Riansh OS (teaser)-The inspirational love story of Riansh By Sweety


Hi sweethearts! Thank you so much for your lovely responses due to which I am writing this OS. This one is really close to my heart and I hope you all will like it. If you have suggestions do tell me but if don’t then expect something from me.

A girl in her teens and a boy in his mid-twenties, were hugging each other and crying: looking at a picture with garlands.

Girl: mom why did you leave us? Bro was going to come
Boy: can you remember what did mom say on Shaggy’s death?

Girl: yes

~flashback starts~

Girl: mom will you and dad leave us like Shaggy?

Boy: that will be but no soon.

Mom: maybe… actually we don’t decide it but god does it and if he calls us there, we have to go.

Girl: no mumma I won’t let you go!

Mom: baby if we go there still our happiness will be with you and your brother. We will look at you from above.

Girl: how?

Boy: tell na?

Man: you can see these stars if you observe them carefully and call us, two stars will twinkle which means they are us

Boy : wow

Girl: show me shaggy

They found Shaggy and then went to sleep.

~Flashback ends~

Boy: let’s go and find them.


They went and did what Their parents had taught them; suddenly 2 stars twinkled which meant they heard them.

Girl and boy: mom and dad!

While behind them there were two people clad in white. It looked like a couple; the woman in a white frock and man in a white suit.

Riddhima: yes but I am happy our love won and look how much happy they are together.

They wiped their tears and blinked; which made their face into a smile

Vansh: come on wipe your tears and smile.

Girl : can’t you both come back?


Boy: sorry mumma I couldn’t stop her from crying. I know it hurts all of us…

Vansh: it’s ok champ. Let her cry as it would help her get over her grief.

Boy: interesting,very interesting! You both are trying to say you will be with us for today and then will return to the sky. From there you will be watching us and you want us to be happy.

Boy: ok dad I understood!

Girl : you will have to study well, so that you can write your mom’s and dad’s story one day. Like me

Girl: surely ..

Everyone laughed at her dialogue,

Girl: of course, they will have to. Who can resist the story of Vansh and Riddhima?

Vansh: right

Riddhima: come on , let’s go sleep.

Everyone :coming.

Riddhima started singing Dua (i am listening to it now ) and everyone fell asleep. Vansh had also slept hugging her too. She was happy but she remembered something which made her teary-eyed and she cried.Vansh woke up and wiped her tears.

Vansh: don’t cry jaan. We did what we have to.

In the morning

This is mom and dad here, we know you must be searching for us but children don’t cause you won’t find us. We will be near you somewhere; in the night in the sky and in the day beside you. You both have to take care of each other. Mumma has kept everthing ready for you both to live without us. Remember you both have to make mumma and dada proud. We love you both a lot. BYE!

your mom and dad.


It was night .

Riddhima: when are you coming ?

Boy: i have booked a flight and am flying home on your birthday.

Riddhima (happily): yaay !

Boy: We wanted it to be a surprise but am fine as long as you are happy.

Vansh: madam has the habit of ruining surprises.

RIddhima smacked his arm: shut up vansh

Ridhwik: he said the truth.

Riddhima: really? Come here, I will teach you. Anyway this will the best birthday as we all will be together.

Vansh hugged her and said : yes riddhu

Boy : yeees

They were talking when suddenly a truck came and and hit the both of them. The phone was thrown from Riddhima’s hand due to the impact and it landed on a bush from which
Riddhima was in her pool of blood while Vansh was also injured but less than her. Both were on the ground Riddhima was unconscious and Vansh was barely awake but both had blood flowing

Girl: Noo

People: true love never dies or ends!!

That’s it for the teaser! It’s long story and also question time;
Who is the girl and boy?
Will Vansh and Riddhima die?

Stay tuned and stay safe sweethearts! Bye and hope you liked it! I was crying and emotional while writing so you might know this one is really special to me.
Don’t worry 😉 be happy!!
The story will be published after ;
Comment: 20



Don't worry 😉 be happy 😊 It's just my catchphrase 😂 I just love immj2,reading and writing stories....

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