Author’s pov

Riddhima in the room tried to play with the violin whilst a voice talked behind her: wrong Sweetheart! (He came behind her and held her hand guiding her) You Have to hold this way and your head should be this way.

He played the tune then he said: I hate when the tunes being played in the wrong way.

R: what If I did?

He turned her so that she faced him and in a serious tone asked: WHy did you confess in front of Aryan that you stole the diamonds?

R: I guess I have to be punished for playing the wrong

He shot the bullet and she closed her eyes, The sound echoed then she opened her eyes meeting his eyes.

V: Dargayi kya? Don’t worry, sweetheart! I know My Riddhima Very well, and she can’t do that.

R: Vansh, Please, Don’t play these games, I feel scared.

She put her head on his chest While Vyom Looked at her through the door.

V’s pov

Why would Riddhima do it? There’s something so fishy happening here! First the girl in red and Now stealing the diamonds, Riddhima’s moves, and the unknown’s call. Angrey is still trying to reach the owner but it reaches no one. I have to be alert and think wisely Before any action.

R’s pov

I don’t have enough time, It’s already 24 hours, I have to do the next part of the deal.

V: You know that you are my Jaan, Without you, I can’t live! How is our baby doing? (He touched her stomach and she said nervously)

R: He is happy to have his protective dad.

V: Still, After the fall, I didn’t confirm that my baby is fine, I am worried about you both.

R: Vansh !! I am his mother and I can tell you with confidence that the baby is fine.

V: Why all this fear to see the doc, sweetheart? You were before excited to know everything about our baby, Now, What is changed here?

R: Mmm Fear? not At all, I didn’t want to waste your time. Because I know how busy you are to catch the thief.

V: Shhhh don’t get worked up for that small matter, He won’t be spared. He sneaked into my place and took my family stuff, I know very well how to handle him. However, as a responsible Father, I will give my care to our baby too. Vaise, You remember our agreement that we made after your challenge, Do you remember that I lost?

R: Haa, Of course, You have to lose in front of me.

V(distanced her and looked away): I understood this much! Now I have too much work to do.

He went to his office in the basement and texted Angrey to meet him there.

Vyom spoke in the earphone: You have to do it Fast, I made the work easier for you, Now move.

R(whispered): I can’t! He’ll doubt me!

V: It’s our deal, Baby doll, Already forgotten?

R: Fine! I will do it fast!

After some time, Sia came with a pregnancy kit to Riddhima who frowned: WHat is it, Sia?

S: Bhai said that you don’t want to stress him by checking either the baby is fine, Therefore He asked you to use this kit.

She put it and went out, After half an hour, Vansh came back there and found the kit on the table with two pink lines: Satisfied? I didn’t know that you are thinking so low of me; Vansh !! Do you think that I am lying about my pregnancy?

V: Riddhima, It wasn’t what I (But she left the room angrily and then side smiled)

R: Things are going the way you want them to be.

Vy: Good job, Baby doll!

V’s pov

What did I do? What Am I thinking of? People forget things !! Why did I take the stranger’s call seriously and doubt her! She is my wife, and the mother of my child, Doubting her is really Bad.

Her phone was ringing and I went and answered, Before he could speak, He heard a woman’s voice.

The other person: You have to transfer the other half of the money in exchange for that pregnancy kit, Or else I won’t leave you.


Vyom left after the dinner to not increase doubt about him, Not before ordering riddhima to bring the sniper rifle. She was observing Angrey while he was ready to transfer it to another safe place but he got a call. He left the car and went to answer it, after that he drove the car with the sniper riffle to another private place of Vansh.

Riddhima went to Vyom: I have brought it, Here it is! Take it! (She pushed it toward him) Now my part of the deal is over!

Vy(smiled happily opening it): Finally !! (He started playing the saxophone) This is my glory! I am dying to see Vansh’s reaction.

R: Give it to me now!

Vy(giving her something in her hand): Seeing your desperation is so entertaining too, Vansh is stupid, He couldn’t figure it out.

A voice from the door: Oh I could dearest Vyom, Therefore I am right here. (Holding the gun toward them) You sent this girl instead of my wife! Interesting! She managed to steal my diamonds but what is inside the box, Didn’t you check it well?

Vy: What are you talking about?

Vansh nodded his head meaning “go ahead check it”, Vyom started observing it closely and then used a Magnifier and widened his eyes.

V: Oh yeah Vyom, This is not the real one, It’s fake, The origin one Has “R“, But it can’t be seen as it’s written with a very small size. The intruder is unaware of this information, But you, my friend aka Brother know everything.

Aryan, Angrey put their guns toward Vyom while Vansh strolled toward Riddhima: Do you know what is the punishment of Betrayal in my world? Death!

