Riansh Os: The Knight Of Blood

Before half an hour
Kabir entered Riddhima’s room and found her unconscious.
k(trying to wake her up): Riddhima, wake up !!
I(coming in): What was that? Why did she do that?
K: No time for it, We have to wake her up.
I: she used her powers multiple times, didn’t she? that’s why she lost her conscious
Aj: I don’t understand too why should I stay here bound to this chair?
K: Ajay, can’t you shut your mouth? Riddhima saved your a** Because Vansh would Have killed you if you fell in the trap.
Aj: whose trap?
K: Angrey’s trap! He is the traitor. Riddhima had a vision after accusing me in front of Vansh, She saw a man with a flower tattoo on his shoulder, therefore she came to check whether I have it or not on the day she barged into my room, I guess Ishaani can confirm that Angrey has it.
Fb starts
R(to herself): I have seen something important, A clue ! and I will confirm it now.
She walked fast to Kabir’s room and opened it suddenly.
K(wearing his shirt): Riddhima, I think you are crossing the line now!Her eyes were out of sockets whereas she composed herself.
R(fuming): Now, I have evidence too. Wait for it.
K(confused): For what?

She disappeared fastly back to Harsh Uncle.
R: uncle, I want to share an important matter with you, I have seen Kabir in the same place where vansh has been attacked, but he didn’t believe me!Kabir heard her as he followed her to the room, ad then accessing it, he answered her.

K: if I was there, does it mean necessarily that I am there to make a conspiracy?
R(challenging him with her eyes glowing): you can act innocent in front of Vansh and the others, but I will expose you soon.
Riddhima made him see her vision and he understood her plan.
K(his eyes Glow too with one side smirk): Sure, Go for it! I will be there to see what you’ll do.
They left her ad Vansh returned again.Fb ends
K: We weren’t sure who was he, angrey or you? Therefore she sent the three of us behind the fake image of Vansh, and for a few moments, we believed it was you, Ajay! But when Vansh was about to punish you, your words made her doubt!
Back toThe present
Ang(looking at Ishaani): Stay out of it Ishaani, I have no enmity with you.
I(pain): Vansh’s enemy is my enemy too.
Ang(twisting her hand behind her back): Please, darling I don’t want to hurt you !
I(pushing his hand): You betrayed !! What could hurt me more than this fact?
Aryan turned into a werewolf and tried to attack Riddhima whereas Angrey moved her fastly out of his way. Nevertheless, When his hands touched hers, He kept looking at her.
R(in anger): What are you looking at? traitor !!
Aryan didn’t give up and taking advantage of Angrey’s distraction, He injured her with his nails in her neck.
Ang(blinded by rage): You shouldn’t have done it, Aryan! It was you !!!!V(who just reached there): I will kill both of you, Now! (To Riddhima) You should have waited for me !
Ar: Angrey, this is the chance to kill him, do it.

Ang(lifting Aryan by his hand and throwing him): Bastard! You did so wrong!

Ajay attacked Angrey: and you weren’t any less.

He fell back: You are alive?

Aj: despite the fact that you made it look like I was a traitor, Thanks to Riddhima, I am fine.

Before one hour

After Ajay statement, Riddhima doubted especially that she recalled how he tried to say no but Vansh stopped him in the middle. ANd an Idea clicked her mind.She was standing near Kabir and then whispered something to him.

R: I think Ajay is saying the truth! I will try to convince Vansh If He is innocent, Then ANgrey will be the one for whom we are searching and He’ll definitely go to the enemies.

K: is it so?

R: Yeah, Now!! We don’t have much time, I will try!

As mates, they have to be connected and can hear each other’s thoughts, but till that time, it didn’t happen, However, Riddhima tried hard. she closed her eyes trying to gather all powers she has and then directly eyed Vansh whose eyes traveled to her.

R(in mind): Vansh, he is innocent don’t kill him, I think Angrey did it. We have to catch him. Use your powers and make them assume that Ajay is dead.

She prayed that he hears her and to her surprise, he nodded at her then.

V(red eyes): (in a fast move Ajay’s head was in Vansh’s hands while his body fell on the floor) This lesson will teach you what loyalty is.
Riddhima departed the place moving from side to side to stabilize herself till she reaches the room, and fell.

Fb ends

Ang: I did a mistake, and ready to bear the consequences However one thing should be shown in front of you. It can save Vansh too.

Riddhima & Ishaani who were ready to attack him stopped when he uttered those words.

R: How?

V: He will lie again like before, He pretended that he went to save me and lost his powers whereas the werewolves were their buddies! No, I won’t let him live.

R(holding Vansh’s hand): Tell us, How? and if you lie I and the whole clan will rip your body into millions of pieces.

Soon Anupriya and Harsh arrived there and both the clans were ready to fight However Angrey came in between.

Ang(to Anupriya and the others): Look carefully at it. This memory, You have to see it first.

V: Memory?

Ang: My powers were never gone, The werewolves didn’t punish me because I went to the forbidden area, In fact, I lied when I was caught by Kabir there, and pretended. (Vansh took out his fangs) I can show you a memory of the past. Please let me do it.

R: You can.

He held Riddhima’s hand and all of them were shocked except Vansh who came toward her in inhuman speed.

R: vansh ! Let him do what he wants, If he turns out to be a liar again, I will let you have your ways! Please.

V(looking at her eyes): Just one chance.

Ang(The color of his eyes changed): Now, all of you will see, especially (To Annupriya) You! What your dear son did.

