Hey guys, This Os I have posted it a long time back on Wattpad, Here I am reposting it here, If you find an author note, Then It must be for the time I was still updating it. I hope you like it.

R’s pov

I was shivering at my house thinking of what is coming next in my life. I am trapped badly because of him. He destroyed my life completely, it will be a miracle if I survive all now! I have no family or friends who can help me or just advise me. My thoughts were interrupted by the knocks on the door announcing the arrival of problems. Yes! I have no one who can come and see me without having problems with me.

The knocks became louder that I knew If I don’t open the door, it will be broken soon.

On the other hands

A man was in full arrogance sitting on his chair as if he owns the whole world, He wasn’t any less of a king, His look was so sharp and intimidating that no one dares to meet his eyes or deny him. He always gets what he wants whatever was the price.

V: did you send them?

He asked his bodyguard who stood obediently bending his head: Yes, Boss.

V: They are late, I think you appointed useless people, Angrey, Kill them!

Ang: B(He gave him one look that made him gulped his saliva in fear and nodded his head moving toward the entrance waiting for the men he gave them that mission.

They reached with a tiny figure blindfolded and handcuffed, Angrey held her arm pulling her with him while he signaled the men, and walked away hearing the bullets were fired ad bodies fell on the ground.

Ang: Boss, She is here!

V: so finally, I will get to see the woman who dared to try to steal my money! Actually not you, Your husband! But How can I take my money & my revenge from a dead man? That’s why you’re here sweetheart!

The girl: mmmmmmmmmm

V(holding her chin): Why hurrying? Still, you’ll scream when I torture you every day for the cheat I got.

She was crying, He could hear her sobs still he was finding it so enjoyable to break her more.

V: Let me see her face ! She must have a cunning face like her husband.

He removed the blindfold and his eyes were wide opened staring at the beauty in front of him. He expected everything but to see that innocence in her eyes.

R: Please, Let me go !! I will try my best to return the money! It’s his fault why am I taking the punishment for it?

V: do you have any idea how much money He stole from me? Millions !! Do you think you can afford it?

R(folded her hands in front of him): Please, free me! I swear I didn’t do anything!

V: Even If I was so merciful and left you, Others will kill you, Do you think I am the only one from whom He stole? NAAAA !! Actually, you’ll be so lucky if they only kill you without torturing you.I have a proposal for you, If you want to run from this, (He came closer and leaned to her ear and whispered something that made her opened her eyes in shock then slapped him in the heat of the moment, He didn’t move after what she did as it was unexpected, She heard gasps from people who were there, and It was enough for her to know that she sc*** up badly, Before she could apologize or justify, Angrey moved fast and held her arm again only for Vansh to lift up his hand stopping him) Now, Pakka you’ll be my slave, You’ll get to know what is it to slap Vansh Raisinghania! Take her to my room.

She widened her eyes and pleaded him.

R: No please, You can’t do that to me! Please, I am sorry !!

V: too late, Beautiful! (cupping her face harshly) Your punishment will be my way !!I am Vansh Raisinghania!! People fear meeting my eyes and you dared to slap me! Believe me, you are going to have a good punishment for it, I don’t appreciate to repeat my words, Angrey , Take her !!

Aryan: Vansh’s cousin and his best friend

Aryan tried to interfere: Bhai, Just forgive her, she didn’t mean to !

V(glared at him): You know very well that I hate people who puts their nose in my matter ! Stay away of this matter, Aryan!! Now this beautiful has only two choices, either she’ll be my slave or (smirked) Angrey, call all people from whom her husband took loans, Tell them, Vansh Raisinghania is inviting them here.

R(shivered whispering to herself but he heard her) : No !! what is he trying to do !!

V: You still have time, Yes or No !!

R(scared but tried to gather some guts): No

His men looked at her amazed at her courage, she is standing in front of him weak but still stubborn not to bend in front of him. Even Angrey Has the same reaction on his face that tried to mask very hard.

Vansh ‘s blood boiled, The first girl who is refusing to be affected by his scary aura and his money. He wondered what is so special in her that he is making him attracted to have her by any means now, Even if he will announce a war !! But The question is “Is she worthy for all? “, He shrugged these thoughts convincing himself that he wants to punish her and make her regret slapping him.

V: Then Be ready for tonight (Look at his men) Call them, MOVEEEE !!!and She is not allowed out of her room! If You dare to make a move, I don’t know How I will punish you (Taking out his gun) Maybe a bullet won’t be enough if you try to escape! Understood?

Continued on next page…

She didn’t answer and he caressed her face with the gun: Understood?

R(shivering): Y..y…es

She was dragged to a room and locked inside it, she sat on her knees with tears.

R: why always I pay the price of other’s wrongdoing? First Kabir !! and Now this man !! Vansh Raisinghania! What will he do to me? And what punishment? I can’t die! and I can’t do what he is asking me to, Bappa Please help me! I have only you !! No one is there for me!

She buried her face between her legs as she cried.

Aryan looked at Vansh: Bhai, seriously, Why are you hurting that poor girl? If you have something then it’s with her husband !! Why she has to suffer?

V: You’re my sibling or hers? Why are you defending a girl whom you just met?

Ar: It’s not about defense, It’s about what is right and what’s not! And I assure you that what you’re doing now is definitely wrong.

V: Aryan, More word, and I’ll be really mad, and you know my anger right?

Aryan looked at him shocked Because he knows very well that He can even take lives when he is in an angry mood.

Ar: As you wish, Bhai, Just; Try to make sure to not regret it later.

He departed leaving behind him a madder Vansh.

V: She turned my Brother against me within seconds !! Women are definitely cunning !!

He hated her more for being defended by his sibling who is supposed to be with him. Hell!! He knows him for centuries and knows very well his nature! He can’t bear been insulted especially by a mere girl who has nothing especial that made her show him attitude. She crossed all limits and now he’ll cross his!

Aryan walked through the corridor and heard her sobs which made him feel bad for the girl! She doesn’t deserve to be treated like that. She seems so sensitive. He sighed recalling that he can’t challenge his brother even if he was wrong! All he can do is to explain to her.

He entered the room and she jerked hearing the footsteps coming closer to her and moved away to a corner fearing him.

Ar(feeling pity): don’t get scared I am not going to hurt you!!

R(blabbered): why would I trust you?

Ar: you don’t have to!! All you have to do is hearing my words carefully! You did a huge mistake by angering him! And he is not going to let you go for sure. It’s better if you don’t try to fight him, the more you’ll try, he’ll get angrier! And you won’t imagine what he is going to do to you if he loses control over his nerves.

R: please, let me go!! No one will know!!

Ar: I can’t!! He will get you again and I’ll lose my brother forever! I came only to give you free advice, to accept what he told you to do is better than what he has in store for you if you refuse. Now, the decision is yours!

R: what he is intending to do?

Aryan silently walked out of the room leaving her biting her nails in fear and confusion!

R: What will he do? Will he kill me??!! Or even worse, will he torture me??

The moment Aryan was out of the room he found Vansh in front of him smirking.

V: I saw that you warned her dearest brother, (Aryan felt tensed)thank you for that, you guarantee the success of my plan. What was I going to do without you? You did half of the job,I am proud of you!!

Ar: what??! How?

He came closer and whispered : you scared her , but let’s see whether she is smart or dumb! What will she pick the option I gave her or?

At: or?

V: it’s a surprise! And you know me I love giving surprises.

V’s pov

How dare she slap Vansh Raisinghania? Even my own Mother didn’t slap and she had all this courage in her? Let’s see tonight whether it will remain the same or fled away.

I heard her crying again heh as If I am going to fall for this !! I won’t feel bad for her.

Author’s pov

He murmured and repeated to himself that he doesn’t care about her cries, and He left.

