Riansh Os: Losing her (completed)

Ang(impressed): Wow, it seems that you are really genius.

Ano(with attitude): Indeed, I am.

R: Bhai, He is Modeste too, Can’t you see?

Anoop glared at her and Riangrey Hi-fi each other and laughed.

R(Excited): I will go and make something for us, mmm what about lunch together? I have got my brother now, so at least we should eat together, right?

Ang(rubbing his stomach): So hungry.

R(grinned): Then wait, I will prepare it soon.

She went and Angrey looked at dadi weirdly then at Anoop.

Ang: Dadi, I guess that I am not the only one who is after Kabir, Someone else is also behind him. Do you have a hand in this matter too?

Dadi just smiled looking at Anoop and Angrey raised his eyebrow at him.

Ang: Don’t tell me it’s you?

Ano(angrily): Kabir’s evil plans almost killed Riddhima and the kids. How may I let him go with this? But You did a great job yourself, Angrey, Not bad!

Ang: You knew it?

Ano: Of course, The enemy of my enemy is my friend. And I care about my friends, I have investigated and knew it was you. But I didn’t tell them about it.

Ang: Now, we have the same motive, Let’s teach him a lesson. I have a plan, You wanna be in?

Ano(shaking hands with him): Sure, I am in.

R: In?

D(distracting her mind): ohh the lunch is ready, we are so hungry, let’s have this delicious food together.

They sat having their meal together chitchatting happily unknown to the storm which was coming near them.

A few days later

It was Riddhima’s birthday and Vansh was as usual closing the door sitting in their room. He remembered His sick game on her birthday. How His innocent wife believed his stupid story about a double body. He should have understood that she was so pure to comprehend the evilness of this world.

V: Riddhima, Today is your birthday, I wish if only you were here with me, we would have celebrated it together. You wanted only my love, I would have showered you with all love I feel for you. after your departure, Vansh is not the strong vansh anymore, He is nothing without his Riddhima. I miss you, sweetheart, & I love you. Happy birthday!

Suddenly a message reached him and he opened it only to get thunderstruck, He couldn’t believe what his eyes were seeing.

V(whispered): Riddhima ?!!

She was smiling with two kids and a man, Then the realization hit him hard.

V(open mouth): Are they My kids?

He checked the number However it was an unknown number, He tried to call him but in vain, It was switched off.

Vansh Happily ran to Angrey like a mad person, and hugged him.

V: Angrey, Today I am so happy, I can’t even express it by words,My Riddhima is fine. Look (he showed him the pic and Angrey’s eyes were almost out of the socket)

Ang: How ??

Angrey meant how did he know? but Vansh thought that he is asking him how did she survive?

V: I don’t know & I don’t care, Please find her, I want to see her.

Ang: No way !! My sister won’t see you.

V(stunned): what??? wait, Did you know? !!! All this time, You were aware that she is alive but you let me drown in pain? Why Angrey? I agree What I did is unforgivable still I really loved her.

Ang: Love? Was your love to attack my sister? What was the next plan if she didn’t throw herself? I understand how your mind works Vansh, You would have trapped her or Probably sent her to jail, Don’t try to claim anything now, My sister is happy and it’s enough.

V(glared at him): She is still my wife.

Ang(glared back): She was !! Not anymore! I am giving you a warning for the sake of all the years which we spent together, don’t come near her.

V(caressing the pic): They are my kids, right?

Ang: I am repeating my words again, stay away!

Vansh was slowly feeling himself getting back to life after knowing that his Riddhima is alive, He decided to cross all the limits to get her and his kids back. But the question was who sent the message?

The person was smirking at the new plan he got, thinking that Vansh is a gone case now!

Riddhima’s house

She came back from her work and then found the house upside down with the nanny unconscious, she went and slapped her face slightly to wake her up.

R(panicked): What happened here? Where are the kids?

N(cried shivering): Mme, A man came and took them with him, I heard him uttering a name. He called the man on the phone “Vansh sir!”

R(stunned): Impossible! He doesn’t know about them, How can he? Noo !! (Dialling Angrey’s number )Hello Bhai? My kids (cried) I can’t find them, The maid said she heard the kidnapper mentioning Vansh’s name, However, it’s not possible as He doesn’t know about us, right?!!

Ang: He know!

R(shouted): What????

Ang(hesitated): He found out this morning and came to share the happy news with me, I warned him to stay away.

R(yelled): Bhai, How can you not tell me something of this importance? He took my kids now!! Let it be. I am coming.

on the other hands, Vansh was contacting private detectives to find her when he heard an angry voice from the hall, the blood froze in his veins as he recognized the voice’s owner.


He ascended the stairs hurriedly to reach her and hold her in his arms.

V(hugging her): Riddhima, You are really here! (cupping her face) I missed you so mu

but he was welcomed with a slap on his face.

R(furious): How dare you to lay your finger on my children? Where are they? (shouted) where did you take them? I know how low you can stoop, But they are the limits which you crossed.

