Hello peeepies ek bar or jhel lo mujhe
Let’s start
Scene 1
A lady is working in kitchen suddenly two hands encircled around her legs..
Lady (turning)- neev..baby ..what happened..
(Neev is a 4 year old boy)
Neev – Momma!! See daddy is scolding me..
Suddenly a man comes there angrily
Man – Riddhima!! Where is neev..😡
Neev hides behind riddhima in her pallu
Riddhima – Vansh..stop scolding my son ok🙄
Vansh- Your this not so innocent son tore my very important file😏..
Riddhima (taking neev in her arms)- Baby..why u did that..that was important na..
Don’t trouble your papa like this..u r my good son na.
Neev – Ok mumma.. I won’t do this ever..sorry daddy🥺
Vansh (rolling his eyes)- did i say in french..that u didn’t understand..🙄maa ka chamcha
Riddhima and neev giggles seeing his face
Neev – Daddy is jealous ..😄
Riddhima (laughing)- C’mon vansh don’t be jealous of our bond..😝
Vansh(coming close to riddhima)- Accha..i am jealous..let me show u then..
He started tickling riddhima and neev and they laugh ..
Neev (hugging riansh)- I love u mumma papa..
Riansh (unison)- We love u too baby..
Scene 2
A 2 year old baby girl is sitting playing in a dark room.. surrounded by many body guards
A man comes and takes her in his lap.
Man – What my baby is doing..
Girl (pouting)- Baby..guccha..papa..bad..no…koklet(chocolate)
Man (taking out some chocolate from his pocket) – Then who will eat this yummy chocolate..
The baby clapped her hands in happiness and started eating chocolate smearing on her clothes and mouth..
Man (kissing her forehead)- Baby..i am sorry..i came late..
Girl – Papa..no chhori(sorry) Papa lob baby..
Papa..momma…? Momma bhere (where)
Man (hugging her)- your mumma will come soon baby..she loves u alot..
He ordered a nany to take care of her and leaves..
Scene 3
Riansh is lying on bed on each corner..
Suddenly neev enters.. barging
Neev – Momma.can i sleep with u today🥺
Riddhima (smiling)- Yes baby..come to mumma..
He comes and lay down between riansh..
Vansh (stroking neev’s hairs)- Papa will tell u a story today..
Riansh started tickling him and they laugh
Neev – mumma papa..i am so lucky that i have a perfect happy family..
Vansh- daddy loves u alot baby..
Neev – Say I love u to mumma also..
And mumma u too say..
Riansh look at each other..
Vansh (stern)-I love u riddhima..
Riddhima (averting her gaze)- I love u too vansh..
They sleep hugging neev
Scene 4
Riddhima is sitting on bed holding 6 months baby in hands..
Riddhima (pouting)- You know baby..your papa is so bad..he never give us time..i am missing him so much..
The baby smiles seeing her mother complaining like a kid
A man comes and sit beside her hugging
Man (teasing)- So..my wifey is complaining to my baby..
See vaanya baby..your mumma doesn’t love..me..
Riddhima – Vaanu baby..your papa is lying he doesn’t love us..🙄..
Man – Sorry jaan i was busy..🥺
Riddhima – kabir..when u are not😏..
Kabir kisses her cheeks and riddhima blushes
Riddhima (blushing)- You very well know how to calm my nerves right..
Kabir (hugging her)- Because i love my riddhu and vaanu alot..
Suddenly a gun shot heard and kabir and vanya disappeared..
Riddhima (crying)- Kabir…vanya..where u..😭 don’t leave me like this..plz .come back..😭
Riddhima wakes up with sudden jerk..
Riddhima (searching here and there)- Vanya..kabir😭 where are u…
Vansh enters with blood shot eyes..
Vansh (angry)- How many times i have to tell u not to take their names in this house.
What will i say to neev then..😡
Riddhima (crying)- Let him also know the reality of his so called happy family na..
Let him also know how much his daddy loves his mumma😭
Vansh(angry)-Just shut up..😡..u won’t say anything to neev..
Riddhima (😭)- van..vansh plz.. don’t do this..let me meet my daughter..how is she living without me since 1.5 years..
Vansh- Nooo..you are not allow to meet her.. just get this thing straight in your mind..and u won’t like the consequences if i listen that bastard ‘s kabir name from ur mouth..
Riddhima (shouting)- I will take..kabir..kabir..kabir..he is my husband..he is my love..i love him..get that..
You devil..monster😡..u have kidnapped my daughter ..u killed your own wife ragini..