Fear increased in Riddhima’s heart with the pass of time, She doesn’t know How he is going to punish her for her not deliberate mistake.

A servant came along with Angrey and put a dress on the bed, She left up her head in a questioning manner.

Ang: Boss is ordering you to wear it for dinner.

R: But it’s so revealing! I can’t wear it !!

Ang: I won’t repeat myself! Within 15 min, get ready, It’s Boss’s orders, You better obey, Don’t make it worse for yourself!

He walked out of the room, and she was about to throw the dress, but the old servant stopped her.

Serv: Beta, Don’t be stubborn, You won’t take it. He is not a normal man, he is The King of the Mafia world too. If He kills you, No one will get to know about you or even dare to question him. Obey him and do whatever he asks.

The old woman’s words made things worse as now Riddhima’s knees were unable to steady her anymore.

The servant came out and Vansh gives her a wide smile: Great job, Dsouza (Poor she I am bothering her soul)

She smiled back at him: Anything for you, Beta!

Riddhima eyed herself as she looks like a wh**re in the dress he gave her. And then Angrey knocked on the door, she opened it with trembling legs trying to cover herself, while He didn’t look at her exposed parts.

Ang: They are waiting downstairs!

Vansh stood there in the middle of his guests waiting for the most special person for whom He organized the event to show up, Hearing heels ascending stairs, He looked up only for his eyes to get stuck to the mermaid coming toward them. Her eyes were moist and he knew the reason! Their eyes met and he saw the hurt look But managed to ignore it.

He traveled his eyes toward the men who were looking at her, No !! eating her with their eyes, and He felt a weird uneasiness and anger.

V(with a loud voice to gain attention): All of you is questioning himself why I invited you all here!

I see you were betrayed by Kabir Sharma, He took your money and fled away, Here I present to you, Riddhima Kabir Sharma.

Riddhima gasped when she looked at the way they eyed her as if they were predators who were ready to attack.

V: Her husband took my money, Let’s start the auction who will give more to take her?

She opened her eyes widely with tears: Nooo!

But he didn’t give a damn about her, Riddhima looked at them, They were from every category, Young, Old, middle-aged still they were ready to take her. The auction started and she was praying to her Bappa that she is just dreaming and not being treated like a piece of shit.

Vansh marched slowly and whispered in her ear: See, This is the price you pay for slapping me, Now, You have two choices, Either Me, Or (Pointing toward them) And when it comes to them, They are so fond of sharing (Her lips shivered while she cupped her mouth to stop her sobs at the revelation)The choice is yours.

She could see different looks at her But strangely Vansh was blocking their way, so they couldn’t see her but still she was able to see them. Some are eying her with lust, and others with hatred.

She heard a man talking to another one: She is so delicate, We can play with her !! and then Making her regret her existence. Her husband Kabir, If only I found the bastard alive, I would have cut his body into many pieces, Because of him, I was jailed !!!

Man2: Hey Jai, We still can have fun and this anger can be fled away !!!

The auction was going in Jai’s Favor which scared her, While Vansh smirked noticing every expression of hers.

Continued on next page…

V(to ANgrey on purpose so that she hears): I think He’ll win for sure, His grudge toward Kabir is limitless, and He’ll Pay any amount to have his ways with her.

ANg: I think the same, Boss!

He felt a hand on his arm and turned to find her: Please, Stop them, I don’t wanna go with them!

V: Mmm Sorry, sweetheart, it’s too late, You said “No” When I asked you !! I guess you better go with them, I don’t wanna force you, See Such a Thorough gentleman I am!

She wanted to kill him for treating her like a b*** but she is trapped in a situation where she has each option worse than the other, If Only she wasn’t obliged, she would have picked that choice.

A voice yelled at her: Enough, Riddhima, He wins and it’s not like that you weren’t treated like that before !! Just give up! The others are worse than him! (with teary eyes she exclaimed her final decision) I agree!

V: come again, sweetheart? You agree for what?

Damn him! He was playing with her to hurt her self-respect and humiliate her more!

R(closing her eyes): I agree to be your slave!

V(touching her face ): Do you know what does it mean? Whatever I ask, You’ll Have to do it quietly! No won’t be an option for you.

R: Just save me (Looking at Jai who almost won the auction but then Vansh turned the table at the last moment)

V: The auction is canceled, From now on, She is mine! No one will dare to harm her, Of course except if he has a death wish that I will Happily fulfill. (to Angrey) Get them out of here, And Bring him to my special place. It has been many days since I had fun !!

Riddhima’s hands tried to cover her but couldn’t as the dress was so revealing that made her really hate herself, she felt dirty, but on other thoughts, She has always had these feelings with Kabir.

Vansh eyed her standing uncomfortable in the dress he chose for her in which she looked like a bomb! and cursed himself!

V(to everybody): Everyone, get out of here!

(They didn’t have to hear it again to digest what he said and didn’t feel like wondering why he asked them to go, What mattered at that moment is obeying him.


She came running: Yes, sir?

V: Take her to my room! $

R’s pov

No !! noo !! God, please save me !! I can’t take it! (Her subconscious mocked her) You’re the one who agreed at the end (She answered back) Because you’re going to be officially a whore who is sleeping with many of them! (Her subconscious mind ) Deah is still a better option ! (She cried) I can’t !!

She was taken to the room and someone closed it from outside, but to her surprise, she heard the door been unlocked, She peeped to see either someone there or not, and luckily no one was around. She jogged fast toward the gate however while going out she heard a noise.

V: Your first mistake is not obeying my words! I told you to back off the moment I signaled you, Jai still you were blinded by lust and anger. What Vansh wants, He owns! You eyed my property and disobeyed me, therefore (A bullet was fired and Jai fell dead in no time, Vansh heard a scream but it was like if someone stopped it in the middle) Who is there??

Riddhima looked at the man who cupped her mouth while he said: SHhhh, Don’t let him know you’re here! Or else you’re dead!

R: You

Man: Shhhh, Gooo!!I didn’t see you

She looked at him with gratitude then run fast at the same time Vansh heard footsteps ad went out only to find Aryan.

V: Aryan? what are you doing here?

Ar: Nothing Bhai, I wanted just to

V: Aryan, Not again, Not the same Topic, Don’t repeat your words about me being wrong and all !!

Ar: Since when you are abusing women? And you? between all people?

V(shouts and lift up his hand and was about to hit him): ARYAAAANNNNNN !!!

Ang(Trying to calm him): Boss

Ar: Sorry, Bhai !! But it’s the truth !! It’s up to you either you understand it or not. I am going!

Ang: Boss

Vansh angrily throws the table and started bleeding, While Angrey apologetically stood there not knowing what he has to do.

V: angrey, get lost from here, I don’t want to do something I’ll regret later.

Dsouza came in hurry there: Sir, she is gone !! she escaped!

Riddhima’s brain cells weren’t working correctly, She just did what she was supposed to do, Running non-stop Till she almost collided with a car, She was scared to ask for help, But almost convinced herself that there will be a knight there who will save her, Like the man who left her ran. Angrey !! He seems harsh still he let her go, and she is grateful for his help.

R(knocked on his window): Please, Help me !! Can you drive me to this address?

The angry voice who answered her startled her as she knows it very well: Of course, Beautiful.

R: Youu

She backed off preparing herself to ran but a hand held her and she looked at him, He was Angrey who gave her a look of apology.

She understood from his look that he wanted to help her but she failed and he can’t go against his Boss.

She saw Vansh’s eyes were red blood due to his fury and he said: Tonight, You’ll know what can be the price of awakening the devil in me! It will be the nightmare of your life that you’ll never forget.

He pulled her to the seat while she hugged her knees to her chest.

