Riansh OS: Death and Returned? Ishq Mein Marjawan 2

One month had passed. Vansh and Raima were in better terms than before. He enjoyed working with her. He was always looking forward to spending time with her, as he always felt it was Riddhima beside him. They had cute moments between them, cute banters between them, concern for each other. He really missed Riddhima. Ishani and Raima had become close and were like best friends. The rest of the family enjoyed Raima’s company and the way she was in action whenever Anupriya popped in, she tortured her. Behaved the same way as she behaved with everyone. It was as if she was getting her punishments for being so evil to the family who always accepted her.  Aryan and Sahil were good friends too and Sahil also liked Vansh. Vansh and Aarav still had their bitter relationship. Vansh had done everything possible to get rid of him; sending him away for a week, engaging him in work, Angre taking him out for parties to keep him busy.
Somewhere at midnight:
In a dark and solitude room, there was a person. A silhouette figure under the faint light hanging from the ceiling. Crossed hands and concentrating on the view in front; a board where Anupriya’s photos were pinned with huge crosses. Seemed like she was a target.  Two men entered the room. One tall and lean and the other short and muscular. They both wore black track suits with hoodies covering their face. Their faces came to light when they lifted their hoody up… It was Angre and Aryan.
Both in unison: Plan successful!!
Unknown person (turning to them) Not yet! It is not over yet, there’s more to this. We shouldn’t celebrate for small victories.

The unknown came to the light. It was a girl. Riddhima or Raima? All of them laughed in unison. It was their plan to destroy Anupriya after all she had done.
Riddhima: our plan in torturing Anupriya was successful. Faking my death, entering as Raima, staying the house as a business partner. (smirking) So much just to punish her for her deeds and to protect my love; Vansh. Everything for him. I had to put him in guilt because of that lady! I had to hurt him while pretending to be Raima. I had to put salt on his wounds every time we had a moment by telling him that I’m not Riddhima! (teary) But soon it’s going to be over, we’ll all live happily.
Angre: Yes Bhabhi. You did all this protect bhai and not to hurt him, please don’t blame yourself. Thank God I found her truth earlier and we were able to plan her doom. Your wounds and injuries took 4 months to recover. I still feel guilty for not reaching on time down the cliff. If I would have … (looking towards her with tears) No one noticed why I was away every weekend in those months. Bhai was suffocating himself; it took him a long time to recover from his loss.
Riddhima: I know! My heart was bleeding when I saw him in that state after I recovered. Although I was away from him, I knew what he felt. We are connected through our hearts. It took us so much stime to convince him that I wasn’t Riddhima. He knew it, I was his Riddhima. (with a smile) (she signalled Aryan)
Aryan: Coming down from London was all a plan too. I had to be with bro, for him I could do anything. Convincing Sahil and Aarav to be part of the act. Their acting is commendable, I mean a protective brother and another, a useless bf. Bhabs did you see how bro was reacting when he saw you with Aarav! He was burning! (laughing) (stopped when Riddhima gave him a serious look) Sorry, couldn’t help it. But the way you tortured Anupriya, epic man!
Riddhima: This is nothing compared to what she’s going to receive after! The way she sneakily changed the property papers, and all the blackmailing will go back to her. She will face it (anger)
Angre: But Bhabhi you told us that there’s some fourth person involved with us. We’ve never seen him or her. Who is it?
Aryan: Yea what’s that suspense? This curiosity will kill this cat and mouse here (looking at Angre) (Angre gave a stern look at Aryan)
Angre: Did you just call me a cat?
Aryan: who said so, I called you the mouse (with pride) and myself the cat. (Angre was annoyed)
Riddhima: (she giggled) Tom (looking at Aryan) and Jerry (looking at Angre) stop chasing each other now and wait. I’ll introduce to you. You’ll be shocked knowing the person but keep your horses on track and I’ll explain everything. And it’s a him. (assuring)
Both in unison: (with curiousness and doubt) And who’s that…?

Riddhima signalled them to look towards the door, opening. A figure arrived. The him wore a grey track suit, half of his face covered by his hoody and his face looking down. As the darkness had hit them, they weren’t able to clearly see his face. Angre and Aryan had mixed feelings. Feelings of excitement. Feelings of appreciation for helping them. Feelings of curiousness. He closed the door gently and approached them. He removed the hoody and the light on top of them made it visible for them to see. They were aghast! They never imagined it could be him. They only had one relationship between them: hatred and enmity. Then how was he in the plan? That too of protecting Vansh?

