Hey guys, I am again posting stories,I want to tell you one thing, some I have written it long time back, ignore the mistakes Please.

First Os: Insecurity

It started After 3 weeks from Ishaani’s marriage.

Vansh was worried about Riddhima, Since a few days, She is lost in her own world, Scared and pale as If something is wrong with her, Something is bothering her so much. He was ignoring her after knowing the entire truth about her being a spy. But he can’t ignore the fact that she helped him to reach his mother’s murderers. She confessed the truth about herself the day after Ishaani’s marriage ad he was hurt beyond limits to know that his wife’s motive was to send him behind bars.His thoughts were interrupted by Angrey’s arrival.

Angrey brought a file to his boss while looking tensed over his reaction. He opened it, And his eyes went out of the socket.

V: Mrs.Raisinghania, Pregnant? Riddhima? Is it another one who used her name?

Ang: Boss, There’s no one else who can use it moreover that I called the hospital and confirmed it.

He was still in shock, In the other hands, Riddhima was searching for the reports but didn’t find it.

R(to herself): Oh my god, Who got it? I don’t want anyone to know, Especially Vansh, I am not ready to tell him too.

She rushed to her room and found Vansh standing there waiting for her.

V(showing her the reports): What’s this Riddhima?

She widened her eyes and stood silent not knowing what she should say.

V: I asked you something, Why did you hide it?

R: Vansh, It was a mistake.

V: How can you call our child a mistake? I agree that night was something out of our control, we didn’t plan it, but he is not a mistake, he is Vansh Raisinghania’s child.
R: we weren’t in out senses, I don’t know,(cried) everything is messed up, suddenly pregnancy when we don’t even trust each other.
He hugged her gently, and then wiped her tears.
V: Riddhima, sweetheart, it’s because we haven’t tried to give each other a chance, we keep judging each other, but not anymore, now everything is changed.
She cried more and he was perplexed by her act.
V: why are you crying now?
R: because he will suffer between us, when he sees the negative aura between his mom& dad, he won’t be happy too, I don’t want him, Vansh.
He closed his eyes to not yell at her.
V: you won’t hurt the baby because of your illusions,(he came closer till his breath hit her face and she parted her lips in anticipation) I agree we weren’t in our right mind but it doesn’t mean we didn’t want it. I am shocked that you still think that It was the only reason, till when will you keep lying to yourself? I was drunk many times, Riddhima, but I have never crossed my limits.(he touched her waist) do you feel despised by my touch? (She shake her head “no”) I have never spoken about it because I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.
R: I thought you hate me after all what I have done.
V: upset, yes to no extent, but I can never hate you, Kabir fooled you and Anupriya fooled me, if you didn’t tell me the truth, I wouldn’t have saved my family from their clutches.so Mrs.SPY I am indebted to you.
R: but the family are still angry.
V: sweetheart, I am your husband and I’ll make everything right. did you have your meal?
R: no, I don’t feel like eating.
V: don’t talk, I will bring it
He went and she sat remembering the past.

FB starts

R’s pov

I will prepare something for Vansh, He didn’t eat anything since the morning, And dadi told me that his mood always is worse when he is hungry. I will make Meethi bhaat for him, He loves it. But why would I? Because he saved my life And took care of me, I have to do it for him.

Author’s pov

She took the ingredients and started preparing for it, Kabir was watching her from outside and thought about a plan to make Vansh confess everything to Riddhima. He came inside the kitchen.

K: Wow, Mrs.Raisinghania, This sweet is the best.

R: Do you want me to give you as well?

K: I will be grateful if you do it.

She turned to get a bowl, ANd he spiked it, She gave him smilingly.

K: Thank you very much, It’s so kind of you.

R: Don’t mention it, Mr.Devraj.

Vansh came and find them smiling.

V(to Kabir): I didn’t know that you work here also?

K: Sorry, Mr.Raisinghania, (to Riddhima) Thanks again.

He goes and Vansh looked at her.

V: Why are you still here? it’s so late, And what was he doing here?

R: Vansh, You are so anxious over everything. I made a sweet dish for you, You are hungry.

V: Come let’s go to our room.
They went to their room and she gave him the bowl to eat it.
R: have it.
V: you didn’t have yours too.join me.
They had it together and then started laughing.
V: riddhima, your lookalike is here, she is standing right beside you.
R(laughing): she came for your lookalike, and.i will be with you.
V(whispering): yeah let them together, so that they don” t disturb us shhh.
He pulled her with him to the balcony.
V: stars, wow, they are shining but less than you.
R: you called me a star, then you are the moon. To which I will always sticking.
He buried his face in her neck and then licked her throat gently and then started kissing vigorously while she was a moaning mess, her legs failed to support her for more time and he took her with him to the bed.
R: vansh, I feel hot.
V: I am hot too.
She started at him and then his figure.
R(biting her lip): yeah you are.
He didn’t mean it that way but when she bit her lips, he lost his composure and wanted her badly.
V(eying her): you are hot too.
Their body was on fire, they needed each other crazily, fingers intertwined, lips parted and tensed bodies. He roamed his hands all around her body till he reach her front, she held his face kissing him desperately, and he re-attaches his lips on every cm of her skin, sending her to another world of pleasure.
They trembled against each other and then getting in their birth suit, they made love.

Riddhima looked at Vansh in a daze.

R: Vansh, I am sorry, I don’t want to lose you, You stopped me from telling you the truth, but I can’t afford to take the risk, Because the truth won’t stay covered for so long, You always wanted to know my truth, Right? Today, I can’t stay lying to you. I am a spy, (his face has no expressions but he was shocked to hear her next words), Kabir sent me here to spy on you, To gather substantial proofs about Ragini’s murder.

