Riansh OS: Death and Returned? Ishq Mein Marjawan 2

All were shocked. How can she claim that she’s not Riddhima? She had the same face. Vansh was once again, broken. His hopes were broken. She wasn’t his Riddhima. But how could he accept it so easily.  He missed that voice, that face that had innocence, happiness, love.
Angre: Bhai she’s the one who were to meet in today’s business meeting.
Raima: Ohh so you are VR- the Vansh Raisinghania! Well, I thought our first meeting would be good, but it I guess not. (facing Vansh) By the way, don’t you know how to drive?
Vansh: Riddhima, stop this acting of yours, come on now, let’s go to VR mansion. We’ll talk there.
Raima: Riddhima! Riddhima! Riddhima! I’m not Riddhima, I’m Raima! How many times shall I tell you this? (pointing towards Ishani, Sia and dadi) You guys look sensible. Please tell this man, whoever he is to you, to stop calling me Riddhima, I’m not her. Looks like to me that you all think that I’m her and now I understand why. His so called Riddhima looked like me right!
Vansh: Enough! (he snapped) Let’s leave this. How can I know that you’re not my Riddhima?
Raima: What’s there to prove! Anyways I’ll just do it. Ask me all your questions or whatever you want. You can try as much as you want but I am not her.
Vansh: Fine. Then what’s your birthdate?
Raima: 16 Feb and may I know when (stressing on that part) YOUR RIDDHIMA’S birthday is?
Vansh: 20th Sep. Next, What’s my favourite dessert?
Raima: How on earth am I supposed to know that I have never met you in my life then how am I to know what your favourite dessert is but anyway let me take a guess. Cheesecake? That’s my favourite!
Vansh: (thinking-shit! She’s not her) Wrong, Meethibhaat. I bet you don’t even know what that is. What does RS stand for? (thinking Riddhima always want to have a clinic which she wanted to call RS- Riddhima Sejal clinic, after hers and her best friend’s name)
Raima: Raima Sahil Industries. Sahil is my younger brother. Sahil Raichand. What did you think S would stand for? Sejal? (laughing)
Vansh: What! How did you know?
Raima: You thought so. Well, Sejal is my mom’s name and Ranveer is my dad’s. Oh, so the quiz is over right? (picking up her phone from the drawer and dialling a number)

Her talking style, arrogance in her voice, pride and wittiness had shattered everyone’s hopes. Vansh was the most affected. It was clearly visible that she wasn’t Riddhima. Vansh signalled Angre to send the rest of the family home but before he could Raima called someone and was left on speaker mode by mistake.
Raima: Heyy honey! How are you? Do you know how much I missed you!
Unknown: Oh, come on sweetheart how can I ever be fine without you. I’m waiting for you; did you finish the meeting with VR?
Raima: oh, not yet I met with an accident but…. Don’t need to worry about anything. I’m fine. (looking at Vansh) Guess what it was VR who caused the accident and helped me.
Unknown: What! Accident! Which hospital? I’m coming there right away! Take care
Raima: Ok I’m at …… hospital. Waiting! Bye love!!

Vansh and the rest of the family were curious to know who this guy was to whom she was referring to as honey and love!
Ishani: Was that your boyfriend?
Raima: Yes. He was any problem.
Vansh was shell shocked. A boyfriend! Riddhima had a boyfriend. He was burning with jealousy from inside. He was a volcano ready to erupt. How could she love someone else, she loved him! He forgot it wasn’t Riddhima but Raima. It was terribly hard for him to accept it. His hands fisted as she kept on talking about her boyfriend and his qualities to Ishani. He couldn’t wait to face that guy who was going to go near her in his presence. He couldn’t wait to beat him blue and black. How dare he hang out with her. How dare he called his Riddhima sweetheart. Only Vansh had a right to call her that and no one else. The door flung open. There he was. Vansh’s most awaited person.
Unknown: Sweetheart!! I’m here!
Raima: Aarav! (She quickly pulled him into a long hug)