Ang’s pov

Boss was never behaving this way! He is the king and everyone fears him still he doesn’t hurt people without being at fault. Why this girl? I felt pity for her and Let her go although I spotted her running. For Boss, This mistake’s punishment is only death! But I took the risk Because I saw my sister in her, I joined the Mafia world for her Because she was murdered Brutally, I had to take revenge and I took it. Sinful people don’t deserve mercy, It’s my rule! Therefore I wanted her to ran but she failed! And I have nothing to do now to help her. I can’t disobey even for her.

Riddhima cried for a long time but he didn’t spare a look at her, He was in full angry mode. Reaching the mansion he pulled her harshly by her arm going toward his room while Aryan eyed them in confusion and Angrey looked down standing near him.

Ar: what happened?

Ang: She tried to run away!

Ar: Oh shit !! God knows what he’ll do now to satisfy his ego.

Ang(warning): Stop!

Ar: Now you’ll behave like Bhai !! Unbelievable!

Ang: Dearest Aryan, Are you really intending to challenge him? Both of us know that he hates betrayal to the peaks. I won’t betray him because I am thankful he was there before and helped me. And I guess you won’t betray him Because you’re scared, So let’s not lecture each other!

Vansh opened the door and pushed her till she hit the ground and bent to her level.

V: If you fight me, I am going to kill everyone related to you, You don’t know me yet, Still much to discover. And By using the word “related”, Your neighbors, The old woman whom you visit, The man that you consider an uncle, Anyone !!!

He said in a dangerous tone whilst she opened her eyes widely in a jolt. She understood what he meant. He’ll kill everyone and he meant it, She could tell with confidence!

He picked her harshly ad threw her on the bed and hovered upon her, At that moment, It reminded her of Kabir, and just closed her eyes giving up in front of her cruel fate.

He captured her lips harshly and says between his kisses: No one dared to do what you did! She moaned with pain but he cared less and traveled his lips discarding her from her dress that wasn’t covering anything anyway!

His lips moved to her neck and bit there leaving a mark while she silently was laying there like a corpse not fighting anymore.

V(whispered in her ear enjoying her state): You’re now Vansh’s possession, You’ve to be happy because I didn’t buy you to be their s*x object! You’ll be just mine, From now on.

Saying those hurtful words, He continued his assault while pressing her chest. She felt disgusted with each touch she received from him.

After a while, He looked at her face only to see her unconscious: This lesson will remind you to never mess with me! (suddenly something caught his eyes ) SHE WAS Bleeding ???!!

V’s pov

I got angry by Aryan’s words that reminded me of the past, his hurtful words + Riddhima’s rejection freed the beast in me and I lost it. I don’t know what irked me more, Her denial or what? Many things were frustrating me that I wanted to burst and take out my frustration on someone! She enraged more me when She ran away and I decided to make the night the worst one of her life. I wanted to kill Kabir’s wife, But looking at her, I changed my mind, I wanted to break her and make her mine! My slave! Ishaani will be punished for sending these bi**chy clothes to her, I hated how they ogled at her, Vansh RAisinghania doesn’t share his possession with someone else. Aryan who never left his head to look at me directly in my eyes is now daring me for her. His insistence to save her is making me madder and I don’t know why I wanted to hurt her badly and punish her for making me feel these weird feelings. She passed out underneath me, Then I saw blood. She was actually bleeding. I jerked covering her with bedsheets and screamed at Angrey to call the doctor. He came and was examining her for a long time while I stood outside holding my breath, I don’t know why I am scared. Vansh Raisinghania is scared.

The doc looked at me and started to explain the reason for her fainting giving me a big shock.

@Heera_porsh @AnjaliMotwani7 @sanjayash and others who are reading for me, It means a lot guys, I know your dislike toward such stories, Even I do as you see. Thank you everyone for your support.

The doc looked at me and started to explain the reason for her fainting giving me a big shock.

I can’t believe it! She was pregnant !! and I ! God what did I do?

AUthor’s pov

Vansh stood speechless as the doctor explained to him that she suffered a miscarriage. Angrey went with the doc while Vansh was still in a state of shock. When did he become so cruel as to kill a baby in his mother’s womb? This question was rolling in his head, but one conclusion was final, It’s the fact that she lost her baby because of him.

He saw her moving while blinking her eyes and analyzing her surroundings, and what is happening to her. Her confused expressions changed into shocked ones soon, and she looked at herself then at Vansh who was looking at her with a weird look. It scared her more.

R(stammering): W..will Y..Y…O…u L..et me G..go N..n…oW? (he kept looking at her the same way, and she thought she saw the pain in his eyes for a moment or just imagined it which encouraged her to speak further) Please, Let me go, I did nothing! Kabir fooled me too, He took all my money, or else I would have given it to you. I want just to raise up my child, Nothing more. (She was speaking and he was drowning with guilt) I promise you that I will be indebted to you forever, Just let me go!

He didn’t utter a word and she was getting tensed: Don’t punish me again, Please! I can’t bear it anymore!

At that moment he noticed her body, She was having traces of burning and wounds.

V: How were you injured?

He almost whispered to her making her doubting her ears, bt then she was perplexed.

R: Which injury?

He pointed toward her shoulder arm, and she covered herself.

R: I injured myself accidentally!

V: Was your husband abusing you?

“You didn’t do any better” She wanted pretty bad to yell at him reminding him of this fact but feared what he’ll do if she made such a reaction.

V: Speak! He did all that to you?

She nodded her head silently and massaged his face in frustration.

V: sleep.

R: Please, I am pregnant! I want to go home, I was happy that finally, he died so that I can live with my child. Please !!

Continued on next page…

V(Emotionless): Sleep, Riddhima.

He said before strolling out of the room only to find Aryan who looked angrily at him.

Ar: Now because of you a mother lost her baby !! Can you meet your eyes in the mirror? Can you still look at her face? and this (throwing a file toward him)you need to read it just to know that the woman you think is cunning, is actually a victim. Her doctor said she was raped by Kabir, Now, You’re really stoop so low that I can even see you! You deserve what happened in the past.

Angrey widened his eyes not believing that he actually said that while Vansh lift up his hand and slapped him.

V(putting the gun on his forehead): Your first mistake and the last forgiven one, Aryan, Today, I will act as if I didn’t hear you. Next time, I won’t hesitate to shoot.

Ang: Boss, Please; He didn’t mean that!

Vansh walked away from them still remembering what happened, What he intended to do and why! and what really happened at the end.

Ishaani snapped at Aryan: Why on earth you’re defending the girl? Serves her right !! Her husband cheated Bhai, How dares he?

Ar: Ishaani, Shut up because now my mood is really off.

I: For her? (Side smirk) Did you fall for her dearest Aryan?

Ar: Not your business!

Ang(holding Aryan’s collar): how could you rub salt on his old wounds and reminds him of what happened to his wife and his child? Do you think he deserves to see his wife burnt to death while she is carrying?

Ar(holding Angrey’s collar): and do you think he has the right to rape a girl just because she has the same name as that woman? Do you think she deserves to wake up and found the baby she was protecting is not there anymore?

Voice: My baby died??

Aryan and Angrey both left each other and looked at her as she collapsed on the floor with open eyes.

R: Did He die?

They couldn’t answer her but Ishaani did not care: Yes, you’re not anymore pregnant! Slaves aren’t supposed to be pregnant anyway!

R’s pov

I woke up after fainting looking at my whereabouts, I recalled Vansh and what he did to me, I gave up and lost my consciousness due to my weak state, Doctor always forbade me from stress, But What can I do if my life’s other name is Stress. I saw Vansh in a strange way he was looking at me, I can’t get what happened. Will he let me go after satisfying himself? I hope he does. I am tired, so tired and exhausted. I will leave the city and try to find a job, and somehow save myself from The gangs that are after me. Vansh is not the only one, And I have enough feelings disgusted and helpless. I’ll change my name and start all over again. I begged him to let me go but he asked me to sleep, And wait !! Since when he is talking with me softly? and why? something happened! I can feel it but what? A man like him can not regret using me, He simply went away, ad I heard noises from outside. I grabbed my dress and stood near the door to understand only to hear the worst news she could ever expect.