He looked at her for so long then he slowly started dozing off, And soon she lost her conscience too.

The other day

Riddhima wanted to move but she felt two arms steadying her against the mattress, She yawned and turned to face him only to be shocked.

R: ahhhhhh

He woke up with a jerk looking at their state with a jolt, He palmed his face with frustration.

V: Shit, WHat happened? and Why my head hurts? And how did we end up like that?

She covered herself then went into the washroom to change and he understood her discomfort, He put on his pants, He stood up but stopped and turned to her direction with wide eyes, And when he found the same expressions on her face, He understood that she remembered.

She closed her eyes with guilt, and he felt the rage rise inside him.

V: It was the motive for which you came into my life? Kabir? That bastard?

R: Vansh, I am

V: You are what? Sorry? Now I get it very well, This is the missing piece of the puzzle. Did you even realize one thing, If I wanted to take the truth out of you, I would have used many ways, Am I that bad, Riddhima? I thought We had something between us, But you are supporting a real killer against me.

R: What do you mean?

V: The man for whom you came here, Kabir! He is a blo*dy murderer. I witnessed him killing his partner, The lady cop who came to spy on me, He killed her.

R: No, Impossible!

V(hurt): Strange, How you believed easily that I am a murderer who deserves to be punished, But the man who really committed a crime, You can’t believe it about him, You love him that much?

R: Vansh, No!

V: No need to explain, everything is crystal clear, Now.

R: I am ready to help you.

V: Again? without justifications? The same mistake?

R: Vansh, I know you can’t lie to me.

V: And so you think about Kabir.

R: it’s for me to think about, I will help you even if I got cheated at the end. And one more thing Kabir came in disguise of Devraj.

V(threw the vase in anger): Shiiit, He dared to enter my mansion.(took out the gun)

Riddhima was shocked and held his hand.

R: No no

V(mockingly): Why? You are scared of losing him?

R: no, I don’t want you to go to jail.

V: Why? It was your motive and it will be fulfilled, But with a real murder case.

R(pulled the gun from his hand): No, I won’t let you, Please Vansh, For the family if not for me.

V: Pleading me for his life hurts more, sweetheart.

R: Not for him.

V: Save your lies to yourself.

Using Riddhima and Angrey’s help, with hidden Cameras, Vansh proved that Anupriya killed his mother, and Kabir killed the cop Neha, They were both arrested and jailed.

Since then, He was ignoring Riddhima completely as if she doesn’t exist.

Fb ends

Vansh was in deep thoughts, When she helped him to get his enemies arrested, He knew that her emotions were pure, and she loves him, But he was still hurt because she didn’t trust him. He ignored talking with her but never fail to notice everything about her, How she feels, what she does, He was focused on every detail about her. But Now, The ignore game is finished, They are going to be parents, ad he will make sure to mend everything between them.

He came back to their room and found her still in the same position.

V: Riddhima, Stop thinking.

R: I told you I don’t want it.

V(yelled): Riddhima! What’s your problem?

R: I am so terrified.

Vansh understood her insecurities, She thinks that he doesn’t love her anymore, Because of his behavior for the last weeks.

V(hugged her): Sweetheart, Don’t be scared, I am here with you, look at me (she lift up her face to him) I will never leave you, You are pregnant and I am so happy to know it.

Continued on next page…

R: pakka? You won’t go?

V: Never.

He fused their lips together in a soothing way to calm her down, And she relaxed. He made her have the food.

V: By the way, We should inform the family about it, Dadi will be very happy.

She smiled remembering how dadi hugged her before happily when she thought she was pregnant.

He took her hand in his and walked to the hall where everyone was gathered, Angrey smiled knowing very well what news will his boss announce.

V: We are all happy to wait for the little baby which is coming on the way (ishaani give him a smile which he reciprocated) but now, The happiness will be doubled.

D: What are you saying, Vansh? We didn’t understand.

V: Dadi, Now, not only one baby, Two babies are on the way.

S: Ishaani, Are you pregnant with twins?

I: No, I am not, Bhai, Why are you speaking with coded messages? Just say it clearly.

He laughed at their confusion.

V: I am going to be Father soon.

Everyone gasped with shock, but then dadi hurried to Riddhima and hugged her happily.

I: Oh my god, Bhai, Finally, I will become aunt, Wow.

S: And I will be the aunt of two babies, Not bad.

I: But Sia, Don’t you think that VR’s child will be hard to handle.

Ang: As if ours will be easy, He will take after you for sure.

I: Hahaha, Angrey, Very nice joke, but Don’t repeat it again.

He gave her a look of “I told you”, And they laughed at her annoyed expressions.

Ang: Congrats, Bhai, Babhi.

Sia moved to her babhi and hugged her.

S: I am so excited, And thank you for helping me to recover babhi.

Riddhima was just smiling a little, She does neither talk nor discuss anything.

D: Riddhima, How’s your health? What did the doc say?

R: I am fine dadi, both are fine.

D: you are so pale, I think you need to go and have some rest.

She nodded quietly and went while Vansh’s attention was on her. Dadi noticed him.

D: What’s wrong, Vansh? Why was she tensed?

V: She thinks that I don’t love her anymore, After what happened, our relationship wasn’t good for a few weeks.

D: Did you try to confess?

V: I didn’t, dadi, I was not in the state of mind to try to understand her.

D: And now?

V: I am joyful to know that I will be a father soon, All the anger I felt before vanished and I want to forgive her & give her another chance.

D: This is what’s hurting her, Vansh, The fact that you weren’t ready to start a conversation with her before, ANd now after the news, You want her, made her feel that you want her just for the child’s sake.