Now i won’t stay here in this cage..i am going to meet my baby and my husband..
Vansh (holding her jaws)- I didn’t kill ragini..
As far as u will live here being perfect mother of my son..your baby will be safe with me..
The day u will try to pull any stunt i will kill your daughter..and i am serious..
Be a good wife and mother..ok sweetheart ☺️..
Vansh leaves making her more petrified
Riddhima (breaking down on floor)- why bappa why…why u snatched my happiness..
Plz give me my kabir and vaanya back😭..
Scene 5
2 days later..
Vansh enters in his room holding neev in his arms..
Vansh- Riddhima..riddhima .where are u .
Neev- Momma..momma where are u..
Vansh takes off neev from his arms and searchs for riddhima but in vain..
Neev (picking a letter from table)- Papa see..letter…
Vansh (reading letter)- You can’t cage me vansh..i will find my daughter and husband soon..
I am going to meet my daughter.. stop me if u can..
Your not so real wife..
Vansh (shouting)- Shit.. shit..what u did riddhima..😠
He hand overs neev to a servent and leaves from mansion angrily..
Scene 6
Riddhima enters in a dark room shouting vaanya..kabir..koi hai..
She moves forward few steps being scared
Suddenly someone comes from behind and tap her shoulder..
Riddhima (horrified)- Va..vansh..i am sorry..
She turns abruptly and left flabbergasted
Riddhima (smiling with tears)- Kabir!!..tum aagye..
SHe hugs him and cry..
Kabir – Shhh!! Jaan stop crying ..see i am here na.. nobody will harm u now..
Riddhima (sobbing)- Van..vansh..is monster..he blackmailed me..😭.
Save me kabir..
Kabir (cupping her face)- i am here..na u are safe now.. just do as i say..
Riddhima – Where is our vaanu..i didn’t see her since 1.5 years..😭
Kabir (pointing towards ceiling of room)- There…there is our lovely daughter..
Riddhima looks at ceiling and left bewildered
Riddhima(shouting)- Vanya….
Vanya is tied on top of ceiling and she is crying..
Riddhima (shouting)-Vanya😭..kabir..what ia this she will fall..
Take her down na plz😭..
Suddenly kabir started laughing like manaic
Kabir (laughing)- Tchhh..tchhh….Poor riddhu darling..
Such a naive girl u are..
Riddhima (shocked)- Kabir what are u saying..
U love me na..🥺
Kabir (laughing)- No my baby.. neither i love u nor this stupid daughter of your..
You are so idiot riddhima ..u came to me.. leaving that vansh who is protecting u and this little baby since 1.5 years..
Riddhima (shocked)- What😥😥!!
Kabir ordered one of his man and he tied riddhima to a chair with ropes..
Kabir – Poor riddhu..u must be tired na..sit ..
I will tell u everything..in detail..
I never loved u..yes..i never loved u..all i wanted was your 50 cores property..
That day when u find ragini’s dead body around me…
Vansh was holding gun in his hand and u thought he killed Ragini..
Poor riddhu why will he kill his own wife..whom he loved so much..
Riddhima (😭)- He didn’t kill her..
Kabir – No my riddhu darling..
I trapped ragini in my love..and she being stupid creature..left vansh and her son when he was just 2.5 years old..
But she got to know that i lied to her and i am married to u..and has six months old daughter..
She tried to go back to vansh..and even tried to revealed my true colors to u..
So i simply killed her and vansh came there ..but u being the dumbest creature of this universe .. misinterpreted the situation and blamed him..
I blackmailed him that if he will try to say anything to u..i will kill you and vanya..
And he being second dumbest creature of this universe.. don’t worry 1st is still u..😝.
He kidnapped vanya to protect her from me..and took u to his home in the pretext of blackmailing u..
He didn’t want u too risk your life..and u hated him without any reason..
Riddhima (crying)- Vansh..is innocent..😭
Kabir😡..i regret that i loved a person like u..
Kabir – Now u will also regret for coming here..
He ordered his man to cut the rope where vanya is tied..
The man cutted the rope and vanya started falling down crying
Riddhima (closing her eyes)- Vannnnnnyyyyyaaaaaaa!!!😭
But hearing no sound of her baby she opens her eyes and smile with tears..
Vansh is standing holding crying vanya in her amrs..
Vansh (patting vanya’s back)- Baby.. don’t cry.. papa is here na..
Kabir – Oh..so u came..aao vansh aao..i was waiting for u only so that i can kill this daughter of b*t*h in front of u..
Vansh (shouting)- Shutt up u bastard.. I won’t let anything happen to my daughter and wife..