R: did my baby die?

I looked at them waiting for them to deny it, to say I heard wrong, and nothing like that happened but the girl confirmed it.

V’s pov

I drove my car fast not knowing exactly where am I going, The doc and Aryan’s words kept ringing in my ears, He hit the steering wheel many times and screamed in pain. A car came in my way and I moved the car but due to my speed, It bumped into a tree.

The non-stop ringing of his phone wakes him up from his unconscious state, His head was bleeding and he couldn’t focus still He moved his hand and found his phone. Answering it, Angrey’s voice came from the other side: Boss, Riddhima cut her wrists! Boss?? Boss???

With difficulty, He managed to say two words: Sa…v..e H..e..r

And the phone fell from his hand!

2 hours later
Riddhima was still in the hospital unconscious after almost dying due to her dangerous wound. Vansh arrived with Angrey,his head was bandaged due to the accident he went in, but Angrey came at the right moment after taking Riddhima to the hospital to save him too.

V: how is she?

Aryan didn’t find it necessary to answer his question, and Angrey spoke.
Ang: doc said that her condition is critical.

V( moved his hands in his hair ): all because of me!! I killed her baby!

Not able to stay silent anymore, Angrey decided to speak up.

Ang: yes,it’s your fault boss!!

Aryan looked at him shocked and Angrey carried on: I agree I fought with Aryan because he reminded you of the past but what he said about your cruelty was correct. Your pregnant wife was burnt and she died along with your child, because of a girl whose name Riddhima!! It doesn’t mean you’ll torture every woman who has the same name! That woman was psycho and you took your revenge on her. That lesson should have taught you to respect the other women but sorry to say that I am for the first time since I met you, feeling so disappointed with you. You should let her go now!

V: No!

Ar: can you hear what are you saying? You still have the guts to expect her to stay? What do you want more? Ohh I get it I guess you want to rape her every day, not satisfied with one night right?

V: I said no means No, she can’t go anywhere! She’ll stay in VR mansion.

Ar: I am at a loss for words Here!

Doc (coming out): Mr.Raisinghania, she is awake. You can see her now!

V’s pov

I went inside only to find her with an empty look, dressed wrists, and emotionless eyes. She wasn’t focused on anything and apparently didn’t notice my arrival.

V: Riddhima

She didn’t answer him!

V: I am sorry! I am really sorry I didn’t know! I was agitated but my fault was that I shouldn’t have done it! I can’t undo what happened because of me.

R(in inaudible voice but he managed to hear her): he was my reason to bear everything! Now it’s gone!

Since he lost his family, It was the first time he feels any kind of emotion, He could feel her pain, The pain of waiting for a child and losing it. He wanted to talk but he found no words. and he doesn’t deserve to be forgiven anyway.

Vansh refused to let Riddhima go which irritated the trio, Ishaani because she hates her and the other boys Because they felt bad for her. He warned them to stay away which shocked them. They expected the incident to melt his ice-cold heart Nevertheless they were wrong. People don’t become Angels within few days!

The only difference was that Vansh is taking care of her while she went into depression, She doesn’t talk or eat well. Sometimes He forces her to eat, Yet she doesn’t react. The last time he heard her voice was that day in the hospital. She doesn’t protest whatever was the situation even if the room were set to fire, In short, She became a corpse!

Ishaani was fed up with her Bhai’s care toward the slave girl that she was supposed to be worse than servant as he is treating her like a queen.

I: Bhai, Seriously, what’s wrong with you? Since when you care? And Why about this trash?

V: Get out of here, Ishaani, Next time knock before you come here.

I: She is just a b*** who is supposed to satisfy(He took her by arm and throw her out of his room)

V: I said I want you OUT, and I don’t want to see you near her again, Ishaani !! I am warning you.

All this fight was happening near Riddhima but her eyes were fixed on another corner, the loud voice didn’t bother her.

The other day

Vansh called Dsouza and she came wondering what he required: Sir, You called me?

V: Yes, Help Riddhima to change, I am going out somewhere with her.

Ds: Yes, Sir.

She didn’t ask or feel like questioning where were they going? It has been 2 weeks since she lost her baby, still, she can’t help feel dead, All she could do is seeing everything ith emptiness.

The evening

Vansh arrived with Riddhima and found them waiting, He looked at her then intertwined their fingers.

V: from now on, No one will call Riddhima a slave, she is now Mrs.Vansh Raisinghania, My wife.

All of them looked at him with a jolt and disbelief.

I: Bhai, did you marry her???!!!!!

He ignored her pulling Riddhima with him upstairs leaving their mouths opened.

I : I can’t believe it !! I seriously can’t!

Ang: Why are you thinking too highly of yourself?

I: You’re servant!! Stay within your limits!

Ang: I think yoy should come back to earth.

I : Youuu (She lift up her hand to slap him but he caught her hand and twisted it behind her)

Ang: If I am a servant, Then definitely I am not yours, this misbehavior!! don’t show it to me again.

He pushed her and stood back in his place thinking deeply of why his Boss is behaving like that? Why did he marry her? and why he is not letting her go? Does he see his dead wife in her now? Or he regrets torturing her, Many questions were rolling in his head.

Vansh was looking at the sleeping figure of Riddhima and kissed her hand.

V’s pov

How can I get you back to yourself? How can I rectify what I did? I am sorry, Words can’t describe how sorry I am, I wanted to punish you! I hated you but still was attracted to you, You made me feel things that I hated, All I wanted was to scare you but ended up doing a big sin. I know what your husband did to you! I know now!

He kissed her forehead while Angrey came inside the room: Boss!

V: Why everybody doesn’t have other work than asking me about the same topic?

Ang: Because I can’t believe it !! Because I spent 8 years with you, and it’s hard to believe it. Tell me the truth! Did you really rape her?

V: No! !!!

Ang(stunned): Then? What happened?

V: Whatever happened was a perfect storm! I did not expect her to be pregnant and due to my rage, Her name was always connected in my mind to the cheat type of women, And when she slapped me, She made me out of control, I wanted to humiliate her, I had no mind to rape her, and I didn’t reach that level anyway.

Ang: How did the miscarriage happen?

V: as per the doc due to the stress, but I think due to the way I pushed her with.

Ang: why did you marry her?

V: I (He Was quiet for a few minutes then spoke) I have a doubt but now Riddhima is my priority, Anyone come nearby, Shoot him without thinking twice, The other gangs will try to reach her Because of Kabir and me.

Ang: So you married her to protect her?

V: I want to rectify my mistake, I am the only one who can save her from the situation I put her in. Find a good psychiatrist, She won’t recover by herself, The doctor advised me to start her seances.

Ang: I will find one.

A number called Ishaani: Yes? Okay, I agree! Tomorrow.

Continued on next page…

The other day

Vansh took Riddhima to the hospital where she was supposed to see the doc but stopped in midway.

V: Riddhima?? (she didn’t answer him and head toward another direction) Riddhima this is not the way. (As if hypnotized, she carried on her way toward the sound till he saw her bending toward a small baby who was crying)

R: Shhh don’t cry !! (Vansh was happy to hear her voice after so many days) shhhhh I am here! No one will hurt you, Baby !! (She was holding the baby with unstoppable tears in her eyes)

The baby’s mother arrived there and Vansh gave her a requesting look to let her hug the baby, Despite Understanding her situation, she stood there alert of each move Riddhima made till she parted herself from him and smiled at the woman.

R: He’s adorable, Take care of him, Not every woman is strong enough to protect her baby.

She exits the hospital letting Vansh calling her multiple times, till he reached her and held her arm. She didn’t meet his eyes.

