Riansh Os: The Knight Of Blood

The morning

Riddhima yawned in the soft bed feeling delighted after so many days of stress. She admired the sunny weather then was shocked to see her state. 

R: How come Am I like this? and this blue mark? (she saw Vansh sleeping on the sofa and wore her clothes then went to him in anger) How could you take advantage of my state? 

He woke up with a jerk hearing her loud voice, only to find her with angry tears looking at him.

R: I thought that you have humanity in you, although you are not a human I expected you to have it? But I was wrong, You are a rapist !! A blo*dy monster.

His eyes reddened in fury only to be switched to surprise as he saw the glow in her eyes too. 

V: Before pointing your finger toward me, and calling me names, Why don’t you try to look at your reflection in the mirror? Maybe it will help you to get rid of your misunderstanding. 

She turned her attention toward the mirror and almost fell back on the floor when she saw herself. 

R(in disbelief): How did I become like this? And what kind of monsters you are? 

V: I am not a monster, I am a vampire, The most powerful vampire in my clean. Don’t mess with me, Whatever I did was for your safety. 

Now her anger reached its peaks, she unknowingly marched in fast speed and pushed him that he bumps with the wall as he didn’t expect it.

R: You have the audacity to show off your powers after the huge mistake you did? With whom consent?

 V: why would I need consent?

 R(yelled): You have taken me and you think you don’t have permission. God damn you. 

She kicked him again on his stomach and he stood up warning her again. 

V(trying to explain): stop it !! Yesterday, I did it to save you! I had no bad intention! Riddhima, you can’t dare me, I am still controlling myself!

R: Shut the f** up, (her nails pierced his skin ad it was it for him to bear, He took her neck in fierce hold)

V(in fury): I did nothing to you, Except this one. (pointing toward the blue mark below her ear) My uncle at first told me to take you, but I couldn’t ! and seeking his help again, He said that we can cure you using a magical herb that only exists in the werewolves’ forest.

Fb starts

Vansh moved to the forest expecting the attack on him at any time, He found the purple flower, The cure for Riddhima’s state. But before he could go, He was stopped by Aryan and his clan.

V: what do you want? 

Ar: there’s a peace deal between us, As long as you are out of our property, we won’t harm you. But here, You had the courage to come. 

Mish: And you won’t go back from here. My buddies here are hungry and want to taste Vampire’s meat.

Ar: Of course they want to rip his head apart of his body, this blo*dy so** of the b**.

V(smirked): still it’s irking you? The fact that Ragini, your sister choose me over you and I was the one who rejected her? 

Ar(his eyes darkened): You have a real death wish! 

V: If you want to talk about the deal, How about refreshing your memory, The attack on me wasn’t it done by you? If my clan comes to know, They will announce the war (looking sarcastically at them) all of you will be killed, You are no simile for us. Don’t try to challenge me, just leave the way !!

Mis(looking at Aryan who was ready to fight): Aryan, On second thought,won’t be enough to just keep watching him dying? after all he has only 6 months left to live! 

Ar: Yeah, Right, Only 6 MONTHS and you’ll vanish. So now you can go! Vansh came back and crushed the flower till it became jelly, then applied it on her neck.

fb ends

He pushed her while still gripping her neck, while she eyed his eyes that they traveled to her lips that were parted unknowingly. Something attracted him to her, He wanted to claim those inviting lips, To taste them for once. but the moment, Their lips touched, He knew it was impossible to get away especially that she gripped his hair and kissed him back with the same passion. They were crazily kissing so lost in their own lalaland when A knock parted them away. R & V: WHAT THE HELL?


V: Hello Mme! I am not the only one who kissed you, For your kind information, You responded too.

R(to herself): He doesn’t behave like a vampire !! 

V: What did you expect me to do? climbing the trees? And jumping everywhere? 

R: As if that will make you a vampire, It will make you only a monkey. 

V(to himself): Ufff between millions of girls, This one has to be my mate !! Destiny !! She doesn’t really know the danger that roaming around her head. Aryan won’t let her go with it easily! 

R: Mmm I want to say sorry for my anger, But I can’t understand How can I be like you?It never happened before, Why now? 

V: My blood is the reason!

 R: what do you mean? 