Vansh’s POV: (looking at his watch) he’s hugging for more than a minute now, how dare he hug her in the first place. How dare he touch her!
Angre’s POV: Aarav You’re gone now, looking at bhai’s gestures, he’s going to beat you up! Better back off!
Aryan’s POV: If she’s my sister-in-law then definitely bro isn’t going to spare Aarav. I know his anger very well, I guess I will have to book another room in this hospital.
Ishani’s POV: OMG! This can’t be Riddhima. How can she do that. Even if she’s Raima and not Riddhima, she shouldn’t have done that, bhai isn’t going to spare your bf. He never let anyone stare at Riddhima earlier then how he would let someone hug her! I’m 100% sure that he’s going to blow up soon.
Sia and dadi looked at each other then the rest. They knew what everyone was thinking, as if they had telepathy. Finally, Vansh blew up. That led to them to part ways from each other.
Vansh: Enough both of you!
Raima: Huh?
Vansh: I mean to say, you can do all that later (gritting his teeth to what his saying) for now we need to discharge you and you’re going to stay at my place.
Aarav: Excuse me, who are you to tell her where she’ll be going. She’ll come with me. I guess you’re the VR and if so then this is all you fault!
Vansh: And that’s why I’m asking her to come with me to cover up for what happened, we’ll take care of her and her expenses till she recovers. I want her to be with me… (realising what he said) I mean she’ll be with me and we can discuss about the deal too.
Raima: (irritated) stop fighting! And you MR VR don’t try to say that I can’t afford my own expenses, I very well can, and I think you know about that too! Well, your idea isn’t that bad too. Fine I will come. (looking at Aarav) But on a condition…. my honey will come with me.

Vansh had no other option than to agree and bear him for his sweetheart. Deep inside him he truly believed that she was his Riddhima. They completed the discharge formalities and took her to VR Mansion. Aryan, Ishani, Sia and Angre reached first to handle the problem that would arrive as soon as they step in the house; Anupriya. In these 5 months she had shown her true colours. No one expected her to be like that, she was a chameleon, changing her colours every time. As expected, when they entered, she was waiting for them.
Anupriya: (bossy) Where were you all?
Ishani: I don’t think you need to know. Just because you’re getting to stay in this house doesn’t mean you have to know everything, better stay in your limits.
Anupriya: Ishani!! You very well know what I can do so better respect me! You already have seen what I can do, don’t you remember? Shall I show it again by doing it on you this time?
Sia went behind her brother. She never wanted to face it again, it was tragic day for her. It all started running in her mind, making her tremble with extreme fear. Aryan noticed this and signed towards Angre. They went and stood in front of her to face the witch. Watching this, Sia got her strength, she knew her brothers were always there for her.
Aryan and Angre: (in Unison) Don’t you dare! (Standing strongly in front of Ishani and Sia) We’re there to protect them.
Anupriya: (sarcastic) Aww look at these possessive and protective brothers! You couldn’t do anything when it happened with Sia, then what will you do now. Anyway, I don’t want to spoil my day.

Anupriya was another name for a devil. She had tortured Sia. Just then Vansh arrived. He entered the house with Dadi, Raima and Aarav. It was clearly visible to Vansh that Anupriya had said something that made Aryan and Angre to stand in that posture. Anupriya’s face was worth watching. Her eyeballs came out of her sockets due to the terrific shock she received when she saw Raima. She was unaware of the fact that she wasn’t Riddhima but Raima. Vansh went to her and wrapped his fingers tightly around her arms and dragged her to the corner most of the house. He wanted to talk to her.
Vansh: Shocked…. huh? (smirking) Well yes, she’s alive. My love for her was strong enough for her to stay alive.
Anupriya: No!! that’s not possible. How is she alive? She someone else! It can’t be her.
Vansh: Yea you’re right it’s not her. She’s Raima Raichand. I just wanted to see your shocking face. So, don’t you dare disturb her by any means! Get it!! I don’t want you going near her.
Anupriya: Oh, look who’s threatening (Smiling) you still think you can boss around me. All you siblings are the same, I guess you’ve forgotten about what happened 3 months back. I can remind you again, demonstrating it on Ishani this time.
Vansh: Enough! All this time I didn’t speak because I was a dead body, living lifeless. Now my life has returned, even though she isn’t Riddhima, her face gives me the strength. You can’t do anything to any of my siblings when their elder brother is still alive. Dare not! It’s a warning to you and I think you know what I had done to your spy 6 months back. I can do worse than that and this time on you! Watch out!! (left for the hall)
Anupriya: (murmuring) He’s going wild now. I can’t do anything. (scared) I’ll have to just wait. (she left towards the hall too)

Continued on next page…

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Love art, love dance, love music and love my friends and fam❤❤ Huge fan of Dhvani Bhanushali (singer) and IMMJ2

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