Riansh OS (my first update) Part 1

                   Riansh OS (part-1)

This story starts from Ishani birthday party….but here Ishani and Riddhima have nice bonding. So let’s start…..

VR mansion:

It was not an ordinary morning in vr mansion, this morning was full of happiness as it was  birthday of Raisinghania family’s princess…Ishani Raisinghania…she was not a kind hearted lady but also not that arrogant…she loves her family very much and especially her vansh bhai….

Everyone where busy in preparation but our Riddhima was lost somewhere….vansh noticed it…he came near her and asked “what happened Riddhima?? Is everything alright??” Riddhima gave him a small smile in assurance and nodded…but she herself knew what was in her mind she wanted to share with him but cannot….she thought” Vansh I want to share my pain with you which I am carrying all this 20 years but I cannot….how should I tell you how much this day haunts me”….Vansh who was near her saw her again lost somewhere he thought” Riddhima I know something is bothering you and I will find it out very soon” he was going to ask her something but meanwhile dadi called them….” You both… what are you doing here go and get ready” dadi commanded with a fake anger mask on her face…they both left…

VR mansion garden:

Everything was decorated according to Ishani’s will…. birthday girl was asking to click her pictures from her cousin Aryan….and then Riansh enters hand in hand just looking like a royal couple both were looking stunning…..but something was missing in Riddhima….and that was her beautiful smile…..how can she smile when she was going through a inner turmoil…..everyone’s attention were towards them……

Soon party started…..first Ishani cut the cake into peices….and fed all of them one by one but first she fed Angre….Vansh was happy seeing this as she was finally accepting her relation with her husband…..Now it was time for dance…..everybody were dancing but only Riddhima was standing in a corner with a glass of her favourite juice in her hand……Vansh was all confused with her weird behaviour as she never behaved like this before…. shrugging all this thoughts he offered his hand to Riddhima for a dance…..she was going to reject but seeing his puppy eyes she agreed…..

They were dancing when Vansh swirled her around…..that when she suddenly saw a snipper aiming gun towards Ishani who was busy with her friends…..pushing Vansh she ran towards Ishani to save her…..in this vansh fell down on ground….Riddhima ran and pushed Ishani towards Angre….in between this the dart was already fired towards Ishani which now hitted Riddhima….Riddhima cried in pain”Vvvaaannnsshhh”

Everyone were shocked seeing all this….but Vansh was first one to react”Rrriiddhhiiimmmaaa” he shouted and ran towards her……

To be continued…..

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