V: Please listen !! I didn’t know that you were pregnant, I know it’s an unpardonable ad unjustified act However I regret it, I had no intentions to harm your baby, I did not even know.

R: I’ll forgive you, But I have a condition.

V: Anything, Ask for anything!

R: bring him back to life !! My baby! I want him, Can you?

She moved when she saw the shock on his face and tried to go but he held her again with painful expressions.

V: I can’t! I know I can’t but I will be your shield till the end. You need me!

R(jerked her hand): Leave me alone, and If you want to kill me, Then just do it, Don’t take so much stress of thinking!

V: Then I am going to take you forcefully! Don’t take my lenience as a weakness! I know what I did is unforgivable However as I said you do need me.

R(screamed): I don’t need you !! An animal like you! I hate you so much!

V(hugged her while she fought him but he caressed her hair till she started sobbing): Everything will be okay !! (he loosened his grip when he noticed that she wasn’t fighting anymore) I’ll fix it.

he made her sit in the car returning to the house while she stormed inside it, Aryan came seeing tears on her face.

Ar(worried): What happened to you? Why are you crying? Are you ok?

R: Ok? Good question!

She left from there and Aryan faced his brother who glared at him: Now what did you do, Bhai?

V: Aryan, Why do you care about Riddhima?

Ar(stammered): I B..Because she is a weak girl!

V: Now, This weak girl has a very strong husband who will bury anyone who dares to eye her (slapping his cheek slightly) Got it?

I: Aryan won’t eye her, why would he?

V: Is it right, Aryan? I thought I saw you yesterday in my room ogling at her while she was asleep !! Last time & last warning! Stay away.

Ar(furious): Why????? You don’t love each other, and you don’t deserve her anyway. I can protect her too, and give her the respect that you couldn’t give it to her.

V: Is it why you were always fighting with me? Did you want her for yourself?

Ar: I wanted to marry her! But youuuuu

V: still I have a doubt !!

Ar(tensed): which doubt?

V: I will deal with you when I make sure of it.

Vansh brought old things he had to Riddhima: I know you can’t forgive me, But at least hear me, I had a family too before, a wife, She was pregnant (Riddhima turned her attention to him) I was so happy and excited to have my own Family. My friend’s name has a name like yours, SHe wasn’t a friend she was an enemy in disguise, I couldn’t see her real face. Therefore, I ended up losing my pregnant wife in the cruelest way, All my dreams and emotions Vanished, I hated women especially this name, When I saw you for the first time, everything was suddenly revived, The pain and craving for revenge especially when you slapped me. If I have an idea that you’re pregnant, I wouldn’t have behaved with you like that. The pain of losing your unborn child, I know it very well, It’s like losing hope to live. Please, try to give me one chance to rectify my mistake..

He saw no response from her side and was about to go but she surprised him with her answer: I’ll try. It brought a wide smile to his face.

V(happily): Really? Thank you so much.

She didn’t answer him but the promise she gave him had made his day.

V’s pov

I forgot all the argument with Aryan, He can’t have her, SHe is all mine now, especially after her promise, I will mend everything. I don’t know why I want her so bad! On that night too, I went with the flow and started kissing her although it wasn’t planned. Now, I need her presence with me. I can’t stop myself from drowning in her innocence and beauty day after day, I find myself wanting to admire her more, To love her more, Did I just say the word ” love”? Was it the reason why I hated Aryan’s interference in this topic? Did the devil fall for the angel?

I spotted someone pointing a gun toward Riddhima and I pushed her out of the way only for the bullet to hit my shoulder.

V(shouted): Angrey, CATCH HIM, Don’t let him escape!

Angrey ran after the man fast but couldn’t hold him and came back while Vansh held his shoulder.

R(shouted at Angrey): He is bleeding heavily, Let’s go fast !!

Vansh dreamingly was looking at his wife who was worried about his health. He could accept death at that moment wholeheartedly.

And: boss, let me support you.

V: naaa, I am fine! I can walk.

R(said calmly): You need it.

V: No need to go to the hospital, Just Call the doc here.

The doc came and removed the bullet, He was in pain still he bore it, In fact, he was feeling delighted by Riddhima’s presence with him, She didn’t utter a word still her mere Presence with him made him Extremely joyful.

He was smiling happily when she asked him: Are you enjoying your pain?

V: You can think of it that way, My love.

She was taken aback by the word “love” from this man, Nevertheless, she did not comment on it.

V(holding her hand and bringing up to his lips and kissed on it): I Love you, Riddhima. (She was stunned to hear his confession and kept just staring at him) I know I’ve hurt you, But also I know that only I can heal you, and bring happiness to your life. I’ll give you everything, As much as you’ll be mine, I’ll be yours, I am head over heels in love for you, I don’t know How? and when? Maybe When I broke you, I realized that my heart was broken too with you. Maybe because we passed the same misery! Or maybe because we’re the contrary still so similar. I don’t know and I don’t care !! All I know is the fact that I love you so much.

R(she pulled her hand from him): Rest!

Only one mere word meant so much for him, as per his pov, It was a start for them, for their love.

She brought the food for him and he took the first bite and looked at her then smiled: Thank you my love for making it for me.

R: You’re welcome !!

He smiled widely while she shook her head wondering while He was behaving like a creep now! Then his expressions were changed again, and he stood up walking with Angrey behind him then he turned to him.

V: want All the men who are responsible for VR MANSION’S security in front of me now !!

Ang: Boss, They got a false alarm of a bomb and they went to check it while the intruder break into the house.

V: Mindless people can’t be one of my security systems. I said bring them all to me.

They were brought in front of him, He walked to them one by one analyzing their faces.

V: What is the first thing you gotta understand about our world? Any volunteer?

One of them: to always have a plan B, & Never get glued to only one way.

V: who is agreeing with him?

The other ones agreed with the man and Vansh clapped.

V: Great

(He shot him while the other bodyguards were terrified) He gave the correct answer However he didn’t do what he was supposed to do. And so you are.

One by one, He killed them all and turned to Angrey: I want their phones, one of them is with our enemy, I hate cheaters ad I can’t wait till I investigate with him. Whoever dares to touch my Riddhima, I am going to make him live in hell.

He moved fast his shoulder only to wince: Boss, I think you there’s blood there.

He looked toward his shoulder indeed it was bleeding.

Ang: You have to change the bandage, We’re going to clean this mess, and I’ll reach the intruder soon.


He strolled inside the room and Riddhima’s eyes traveled to his wound: Blood is oozing.

V: Love is sweet but painful.

She gave him a disbelief look, He was wounded on his shoulder, But why he was uttering nonsense as if the injury was in his head? she questioned herself.

Angrey entered the room without knocking only to find Riddhima applying something on his wounds, He was speechless.

Vansh shut his eyes tightly then looked at her while she asked: Is it paining?

V(moving his head signaling “No”): It doesn’t.

She completed her work and left them alone.

Aryan held Riddhima’s pic and spoke to her: I am sorry I made you go through pain! I didn’t know that he’ll get you, SO stupid of me! I’ll save you soon, And the bastard I’ll deal with him later. Then It will be just us.

Days passed and Riddhima started getting used to Vansh’s love, He was showering her with it and she kind of accepts it.

He back hugged her and shut his eyes taking a deep breath near her neck: When I see your love, I fell more for you.

She turned and hugged his neck caressing it: that’s why I am showering you with it, You gave me your love, and in return, you deserve it too.

V(smiled widely): Sweetheart, I have a surprise for you today, we’ll celebrate together our love. I booked a resort only for us. It will be just me and you.

R: sure, I’ll get everything ready.

The evening

They reached there where Everything was beautifully arranged, He held her hand locking their fingers together.

As a gentleman, He moved the chair for her so that she could sit, and found all types of dishes there. He made her eat, and she took the spoon to feed him as well.

