Riansh Os: The Knight Of Blood

(she caressed his face and they looked at each other so lost just then the door was opened and Angrey came to Vansh)

Ang: Are you ok, Vansh? 

V: I am fine, an attack was planned on me again, but luckily Riddhima saved me! 

Kabir entering the room and leaning toward the door: How did she do it?

Ang: shouldn’t you be worried about your brother instead of questioning him about the way how he survived? 

Everyone could notice that Kabir and Angrey hated each other, But no one knew why, In fact, they are unaware of the reason why they can’t bear each other.

 V: Angrey, calm down!! Kabir didn’t mean anything by his question, it’s normal. 

Ang: Whatever you like !! He wasn’t here 30 min back, Care to explain Dearest Kabir where were you? 

K: If Vansh Bhai wasn’t here, I would have shown you my explanation, Thank your stars. You’re really lucky! He moved fastly near Angrey and said: You don’t have this power like us, so don’t you dare otherwise (Kabir’s nails grew longer along with his teeth) 

H: Enough both of you! 

They stood obediently in front of Harsh, While he glared at them angrily. 

H: It’s a dangerous situation.

 R(remembering): A vampire is involved in this matter too, (to Vansh) He wants to kill you !! due to that, he plotted with your enemies.

H(to Vansh): You are aware of what will happen right? 

Riddhima eyed him confused while he held his head in frustration, and just nodded. 

R: what will happen? 

V: I don’t see the necessity to inform you, Why would I tell you? 

R: Because I am your mate (He rolled his eyes) Ok Maybe because I saved your a*s Twice? 

H(controlling his laughter): She has a point, Vansh, She has the right to know the price of interfering. Riddhima, Each time you pull Vansh away from his death, it will come to you. 

R(in horror): What do you mean? If I save him, I am going to die? 

H: Yes, It’s his destiny! He will die soon, and the one who will try to push death away, Her life will be always in danger and Maybe will die instead of him.

 V: Now, that you know, Don’t come in between, OK? Let me handle my matters, I am not weak. And we’re not even in love with each other, still you want to protect me, Why?

 R: I (Hesitated) Don’t know, I just can’t see you die! 

She confessed honestly and they had an eye lock till the others cough to bring them back to reality. 

V(in ordering tone): mm Kabir, Angrey, Uncle, Ishaani, and Riddhima stay, The others may go! (They obeyed him quietly and he eyed Kabir) Next time, Never taunt Angrey for the powers he lost, I think you have already forgotten that I am the reason behind it! The same way I went to the forbidden area to save Riddhima, He went there too to find a solution! , He is cursed because of it. And Angrey, don’t doubt Kabir, He is my brother and he won’t try to harm me! Try to keep your differences apart understood? 

they nodded both of them. 

V: Now, there’s a traitor among us! We have to find him!

 R: I have a question that irking me since the morning! 

V: what?

 R: What is the 6 months mystery? 

Ang: They will come for him after 6 months!

 R: who’ll come for him?

 H: Riddhima, There was a rule applied on the werewolves and vampires which Vansh disobeyed, therefore The head of werewolves has the right to punish him. (sadly) We tried everything, however, we couldn’t help!

 R(exclaimed in horror): God! This is the reason! but what is the rule? 

H: it doesn’t matter, the important thing here that the werewolves hate Vansh to the peaks! They were waiting for this opportunity to get rid of him as they can’t do it unreasonably! 

V(coldly): Stop talking about it, (To Riddhima) And you !! Keep your curiosity under control! R(rolling her eyes): I don’t hear orders from others. 

K(hid his smile): Her personality is changed now! I like it!

 V(give him a look): shut up! and Riddhima, Your disobedience started giving me a headache, It’s not good for you. 

R(moved to him till their noses touched): What are you going to do? 

They had an intense look making the others shaking their heads.

 I: They keep forgetting that we are also here with them!! Harsh uncle, I think their marriage ceremony should be organized as soon as we can. 

V & R: What rubbish! 

H: It’s not Rubbish, You’ll get married, and Vansh, I thought you are mature, However, you disappointed me.

The others went out too and Riddhima stood there thinking deeply making Vansh raising his eyebrow. 

V: What are you thinking about?

 R: What is your special power? Apparently, I can see the danger before it happens, so what can you do?

Vansh smiled and Riddhima looked behind him and exclaimed in horror. R: V…V..A…N….S…H SNAKE OHHHH MY GOD, SAVE ME PLEASE.

 She was jumping and shouting non-stop and to her shock, the snake suddenly vanished. 

R: Vansh, it was here a snake I am sure!! Believe me!

V: Snakes can’t come here, you must have imagined it, God! A vampire and fearing a snake? Why are you even my Mate? What is so special about you?

Another place 

A vampire met Aryan and a werewolf from his clan Mishra, He was angry. 

Vam: You proved that you are useless, Couldn’t take revenge on him? Shame on you! 

Mis: Don’t talk to me this way! I didn’t expect that girl to be with him and I am still confused about what she did there. 

Ar(to the vampire): you can’t Figure it out! But Mishra can finish her, If this is the only way to kill him then we’ll gladly slaughter the bi***’s neck. 

Vam: No, Don’t hurt her! I am warning you!! She has nothing to do with it. 

Ar(smirking): What? do you love her or something? 

Vam: Maybe “or something”! Don’t kill her just scare her so that she backs off.

