Riansh OS: Death and Returned? Ishq Mein Marjawan 2

They went back to their secret planning. They wanted to add an extra twist in defeating and destroying Anupriya. They were engrossed in planning that they lost track of time. It was morning. Vansh came downstairs, searching for Angre. He was never late. He called out for Aryan. He didn’t respond to it either. He noticed Sahil getting down the stairs so decided to question him on Raima’s whereabouts. Sahil was searching for her too. It got on to their nerves, they were angry at all three of them. They went somewhere without informing. Sahil become the protective brother and Vansh the protective husband. They got worried. They had taken the whole mansion on their heads. Just then they saw the door opening. The trio entered together shocking the rest of the family. Vansh and Sahil rushed to them.
Sahil: Rai, where were you? I’ve told you more than a million times to not go anywhere without informing me!
Vansh: Exactly! (concern) Do you know how I felt again! (turning to Angre and Aryan) Where were you two? How are you three together? Weird to see you all together in the morning, never happened before.
Raima: (Aryan and Angre looked at each other and then to Riddhima, realising their mistake) Bhai don’t worry I’m fine.  Vansh we simply went for a walk! (pointing towards their clothes) I was leaving for my usual walk, but a bit earlier than I usually go when I met Angre and Aryan so decided to have a walk with them.
Aryan: Yea bro, don’t worry Riddhim…I mean Raima is right. And don’t worry bro no one can attack me! I agree I am so handsome and attractive, but they would have to control.
Vansh: Aryan!! (glaring at him) Angre and Aryan get ready we need to leave! Raima you can take an off today! (she nodded and he left)

They left for their normal workday. In the house everyone expected the same from Raima and Anupriya. It was entertaining. Raima decided to take the ultimate step of her plan. Get the property papers and name it all again to Vansh. She left the rest in the hall and sneaked into her room. She searched the room for the papers when she finally did. She took them safely and went to her room.

The main job was still pending. Her signatures. Once done her pride would be shattered into millions of pieces. She would lose everything she had; she would be on the streets begging for love. All her acts would be out in the broad day light. She knew one secret of Anupriya which no one knew. She had killed Vansh’s mother to take her place. She was a murderer. Slowly after she trapped his father, she made him disappear. She quickly rushed out her thoughts and went to her closet to remove a glass bottle. It contained truth serum. It would make anyone to say their truth when they wouldn’t be in their senses. She scurried to the kitchen and prepared juice for her. She added the serum in to it, waiting for the moment when it would all be out.

The servant took the juice for her and Raima went behind her. She waited for half an hour. During that time Vansh called her.
Vansh: How are you doing sweethear… I mean Raima.
Raima: (to herself) He still thinks I’m Riddhima and I like it, I missed being called sweetheart but soon its going to be over. (she giggled) What happened to me? And why do you keep on calling me sweetheart? Listen to me I’m repeating this for the final time.
Vansh: (he cut her) I know, doesn’t matter. You better send your bf somewhere for work as I can’t stand him anymore!
Raima: What’s wrong with him … anyway send him here, we’ll spend time together!
Vansh: No Way!! (jealous) I will just do something about him, might as well murder him!
Raima: I heard you (she giggled sensing jealousy then she realised about her plan) Alright I need to leave, I have some work.
Vansh: where you going? Let me send a car for you.
Raima: Chill, why are you overreacting? Is it that you’re liking me? (she raised her brows)
Vansh: (flirting) Yes, I like you Raima as I see Riddhima in you. Ang you know it.
Raima: (feeling jealous of her own self) To herself: is he liking Raima and leaving Riddhima behind as his past? No! how can he leave me! Wait why am I jealous of my own self…. Raima and Riddhima are the same! Uff.  What!!
Vansh: Yea! Anyway, answer my question! I’ll send a car for you.
Raima: in the study room, send me car its too far! (sarcastic) Bye!
Vansh: Oh… umm bye!

Raima rushed out of her room to Anupriya’s. While in the office Aarav was entertaining the staff. Aryan and Angre were enjoying too. Sahil was busy with Vansh, going through some files when he noticed Aarav’s antics.
Sahil: What is this boy doing? Uhh! I don’t know what my sister saw in him and chose him. (he facepalmed his head lightly)
Vansh: I always said that! Bad choice. He’s so irritating, I wonder how you handled him before this.
Sahil: To be honest, my sister must have gone insane while choosing him as her bf back in UK.  She should have chosen someone like you (he said trying to tease Vansh)
Vansh: Really! (he couldn’t stop himself) I mean thanks but its too late now
Angre and Aryan entered their cabin.
Aryan: Bro I think we got a free clown! Sahil No offense.
Sahil: Ohh no don’t worry, he’s a clown to me as well. (they laughed.) Aryan do you remember our college times. You were quite like him (he laughed leaving Vansh and Angre embarrassed)
Aryan: Sahil stop it yaar!
Vansh and Angre: You were like this? Oh God! Then we got two clowns for free! (they laughed giving each other a hi-five)

After a while
Vansh got a call followed by Aryan and next Angre. Dadi had called Vansh, Ishani called Aryan and Sia called Angre.
Vansh: yea dadi, any work?
Dadi: Vansh…they (crying)
Vansh: (worried) dadi what happened? Why are you so nervous?
Aryan: Ishani, what sup?
Ishani: they both aren’t there! (her sound shaking)
Aryan: Sis what happened you sound worried.
Sia: Angre pls come as quickly as you can, they’re missing! (trembling)
Angre: Sia pls say it clearly, you are scaring the ghost out of me!
Dadi: Anupriya and Raima are missing!!
Ishani: Anupriya and Raima are missing!!
Sia: Anupriya and Raima are missing!!
The trio on the call: What!! We are coming!

Continued on next page…

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Love art, love dance, love music and love my friends and fam❤❤ Huge fan of Dhvani Bhanushali (singer) and IMMJ2

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