In a fast move, She left her hand up and injected him while he widened his eyes before started breathing heavily.

R: Angrey I (But she was shot by Vyom and fell there bleeding and closed her eyes along with Vansh.

: He is perfectly fine, His reports show a rare poison was in his blood, But luckily he was injected with the antidotes. I have read about this substance, And I don’t think I have ever seen it here. It’s weird.

Angrey was shocked: Antidotes??? Did she inject Boss with the antidotes? Oh, God !! How is her health?

D: She is in danger !! In that state, she lost blood, I can’t say anything now.

Ang: THat state?

D: Pregnancy !!

V(opening his eyes): What???????

D: You didn’t know that your wife is pregnant?

Fb starts

He clutched his fits angrily: She is not Riddhima !! she is an imposter who came here instead of Riddhima here and stole the diamonds! It explains how she has no wound where Riddhima was injured, Forgetting that memory, the red clothes! All is clear now!

V: Angrey, We have to know who is behind this girl! She’ll definitely be spying on you to know where you’ll put the sniffer riffle , But she’ll not know that the origin Sniffer won’t leave VR Mansion, therefore she’ll make a mistake and makes us reach the Mastermind behind her.

Ang: Yes Boss, I will arrange the fake one.

V: The plan should be executed tonight itself, I have to reach Riddhima by any means, She can be in danger !!

Ang: Boss, We’ll save her. I am going to start now.

Vansh sat holding their photo: Where are you, Riddhima? Please be fine for me.

He started vomiting after it and wondered: Do I have food poisoning? It’s not the right time to fall weak Vansh !!

Fb ends

V: she is my Riddhima !! Doc, Please Save her !!

D: We did the best we could, The rest is up to her, She is still fighting.

V: Can I see her doctor?

D: Patient’s condition is not (Vansh shouted with tears)

V: she is my wife and no one can stop me! I have to see her and say sorry! I know she is still in that state because she is angry with me as I doubted her! Please !!

D(felt pity): Just for few minutes, Mr. Raisinghania. You can go in.

He marched slowly looking at her weak figure laid there: I broke my promise again and doubted you! I promised you to always trust you! Come back and punish me! You said out baby will be on your team, you both can punish me, But don’t leave me. It’s a big punishment and I can’t bear it.

He cried there then remembered something: Whoever made you helpless, I won’t leave him. He’ll have to pay for it.

His expressions were changed to anger as he walked toward Angrey: Where is him?

Ang: In the basement, Aryan is with him.

V: Let’s go!

Ang: Boss, your condition is


He gulped his saliva while driving to the mansion, Dadi walked to ask about him but he didn’t stop.

Vyom was tied up to a chair while Vansh arrived with red angry eyes making him grin: Oh Bro, Chill !! You are burning.

A punch hit his face and he fell on the floor: How dared you? You shot My wife !!

Vy: Oh Poor her, You doubted her, Tch tch tch, Bad husband! She did all for you but you doubted her. My baby doll.

Another punch hit his face: I’ll cut your tongue, Vyom If it says Unnecessary things, SPeak up !! What did you do?

Vy(with a grin winking at him): Make me! (He left up his hand to hit him) But then your family stuff, diamonds !! You will never get it in your life again, I am not a dump like you that I’ll be hiding it on the display where anyone can notice it. Believe me, you won’t get it Unless I want you to.SO you can’t kill me Vansh, Forget it.

V(extending his hand to Angrey): Who talked about killing you? To hell with diamonds, I could have forgiven you for stealing it, Nevertheless, you played with my Riddhima and shot her, for this crime, You’ll never get forgiveness.

Vy: Baby doll? Ahh, even my heart is breaking for killing her but What to do? Her stupidity made you reach us, so she had to die. In Vyom’s world, No forgiveness whatever was the mistake!

V: How did you make her do it?

Vy: I am not in the mood to talk now. Come back later. You can wait till tomorrow.

Vansh pierced the knife in his shoulder: My knife can’t, It is so eager to dry your body from blood.

He removed the knife with force making blood oozed heavily: You can’t save yourself unless you started speaking.

Vy(Challenging although his injury): You are stabbing softly, Vansh! Even Riddhima could do better.

He whined the next moment as Vansh’s knife pierced the same spot.

V: And even my Riddhima bear the pain more than you. Look at the blood, I can assure you that your survival’s chances are decreasing with time. Angrey, Let’s leave him here, I really want him to bleed till he breathes his last.

Vyom started feeling too weak:

V: did you hear something Angrey?

Ang: No boss!!

V: Let’s go

Vy: Vansh, I’ll die !!

V: Die!

He walked and Vyom screamed not able to bear the pain: FINE I’LL TALK !!

V: You don’t have much time!