V: Tonight, Our love will take another turn, but let’s celebrate first.

V: I can’t find perfect words to describe my feelings, however, I’ll let you feel it (taking her hand and putting it on his heart) This heart now belongs to you and I know about your feelings, sweetheart, I know you’ll confess it soon. I love you!

He kissed her on her lips and clutched his fists while her hands roamed on his back then he moved away from her and then his eyes spotted someone there.

V: Kabir! Finally, you showed up. I knew that you were alive.

Riddhima was shocked beyond imagination seeing him alive and got scared.

V: shh (exhaling a deep breath) I am here !!

K: Ops you fell for her? You sent me your man to kill me, And now you and your f** wife will die here. This cheap girl whom I divorced.

Continued on next page…

V: I don’t know about me but my wife won’t die. I dare you!

K: Then I have to show you the price of planning an attack on me. (He took out a knife and moved it toward Vansh, Due to his slow move he stabbed him on his stomach, and held his neck) I enjoyed seeing both of you suffering from the so-called child’s death which is alive by the way. However, I’ll kill them!


K: Oh yes, darling, The child you kept hidden from me to protect, is actually fine! but not for long time.

R(encircled her arm around her waist in disbelief then looked at Vansh): Noooo Vanshhhh !!

V(opening and closing his eyes): Don’t worry, Sweetheart, I am still here not going to leave you! Angrey!

Angrey showed up from nowhere with many men and held Kabir. While Riddhima hugged Vansh’s figure sobbing.

V: No, I can’t see your tears!

She broke down crying bitterly and he lost his consciousness after trying hard to assure his wife that he is fine.

They took him hurriedly to the hospital while he was in a critical state due to his injury.

Doc: He is in danger, The first injury was not deep but the other one was a deadly one!

Ang: The other one? He was stabbed just in his stomach, doc?

Doc: His back, someone stabbed him there, not with the same knife !!

Angrey’s eyes snapped toward a direction and widened his eyes

Fb shows

Scene 1

Angrey entered the room without knocking only to find Riddhima applying something on his wounds, He was speechless.

Vansh shut his eyes tightly then looked at her while she asked: Is it paining?

V(moving his head signaling “No”): It doesn’t.

She completed her work and left them alone.

It was salt.

scene 2

She brought the food for him and he took the first bite and looked at her then smiled: Thank you my love for making it for me.

R: You’re welcome !!

It was chilly.

Scene 3

He back hugged her and shut his eyes taking a deep breath near her neck: When I see your love, I fell more for you.

She turned and hugged his neck caressing it: that’s why I am showering you with it, You gave me your love, and in return, you deserve it too.

She was holding Nail in her hand.

Scene 4

He kissed her on her lips and clutched his fists while her hands roamed on his back only for her to stab him.

V: I know why!

He breathed heavily while her tears fell and she said: Innocence dies too !!! We are similar and this is my child’s revenge!

Fb ends


WELL said! Love is sweet still painful.

She cried more and Angrey snapped: How could you? Did you stab him?

R: I thought he was the reason for everything! I thought I lost my baby because of him. I wanted to avenge it! I wanted to give him pain badly !! She fell on her knees, I didn’t know !! He’ll die because of me now !!

Ang: You stupid, How can you take such a move without thinking?

Doc: He needs a blood transfusion now !!

R: I am ready to donate doc !!

She donated blood and after a while the doc came with a frown: The reports shows that you’re siblings !

R(shocked): Whaat ??






















lol, I am joking a very bad joke In a very bad mood. Rianshians Wake up she is pregnant how can she donate blood?

Back to the story

Doc: He lost blood and we did the best we could to save him, We can’t say anything now!

He left behind a shocked Riddhima: He said he won’t leave! He can’t break his promise, Can he?

R’s pov

Since my child’s death, I wasn’t feeling what was happening around me, I hear nothing and feel nothing, I couldn’t react no matter was the situation. While I was lost in my own world, A tiny cry made me snap out of it, It’s like guiding me to the way back to the real world. That little boy captured my heart and reminded me of the baby I couldn’t protect. He died because I am weak. I left him after noticing his mother’s fear and walked out of the place. I heard his voice, The devil of my life, He was freaking apologizing for killing my baby! God damn him! I screamed but he was asking me to give him a chance, I wanted to give him immense pain, and make him feel what I feel now. Therefore I tortured him in every opportunity I got, And I didn’t care about what he could do. I wanted to live only for my baby, Now even if he kills me I won’t give a damn. He confessed his so-called love toward me that I don’t believe although he took a bullet instead of me. I saw only my baby’s murderer in him. Maybe If he has acted like this at first I would have believed him and even loved him for treating me like a queen of his. I rubbed salt on his wounds, and put the chilly powder in his food, pierced him with nails, Still He was taking it as love. He was adamant that he loves me, And I got scared, What If I forget my revenge? He kissed me and I grabbed the knife and stabbed him, at that moment he was still smiling looking at me, and His look made me regret for a sec, Then reminded myself that he deserved it, But what Kabir said shocked me! Vansh is dying now! I killed him! The doc said if he doesn’t wake up then Maybe he will never do.

Ang: I agree what happened with you wasn’t right, But how can you try to take his life for that?

I was fed up with these allegations.

R: And I agree he didn’t kill my child still he forced himself on me.

Ang(shouted making the hospital staff looking at them): HE DID NOT!

R(in horror): WHAATTTTTT

ANg: He didn’t do anything!! You’re still under a big misunderstanding! You just fainted and he brought the doc, That’s it !! He loves you so much !! that’s why he was trying to make you find your solace even in his pain, I saw you that day rubbing salt on his wound and he was blo*dy smiling at you !! Do you think my boss would have done the same if another person did the same? No !! He would have been buried somewhere. This is his love! He loves you madly! and one more thing, He must have understood that you are trying to kill him, No way you took the knife without his notice, He wanted just to fulfill your wish! I hope you’re feeling now happy.

I am speechless now, I can’t say a word further, He loves me so much ! and what he got in return? Why Bappa? the only man who really loves, Why should I be the one who killed him?

I get inside his room after begging the doc for a long time to let me see him just once.

R(kissing his hand): Vansh! I am sorry! you’re so strong you don’t need support right? Then why are you laying now here ? Prove that you’re not weak, and get up, please! I am sorry !! I am so sorry.

She felt his hand moving and squeezing hers before he blinks his eyes.

Author’s pov

R: Vansh ??? (she immediately called the doc who examined him announcing that he passed the danger level but he has to receive proper care )

Ang: Boss, I am glad you’re fine.

V(weak still in his full arrogant mode): VR can’t die easily!

Ang: Your back wound will take time to recover, Boss. The doc said you need care.

His eyes traveled to her while she bent her head in guilt and shame. He extended his hand to her and she went closer only for him to put his hand on her stomache and smiled.

V: He’s fine! (she nodded with tears in her eyes) I told you not to cry!

Angrey left the couple alone and Riddhima threw herself on him making him wince: I am sorry, I hurt you!

V: I love you!

Never in her sweetest dream, she thought that the man she stabbed, Will confess again his love the first thing after gaining his consciousness. He held her hand.

V: I knew what you feel, I had it too, and I was burning till I got my revenge. I wronged you more, I am sorry, So sorry! I want you and the baby in my life, Can’t you forget the way we met each other and accept my love?

R: what If I refuse?

V: Then I will ….

Short update? Sorry guys, I had a very bad day on my birthday, the bad Joke of the year !!

V: Then I will keep you here captive and keep loving you till you accept my love.

R(blushed): Aren’t you feeling the pain of your injury?