Surprisingly, it was none other than Kabir! He was the fourth member of the gang. The two boys stood there startled. There was an awkward silence between them. Angre took the opportunity and broke the dead silence.
Angre: (Facing Riddhima) Bhabhi, what is he doing here? (with anger) Has he blackmailed you again? If he has then I’m not going to spare him (approaching towards him with full anger)
Riddhima: Angre don’t you trust me? He isn’t blackmailing me. He’s reformed!
Aryan: Bhabs I’ve heard that a dog’s tail will always be crooked, it can never turn straight. How can you trust him?
Riddhima: I know that Aryan, but I know what I’m saying. He’s done a lot to protect Vansh after he got to know what a betrayal is, by his own mother. Anupriya. (they were stupefied to know that she was his biological mother) She betrayed her own son in the plan. She kicked him off. That is when he came to me. He proved it by helping and saving Vansh from the fire that day.  Remember?
The whole family had gone to their farmhouse. They wanted Vansh to come out in the open. They were staying the weekend there. Sia’s carelessness in the kitchen led to a fire. Vansh had saved his sister but never wanted to save himself. He had done it before as well. And he did it again. He stayed inside there, he wanted to meet his sweetheart in heaven. He always searched for opportunities to kill himself. But as Riddhima had an eye on everything she told Kabir to prove himself right by saving Vansh out. His punishment would be his death in the fire if he wouldn’t bring him out. Kabir was ready to do it. He did it successfully.
Aryan: His mother turned out to be a snake! Venomous! (he looked at Kabir) Welcome to the gang Kabutar! Thanks for saving bro. (he noticed Angre staring at him) Why are you staring at me like an owl? First a mouse and now an owl? Personality disorder (he said while shaking his head and Riddhima giggled)
Angre: (took the golden chance and hit him on his head) Stop it! I don’t feel good about this decision!
Riddhima: Angre look…. (was cut short when Kabir answered)
Kabir: Ridz let me explain. Angre I know you won’t trust me at all due to our past. Aryan doesn’t know much about this so its easy for him. (Aryan made a face) Angre I had enmity with Vansh, and I even agree being a cop I shouldn’t have crossed my limits to arrest him and attack him. My so-called mum…
Aryan: You can just call her a snake! (The trio gave him a glare and he raised his hands up in the air)
Kabir: (Continuing) she had manipulated me the way I had manipulated Riddhima against Vansh. All she taught me was how to take revenge and she filled me with hatred and vengeance towards Vansh, because of his property. After Riddhima had fallen off the cliff I had gone to her in a few days when she told me how she emotionally blackmailed Vansh and made him sign his property papers, converting almost everything possible to her name. But Anupriya (looked at Aryan when he tried correcting him) I know! When the SNAKE (he stressed on the words and Aryan smiled) kicked me off the plan and decided to kill me. She is a greedy, selfish and a disgusting woman. For money she was ready to lose everything, even her son. That is when I thought of taking what she had taught me in action, revenge. I felt guilty for doing all that to Riddhima and Vansh. Their true love won. I realised I lost the most precious thing I had in my life (looking at Riddhima) just for money and the SNAKE.  I decided to approach Angre when I overheard him talking to Riddhima. I followed him to this place and saw Riddhima alive. I was elated but curious to know why she was hiding herself. I decided to face her and after that you know what happened. I’m sorry Angre! Please forgive me if you can, I have done my best to protect Vansh to cover up for all the misdeeds I did. (he had tears in his eyes)
Aryan: Kabutar I think this snake should be soon killed. This plan is the best to destroy her, a perfect mongoose!
Riddhima: Aryan…. Are you ok? Have you turned into an animal lover or? You’re giving animal names to almost everything. First Cat, Kabutar (pigeon), mouse, snake, mongoose, and owl (she laughed)
Aryan: It’s called talents Bhabs (he said proudly patting himself) (Angre and Kabir smiled)
Angre: Bhabhi fine I agree on your saying. (turning to Kabir) I forgive you! Come in for a group hug. (Angre pulled Kabir into a tight hug portraying his approval. Aryan joined in too.)
Riddhima: So, you guys made team of your own, huh, leaving me! Three musketeers! (pouting with a cute face)
Trio: Yea of course! (smiling) Don’t worry the Cat, mouse and Kabutar can’t forget their queen! (they pulled her into it)
Riddhima: Jokes apart! We need to get back to work. (they went to the serious mood and got back to work.)

Continued on next page…

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Love art, love dance, love music and love my friends and fam❤❤ Huge fan of Dhvani Bhanushali (singer) and IMMJ2

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