Riansh OS: Death and Returned? Ishq Mein Marjawan 2

Vansh entered the room quietly. His heart was crying seeing her like that. She was lying there lifeless, with the oxygen giving her support. Lots of tubes piercing her soft skin, transporting liquids to her body. He sat besides her and held her hand lightly. He revived all their memories together and felt guilty when the incident flashed in front of him, not being able to save her. He caressed her hair and gave her a peck on her forehead. He just wanted her with him. He wanted to live with her through all the phases of life, from being together to parenthood to old age.
Vansh: Please Riddhima wake up, I can’t live without you! Not again! I want you with me. I wasn’t with you before when you needed me but now, I’m there, so please fight and wake up for me. Everyone says you were very strong last time, then why not now. Don’t you want to live with me? (a tear from his eye fell on her eyelid) Come on. (he saw her eyes moving and her hands tightened around his) Riddhima! (with happiness) Get up! Look I am here. Aryan! Angre!! Call the Doctor!
Angre: (came in hearing his voice) Bhai what happened any problem?
Vansh: She’s responding, call the doctor.
Sahil: (he entered followed by Aryan and Kabir) I’ve called him. Come on Ridz You can do it!
Kabir: Vansh don’t worry I know Riddhima, she’s not a coward, she’s brave and a fighter!!
Doctor: (entered) Is she moving? (Vansh nodded) This is a miracle. I need all of you to go out, she’s getting conscious.
Vansh: I’m not leaving her (stubborn)

Vansh was stern with his decision. The doctors tried to convince him, but it was a failure. He didn’t budge but everyone’s eyes had water when they heard a weak and feeble voice calling out to him.
Riddhima: Va..nsh yo…u a..re so stubb…born! (her eyes looking at him with a faint smile on her face)
Vansh: Not less than you (he smiled at his sweetheart.) You’re Ziddhima, double stubborn than what I am. Doctor I told you she’s a tigress, she’s a tiger’s tigress, My tigress, My Riddhima! (he caressed her face) Shush I told you relax, let the doctor examine you and we’ll all come! (when she was about to speak)
Riddhima: (Nodded) hmm.

The doctors treated her and asked them to visit her. She was doing stable. They all entered one by one gathering around her. They waited for her to open her eyes and she saw all of them. Vansh went near her.
Vansh: You okay sweetheart?
Riddhima: Yea I’m okay, you and my gang?
Aryan: don’t worry Bhabs, we are fine, when we have such a fierce lady with us, who could even think of harming us!
Vansh: The gang! (sarcasm)
The five: Of course! The Famous five (they laughed leaving Vansh alone)
Vansh: You all are my brothers and not hers, Interesting Very interesting, all my brothers are with you know, all are your spoons.
Aryan: you can call us whatever you want bro but one thing Kabutar is not your brother but sautan!
Vansh: Kabutar? (realising) Ohh Kabir, yea I know he’s not my brother, but we can be one? (facing Kabir) And being about a sautan that was the past am I right or am I right?
Kabir: For being brothers I don’t mind but I regret for losing something so precious (Looking at Riddhima) Anyway I’ve done a favour on you by sending her to you. (he held his tongue out)
Vansh: Very funny, but I’m her husband(possessive) and thanks.
Sahil: But her boyfriend is at home?
Angre: I still remember when he was introduced. Bhabhi and his hug. I thought that he was gone looking at Bhai’s face, as if he were about to give him a blow. (they laughed over his jealousy)
Vansh: Huh? That irritating guy Aarav. And Angre I didn’t do anything then but I’m not going to spare him now! How dare he could hug you? Riddhima what made you choose him as your bf?
Riddhima: So, you didn’t mind me choosing anyone else? I was going to choose Kabir!
Vansh: No! okay fine but why Aarav? I must say, your acting skills were too good! Raima’s attitude, her speaking style, her dressing sense, her taunts, and antics, were just fabulous, nothing like you.
Riddhima: (with a puppy face) Does that mean you like Raima more than Riddhima? You don’t love me anymore?

Everyone laughed on her question. They all spent some time together and bid goodbye to Sahil and Aarav. Kabir moved in VR Mansion. After a weeklong, Riddhima returned to VR mansion where she was welcomed grandly. Ishani apologised for disliking her before and they had a good bonding. She shared all her stories with Vansh, about her original plan and execution. They confessed their love and had lovely and precious moments between each other.