V: But I am not, dadi, I love her.

D: I know, But you have to convince her by yourself.

V: I will do my best.

S: All the best Bhai.

Ang: Best of luck, Boss.

D: God bless you, beta.

I: Come on, He is not going to fight behind the enemy’s lines, He will just try to pacify his wife.

Ang(with pity): Pregnant woman! actually, It’s necessary to put two lines under the “pregnant” word.

I: What do you want to say? That I am bothering you unreasonably?

Ang(dramatically): I do not dare, Your excellency.

I(with attitude): Better.

S(to Vansh): Now, Bhai, Your condition will be worse than Angrey, AS She is pregnant with your son/daughter, They will have the same intensity as you.

V: Scary!

A week passed with Riddhima not contacting anyone from the family, She wasn’t in the state of mind to


R(to herself): Will he go back to his old self after the delivery? I can’t be happy about it, I fear dreaming about a happy family which I didn’t have. Vansh doesn’t love me after being deceived by me. He will want me out of his life after giving birth to the baby.

She started sobbing and felt two arms holding her.

V: Do you think this low of me? My emotion for you is pure, It has nothing to do with lust, You are talking as if I lust on you, and then I left you. Do you think that I want you out of my life? Then did you think for once, why didn’t I get you out of my life after knowing the truth?

R: why?

V(wiping her tears): Because I love you, And I don’t want to live without you, I love you very much, to forget our past & to dream about a beautiful future together with our child.

R: do you really love me?

V: I really love you immensely, and you, Don’t you?

R: I love you, (hugged him) I am so sorry, I was mistaken in the past and then felt so insecure when I knew I was pregnant, I couldn’t come and tell you about it.

V(cupping her face): Now, No more insecurities, Ok!

R(smiled widely): I promise.

V: By the way, do you crave something?



After half an hour

Riddhima came to the dinner table angrily while Vansh was behind her, She sat, But didn’t start eating.

D: Riddhima, Finally you came out of that room, But why are you upset?

R(glaring at him): Ask him.

D(to Vansh): What have you done?

V: Dadi, I did nothing.

D: If you both did nothing, then who did? Riddhima, tell me, my child, why your mood is not good?

R(with tears): Dadi, He doesn’t care about me and the baby, I asked him for one thing which he couldn’t bring it.

D(angrily): Vansh, How can you ignore your pregnant wife’s demand? Go and bring it for her.

Ang: Babhi, I will bring it to you.

V: Angrey, No one will do that, Ok?

D: Vanshhhh

S: Bhai, Please!

V: No way, Sia.

I: BUt Bhai, She is pregnant, Although I still don’t like her, it’s wrong to ignore her craving.

V: She won’t get it.

She cried more ad they went to pacify her while Vansh was adamant that no one will bring it.

Ar: By the way, What is she craving?

V: Coal

ALL except V&R: Huh?

V(annoyed): Yes, she literally asked me to give her coal to eat it, Do you believe it, guys? And on top of that, she started crying when I tried to explain to her.

They burst out laughing and she pouted.

R(yelled at him): It’s common for pregnant women to crave non-item food.

D: Riddhima, I am your dadi, right? And I never say “no” for anything you want, But this is not good for your health, Do you want to hurt your baby?

R: No dadi.

D: Then tell us anything else we’ll offer to you.

V: But it has to be eatable first.

She threw an angry look at him and then started eating, And suddenly she stopped.

R: Now, That you were being so health anxious, I want pasta with white sauce.

V: OK, (he called the cook).

R: I wanted you to make it.

V: What? I have never made a coffee for myself, Do you think I know how to make it?

R: I don’t care. I want it now!

Vansh huffed and took his phone with him to fulfill her cravings, and they giggled again.

S: Only you babhi, Can make the Vansh Raisinghania cook!

I: I agree.

The kitchen

Vansh searched on the internet and started imitating the video step by step, He was replaying the video again and again.

After an hour, the dish was ready, And he took it to his pregnant wife. He crossed their room’s door and put it.

V: Here is your food, Have it.

She looked at the dish surprised, as she didn’t expect him to do it for real for her.

R: You made it by yourself?

V: Of course, VR doesn’t cheat.

Riddhima took a spoon and then started coughing.

R: Vansh (cough) What did (cough) add?

V(worriedly): Riddhima, Are you okay? I am sorry, don’t eat it, Is it that bad?

He took the plate to throw it in the dustbin but stopped when he heard her giggles.

V: Were you playing with me?

R(laugh): Vansh, I was kidding, It’s so tasty, Give me back my plate, I am so hungry.

V: mmm no

R(widened her eyes): What no? I want it.

He took a spoon to his mouth but she ran and eat it.

R(taking the plate): This is mine, I am going to eat it alone.

She resumed eating it happily while he was joyful that he fulfilled her craving.

R: I am done (holding her stomach). Vansh, come, the baby wants to tell you something.

V: WHat?

R: Just come.

He approached her, Then she kissed his cheek.

R: The baby told me to thank his daddy, and told him that he loves him.

V(kissed her cheek too): Tell him that his daddy loves him too, and loves his mommy, But ask him whether his mommy loves his daddy?

R(pecking his lips): He told you that his mommy has limitless love for his daddy, and he is her life.

Vansh was overwhelmed and took her close to him cuddling with her while they hear each other’s heartbeats.


Second Os: His mother’s painting

It started After 3 weeks from Ishaani’s marriage.