The scene

A young girl and boy were discovering the area near their house happily, then the girl saw something moving fast, and thought it to be a rabbit.
gi(happily): woohoo, I will take good pics of nature here. I am so excited.She went in the same direction, after a while the boy who was elder than her, called her name but she wasn’t there, He found her camera in the way.The girl hid behind threes so that she could capture pics of animals then she noticed a man and a woman there.

Ma: You came here to see him !! You brought shame to our clan, Ragini!

Rag: I don’t care about the clan, all I care about is Vansh! He is my love, and I won’t let you kill him, Aryan!

Ar: Oh dear sis, I will surely kill him or at least torture him, I am sorry to say that you’ll be the tool. Goodbye, sister.

He stabbed her and the young girl cried in fear making his eyes moved in her direction in evilness. He let her ran following her slowly.on the other hand, Vansh reached there only to witness Ragini struggling to breathe.

Ra(struggling): Save yourself, Vansh! He wants you to die because of me! I am sorry !!

V: What happened? Ragiiniiii? raaagiiniiii !!But she died, and he felt sad over losing her, He felt like a monster for hurting her till the end.Aryan was still playing with her the way a predator plays with his prey.

Ar: Oh my my, Your meat must be tasty !! Damn! I am so hungry!

He bites her stomach and blood oozed fast but when he heard the sound of someone nearing, he knew who he was, Vansh !! And he eloped.

Vansh looked at the blo*dy angelic face of the young girl who suffers a deadly injury and decided to go.

Girl(murmured): Bhai !!

(she was calling her Bhai innocently and he looked at Ragini’s blood which still undried on his hands)

V: Won’t be unfair to live while the angels die?He made his mind and bit her while he heard a gasp behind him , he turned but found no one there.


Ang: This is the memory of that girl! The Vampire clan will decide Aryan’s penalty! Since our leader was wronged, He will becide it himself.

Anu(turned to Aryan): You killed your own sister?

Ar(scared): mom, I
Anu: Enough!

Ang: Aryan attacked a human, and almost kill her while Vansh saved her. His judgment will be done by Vansh. (on his knees lowering his head) You can kill me too, leader!

V: I want to know the reason why?Ang: for my sister, I saw you there and thought that you killed her! I was there too!

V: Impossible! you were

Ang: that young boy who was trying to find his sister! (smiled) today I am seeing her after many years, She grew to be a strong vampire. (in Microseconds he was near Riddhima looking at her with a wide smile) Happy to see you, sis!

R & the others(thunderstruck): Sis?Ang: You are the girl whom he turned, Riddhima!

R(widened her eyes): How did you know?

V: You knew it too?

R: I I didn’t! Not since the beginning, I said I saw many dreams of you, it was with a girl who was wearing white. But I thought it was just a dream till you described what happened in the past. I was afraid that you’ll push me away if you get to know that the girl was me.I am sorry.

V: How come you didn’t identify him?Ang: For some reason, Her physical appearance is changed, and I guess so her memory about the time she was a human! it became like a blurry dream for her in which I didn’t exist. Aryan unknowingly transformed some of his powers to her, as Werewolves can disguise. I could read her memory when I touched her hand.

I(perplexed): is she a werewolf?

Ang: No, she is a vampire with a werewolf’s powers too. I understand now why she is destined to be the ruler of the clan.

V(to Riddhima): You hid things and kept me in the dark!

R: No I didn’t know too that he’s my brother !! believe me Vansh!

V(his facials stiffened): Not Now! (To Anupriya) I could have forgiven him for what he did with me, But For killing Ragini, there’s only one punishment, death!

Ar(to Anupriya): Mom! You can’t be letting him kill me !!

(Anupriya backed off signaling her clan to do like her)

An: He is all yours! (to the others) Let’s go!

The werewolves departed and only vampires stood hungrily waiting for the order to kill Aryan.

V: Your leader is ordering you now, to take out all your frustration toward them. Kill him.

They couldn’t be more delighted for this golden chance and all of them attacked him while they tore his body into parts and were thrown them everywhere.

V(turned to Angrey): And you? (Riddhima stood in front of Angrey to stop him) Move away!

R: No! I am grateful because you saved me, and sorry that you suffered! However, I won’t let you hurt him. If it is needed, then kill me instead of him.

I: Vansh, please ! don’t kill him!(Ishaani loved Angrey, but he knew that he can’t love her as he wants revenge on Vansh)

Ang: Riddhima! Ishaani, let him do it.

V(sharply): and I will do it. The betrayal is not something I can bear. Again I am telling you, Riddhima, it’s between us.

R: Then ok, Vansh! I am sorry to say that I am against you!

V(stunned): What? For him?R(confident): Yes, For My brother !! I won’t support you.

V(hurt): Great, then you can support him, but I won’t forgive him.

R: Can I hug you for the last time?V(clutching his fists): No

R: Thank you

She surprised him with a hug and they held into each other. Whereas Vansh closed his eyes trying to control himself.Vansh killed Angrey making both Ishaani and Riddhima break down, while She looked at him with teary angry eyed.

R: You killed my brother, and I can’t hurt you as I love you. But I will hurt you the same way you have hurt me.

She took a silver knife and stabbed herself while Vansh screamed, But she was already dead.

I: I won’t forgive you, Vansh! He was misled, And you could have kept him alive, However, you killed me when you murdered him. By Bhai!

She burned herself in front of his eyes.

V: Nooooooooooo

He opened his eyes only to see Riddhima looking at him.
R: It will be the consequence of your decision, Vansh! Now (she distanced herself away from his path) The ultimate decision is yours.

V(still shocked with wide pupils): You are no more one of us, Angrey, I want you out of here.Ishaani and Riddhima exhaled a breath that they were holding.

Continued on next page…

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