7 years later!
Two small children (twins) were shown entering a room followed by two elders. The children called out to their parents. The parents arrived.
Child 1: (girl) Mafia Man!!
Child 2: Ziddhima!!
Vansh: (holding the girl’s ear) Riva!! Who told you to call me this? (with a doubt)
Riddhima: (holding the boy’s ear) Rivan! Ziddhima huh? You call your mum that? You two little devils call your parents with names? Who taught you this?
Two voices in unison: Of course, us! (proud of themselves)
Vansh: Kabir!! Ishani! You both are made for each other; your antics suit you both very well! (sarcasm)
Riddhima: You both, I am not going to spare you! (To Rivan) Look babu don’t listen to them. (pulling his cheek)
Vansh: (to Riva) Princess I told you to not listen to them, right? (To Rivan) I also told you right babu?
Riva and Rivan: Kabir and Ish you both always get us in trouble(pouting), But we still are in your team We will call them that! Mafia man and Ziddhima!! (they ran towards them and laughed)
Vansh and Riddhima: Uff!! (in annoyance but smirked) Don’t worry if you two have these two then us two have one in our team. (They called out a name together) Anika!!
Anika: (rushed to them and gave them a hug shocking Kabir and Ishani) (Kabir and Ishani’s daughter) Mamu!! Ridz!!
Kabir: (dazed) Anu! You have gone to their team. My girl left dada’s team and went mamu’s team? Not Fair!
Vansh: Everything is fair in War, love, and game! Am I right or am I right Anu!! (she nodded) What did we teach you? Show them.
Anika: Kabutar and Ishush!! (they laughed hi-fiving)
Ishani: Anu you called your mum Ishush! Bhai what did you teach her!
Kabir: Kabutar!! Not again! My girl is calling her dada a pigeon! I can’t now. Aryan was enough now even her! Bhaii!
Anika: Mr. Kabutar don’t think that this emotional blackmail is going to convince me! (the rest of the elders stood in shock while the twins laughed)
Kabir: (to Ishani) proven like mother like daughter! (he remembered when Ishani had said that same line to him when he had forgotten her birthday)
Riddhima: Tit for Tat! (they all laughed and shared a moment together.)

Two years after everything was fine, Riddhima had given birth to twins. They named them by joining their names. Riva and Rivan. In those two years Kabir and Ishani had fallen in love and they had married each other. After Riva and Rivan turned 1 year old, they got a baby sister, Anika; Kabir and Ishani’s daughter. They also took inspiration form Riansh and named her after their names. The house was lively with the children playing around. Dadi had got some work to do. She played all day long with the three and spent most of their time with them. The two protective fathers always protected and took care of their children as well as their wives. Sia was also hooked up with Sahil. It was their engagement that day. Their moment was interrupted by Sia who took a family pic. She had come to call them for the engagement but instead found them spending time without her.
Sia: There you go, a perfect picture! (she showed them)
Vansh: It can never be a perfect pic without you, Aryan, Dadi and Angre. (he saw them all following)
Aryan: Anika, Riva and Rivan, come on let’s go with me, we need to dance. (they followed him)
Sia: Shall we go!! (excited)
Everyone: Someone’s eager to get engaged!! (they laughed while Sia blushed)

Sahil arrived with his parents and they had started the engagement. The children along with Aryan were dancing and having fun while playing some pranks on the guests. Sahil was adoring his would-be fiancée while Sia was thinking about his qualities that made her go mad behind him. Kabir was staring at Ishani which made her blush hard till her cheeks were as red as an apple. He went near and gave her a peck on her cheeks. They smiled at each other. Vansh was looking somewhere else. Riddhima noticed this and followed his eyes. She misunderstood and thought he was looking at another girl. She was pissed and was burning in jealousy. She went to him and stomped her heels on his feet, making him wince in pain. Vansh understood and laughed at her innocence. He told her that he was indeed looing for a girl called Raima. They both had a fun banter and laughed when their children came and pulled them to the dance floor. Riddhima thanked God for their happiness.

Just then they heard a loud scream. Vansh ordered for the music to stop. They tried to locate the scream when they realized it was familiar. It was Anika! Kabir and Ishani panicked when they didn’t find her. Where had she gone? Why did she scream?

So I hope you enjoyed reading my first trial. I’m working on another OS which is about Riansh separated where Riddhima is with their kids (twins) and is in comatose due to an incident while the kids venture to find the reason behind the separation of their parents, and are on a mission to reunite their parents. I’m sorry if this OS too long. Please do support me.
Lots of Love ❤❤Parita.

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Love art, love dance, love music and love my friends and fam❤❤ Huge fan of Dhvani Bhanushali (singer) and IMMJ2

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