Riansh Os: The Knight Of Blood

 V: Not Visions! You can foresee the danger and make people see it too the same way you did with me before, However, Unlike you, I can make them believe what they saw even if it doesn’t exist, it will seem so real! 

R: That werewolf was behind me?

 V: I think so, I didn’t know, I was just (paused) feeling uneasy especially after hearing that you are out of the house. I spotted him that’s why I distracted him with the fake “you”. 

R(cupped her mouth): It means you made me see the snake, right? 

V(laughed): Happy realization! What a scene to see! “V…V..A…N….S…H SNAKE OHHHH MY GOD, SAVE ME PLEASE”

 R(hitting his arm): you are an idiot! (glaring at him) but your powers are so cool, Wow! Creating illusions, I liked it.

V: Never underestimate me !! and Please (His expressions turned serious) Try to listen to what I tell you to do for your own safety.

 R: isn’t there a way out? 

V: From my penalty? No! Even your visions can’t save me! Because it’s a rule, If I break it, A war will occur between the vampires and werewolves in which many lives will be wasted, and I can’t let it happen. 

R(adamant): And I won’t let you die too.

v(side smile): Why? Don’t tell me because you love me or due to the fact that I am your mate?

 R: Don’t you wanna know about the traitor? (hesitate) I saw Kabir there! 

V(stunned): What? 

R: when I had a vision of you being attacked, I saw Kabir in the same spot! I think Angrey is right! V(angrily): Do not accuse my brother, just being in the same spot doesn’t prove that he is helping them! 

R: But Vansh

He walked away furiously ignoring her while she mouthed “Stupid”.

 R(to herself): what does he think of himself? I don’t care either he believes me or not, I just told him what I saw, But he has to behave like Dracula. Uff I forgot he is indeed Dracula !! Hahahaa! 

Give your pov on that whether I should complete it or not. What do you think of the story?

She heard another person laughing along with her, He was Harsh.

H: Dracula? I know now why you are perfect for him, The same arrogance !!

R: Uncle, please tell me about it, I am one of you, and really wants to help him.

H(sigh): He gave up his life for someone!

R: what????? Gave up his life?? and he’s been punished for it?

H: things are different here, and so it’s the rules. No one knows for what he’s been punished except me and the lead of werewolves.

R: why the werewolves hate vansh?

H: In the past, Ragini, One of them, No actually the daughter of their queen loved Vansh.

R(shocked & jealous): Loved him? did he love her too?

H: She loved him, Yes, and obviously it wasn’t allowed, not that he was interested in her, still she was following him everywhere, till they became friends. A night, she was found dead whereas Vansh was there.

R: so he is been punished for killing Ragini?

H: No, We, the vampires are not allowed to turn humans, and he did that mistake.

R: He turned a human into a vampire? Oh my god! And what about the part of giving up his life?
H: Whoever do this mistake, His punishment is decided by our enemies, werewolves, and the same rule applied to them. and his enemies found it an opportunity on a silver platter to get him. They decided to take his life. However been pressured by the clan, They gave him years to live!

R: Years????

H: Years for us are nothing, it’s like months for humans.

R: Uncle, I can’t get the point, They despise him yet they gave him years to live?

H: Not like that, They have a motive behind it too, they suggested a way out, and it was finding the one he turned.

R: why?

H: obviously to kill her, Nevertheless, If he kills an innocent, He will automatically lose his powers, so there’s a loss in both cases. And he will never kill an innocent person.

R: And Ragini?

H: No one knows How she died, The lead of werewolves Anupriya wants to avenge her daughter’s death but in a valid method where she can’t risk her clan’s existence. she is a smart woman.

R: You mean a werewolf! Thank you uncle for telling me, or else that arrogant wouldn’t have opened his mouth.

R(to herself): I have seen something important, A clue ! and I will confirm it now.

She walked fast to Kabir’s room and opened it suddenly.

K(wearing his shirt): Riddhima, I think you are crossing the line now!Her eyes were out of sockets whereas she composed herself.
R(fuming): Now, I have evidence too. Wait for it.
K(confused): For what?
She disappeared fastly back to Harsh Uncle.
R: uncle, I want to share an important matter with you, I have seen Kabir in the same place where Vansh has been attacked, but he didn’t believe me!Kabir heard her as he followed her to the room, ad then accessing it, he answered her.
K: if i was there, does it mean necessarily that I am there to make a conspiracy?
R(challenging him with her eyes glowing): you can act innocent in front of Vansh and the others, but I will expose you soon.
K(his eyes Glow too with one side smirk): Sure, Go for it! I will be there to see what you’ll do.They left her ad Vansh returned again.
R(to herself): I have to talk with Vansh, now, and seek his help, He is the only one who can do it. (to him) Vansh?
V: ————–
R: Vaaansh
R: You’re behaving like a cranky child! Here I want to share what I discovered.
V: I am not in the mood!R: I am trying to help here!
V: why are you bothered? you won’t get a prize for helping me! Only your death will be invited.
R(angry): Why are you always rude? Can’t you see the other’s intentions?
V: don’t talk with me about the human’s emotions, because we are not blo*dy humans!
R: Then why did you dedicate your life to someone else? although you knew you’ll have to be punished by your enemies?
V: who told you?
R: Does it matter? I want to know what made you do it?
V: Her innocence!
R: what? her? was it a girl?
V: Yes, she was a girl, At that time, I was feeling like a monster, almost walking at a flying speed when I spotted her in a white dress, like angels, dying!
R: You fell in love with her?
V(going out of his lalaland): Why are you curious? Are you jealous?
R: Why will I be jealous of an unknown girl? However, (in a jealousy tone) why did you take the risk?
V: She was injured badly and dying, I tried to go away but in an innocent voice she called a name, Her voice was full of hope of that person’s arrival, I could tell just by hearing it. I felt shame how a monster lives and an angel dies therefore I injured my hand with my nails and made her drink it.
Riddhima was speechless and in trance with all the revelations.
V: what? why are you looking at me like that?
R: You are selfless still you’re thinking that you are a monster?
V: It’s the truth! Besides, You always call me by that name.
R(hugged him): I am wrong! ok?