Vansh was worried about Riddhima, Since a few days, She is lost in her own world, Scared and pale as If something is wrong with her, Something is bothering her so much. He was ignoring her after knowing the entire truth about her being a spy. But he can’t ignore the fact that she helped him to reach his mother’s murderers. She confessed the truth about herself the day after Ishaani’s marriage ad he was hurt beyond limits to know that his wife’s motive was to send him behind bars.His thoughts were interrupted by Angrey’s arrival.

Angrey brought a file to his boss while looking tensed over his reaction. He opened it, And his eyes went out of the socket.

V: Mrs.Raisinghania, Pregnant? Riddhima? Is it another one who used her name?

Ang: Boss, There’s no one else who can use it moreover that I called the hospital and confirmed it.

He was still in shock, In the other hands, Riddhima was searching for the reports but didn’t find it.

R(to herself): Oh my god, Who got it? I don’t want anyone to know, Especially Vansh, I am not ready to tell him too.

She rushed to her room and found Vansh standing there waiting for her.

V(showing her the reports): What’s this Riddhima?

She widened her eyes and stood silent not knowing what she should say.

V: I asked you something, Why did you hide it?

R: Vansh, It was a mistake.

V: How can you call our child a mistake? I agree that night was something out of our control, we didn’t plan it, but he is not a mistake, he is Vansh Raisinghania’s child.
R: we weren’t in out senses, I don’t know,(cried) everything is messed up, suddenly pregnancy when we don’t even trust each other.
He hugged her gently, and then wiped her tears.
V: Riddhima, sweetheart, it’s because we haven’t tried to give each other a chance, we keep judging each other, but not anymore, now everything is changed.
She cried more and he was perplexed by her act.
V: why are you crying now?
R: because he will suffer between us, when he sees the negative aura between his mom& dad, he won’t be happy too, I don’t want him, Vansh.
He closed his eyes to not yell at her.
V: you won’t hurt the baby because of your illusions,(he came closer till his breath hit her face and she parted her lips in anticipation) I agree we weren’t in our right mind but it doesn’t mean we didn’t want it. I am shocked that you still think that It was the only reason, till when will you keep lying to yourself? I was drunk many times, Riddhima, but I have never crossed my limits.(he touched her waist) do you feel despised by my touch? (She shake her head “no”) I have never spoken about it because I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.
R: I thought you hate me after all what I have done.
V: upset, yes to no extent, but I can never hate you, Kabir fooled you and Anupriya fooled me, if you didn’t tell me the truth, I wouldn’t have saved my family from their clutches.so Mrs.SPY I am indebted to you.
R: but the family are still angry.
V: sweetheart, I am your husband and I’ll make everything right. did you have your meal?
R: no, I don’t feel like eating.
V: don’t talk, I will bring it
He went and she sat remembering the past.

FB starts

R’s pov

I will prepare something for Vansh, He didn’t eat anything since the morning, And dadi told me that his mood always is worse when he is hungry. I will make Meethi bhaat for him, He loves it. But why would I? Because he saved my life And took care of me, I have to do it for him.

Author’s pov

She took the ingredients and started preparing for it, Kabir was watching her from outside and thought about a plan to make Vansh confess everything to Riddhima. He came inside the kitchen.

Continued on next page…

K: Wow, Mrs.Raisinghania, This sweet is the best.

R: Do you want me to give you as well?

K: I will be grateful if you do it.

She turned to get a bowl, ANd he spiked it, She gave him smilingly.

K: Thank you very much, It’s so kind of you.

R: Don’t mention it, Mr.Devraj.

Vansh came and find them smiling.

V(to Kabir): I didn’t know that you work here also?

K: Sorry, Mr.Raisinghania, (to Riddhima) Thanks again.

He goes and Vansh looked at her.

V: Why are you still here? it’s so late, And what was he doing here?

R: Vansh, You are so anxious over everything. I made a sweet dish for you, You are hungry.

V: Come let’s go to our room.
They went to their room and she gave him the bowl to eat it.
R: have it.
V: you didn’t have yours too.join me.
They had it together and then started laughing.
V: riddhima, your lookalike is here, she is standing right beside you.
R(laughing): she came for your lookalike, and.i will be with you.
V(whispering): yeah let them together, so that they don” t disturb us shhh.
He pulled her with him to the balcony.
V: stars, wow, they are shining but less than you.
R: you called me a star, then you are the moon. To which I will always sticking.
He buried his face in her neck and then licked her throat gently and then started kissing vigorously while she was a moaning mess, her legs failed to support her for more time and he took her with him to the bed.
R: vansh, I feel hot.
V: I am hot too.
She started at him and then his figure.
R(biting her lip): yeah you are.
He didn’t mean it that way but when she bit her lips, he lost his composure and wanted her badly.
V(eying her): you are hot too.
Their body was on fire, they needed each other crazily, fingers intertwined, lips parted and tensed bodies. He roamed his hands all around her body till he reach her front, she held his face kissing him desperately, and he re-attaches his lips on every cm of her skin, sending her to another world of pleasure.
They trembled against each other and then getting in their birth suit, they made love.

Riddhima looked at Vansh in a daze.

R: Vansh, I am sorry, I don’t want to lose you, You stopped me from telling you the truth, but I can’t afford to take the risk, Because the truth won’t stay covered for so long, You always wanted to know my truth, Right? Today, I can’t stay lying to you. I am a spy, (his face has no expressions but he was shocked to hear her next words), Kabir sent me here to spy on you, To gather substantial proofs about Ragini’s murder.

He looked at her for so long then he slowly started dozing off, And soon she lost her conscience too.

The other day

Riddhima wanted to move but she felt two arms steadying her against the mattress, She yawned and turned to face him only to be shocked.