Vy: I sent Chang to you, everything happened, I planned it beforehand. On that day, When you both jumped, I was there too.

FB starts

Riddhima woke up and tried to find Vansh: VANSHHHH !!! (She shouted and tried to stand only to fall again) Ahhh Vansh, Where are you??

She saw him and whispered: Vansh !!

Before she reaches him, Chang stood near him: Vansh Raisinghania, Welcome to hell.

He injected him and she shouted: VAAANSHHHHHHHH

Cha: SHHHhhh, This substance will kill him without even his knowledge, He’ll never get to know that he is dying, till he actually dies.

R(cried): No, please !! Don’t kill him!

Cha: If you say so, I can let him live longer for you, But you know nothing is free of cost?

R: I’ll pay any price, Even my life for him.

Ch: So dramatic, It’s of no use to me, I want another thing, Diamonds !!

R: I’ll give it to you !!

Ch: Not that easy, (Throws clothes on her) Wear those.

R(angrily): Are you mad? Vansh is in this state !!

Ch: You’ll make do what I ask.

After the shootout, She went to Chang’s place but found Vyom who said he is going to complete the part of the deal.

Fb ends

Vy: then the wound in her leg, it was hidden with a fake skin,painful but worked pretty well! The call ? It was a plan too!

V: Why did you try to make me assume that she is not Riddhima?

Vy: Mind war, The person you valued the most, I wanted to snatch her from you, To make you broken totally. Not only your ego, your heart too. And I was successful, you did believe that she is not Riddhima.

Ang: Boss, They found it.

V: Vyom, You did ask me a question before, and It’s my bad that I am giving you a late reply, You asked either we are friends or enemies, Here is my answer.

A bullet rested between his eyes while he fell dead.

V: Although you don’t deserve an easy death, I can’t bear hearing your breathes while riddhima struggled to keep breathing.

He walked with the gun in his hand so broken in front of his family, dadi tried to speak to him but he stopped her: I wish if only I didn’t listen to you, dadi! You made me doubt her more whilst everything was for my life. She risked her life and our baby’s.

The hospital called him urging him to come, He drove as fast as he could to reach her, And run to her room, Opening the door with fear. But there she was resting her head with closed eyes.

V: Riddhima!

With tears falling down his cheeks, She opened her eyes and smiled widely seeing him fine.

R: Vansh !!

He hugged her: I am sorry !! I am so sorry !! (Cupping her face) Why did you do it? (He cried) What is so special about my life? that you keep putting anything at stake for me ! and in return, what did I do? I doubted you ! and almost got you killed.

R(putting her finger on his lips): You didn’t know! You would have done the same for me, I was terrified to lose you, I am sorry. And He was watching my moves, I couldn’t do anything. On that day, I didn’t shoot you, Chang did, after giving me that dress. when I didn’t as he said, He shot you and I shot his leg, But then Vy(He put his finger on her lips)

V: I know everything now!

R(suddenly panicked): Our baby, Vansh ???

V: He is fine, strong like his mommy. (Kissing on her hand) I love you so much, Don’t ever do that stupidity again.

R: What should I do? I can’t see you die! If I’ll have to die thousands of times in your love, I will wholeheartedly do it.

He joined their heads while They say together: I love you.

V: But I can’t change deny a fact !!

R(confused): Kyaa?

V: That you looked extremely hot in red, My Snipper.

R(laughed): Don’t call me that!

V: Aaj Ki baad Instead of sweetheart, I call you by that! And when the baby comes, I will tell him about it too.

R: Vansh, Shut up !! (Remembered) Vyom?

V: His journey reached an end, In a worse place, for sure.

R: The diamonds? I am sorry, I know its importance for you still for you, I had to steal it.

V: relax, Sweetheart, Diamonds are with me, we found it in Vyom’s place. He hid it in the chandelier. Now, forget that name as if you never met him and think about our Vania

R: adhvik

V: Vaniya

R: I said adhvik !!

V: She’ll be a girl

R: boy!

Angrey smiled from the door seeing his boss arguing like a small child with his wife while they continued their cute NOK-jhok!

V: Ok Ok I give up! but only because you are shot, and I can’t afford to stress you with this silly argument, Vania or Adhvik, will love him/her equally!

R(with a wide smile holding her belly): Yes, I am so excited to hold her/him.

V(kissed on her forehead): Soon, our family will be completed, AND This time, I will promise you to never let another danger fall on your shadows.

R(intertwined their fingers): I trust you.

He leaned claiming her lips in a soulful kiss enjoying their togetherness after the end of danger.


It’s a small one, I have written it, and it’s not a theory, I just imagined it and decided to pen it down. I hope you find it good. forgive me if you find something different from the show. Thank you, sweethearts.

Don’t forget your povs If you want me to continue writing about the actual track❤.

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