Riansh Os: Losing her (completed)

The factory

Vansh came face to face with his enemy and Kabir smirked.

K(daring): this encounter should have happened much earlier, isn’t it?

V(clenching his fists while shivering with rage): Indeed it is, But to your good luck, All that occupied me is my wife when I lost her, My interest in living was gone. However, You enjoyed all these years stealing what is not yours, But due to your greedy nature, you weren’t satisfied and tried to kill my Amaya and Aarush, They are just babies still you didn’t spare them too. You have invited your death. Goodbye Kabir !!

K: You are so stupid !! Their death was written since the moment they were destined to be born as your heirs. But If you are not going to jail then why not hell? it’s not a bad choice either !!

A bullet was shot at Vansh’s arm and he fell on his knees looking at the person who shot him.

K: Baby, your aiming skills are perfect, I looooove it !!

Ah: After all whom wife I am, Inspector ji?

K: Darling, let’s romance later, now, Our Dushman is here and needs us, He is my half bro, I can’t leave him suffering and bleeding.

Ah: Mmm poor him, He lost everyone he loved, even His wife, I played a game and she was trapped, both of them were played by us. starting with stealing the letter. We filled their life with poison that they are forever apart, His Riddhima and his kids hate him to the core. And she will never forgive him. I promise you to take care of them when you die, so (Kabir aimed a gun in his direction) die!

V: Today, If I die, I won’t die alone, (smirked) little minutes are left, wait !!


V(shocked): Riddhima??

Angrey kicked the gun from Kabir’s hand while Riddhima tried to fight Ahaana and took the gun from her hand.

V(yelled): ANgrey, Riddhima get out of here now !!! not much time is left.

R(confused): for?

Ang(noticing the remote in his hands): Bomb?

V(standing up): I said leave !!!!!!!! I wanted them both here !! And I knew they will try to kill me, just leave !!! Angrey, You said I am not worthy of your sister, you are right, I am not. When I will not be here, (sadly) Anoop will be the perfect man for her ad dad for the kids. Make sure that she won’t suffer again.

He pushed them away but felt a hand holding into his arm tightly, He turned his face and found Riddhima.

R(hugged): Please, don’t do it. I hate to admit it, but I can’t see you dying.

V(cupping her face): I love you so much, sweetheart! You lived without a husband, and my kids without a father. While I was feeling like dying. They set our life to fire. And I will burn them alive. Take her and go.

She slapped him on his face and then clung to him, while Kabirslowly took the gun and tried to shot again. But Angrey pushed Riddhima ad Vansh, The trio fell and Ahaana’s pupils got bigger as she looked forward and then fell too bleeding.

K: AHAANA?? nooooo !!! wake up (but she was gone, as the bullet hit her chest)

R: isey hi hum karma kehtey h, You wanted to kill my husband and God snatched your wife that too with your hands. Kabir, This is the price for all the crimes you committed till now.

K(shouted): SHut up you b***, I won’t let you live peacefully. Neither you nor your husband!

He aimed but Anoop reached there with the police force and get him arrested.

Riddhima was trying to stop the bleeding, Anoop sadly eyed her understanding her decision.

Ano: Riddhima, You should use a cloth on the wound till we reach the hospital, Angrey, let’s take him urgently.

Ang: I stopped the bomb, it won’t explode, Go and start the car.

V(started losing consciousness ): Riddhima, Today, If I die I won’t feel bad about it, it’s so peaceful after ages of pain. I l..o…ve y..ou ! He closed his eyes.

R(teared up): Vansh !! Don’t leave me again, you wanted me to accept you back, to give you a chance, I will give it to you because I love you too, Main Tumse bahut Pyaar karti hu.

Ang(side hugged her): Nothing will happen to him !! Don’t cry!

R: Bhai! He suffered too, But I was blinded I even accused him of trying to kill Amaya and Aarush, How would he have felt? (sobbed) Please I want him to stay with me !!

Luckily Vansh was admitted at the correct time and they removed the bullet, there wasn’t any danger. He woke up only to find Angrey and dadi in the room, He didn’t see Riddhima and thought that she left him again.

D: Vansh? Tum teek ho beta? Do you want to give your dadi a heart attack? Why did you do it? Kabir was about to go to jail anyway, Angrey and Anoop collected shreds of evidence that will make him stay there forever! How could you think of ending your life?

V: I missed this Dadi who scolds me with love, I didn’t see her within the past two years.

Ang: Bhai, Your plan was idiotic, and You could have shared it with me.

V(smiled hearing the word “Bhai”): Hearing you calling me Bhai after this long time is making me feel glad to be shot. At least, I get my dadi, and brother back. Thank you, guys.

An(crossed the door to him): How are you feeling now?

V: I am fine, It wasn’t a dangerous wound, I want to go home.

An(smiled): Of course, You’ll be discharged soon.

Nor Vansh asked about Riddhima nor they told him anything, He kept silent till he got permission to go back home.