R: ahhhhhh

He woke up with a jerk looking at their state with a jolt, He palmed his face with frustration.

V: Shit, WHat happened? and Why my head hurts? And how did we end up like that?

She covered herself then went into the washroom to change and he understood her discomfort, He put on his pants, He stood up but stopped and turned to her direction with wide eyes, And when he found the same expressions on her face, He understood that she remembered.

She closed her eyes with guilt, and he felt the rage rise inside him.

V: It was the motive for which you came into my life? Kabir? That bastard?

R: Vansh, I am

V: You are what? Sorry? Now I get it very well, This is the missing piece of the puzzle. Did you even realize one thing, If I wanted to take the truth out of you, I would have used many ways, Am I that bad, Riddhima? I thought We had something between us, But you are supporting a real killer against me.

R: What do you mean?

V: The man for whom you came here, Kabir! He is a blo*dy murderer. I witnessed him killing his partner, The lady cop who came to spy on me, He killed her.

R: No, Impossible!

V(hurt): Strange, How you believed easily that I am a murderer who deserves to be punished, But the man who really committed a crime, You can’t believe it about him, You love him that much?

R: Vansh, No!

V: No need to explain, everything is crystal clear, Now.

R: I am ready to help you.

V: Again? without justifications? The same mistake?

R: Vansh, I know you can’t lie to me.

V: And so you think about Kabir.

R: it’s for me to think about, I will help you even if I got cheated at the end. And one more thing Kabir came in disguise of Devraj.

V(threw the vase in anger): Shiiit, He dared to enter my mansion.(took out the gun)

Riddhima was shocked and held his hand.

R: No no

V(mockingly): Why? You are scared of losing him?

R: no, I don’t want you to go to jail.

V: Why? It was your motive and it will be fulfilled, But with a real murder case.

R(pulled the gun from his hand): No, I won’t let you, Please Vansh, For the family if not for me.

V: Pleading me for his life hurts more, sweetheart.

R: Not for him.

V: Save your lies to yourself.

Using Riddhima and Angrey’s help, with hidden Cameras, Vansh proved that Anupriya killed his mother, and Kabir killed the cop Neha, They were both arrested and jailed.

Since then, He was ignoring Riddhima completely as if she doesn’t exist.

Fb ends

Vansh was in deep thoughts, When she helped him to get his enemies arrested, He knew that her emotions were pure, and she loves him, But he was still hurt because she didn’t trust him. He ignored talking with her but never fail to notice everything about her, How she feels, what she does, He was focused on every detail about her. But Now, The ignore game is finished, They are going to be parents, ad he will make sure to mend everything between them.

He came back to their room and found her still in the same position.

V: Riddhima, Stop thinking.

R: I told you I don’t want it.

V(yelled): Riddhima! What’s your problem?

R: I am so terrified.

Vansh understood her insecurities, She thinks that he doesn’t love her anymore, Because of his behavior for the last weeks.

V(hugged her): Sweetheart, Don’t be scared, I am here with you, look at me (she lift up her face to him) I will never leave you, You are pregnant and I am so happy to know it.

R: pakka? You won’t go?

V: Never.

He fused their lips together in a soothing way to calm her down, And she relaxed. He made her have the food.

V: By the way, We should inform the family about it, Dadi will be very happy.

She smiled remembering how dadi hugged her before happily when she thought she was pregnant.

He took her hand in his and walked to the hall where everyone was gathered, Angrey smiled knowing very well what news will his boss announce.

V: We are all happy to wait for the little baby which is coming on the way (ishaani give him a smile which he reciprocated) but now, The happiness will be doubled.

D: What are you saying, Vansh? We didn’t understand.

V: Dadi, Now, not only one baby, Two babies are on the way.

S: Ishaani, Are you pregnant with twins?

I: No, I am not, Bhai, Why are you speaking with coded messages? Just say it clearly.

He laughed at their confusion.

V: I am going to be Father soon.

Everyone gasped with shock, but then dadi hurried to Riddhima and hugged her happily.

I: Oh my god, Bhai, Finally, I will become aunt, Wow.

S: And I will be the aunt of two babies, Not bad.

I: But Sia, Don’t you think that VR’s child will be hard to handle.

Ang: As if ours will be easy, He will take after you for sure.

I: Hahaha, Angrey, Very nice joke, but Don’t repeat it again.

He gave her a look of “I told you”, And they laughed at her annoyed expressions.

Ang: Congrats, Bhai, Babhi.

Sia moved to her babhi and hugged her.

S: I am so excited, And thank you for helping me to recover babhi.

Riddhima was just smiling a little, She does neither talk nor discuss anything.

D: Riddhima, How’s your health? What did the doc say?

R: I am fine dadi, both are fine.

D: you are so pale, I think you need to go and have some rest.

She nodded quietly and went while Vansh’s attention was on her. Dadi noticed him.

D: What’s wrong, Vansh? Why was she tensed?

V: She thinks that I don’t love her anymore, After what happened, our relationship wasn’t good for a few weeks.

D: Did you try to confess?

V: I didn’t, dadi, I was not in the state of mind to try to understand her.

D: And now?

V: I am joyful to know that I will be a father soon, All the anger I felt before vanished and I want to forgive her & give her another chance.

D: This is what’s hurting her, Vansh, The fact that you weren’t ready to start a conversation with her before, ANd now after the news, You want her, made her feel that you want her just for the child’s sake.

V: But I am not, dadi, I love her.

D: I know, But you have to convince her by yourself.

V: I will do my best.

S: All the best Bhai.

Ang: Best of luck, Boss.

D: God bless you, beta.

I: Come on, He is not going to fight behind the enemy’s lines, He will just try to pacify his wife.