V: You were always one like us, but you didn’t realize it, Till My blood was mixed with yours, it had a double effect on you, first your hidden powers were awakened, and the second, Your state yesterday, was because you needed to be claimed as my mate. However, thankfully, I found another solution and only used the magical flower on you. You are now my mate, but don’t know why the connection between us is still not established.

R(stopping him): Woah Woah wait a minute, What is this nonsense? Your mate as?

V: I didn’t know that you are this dump! Look you won’t be my mate forever, It’s temporarily. Riddhima somehow felt sad for his statement, it clearly declares that he doesn’t want her, Nevertheless, she hid her emotions and answered him with the same attitude. 

R: I am not interested too to be with you forever. I will get rid of you soon. How long of time? 

V: Just six months and the connection will be broken.

R(lost in thoughts): I saw you before. 

V(stunned): what?

R: in my dreams, I saw you many times, but I thought it was my imagination. But the vision was always blurry till I touched you in the office. It made it clearer. 

V: what did you see? 

R(to herself): should I tell him? No no why would I? Maybe it’s not real (to him) Nothing !! Forget it!

V(holding her arm): Tell me! 

R: I saw you die! It repeats many times, In a very bad way !! 

V: How did I die? 

R: It’s a horrible dream and I don’t want to talk about it. We are stuck together, let us try to bear each other, oK? 

V: Don’t you think that you gain a lot of guts ??

R(lifting the table with one hand and throwing it in his direction): Powers too. 

V(he fastly moved away): ReallY? Do you think you can challenge me? After Harsh Uncle, I am the oldest vampire in this clan. She stopped talking for a moment with her eyes colors changed then smiled at him.

R(smirking): Then let’s test your powers. 

V(raising his eyebrow): It’s laughable how a new member challenging me? 

R(coming toward him fastly and whispering): Not new, Your mate! I have to Be having something special in me. 

V(liking the challenge): so what is the challenge? 

R(marching slowly with steady steps): Catch me. 

V: How childis(He stopped when he saw her really running and he followed her jogging to meet her speed ) 

R(from far laughing): What happened Mr.Vampire? did you already giv(she felt a hand on her waist with a smirking Vansh) 

V: I was giving you time to show off your skills. Now, It’s over. He put her on his shoulder and ran with her going back to the clan only to be hit by someone which made them fall both. It was a masked man, No a masked vampire, They knew it when they saw his nails, But he wasn’t the attacker, it was a werewolf.

V: who’re you? Don’t you know that angering me is the worst thing you can ever do? Moreover that you are teaming up with the enemies of your clan, How cheap! You go !! 

The masked man moved his head “No”, and signaled the werewolf to begin! Although Riddhima gained powers, she was scared of the sight in front of her!! The unknown werewolf tried to bit Vansh in the neck however he managed to avoid it and kicked him away. The next step, He moved to kill him but He held Riddhima as a captive. 

V: Leave her !! Wer: No! 

V: Last time I am telling you to let her go! 

Wer: A big N O ! 

He looked down at himself while turning fully into a vampire, But stopped because of a certain headache. 

V: ahhhhhh my head!

R(pleading): Let me go, please ! !

Wer(whispering to her): No, beautiful, You are the way how will finish him.

R: Then You can’t blame me for this! (She twisted his hand and jumped so high only to kick his face then strolled to him slowly and crashed his hand with her feet taking away the blood sample) You can’t kill him with that! Before the other man could chase her, she held Vansh’s hand and they vanished in the air with the speed they ran with.

Her room

He held his head still feeling the pain and then looked at her. 

V: did you do it? 

R(acting innocent): Do what? 

V: You made me see what they were trying to do !! 

R: yes, Because you are a stupid vampire anyway, you needed an intelligent mate like me. V(pulling her harshly): Cut the crap, Will you? I want to hear how did you do it? 

R: The same way how I saw you dying before. I can see the danger! 

V: you mean you saw it beforehand?

 R: yes, I’ve seen it before they came, And I changed your destiny. They wanted to kill you there, I ran before the time so that they got stressed, I was the intruder in their plan so that I could change what was coming next.

V(stunned): You could die, it’s so stupid step!

R: I don’t know why I feel I am obliged to save you! Even if I lose my life !! It’s not out of love, but this feeling, I can’t really get it, Why am I experiencing it? 

Continued on next page…

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