V: I am used to this pain, sweetheart, How do you think I became The VR? let it be, Your red cheeks are telling me your answer! Did you forgive me for what I did? On the day of the auction, I know I was so wrong, still, I was carried away in my ego and humiliated you (She kept her finger on his lips)

Continued on next page…

R: I forgive you, I did a huge mistake on the basis of my misunderstanding. I think the score are settled now, We can start all over again, But (scared) Kabir is alive! He won’t let me live peacefully!

V(smirked): who said he’ll live in the first place?

R: You’ll kill him?

She said in shock and he gestured her to come closer only to cup her face: Your devil will take revenge on him for hurting you. I’ll make him beg to be killed!

Within that moment, she realized that both of them had dark sides, she didn’t mind seeing Kabir’s body ripped into millions of pieces, indeed he was her devil and she was his not so innocent angel.

V(noticing her facials): don’t be stressed, our baby is there, You have to take care only of yourself. I am there to handle stressful matters.

He pecked her lips and she blushed more: By the way, You tortured me so much.

She felt so guilty: I am sorry for that.

V: Ops My beautiful, No the silly torture, Salt and chilly powder, I am talking about your beauty!

R: you are romancing? after having two holes in your body? Like seriously? Aren’t you supposed to be having difficulty while talking or at least be mad?

V: I am mad, but not at you, someone played with us, the doctor lied, why? Who can compel him to lie? He invited his death by lying to me.

They had a conversation but then Angrey came and they both gave him a weird look.

Ang: Boss? Did something happen?

V: Mm No angrey!! I want to go out of this hospital.

Ang: I talked with the doc and

V: Angrey, I said I want to go now, Kabir has to answer my questions! Not the easy way of course!

He made the doctor discharge him forcefully and went toward the basement. Although Riddhima was scared, She wanted to go with him.

V: No, Love, I don’t want you to see it.

R: I want to go, (she held his hand) we’re together in this.

V(side smile): I forgot you’re good at torture too.

She slapped his arm playfully: This is serious.

V(worriedly): But the baby?

R: He’ll be okay ! Kabir is caught there !!

Angrey’s pov

I don’t believe what Boss is doing right now !! He brought her here to see Kabir’s blood oozing, Isn’t she too sensitive to bear it?

Vansh approached Kabir with a knife in his hand: So fond of using knives, Kabir? To your good luck, I wasn’t fast at that moment, therefore you could stab me, However Now, I won’t be as bad as you (He paused) I will be worse. You tortured my love enough and stole all that she earned during her life along with her dignity; It has to be a price to pay!

K: Do whatever you want, Vansh, Because If I escaped, You’ll be dead !! Try to kill me now, It will be better for you.

V: Naaaa, If I kill you at this moment, It will be so good for you. How can I give you something good? Who helped you?

K: F*** you!

V: wrong answer.

V(started injuring slowly): I am still so merciful, Who is helping you?

K: AHhhh (He gritted his teeth to stop himself from shouting as the pain was unbearable but he didn’t want to give Vansh the pleasure of seeing him weak) I said F** you

V: Let’s try another way !! (He took the same knife on fire then placed it on his hand) I need an answer now.

K: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

This time, His screams were so loud and Riddhima couldn’t take the horrible sight in front of her and turned around closing her eyes.

V: Tell me !! How did you know that Riddhima is still pregnant?

K: Mmmm (gritting his teeth) Angrey !!

Ang(shocked): WHAAATTT????

K: Angrey Compelled the doc to lie!

V: Guards !!

Ang: BOSS???

V: I doubted you !! and I was sure about it .

Fb starts

R: Vansh can’t you stop? Kabir made me go through hell and snatched everything I owned, and I am not an angel to forgive him, but don’t kill innocent people anymore.

V: ruddhima, that man lied and because of him, both of us suffered so much, how can he be innocent?

R:vansh, why will a mere doctor lie? And how could kabir knows? And he said you sent someone to kill him? Did you really do it?

V: if I was the one who killed him, I wouldn’t have wanted revenge from his wife, I didn’t know you were both divorced! Was it on purpose? But whoever was the person that instructed the doc to lie, he knew that I’ll hate myself for that. But who attacked Kabir using my name? Angrey?

R(in disbelief): what? Do you doubt your right hand???

V: he brought information about Kabir, his death and all, he can be the one behind it.

R: one sec, let me digest what you’re saying, you mean Angrey attacked Kabir using your name, and then make the doc lie so that you hate yourself? Why? What enmity you have with him?

V: he was about to get killed due to me before, the other gang caught him and tortured him for more than a week, when we found him, he was not able to talk.

R(stunned): Angrey?

V: yes, our world is so dangerous, there’s no mercy! And despite his strength, he was really in a very bad state.

R: and you think he wants you dead for that? Why doesn’t he kill you himself?

V: This is it to know why? We have to go with it.

R: I don’t get it!

V: You will sweetheart.

Fb ends

Ang(caught by guards): Boss, This is a lie ! an insult to my loyalty toward you! How can you believe him?

V: You know very well my despise toward betrayers, and why would he take your name? why you?

Ang: I would have never betrayed you, Boss, You’re doing a big mistake! Whoever behind it, He wants me out of his way so that he kills you peacefully!

V: take him to the other place!

He was taken and Vansh noticed Riddhima covering her eyes.

V(softly): gosh! That’s why I told you not to come with me!

She couldn’t believe how he could switch from the cold-hearted man to a soft-spoken man. Hell, He was just torturing him now!

V: Let’s Go, Sweetheart!

He said hugging her to his chest while she was about to look toward Kabir who was bleeding heavily, but he caught her face to not see him.

V: No!!! You have to see only in my direction. Got it, love?

She nodded and he pecked her lips multiple times before pulling her with him.

K(smirked in his blo*dy state): Now he has to fulfill his promise! so that I fulfill mine.

A man strolled inside the place and spoke to him: Perfect !! You did it as you were supposed to, Now I’ll free you, But don’t forget what you have to do. Vansh has to die !! and don’t dare to touch Riddhima again!

K: Aryan! Why are you so crazy about her?

Ar: SHe is my love, I want her! I will marry her, after taking his place. and the blo*dy money for what you want to kill her, Just take it and f** off.

K: Of course, I wanted her to be killed by Vansh himself when I knew that he is looking for information about me. My plan was to distract him till I get the chance to kill him. However, he made a trap for me. Why do you want me to kill Vansh?

Ar: Because I want to become the new ruler, We both have reasons to hate Vansh.But Keep my Riddhima out of this matter, She’ll be mine after Vansh’s death. You did a great job by mentioning Angrey’s name ! he was doubting me since he got to know about the baby is fine, Because the doctor is my friend! But my question is who told you that the baby is still fine?

K: I did my homework!

Ar(to himself): WHo wants him to kill Riddhima and why? I will deal with you Kabir when you kill Vansh.

K(to himself): Wait till I kill Vansh, then you, For my new goal. (To him) Now, Free me !!

Ar: Ok, All you have to do is to hit me !!

Aryan freed him and Kabir left up a stick to hit him however a hand stopped him in the middle.

Ar(shocked): Angrey?

Ang: Boss?

Vansh again came inside: Dearest Broo, I see you were so eager to get rid of me! But guess what? I knew it that’s why I made the drama of doubting Angrey.

Ang(smirked): Of course, Boss !

Fb starts

R: and you think he wants you dead for that? Why doesn’t he kill you himself?

V: This is it to know why? We have to go with it.

R: I don’t get it!

V: You will sweetheart.

Vansh looked at Aryan as he went away then at Riddhima who was still confused.

V: This is the scenario we’ll use to bring the truth out! I’ll see either my doubt is wrong or right!

Fb ends

V: Your first mistake Aryan was your weird behavior toward Riddhima, And the second is the file you threw on my face. I was back then in shock and couldn’t digest anything other than the guilt I felt. However, I realized after, That you did have all information about Riddhima, How? Either you knew her before, and this possibility is so weak, Or You knew Kabir !! And witnessing your reunion here, Kabir didn’t know you before but you did, You attacked him using my name, Right, Dear Bro?