Riddhima was trying the best to know the secret that Vansh hiding about the rule that was broken(jasoos Riddhima) , and why 6 months, Exactly? But In vain, Vansh literally warned everyone to not disclose the topic again. They were staying in the same room but still, they kept their distance from each other. After days they were having a ceremony where Vansh should announce Riddhima as his mate and wife in front of the whole clan, Ajay, One of his friends approached Riddhima who was looking like an angel. 

Aj: Ufff I wish if only I get a mate like you. 

She eyed him from top to button then averted her gaze while rolling her eyes at the cheesy line.
Aj: Attitude too? I know now why you are the mate of that soon to expire vampire.

She snapped her head toward him while her eyes color was changed to red warning him to shut his mouth yet he decided to keep going with a smirk on his face. 

Aj: Opss did I offend the Newby bloodsucker? Sorry, but no sorry, it’s the truth about him and everyone is waiting eagerly for the moment he di(His words were stuck in his throat as she moved in unbelievable pace and held his neck while lifting him up whereas all the guests were watching the show with open mouth) 

R: You like uttering bullshit (firming her hold more making him gasp for air) Now, speak up! I want to hear more of your rubbish. Won’t you say it? Come on! I am waiting! (She choke him ) Never ever badmouth him in front of me. 

Saying so, she threw him toward the wall and he hit it and fell on the ground, Then she cooly sit down sipping her drink. But a burst of laughter that echoed there made her attention shift to it. It was Vansh’s laughter.

 R(to herself): God! this is the first time I am seeing him laughing, Why my heart is beating fast? and why the hell is he laughing now? 

V(walking toward Ajay and extending his hand): I told you, buddy, She’ll kick your a** , But you were adamant to test her. 

Aj(holding his throat): Man, She almost killed me! 

R(confused): Care to explain why are you helping this a**ole? and what test? 

Vansh moved to her and kept his hand around her waist making her nervous, however, her curiosity made her ignore it. 

V: My dear friend there was adamant that he will manage to lure you, while I was sure that you’ll kill him within 5 min, I am impressed you didn’t let him near even for 2 mins, moreover (coming closer so their lips were almost touching) I didn’t know that you’ll be so angry on my behalf. She blushed pushing him slightly and he smirked at his effect on her that was obvious to everyone there.

At night

The moment Vansh put his feet inside the room, He saw something coming flying toward his face. 

V: Is it my couch? (looking at the broken sofa then at her who was fuming) Are you in your senses?

 R: You have the nerves of asking me whether I am in my senses or not? God damn you! How could you let your friend play such a dirty game with me? 

V(understanding her fury): I know, it was a stupid game, But I had full faith in you. 

R: full faith my foot! If that stupid cheap friend of yours comes near me again, I will bury him somewhere.

V(suppressed a peal of laughter): Of course. By the way (pulling her close) I liked it so much! 

R: what? (blinking her eyes in confusion)

V: The way how you defended me. (huskily whispering in her ear) You were a firecracker.

He ogled lovingly at her lips which she parted due to their closeness making him push her toward the wall kissing her deeply and hungrily. They fit in each other’s arms, after a while she opened her eyes in a jolt and pushed him coughing to avoid the awkward situation. 

R(red cheeks): I miss my old life! No vampires, No problems, & no threats!

 V(decided to not embarrass her more): You can join the work again ! with people, we’ll be just humans. I will announce our marriage in front of the employees. 

R: No No, please! I want to live normally! Let’s stay as boss-Pa in front of the world.

V(in his mind): as if I will listen to you! Live normally my foot! !

R: I am so sleepy, I will go and sleep Goodnight! 

She collapsed on the bed and felt it became heavier, She opened her eyes only to find Vansh’s face near hers.

 R: what are you doing on my bed? 

V: I beg your pardon? It’s my bed that you have taken, However, after breaking my couch, I will be sleeping only here. 

R: Uff, So annoying, I should Have thrown the cupboard instead of the couch! 

V: By the way, The vampires don’t sleep, so how come you’re so sleepy? 

R: Oh right ! I know! I wanted to live a “me moment” of being a human again!

V: So ridiculous idea! 

She ignored him trying to pretend as sleeping while he shakes his head in disbelief.

the morning

Riddhima was heading toward the gate when Harsh spotted her going and asked her. 

H: Where are you going? Riddhima, you are new, and you’re not safe!

R: Uncle, I want to go to my friend, she will be waiting for me as I called her. Please! 

H: did you tell Vansh about it? 

R: Uncle, Please, I will come back soon, and you know that I can defend myself pretty well! H(sigh): Ok, don’t be late !! 

(she moved and Harsh signaled to Ajay, Angrey, and Kabir to follow her )

She was running quickly When a man came in front of her, He was hiding his face, she screamed as he held her hand.

Mishra’s pov

I have to obey his words and scare this girl who dared to fight with me, I ran behind her to hold her and at last, I was so near.

 M: You’ll not run again, darling, Today is your not so lucky day (I gripped her hand only to vanish making me gasp in shock) Where did she go? 

Back to Riddhima

 She shouted and the man caught her mouth to shut it.

 R: Vansh? 

V: Yeah!  me ! 

R: I saw someone like me, and that werewolf was behind her. (she saw his smirk) No way !!! Did you do it?

 V: You were curious about my powers. This is my ability, I can make them live in the world I draw for them. R: You can make people see vision?

Continued on next page…

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