Ang(with pity): Pregnant woman! actually, It’s necessary to put two lines under the “pregnant” word.

I: What do you want to say? That I am bothering you unreasonably?

Ang(dramatically): I do not dare, Your excellency.

I(with attitude): Better.

S(to Vansh): Now, Bhai, Your condition will be worse than Angrey, AS She is pregnant with your son/daughter, They will have the same intensity as you.

V: Scary!

A week passed with Riddhima not contacting anyone from the family, She wasn’t in the state of mind to


R(to herself): Will he go back to his old self after the delivery? I can’t be happy about it, I fear dreaming about a happy family which I didn’t have. Vansh doesn’t love me after being deceived by me. He will want me out of his life after giving birth to the baby.

She started sobbing and felt two arms holding her.

V: Do you think this low of me? My emotion for you is pure, It has nothing to do with lust, You are talking as if I lust on you, and then I left you. Do you think that I want you out of my life? Then did you think for once, why didn’t I get you out of my life after knowing the truth?

R: why?

V(wiping her tears): Because I love you, And I don’t want to live without you, I love you very much, to forget our past & to dream about a beautiful future together with our child.

R: do you really love me?

V: I really love you immensely, and you, Don’t you?

R: I love you, (hugged him) I am so sorry, I was mistaken in the past and then felt so insecure when I knew I was pregnant, I couldn’t come and tell you about it.

V(cupping her face): Now, No more insecurities, Ok!

R(smiled widely): I promise.

V: By the way, do you crave something?



After half an hour

Riddhima came to the dinner table angrily while Vansh was behind her, She sat, But didn’t start eating.

D: Riddhima, Finally you came out of that room, But why are you upset?

R(glaring at him): Ask him.

D(to Vansh): What have you done?

V: Dadi, I did nothing.

D: If you both did nothing, then who did? Riddhima, tell me, my child, why your mood is not good?

R(with tears): Dadi, He doesn’t care about me and the baby, I asked him for one thing which he couldn’t bring it.

D(angrily): Vansh, How can you ignore your pregnant wife’s demand? Go and bring it for her.

Ang: Babhi, I will bring it to you.

V: Angrey, No one will do that, Ok?

D: Vanshhhh

S: Bhai, Please!

V: No way, Sia.

I: BUt Bhai, She is pregnant, Although I still don’t like her, it’s wrong to ignore her craving.

V: She won’t get it.

She cried more ad they went to pacify her while Vansh was adamant that no one will bring it.

Ar: By the way, What is she craving?

V: Coal

ALL except V&R: Huh?

V(annoyed): Yes, she literally asked me to give her coal to eat it, Do you believe it, guys? And on top of that, she started crying when I tried to explain to her.

They burst out laughing and she pouted.

R(yelled at him): It’s common for pregnant women to crave non-item food.

D: Riddhima, I am your dadi, right? And I never say “no” for anything you want, But this is not good for your health, Do you want to hurt your baby?

R: No dadi.

D: Then tell us anything else we’ll offer to you.

V: But it has to be eatable first.

She threw an angry look at him and then started eating, And suddenly she stopped.

R: Now, That you were being so health anxious, I want pasta with white sauce.

V: OK, (he called the cook).

R: I wanted you to make it.

V: What? I have never made a coffee for myself, Do you think I know how to make it?

R: I don’t care. I want it now!

Vansh huffed and took his phone with him to fulfill her cravings, and they giggled again.

S: Only you babhi, Can make the Vansh Raisinghania cook!

I: I agree.

The kitchen

Vansh searched on the internet and started imitating the video step by step, He was replaying the video again and again.

After an hour, the dish was ready, And he took it to his pregnant wife. He crossed their room’s door and put it.

V: Here is your food, Have it.

She looked at the dish surprised, as she didn’t expect him to do it for real for her.

R: You made it by yourself?

V: Of course, VR doesn’t cheat.

Continued on next page…

Riddhima took a spoon and then started coughing.

R: Vansh (cough) What did (cough) add?

V(worriedly): Riddhima, Are you okay? I am sorry, don’t eat it, Is it that bad?

He took the plate to throw it in the dustbin but stopped when he heard her giggles.

V: Were you playing with me?

R(laugh): Vansh, I was kidding, It’s so tasty, Give me back my plate, I am so hungry.

V: mmm no

R(widened her eyes): What no? I want it.

He took a spoon to his mouth but she ran and eat it.

R(taking the plate): This is mine, I am going to eat it alone.

She resumed eating it happily while he was joyful that he fulfilled her craving.

R: I am done (holding her stomach). Vansh, come, the baby wants to tell you something.

V: WHat?

R: Just come.

He approached her, Then she kissed his cheek.

R: The baby told me to thank his daddy, and told him that he loves him.

V(kissed her cheek too):

Tell him that his daddy loves him too, and loves his mommy, But ask him whether his mommy loves his daddy?

R(pecking his lips): He told you that his mommy has limitless love for his daddy, and he is her life.

Vansh was overwhelmed and took her close to him cuddling with her while they hear each other’s heartbeats.


Third Os: Mood swings 2

After Vansh coming back from his trip, He cracked the deal and came back.


* I won’t add any conspiracies. I want to give you and my mind a break before starting again a mysterious story Moreover that I am still sick. I hope you understand my condition.

* This one is not related to the first one.

R’s pov

I was missing Vansh so much, I didn’t know that I will be missing him when he won’t be around but now, I don’t find my solace without him. He asked me on the phone but I didn’t give him a clear answer. Now, since he came, I can’t face him and I don’t know why? I am still confused about what is right and what is wrong? Although I feel bad for my previous behavior.