V: why are you suddenly emotional?

R(ignored his question): why did you feel that you don’t deserve to live?

Ishaani coming into the room, and glaring at Vansh.

I: Because He always thinks that He is the reason why Ragini died, despite the fact the He’s wrong.

R: Ragini?

I: Yes, She loved him but he rejected her love, and she was killed by someone.

R: I understand, (looking around) where’s Angrey, Kabir, and Ajay?

V: why are you asking?

R: I wanna talk to them.

V: I am repeating my question, What do you want from them?

R: helpV: Help?The trio: And we’re here to help you.

K(to Angrey): You’ll help her? Are you sure?

Ang: Vansh is not only my friend but also our leader, that’s why I will support his mate’s decision.

Aj: I will support her too.

R(glaring at Ajay): Although I want badly to teach you a lesson,(smiled) I am grateful for your willingness to be in.

V(jealous): Ahem say now ! what they have to do?

R: Tomorrow, Vansh is going back to the city, Since the attack happened, He didn’t go there, and between many people, anyone can kill him, and I can’t afford to lo(she stopped when she noticed the smile on their faces) ahem what was I saying? yeah !! you have to protect him.

Aj(perplexed): But No (Vansh cut him angrily)

V: don’t dare to say no again! The same way you don’t disobey me, don’t ever think of disobeying her, do whatever she asked without argument.

Aj: I am sorry, I won’t commit this mistake again.

V: so all of you are ready?Trio: Yes.V(ordering): Good, You may go!They went and Riddhima eyed Vansh.

V: If we kill a werewolf, A war will begin.

R: Who said that we are killing them?

V: Confused, sweetheart, what are you trying to do?

R: Trying to bring the traitor in front of you. Your powers will work there.

V(pulling her closer): Why are you so passionate about it? (nuzzling her neck) did your heart start beating for me?

R: What would you have done if you know that I will die?

V(eyes darkened): I will kill them all!

R(caressed his face): Same here, I will kill them if it’s needed to save you.

He ogled at her beautiful face in adoration then he took her upper lip between his teeth while she did the same with his lower lip, kissing, he traveled his lips to her neck and bite on the mark making her go crazier if it was ever possible. She suddenly pulled away from him.

R: Vansh (stopping him from doing further) let’s solve the problem first.

V(bite her again): Look at you! while seeing you challenging everyone, no body can believe that you lived as a human.

R(encircled her hands around his neck): Your blood is the reason!

V: Now I am all ears, what do you intend to do?

She explained o him what to do.

The other morning

Vansh was ready and moved while they followed him till he reaches his destination. A masked man came from behind him and Attacked him, Therefore the image of Vansh and the company disappeared.

Ang(exclaimed): Ajay !! What have you done? And Kabir, the place, and Vansh both vanished! They were here!

K: It must be just an illusion! Only Vansh has these powers, I think he did it to discover who is deceiving him.(he held Ajay) You’ll not be saved now.

Aj: Kabir, I am doing what Riddhima said! She asked us to kill him.

Ang(stunned): You are nuts, and I will make sure you take your punishment. KABIR throw him near Riddhima and Vansh’s feet, while their anger arose.

R(angrily): YOUUUUU! Ajay!

Aj: what?

R: You are behind it, aren’t you? Why?

AJ: because you asked me to do it.

V(recovered from his state of jolt and moved to hold his neck from the back and pulling him with him): Now, you’ll see the price of betrayal! Taking him in front of the whole clan, He stood there and growl in anger.

V(with fury): as your Leader, I have the right to punish every sinner who plots against us. This one has put his hands in our enemy’s hand, and tried to kill me! therefore punishment is needed.

Aj(pleads) :I am telling you the truth, please, don’t kill me, I did what she wanted me to, She asked the three of us in front of you!

R(shocked): What ????!!

Aj: Yes, Even Vansh Warned me to not disobey you.

V: Liar ! and I can’t bear lies. 

She was standing near Kabir and then whispered something to him.

K: is it so?

R: Yeah, Now!! We don’t have much time, I will try! and then directly eyed Vansh whose eyes traveled to her.

V(red eyes): (in a fast move Ajay’s head was in Vansh’s hands while his body fell on the floor) This lesson will teach you what loyalty is

.Riddhima departed the place moving from side to side to stabilize herself till she reaches the room.

The werewolves Place

Ar: You weren’t exposed, Congrats, Angrey !!

Ang(smirked): I am always ahead, They are idiots! I doubted that’s why I spoiled Ajay’s memory. She asked us to protect him but in his memory, he remembers only one line which is not fully true “you have to kill him” and what adds fuel to fire is the fact that Vansh snapped at Ajay when he tried to protest. I feel bad for Ajay, I had no idea that Vansh will kill him.

Ar: It doesn’t matter who dies! you really did a great job!
Ang: stop flattering me, and get back to work! I want him to die!
Ar: you’re right! Vansh wronged both our sisters, and he deserved what will happen to him.
An: Yes! I am thankful to that weak Vampire who turned me, His weakness toward blood was his downfall, I made myself an easy prey, and then after biting me, I stabbed him with silver.
Ar: and then I met you there when I was about to attack Vansh, You were there to do the same, and we teamed up aga (Aryan was held all of sudden by Riddhima while Angrey by Ishaani whose eyes were blood red)
Continued on next page…

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