VR mansion

He sees the whole family were in front of the door welcoming him.

V: Thank you, and I want to say one thing Kabir’s chapter is finished however, It’s the last chance for all of you, If another one whoever he was, Dares to make the slightest error, I will kick him/her out of here (eying Aryan and Chanchal) Believe me I won’t have a second thought about it.

D: VAnsh, you need complete rest, now, Angrey, Please help him to go to his room.

VR’s room

V: why is the room so dark? Angrey? Did he leave?

Voice: yes! He did!

V: Riddhima??? You ? here?

R(smiled): Haa, I am here. Not only me. (she turned on the lights revealing her with their kids) They came to see their daddy too. Babies, come and give daddy the biggest kissies!

They kissed him and he couldn’t control his tears, the overwhelming feeling was not something he could bear.

V(kisses them): This is the best gift Riddhima, I can’t thank you enough.

R: Amaya, Aarush Call him daddy!

They kept shifting their gaze from their mother to their father, and he was disappointed.

Am: daddy!

His eyes shined with happiness while he holds her laughing. and she giggled with him. soon Aarush too extended his hands for him to pick him up.

Aar: Daddy?

Vansh lifted him up and buried his nose in his stomach making him giggle loudly. While the family smiled at their door.

D: congratulations, Vansh, Finally, You got your family back.

S: and I got my nephew & niece too, I am so happy by your return, babhi.

Ano: Even I am happy for you, Riddhima, When I saw you so broken after seeing his state, I knew that you could never hate him. Best of luck, Ri.

Ang: Take care of them well this time. (to everyone) let’s leave them alone.

S: Give me the kids, BHai, I want to play with them.

V: but I want to spend time with them.

S(whispered): what about your wife? You don’t want to (naughtily smiling) Talk with her. I am sure you both need a new start, so I am taking my nephew and niece with me, Goodnight.

V(eyed Riddhima who was looking at him): Riddhima, did you forgive me? I mean after my crimes, I wanted you bt at the same time, I wanted to save the three of you.

R: By sacrificing your life? Why are you so an idiot? Why you are always breaking my heart? Do you have any idea how hard it is to see you bleeding???? You are a cruel selfish bastard (hitting on his chest) & you don’t think about me. I hate you!

V(hiding his smile): Do you? Your face says another story.

R: I hate you so much !! And I hate myself for being unable to stop loving you.

V(he came closer to her lips)! I hate you more (He captured her lips in his getting drank by their soulful kiss biting and sucking till they were swollen) I missed you and I am sO

R(closed his mouth): Not tonight, It should be just about our love, I don’t want an apology.

V(emotional): I am desperately in love with you, You and our twins are my world, I am embarrassed because of my cheap acts in the past, I promise to love and cherish you for eternity.

R: I love you too, VAnsh!

He was about to kiss her again when suddenly his harsh words echoed in his ears again, she felt wetness on her shoulder as he was hugging her.

R(holding his face): what’s wrong, Vansh? why are you crying?

V: I am sorry, I am so bad, How did I describe you, I can’t forget it. How did I say it?

R: I am tired of the past, two years of struggling, Hatred & loneliness are enough, No past, Just us & our love.

She tiptoes and kissed him while he held her waist stabilising her, they were lost in their moment whilst he distanced himself.

V: I am marking you again as mine, (looking into her eyes) The first time was real, every sensation was not fake, It was magical, and I wanted to surrender for once to the love I had for you or else I would have never touched you just for revenge. I (traced her neckline with his lips) Love you.

R(in a daze): I love you too.

After some hours

V: I want to ask you, Riddhima, about the kids’ problem, doesn’t it have any solution?

R: don’t worry, the doctor said that the medicines will help them and they’ll be fine.

V(naughtily): By the way, there’s a possibility.

R(frowned): Of?

V: getting you pregnant again.

R(smacked her arm): Shut up, they are small;

V: just saying,(kissing her forehead) this time I want to be here within all the phases of your pregnancy, giving birth and all.

R(blushed): Vansh!

V(bite her cheeks): You’ll see wifey, I have a strong feeling that you’ll give them a sibling soon.

He caressed her chest and she surrendered to the magic his fingers created.

After 9 months

Vansh entered the room holding his kids where Riddhima was exhausted and he pecked her forehead.

V: are you fine, sweetheart?

R: mmm, still not feeling anything due to pain relief medication.

V: I am glad because It was the worse part to see you shouting in pain, but Look at her, she is so adorable like you.

R: Our sweet daughter, Deepika, is cute. 

V(kissing softly his daughter): She completed our family, and like her name, she lightened our lives again. I love you, sweetheart for giving me such an adorable family.

He bent and pecked her lips while she mouthed I love you too before drifting to sleep due to the medication.


Uffff guys, Allah knows best I didn’t know that I will pass 13k words in this os, Huh ??? don’t forget your pov. Sorry for the errors, and thank you !!

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