Sia moved and hugged Riddhima while she was fixing her angry eyes on Him.

S: You are fine? They told us that you died. We even found a corpse, Babhie !

R: I am not your babhie, Sia, And I don’t want to be rude to you, because you & dadi were the only people who genuinely loved me.

I(tried to explain): Riddhima

R: Don’t utter my name, You are my bhai’s wife, But guess what? I don’t care! Because I hate you and I hate all Raisinghanias with you. The whole family excluding dadi & Sia. Listen RAisinghanis, Tell him to give me back my babies, or else He will have to face the consequences and regret it. 

Voice: Riddhima

She turned and her expressions softened when she noticed Anoop, He came forward ad hugged her to calm her down.

Ano: Calm down, I am here now, Nothing will happen to them as long as I am with you.

V: Riddhima, I am not understanding anything. Did you just say I laid my finger on my children? Where are they?

R(clapping while laughing): Look, Old habits die hard, You are using the same method you used before while planning to take my life!! (yelled) where’s my Amaya and Aarush???? If they don’t have the medicine, I can’t imagine what will happen (her eyes were wide opened and she was talking fastly)

two tiny voices: Mumma

she turned around and found them there confused about where they were, and looking scared of all the strangers who were present there.

Vansh moved fast to them and hugged them with teary eyes, and they pushed him away and ran to Anoop which broke his heart. His kids can’t recognize him.

Maid: I found them in Vansh sir’s room, They were crying.

Vansh eyed her in horror and before he could say a word she slapped him again.

R(disgusted): Now, I am hating myself for loving you at the beginning. Thank god you betrayed me!! Thank god I saw your real face! I am happy that you have nothing to do with my kids.

ANo: And look, Vansh Raisinghania, Next time, before taking such a step, think again and again. They are my kids and she will be soon my wife, And Sharmas are not any less than Raisinghanias. Don’t force me to start a war against you.

V(almost yelled at Anoop): wife?? She is my wife, I didn’t divorce her so legally, she is still Mrs.Raisinghania.

R(with fire in her eyes): The war will be announced by me only, Anoop, don’t worry, and you Mr.Raisinghania, You have really to wake up from your daily dreams, Your wife died 2 years back, and the woman who is standing in front of you, Is Anoop’s soon to be wife.Mrs. Sharma for you, Mr.Raisinghania !!

V: Riddhima, Please don’t do it, I love you & I regret my foolishness, They are our kids, I was dying each day of the last two years. Give me one chance.

R: A chance? Never ever if you are going to be the last man on earth, I will still prefer to stay alone rather than choosing you. And the kids whom you’re talking about are sick due to you and your attacks.

Ah(whispering to kabir): Woah, what a plan!!

K(whispering back): Now, when his kids will die, Riddhima will accuse Vansh. Tch tch, No heirs, Property is ours.

Ah(side smirk): Patidev, You should admit your wife’s intelligence, If I didn’t follow Angrey, we wouldn’t have known that Riddhima and her kids are alive.

K: shh let’s watch the drama now, I am enjoying this scene so much.

Ah(hit his arms playfully): sinister husband

K: Of a sinister wifey.

Fb starts

Ahaana noticed Angrey looking around if there’s someone seeing him while He took his car.

Aha(to herself): WHat’s wrong with him? He is hiding something (smirked) and It’s my favorite hobby to spy !! Yaay !!

She followed him without his notice till he reached a house, she frowned and widened her eyes.

AH: Omg, Is he cheating on Ishaani? that will be a bomb she(her words were stopped as she looked at the woman who opened the door for him) Riddhima???? She is alive !! It means He was fooling us. (A stranger man (Anoop) came and side hugged Riddhima with the two little babies.) wait, she can’t have these kids with this man, they are one year and a few months apparently (jaw dropped) Are they Vansh’s kids???? I have to tell Kabir about them.

Ahaana went to Kabir’s company and showed him the pic of Riddhima, the kids, and another man. 

K(smirked): Wow, The best news ever, I am so happy, let’s celebrate it.

Ah(touching his forehead): Kabir, I believe that you wouldn’t have been happy if I told you that I am pregnant !! Why all this happiness for Vansh?

K(laughed): For him? No baby, For us and our mission, The same Riddhima will Punish Vansh, And we are going to set everything for the story of betrayal to begin again.

Ah: I don’t know what you are thinking about, but we are experts in this field. So no worries, we’ll write the script and let them dance to our tunes, Cheers Partner.

K(lifting up the wine): Cheers, babe.

Kabir hired a man who kidnapped Amaya and Aarush and Intentionally mentioned Vansh’s name so that Riddhima assumes that Vansh is trying to take her kids.

Fb ends

They were still throwing daggers at each other, Anoop and Vansh, when the kids suddenly left Riddhima.

Amaya & Aarush: Granny !!

The shock was written on everyone’s face when they realized that the kids know dadi before, She hugged them in a secure manner.

V(in disbelief): Dadi, Tell me that you didn’t know about them !!

D: I did!

continued on next page…

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