V’s pov

I and Riddhima were apart for days, and for the first time, I found it hard to spend few days without someone, I missed her and wished if only I could have taken her with me. I think the start doesn’t specify the destiny of our relationship, but we do. If we both try, we can make it. I don’t know what is this feeling? Even with Ragini, I didn’t feel like that! But she is acting weird.

Fb starts

Everyone welcomed Vansh happily after his arrival, but he was waiting for someone more precious lately to his heart, He tried to find Riddhima only to see her standing far, THey had an eye lock making dadi coughed: Riddhima, What are you doing there? Your husband came back after days, And he is waiting for you to welcome him! Don’t you see his eagerness!

I looked at dadi shocked with her statement, and she laughed: Don’t feel shy, It happens when you fell in love;

Oh God dadi was saying total nonsense now, And embarrassing both of us. I looked at Riddhima only to see a shy smile adorning her face, I unwantedly smiled, She was pure beauty, No matter what was the reason why she came, I am thankful to that Reason for bringing her into my life. I am full of darkness, And she is the total opposite. A man like me shall never have a hope of light in his life, still, she made me see it and created hope of a good end for me. It’s strange! Although I always say that I decide my death, I can’t imagine another end than it.

D: Vanshhhhh !! You have the whole life to look at your wife, Did you miss her that much?

V: dadiii ! It’s just

D: we understand ! Aren’t we Sia?

S: Of course, dadi, We can understand!

V: you are hopeless guys, (Loudly so that Riddhima hears) I am going to my room, I have work.

S: She heard you!

V: Sia

Riddhima turned her face to the other side in order not to crack up and provokes him!

S: Babhi, What Bhai meant is to follow him! Maybe mmm A surprise !!

V(rolling his eyes): What nonsense!

He walked away and all of them looked at her while she looked everywhere then picked up her phone: Helloooo Sejall !! I can’t hear you !! Network issue(before she could complete her phone started ringing whilst she was still putting it on her ear, Her mouth shaped “O” while the family burst out laughing at her, she pretended as if answering) Yeah, I told you sejal, The network issue !!

S(from the other side): What are you talking about?

R(walking away): shut idiot! DOn’t call me now, I’ll call you later !!

S(looked at her phone): What happened to her?

Sia was looking at her retreating figure and smiled: Dadi, they are so adorable!

D: and obvious too.

They laughed, and sia added: I am glad they are in love now!

I: I don’t know why you love that classless girl! ad Bhai is so blind, He’ll regret it one day!

Riddhima entered the room ad crossed her arms over her chest looking at Vansh: What did you do?

V: what did I do?

R: Because of you, the family teased me a lot.

V: why? Neither did I say nor do something for what they tease you.

R: Vansh, You understand !!

V: since we are talking about teasing, what about “Hello Sejal” Then tadaa the phone started ringing?

R’s pov

Is Vansh teasing me now? without arrogance or ego, The way he is talking is like a typical husband, No actually we are fighting like a typical husband-wife fight. and I don’t know why I love it.

R: at least I came with something better than work! What did you wanna say?

V: Who said I want to say something?

R: Ok Keep playing games alone, I am going !!

I pretended as if leaving and felt a hand holding mine, I grinned then changed my expressions and faced him: Yes?

V: You shouldn’t leave without hearing the whole sentence! Instead of saying I wanna give you something.

R(excited): Really? What is it?

V: My first gift was this phone, But for me, I didn’t give you a phone, Riddhima! I gave you my trust that I usually think it’s precious to be given to someone, Yet it is yours now. Please take care of it. my second gift is

I was so surprised to understand the meaning of it, He is giving me his trust, and me? isn’t it my duty to give it back to him? Doesn’t he deserve it after all times I found him there for me?

R(held his hand): I promise you to never break this trust.

For the first time, I saw his smile and not his smirk, It was genuine expressing his happiness, and the peace in my heart was enough to know that I made the right decision, My instinct told me I was right. suddenly I felt pain and held my stomach.

Author’s pov

Vansh was speaking but stopped as he saw her sitting on the bed holding her stomach.

V: Riddhima, Are you ok?

R(trying to cover her pain): I am good !!

V: No you are not! Look at yourself, It’s evident that you are in pain.

R(rudely): I said I am fine !! more than the pain I am feeling now! Your questions are making it worse.

V’s pov

What happened to her all of sudden? But she looks pale.

V: Riddhima, let’s go to the doc.

R: wait a sec

she put her hand on her mouth heading toward the bathroom. while dadi exclaimed near the door: Good news???

V and R(who just came out ): WHATTTTTT????Dadi, Try to

But she went before we could correct her misunderstanding!

R: all happened because of you !!

V(in disbelief): Me????

R: Yes

V: why so? was I the one who went to the bathroom running to vomit?

R: You didn’t close the door.

V: Oh really? Who came here first?

R: argggggg I can’t argue with you now! (in pain) iI can’t take it !!

V: Riddhima, Please relax !! Tell me where does it pain?

R: whattttttt ???????

She scared me with her reaction as If I asked something forbidden, What’s wrong with her?

R: You are really shameless man!

V: shameless??

R(in pain): I won’t argue with you !! ahh oh god! (she went back to the bathroom leaving him behind confused)

V: Whatever was the problem! I know how to know!

R’s pov

I took a hot shower to relieve the pain then I started wondering Why did I get angry with him? Obviously, he doesn’t know! I have to apologize, Uff !! From where he’ll know that I am on period now, I shouldn’t have snapped at him.

Luckily I had clothes that I have already kept here, I came out of the room only to be shocked to see a doc there.