Riddhima cries seeing vansh..
Vansh’s man comes and kills Kabir’s man and captured him..
Vansh goes to riddhima and untied her
Vansh (handovering vanya to her)- Leave.. just go taking vanya..with u..
Riddhima (crying)- I am not going anywhere leaving u..😭
Suddenly kabir comes from behind and hits vansh on his head..
Riddhima(shouting)- Vanshhhh!!!😭
Kava started fighting.. beating each other..
Suddenly kabir points a gun towards vansh..
Kabir (laughing)- Good bye vansh!!
And bhoooommmm!! A gun shot is heard..
Kabir is lying on ground in his own pool of blood..
Riddhima thudd on the floor dropping the gun from her hand..
Riddhima (crying)- I killed him..😭i killed someone vansh..i am a murderer..😭
Vansh comes and hugs her..
Vansh- Shhh.. sweetheart stop crying..u didn’t do anything wrong he deserves this..
Riddhima – Police will arrest me vansh😭😭
Vansh – Shh..no one will arrest u..
I am here na..
He takes riddhima and vanya with him ordering his Man to clear the mess..
Scene 7
Riansh room
Vansh along with riddhima comes taking vanya in his arms..
Neev comes and hugs Riddhima
Neev (crying)- mumma!! Where were u ..i missed u so much..
Vanya – My..momma…vaanu momma..
Neev – Daddy who is she..
Vansh- She is your sister neev..u will protect her na..
Neev started playing taking vanya in his lap..
They all share a group hug..
Scene 8
2 days later
At night..
Riansh room
Riddhima is sitting on bed suddenly vansh enters and she started leaving avoiding him.
Vansh instantly pinned her to the wall
Vansh (gretting his teeth)- why are u avoiding me since 2 days..huff..
Suddenly riddhima started crying hugging him
Riddhima (hitting his chest)- Why u did this vansh 😭..
Sab kuch akele sehte rhe..meri nafrat..kabir ka dhoka..ragini ka dhoka😭
Why..why are u so nice..i am feeling ashamed of myself to hate u😭..
I failed to understand u.. I don’t deserve u vansh 😭
Vansh (hugging her)-shhhh! Sweetheart ..it wasn’t ur mistake..it was our fate..
Now stop crying and i want my happy riddhima back..
Riddhima (smiling slightly)- Sorry..
He kisses her forehead very first time and she blushes
Suddenly neev barges in holding Vanya
Neev- can we sleep here with u..
Vanya (clapping her hands)- Momma..baby..papa..bhaiyu..thleep(sleep)..papa..ishtoly (story)..
Vansh takes vanya while riddhima picks neev..and they lay down on bed..
Both make their children sleep..
Vansh (looking at riddhima)- I don’t know any filmy dialogue but..will u be Mrs.raisinghania.. forever..
Riddhima (smiling)- I don’t know about love between us vansh..but i promise i will be the perfect wife and mother of our children..
I will be vansh ki riddhima till the end of my life..
Vansh holds her hand kept on neev and vanya..
Both sleep admiring their perfect happy family..and this time..A real One..
They didn’t make love..that night..but love made them..united..
The END!!
Done done dana done ✅
Hope u like it
Merko bhi ni pta mene kya likha h😓..
Comments tapka dena
Lob u all
Fabulous OS di ✨. Loved it😘.
Thnq dear…
Awww so cute lovely family. Amazinggggg
Such a fabulous OS 💜💙💚
Wonderful os
Tysm dear ❤️…
Fabulous 💗
Beautiful os
Tysm …
Tysm …
Awesome dear 😘😘
Tysm dear ❤️…
Thnq ..
Wonderful ☘️
Wonderful 😊 loved it 😍
Can u give an epilogue in which they finally make love to eachother 🙏🙏🙏
Tysm dear
Will surely do once i will get some time
Amazing os ❤
Thnq dear 😻..
Wow di.. it’s wonderful.. I liked it a lot… Aapki os ki book to best hai!
Aww..thnq jaan..❤️
Not having words for this 🦋🦋🦋
Tysm dear ❤️..
Amazing update dear 😍❤️
Amazing 😍
Wonderful di!!
Beautifully written❤
Wow amazing 😍💗💗💗💗. thanks for updates 😊😍
Keep rocking 🔥🔥🔥
Super 💓💓💓
Wonderful 😊😍❤️😍❤️😍
Wow fabulous 🤩🤩🤩🤩
Thnq .
Fantastic 👌😍😍❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍
Awesome OS Aishu