time vansh use this opportunity change a cup but riddhima notice it she also act doesn’t seen it
Riddhima take cup and drunk it
Vansh so happy and thinking himself y am happy what are u doing vansh what happened to u vansh? Y u behave like this u never behaved like this in your life but today it’s totally opposite angre is right u love riddhima yes I love riddhima…so he decided to propose riddhima
Day Fully riansh spent together.
Next place Quebee City in swaroop nagar

Riansh r plays in water fully wetted at the time some bad boys r arrive…they looked riddhima lust Fully
But riansh are playing happily didn’t notice it.
Riddhima: see vansh that flower it’s so beautiful na..I wanted vansh so please bring it to me
Vansh: ok I bring it only for my sweetheart saying he went
Use this opportunity that boys came near riddhima and Start to misbehave
One boy is took a riddhu dupata and throw it another boy about to kiss riddhima’s but a strong punch and kick he fall on the ground ( yes our vansh only)
Vansh: how dare you.. dare to touch my sweetheart and lust fully eyeing u know who is she.. she is my life and my lover only for mine saying vansh fighting and beating so hardly then goons say to sry …we never do this to any women saying run away from the place
Riddhima crying so much
Vansh went near riddhima hugged and consoled..
After few minutes riddhima became normal and ask vansh is it true vansh u love me
Vansh: riddhima I don’t believe love before u meet but after our first meet I fall in love with you yes love at first sight riddhima…I don’t know how to propose saying vansh kneel down and took a Riddhima hand & that flower
Yes riddhima I love you…I want to be with you my entire life… U r my day sunshine &my night moon my heart beat my jaan everything u sweetheart…so will u be with me riddhima
Riddhima: I also love u vansh infact I also love at first sight…Iam always be with you vansh
They captured a lips
At night

Riansh walking on the bridge hand to hand together
It’s so beautiful na vansh I like it and today am very happy vansh… I don’t know how to express my feelings but I do one thing then u also feel my feelings saying she captured vansh lips first vansh was shocked sudden kiss after he also reciprocate
After 10 minutes they parted away
Riddhima feel very shy
Vansh: after u do this stunt u feel very shy…not bad sweetheart
Riddhima hugged vansh very tightly
Vansh took riddhima hand and put vr ring in riddhima finger…he kissed riddhima hand so lovingly and say now u officially mine sweetheart
Riddhima blushing again they hug each other
Flashback end
All Rai Singhania r shocked angre rocked
dadi: so now we arrange vansh marriage…I want see my bahu. I can’t wait more
Yes we want see our bhabhi angre so arrange it
Angre notice vansh smile so he decided to play something
Angre: but dadi I think boss not ready in marriage so
Dadi: so what angre..u the one say Vansh love riddhima
Angre whispered dadi are and say am just kidding boss dadi
So now dadi also join and say ok angre I understand vansh love riddhima but he
Vansh: noooooooo
I never saying likes this infact I want marry riddhima….u know dadi I booked tickets also for our honeymoon…angre also know about this but y this idiot saying like this…I don’t know dadi. I love riddhima very much…she is my lifeline, my angel, my jaan dadi
All r smiled and teasing
Vansh feels very shy and blushing also
Dadi: am so happy Vansh. So tomorrow we will go to meet riddhima parents
Vansh: but dadi she is orphan. She lived with her friends only
Dadi: Don’t say again she is orphan now we r all here na… yes dadi saying vansh hugged dadi
Ishani, siya, Aryan and angre also join the hug.
Next day Rai Singhania all went riddhima place and arrange Riansh marriage in kanpur.
All rituals r don…now it’s time for riansh marriage

Riansh room
Am really happy vansh iam not expect this life jaan. Thanks for everything…after u enter my life totally changed. It’s like heaven saying riddhima crying
Vansh wipe a tears….I also thanks to u…u change me lots sweetheart…I love you
I love you too vansh
Vansh: so shall we do something
Riddhima: pervert
only for u jaan saying Vansh move forward
Riddhima backward
Vansh forward and she take backward… now riddhima fall on bed Vansh hover over her but riddhima became ziddhima so she took a pillow between them and smile bcz she do intensely and teasing vansh
Vansh: I controll my self when u with me that time we r not married but now we married so my Sabar time is finish now it’s only for action time saying vansh capture riddhima lips… between the kiss vansh remove riddhima’s dress now she wear only bra and panty( after all u know na guys)
Vansh and riddhima went honeymoon one month Simla & Dehradun, next one month Maldives and Switzerland
After one year riansh have twins bby next year triple
They lived happily forever
****The end****
Please ignore my poor grammatical mistakes frds.
Thanks for the support and love that you gave me in my previous Os
Sry for late updates bcz I stuck with my studies and my project what I do am final year student ok leave it frds.. next updates ghost wala story so stay tuned frds..
Very beautiful episode
Mind blowing yaar
And ya I am very excited for ghost wala story
So post soon dear
Amazing OS dear

Mind blowing OS. Loved it. Was waiting for this one. Eagerly waiting for next.
keep shining 
Next year triple than next year also

Beautiful di


Keep going..
Loved it
Amazing dear
Awesome dear
Wowww amazing
Loved it