V: Come Riddhima, She’ll check you.

I am taking my apology back, I want to kill you, Vansh for it! It will be so embarrassing! Let the doc goes then I am going to murder you peacefully.

V: doc, Please check her she was having pain. I’ll go out till you finish.

D: Please lay down! (I obliged whilst thinking of a way to tell the doctor about the matter) Where did you feel pain? (I pointed toward my belly) When was the last time you menstruate?

After a while

The doc went and Vansh arrived in the room, I glared at him angrily and he glared back.

V: Couldn’t you just say it?

R: Exactly, Couldn’t you just say that you’ll call a doc? Do you know How embarrassed I was?

V: As If I wasn’t while she is explaining such stuff to me, and asking me why I have no idea about it.

R: you kind of deserve it for trapping me!

V: mmm do you need something?

R(snapped): Nothing from your side, What you did was enough !!

Author’s pov

V(to himself): Ok calm down, It’s normal to have a bad mood due to that, The doc explained to me. All I have to do is trying to light up her mood.

V: I brought something for you.

R(without looking at him): WHat?

V: see it.

R(looked at him disinterestedly): I am in a very ba(Stopped seeing the chocolate tablet in front of her eyes) Chocolates!! How did you know? I always feel like eating it in this phase. (grinned happily) You are so sweet. Thank you !!

He looked at her mood swings amazed and his amusement had no limits when she hugged him.

V(to himself): She is like a cute little child who is happy with chocolate.(to her) You are welcome! And the doc prescribed some medicines to reduce the pain.

R(separating herself from him ): I hate medicines!

V: You have to take it Riddhima!

R: No, please, It’s so bitter!

V: Riddhima, Please !!

R(adamant): No I won’t take it ever.

V: fine, don’t take it forcefully. Wait I will come.

He came with soup and juice for her, she made faces.

R: Not soup, please!

V: I listened to you when you refused to have medicines, But not this time, You’ll have to listen to me.

Riddhima looked the other way while he took the spoon and turned her face toward him while his eyes met hers, They felt their heartbeats raised. The spoon touched her lips and she unknowingly opened her mouth while he fed her like a small baby. She snapped out of her dream world as he snapped his fingers in front of her face: You finished it !!! And now time for juice.

Continued on next page…

He intertwined their hands together driving her heartbeats crazy while he slowly made her drink her juice.

V: This one too is finished !! awee I have a good girl! She drank soup, Juice and took her medicines too! Woah!

R: Medicines? I didn’t take them.

V(showing her the glass): Sorry !!

R: You tricked me !!!

V: Some tricks are allowed for your own welfare. (Caressed her cheeks) I care about you, and can’t see you in pain. Therefore I did trick you.

R(putting her head on his shoulder): It’s unbearable, Vansh. Stay with me.

Her eyes were teary due to the pain, and he encircled his arm around her: Lay down, I am going to come back fast.

She looked angrily at him: ok Go, don’t come back, even I don’t want you to.

V: Ok

He left and she wondered: Ok??? Did he just say ok? I will kill him and cut his body into millions of small pieces and put each piece in a city.

S: Poor Bhai, Why this cruelty toward him?

R: Sia? What are you doing near the door? Come inside.

S: emmm No ! I came only to see either the caring husband is here or not yet.

R: Caring husband means?

S: You’ll get it yourself, and you’ll regret badmouthing my poor Bhai.

Sia laughed while exiting the room.

R: What did she mean?

Vansh came again while she rolled her eyes: Didn’t I tell you not to come back? Why did you come?

V: Actually I asked Sia

Fb starts

Vansh was walking in front of sia’s room and stood there: SHould I ask? What will I say? !!

Sia opened the door: Bhai !! You here?

V: I want to ask you something about what the doc said.

S: Ohh

V: What are things that I can do for Riddhima? She is in unbearable pain and medicines will take time to affect her.

S(hid her smile): And you can’t see her pain, right?

V: Sia, you’ll help me or not?

S: Ok ok, All you have to do is using A hot rubber water bag, It’s so useful in this state.

Fb ends

V(Gave it to her): Careful! It’s so hot!

Riddhima was overwhelmed with his care, and what made her more joyful is the fact that he was finally expressing it without hesitation.

R(bit her lips): Sorry! I unreasonably shouted at you!

V(smiled): I understand! (He held her hand while keeping the water bag on her stomach) I am with you, I will never let you alone, You’ll always find me there for you.

R(feeling emotional, she hugged him) : Thank you! You don’t know how much it means to me! (Remembered something) Vansh, You said you gave me your trust, therefore, I want to tell you something about my past.

V(He hushed her): Riddhima, I didn’t give you my second gift, Wait.

He went on his knees: I know there are many questions between us, about us and our truth, still, I want to let everything go for a new beginning together, Today I am not giving you a mere ring, I am giving you my heart, I love you, Riddhima, The distance between us made me realized your value in my life, will you accept my love.?

Riddhima wasted no second to nod making him smile and made her wear the ring while removing the VR ring.

R: whyyy !!

V: For a new beginning! this ring is related to the past, and I don’t want it to ruin our present and future therefore (He threw the ring from the window) I accept the Riddhima I get to know during these months, can you move on from your past?

She simply hugged him giving an unvoiced promise to dedicate her present and future to him and only him, and He understood it wrapping his arms around her.

Emm again I tried to write something without twists Because I know You need a break, I hope you like it. and it’s an “if” that we all normally think of,If they trusted each other, Maybe they wouldn’t go through pain. (And wouldn’t make hundreds of episodes too lol)

The End

I hope you like it dears, And I post only three in one go fro you all Because i don’t want you to get bored with the stories.

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