Kabir was dumbfounded looking at Vansh then at Aryan: What do you mean by that?

V: I mean, If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn’t have missed it ever! But it seems like he wanted you alive you dumbhead! Hahaha, I liked it! He used you so that you kill me! God, How stupid you are! Also Aryan played a great card of miscarriage, He made the doc lied to us about it so that Riddhima hates me !! Perfect!

Ar(lifting up the gun): Now nothing to hide!

V: You dug your grave, Aryan, My men waiting for just a sign to shoot.

Ar: And why do you think I don’t have mine too?

V: You’re forgetting who I am!

Ar: Naaa, I am just letting you know who I am!

K: You shot me? you f*** bastard, Today is your last day !!

V: Yes, He is all yours Kabir !! Kill him !! Oh let me help you! (He gave him the gun) Finish him

Ang: by the way, dearest Aryan, your so-called men are caught too, Thanks for informing us.

Aryan was shot by Kabir and fell bleeding while Kabir turned the gun toward Vansh.

V: Ouff Not fair, I helped you still you’re ungrateful, You did your homework? Interesting! Does your homework start with “I”? like Ishaani?

Kabir’s wide eyes confirmed his statement and Vansh continued: Now, Let’s come to how do I know? I could agree that your spy made a fake alarm so that you shoot Riddhima, But why her? Aryan doesn’t have the intention to kill her! The first time was so confusing, Who? But during our dinner date, I gave Aryan the wrong name, I was praying that my sister shouldn’t be a part of this betrayal But I was disappointed !! She gave you the information Because she was the only one who knew! (Ishaani was dragged by Angrey) See, Your partner is here!

Continued on next page…

I: Bhai! Please forgive me! I didn’t know that He wanted to kill you !! He called me before!

Fb starts

After Ishaani was chucked out of his ROOM And she was fuming!

I: for that cheap girl, He threw me out !! I won’t leave her !!

Her phone rang and she answered: Hello

the other person: I feel so bad for you !! Being humiliated like that must be very insulting!

I: who is this?

the other person: Your well-wisher, and I can get rid of your problem!

I: I don’t know what problem you’re talking about, and I don’t care! Don’t call me again!

the other person: Riddhima

I: How do you know?

the other person: She’s my enemy too, and she has to pay!

I: Who’re you?

the other person: Kabir, her enemy !! and the enemy’s enemy is a friend, what say?

I: I agree!

K: Tomorrow I will finish her!

I: Ok Tomorrow!

K’s pov

I didn’t know that Aryan used me to kill Vansh and get Riddhima, He has planned very well after knowing our enmity, He wanted us both dead !! All that for the blo*dy Riddhima !! and I wanted to kill Vansh & Riddima, ANd when Aryan appeared too, I thought of finishing him and taking over the Raisinghania’s property using Ishaani That’s why I convinced her that I am helping her !! Now, Everything is exposed!

Fb ends

V: You knew about my wife’s pregnancy and lied to me?

I: I heard Aryan talking with the doctor to lie!

V: You proved today that you’re not worthy of being called a sister too. (pointed a gun on her head)

I(snapped): You forgave her when she attacked you, but your sister with whom you passer 24 years, you can’t forgive her because she trusted the wrong person !!

V: She did it for her baby! and that because of you too, If you told us the truth, She wouldn’t have stabbed me !! But your jealousy and selfishness blinded you ! You didn’t mind killing an innocent soul along with your Bhai.

Kabir moved slowly and lift up the gun pointing it toward Vansh while He was angrily blaming his sister and fired the bullet in his direction.

2 months after

Riddhima was sleeping when she felt two hands encircling her bare waist and moving in patterns making her sleep disturbed: Vansh, I want to sleep!

V(grinned making her lay above him): I miss you

R: You were gone for only two days, why are you behaving as if you were absent for two years?

V: Oh sweetheart, I was in hell these two days, I decided, I won’t accept any work that keeps me distanced from you.

R(laughing): Hubby, I am pregnant but you seem to have hormonal changes more than me.

V: Horny is the word! And you’re the reason !! When you can look so s*xy with your baby bump, So your husband has to lose control.

He said while pushing the bedsheets away exposing her milky skin to his eyes while hungrily transferring his gaze to her from top to buttons.

V(turned their position): God How much I missed you!

R: I missed you too, Make me Mmmm (she moaned as he started bitting her neck wildly and then gave her open mouth kisses to soothe her pain which she enjoyed so much! He was so wild and dominant but she loved it about him, he makes her feel that she is not only his love but also his passion !!! normally men don’t feel their spouses attractive after pregnancy but here her man is managing to love her as never before each time they came close, not forgetting that he is so anxious husband, he call the doc for the silliest reason till he was fed up with him.

Riddhima’s thoughts were interrupted as she felt him taking her lips in his aggressively: not allowed to think of something else.

R: Vansh I was just (He squeezed her chest making her moan and arched her back forgetting what she wanted to say )

V: Only us!

He completed his pleasurable torture on her body till she was ready!

V: If you feel any pain tell me, I don’t want to hurt you or harm our baby!

She pulled him answering him with a passionate kiss making him continue till they climaxed together.

Angrey looked in the hospital at the figure who is clinically dead. She was so arrogant and selfish but He can’t help feel the pain of losing her. He loved her still he hated her immaturity.

on that night, She took the bullet for her Bhai!

Fb starts

Kabir moved slowly and lift up the gun pointing it toward Vansh while He was angrily blaming his sister and fired the bullet in his direction.

Ishaani widened her eyes when she saw Kabir pointing the gun and took the bullet.

V: Ishaaniiiiiiiiiii

On that night, Vansh lost his dearest sister, She made a huge mistake and he wouldn’t have forgiven her but she sacrificed her life for him in the end.

Although the doc told him that she is dead, he refuses to let her go!

Fb ends

After 3 years

Screams echoed from a room: Ahhhhhhhhhhh

V: baby, Please! you’ll be fine !!

Biting his hand: Shut upppppppp ahhhhhh it’s paining so much !!

V: take a deep breath and push !!

R: I’ll kill you, Vansh !!! ad I’ll ask you to take a deep breath !!!

V: SOon the pain will be faded away, as soon as our baby come! you’ll no more feel his pain only happiness ! !

R: Doc, Take him ahhhhhhh out or I am going to kill him ahhhhhhhhhhh You are talking as if you gave birth before!!!

V: SHhhh , You’ll be fine !! We were waiting for this moment for a long time, for our small family to be completed. Our Kiara will have her siblings too. Don’t you crave to see the three of them together?

R: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The first baby cry was heard and the doc smiled urging her to push, and the second one’s cry echoed. Riddhima laid exhausted while looking at her babies in a dazed state.

V(kissing her forehead): Our family is completed now.

They gave her the baby whilst Vansh held the other one.

Vansh: Riva

Riddhima: Kavish!

Angrey coming inside holding Kiara: Woah you decided the names too? See Kiara baby, Your dad-mom forget about you, But for your uncle, you’ll be always is favorite.

Kiara cried as she understood what he said and Vansh placed the baby in his place and held his daughter: My Kiara is my doll, and I can never forget her. My princesses!

She kissed his cheek whilst his smile widened more.

Angrey signaled him and he followed him: What happened angrey?

Ang: Today, Kabir’s corpse were founded, They kept torturing him for years as you wanted. Now,He died due to his wounds!

 V: Woah on the same day, Tripple Khushi !! We have to definitely celebrate this day !

He wiped his smirk before getting inside the room giving a very warm smile to his small family while he muttered I love you to them.

Ufff The End, I am sorry if there’s so much darkness in this story, I mean Everybody killed everybody lol !!


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