Riansh Os: The Knight Of Blood

Ang(still on his knees): I will feel more shame if you forgive me!

V: I had already announced my final words !!

R(hugged Angrey): Take care of yourself !!

I(held angrey’s hand): Please, Bhai, Can I go with him?

Ang: No, stay here, with your clan! I don’t merit it!

Vansh looked at his sister and remembered the vision Riddhima made him see.

V: You may go too, However you too will be no more one of us.

R(in disbelief): Vansh !! !

But he strolled away not giving a head to what she was saying.

R(hugged them both): Go and take care of yourself! I will convince him.

The room

As a leader it was a shame for him to back off his decision and forgive a traitor, however, He couldn’t imagine losing her and his sister, It doesn’t mean He will forgive her!

R: Vansh, I am sorry !!

V: You betrayed me too !!

R: I swear I didn’t! I had no idea that the girl is me ! and I told you that the first time I could see the vision clearly was when we touched by coincidence in the office. And the other memories, I thought it was just a dream! I had no idea either about me having a brother or about changing my appearance. I found myself in the forest in the middle of the night under the full moon. I think the powers that Aryan transferred worked accidentally and made me change my avatar.

(Guys, It’s my imagination, don’t torture me with folklore and all, Please, I have been already tortured by a crazy girl. Ri !! Hahaha and if you can watch IMM2 without complaints then you can read my story too lol)

V(gave her his back): I can’t believe you supported him against me !!R: VANSH?He refused to listen to her and she stood there calling his name for half an hour till she reached her limits.

R: You brought it upon yourself !!He looked at her curiously only to feel her weight on him.

V: what do you think you’re doing?R: You weren’t ready to hear me, therefore

(She handcuffed his hands to bed making him raising his eyebrow) You can be a leader for them, But here you’re my mate and husband. (she came closer to his neck and licked there making him growl) You won’t scare me! Not after finding my answers anyway.

V: stop it!

R: No, Because I am enjoying it.

V: Then I will stop you.

The handcuffs were broken with his force and she was now under him.

R: I love you, Vansh! and I know you love me too. I have seen the look of horror when I made you see what would happen if you didn’t let Angrey go.

V: Love? do you call it love? When we love someone we stood by him.

R: Fine! you will stay angry then keep it taht way !! But let me ask you, If ishaani was at my place, would you find it fine for her to help Angrey in killing you?

He was taken aback as he didn’t see it that way !!

R: And if you witnessed Angrey killing your sister would you have let him go?

V: No !!

R: Perfect! So you admit he was not wrong too! He was wronged by the werewolves. Aryan fooled him ! (she saw a glimpse of him being convinced) Can’t you forgive him?

V: I need time to think.

R(happily): really? (kissing his cheek) Thank you

V: are you mad? I said I will think!

R: I know you have forgiven him.

V(murmured): mad girl!

R: by the way, Angrey was here for a long time, then How come he couldn’t read your memory and know what happened?

V(smirked): As a leader, Nobody’s power work on me!

R: But I did it many times.
V: Yeah, There’s an exceptional case, Only my mate can be powerful enough to do it. Our connection in the past is the reason.

R: Ohh You are admitting that I am powerful!

V: Powerful yes! but not more powerful!

R(smirked): I am satisfied with the fact that I can challenge you! (he ignored her again) Vansh, please! I was afraid! Harsh uncle said they give you a condition “to bring the girl whom you turned but you refused because you can’t see an innocent die” ! So obviously, You would have pushed me away ! and I didn’t want to be without you.She said in a sad tone that made him look at her face.

V: Your face is still innocent and angelic. (He caressed her eyes) I love you, sweetheart!

R: I love you too.

She said before jumping and encircling her legs around his waist while he kissed her deeply walking toward their bed while they get rid of their clothes.


It was more than a month since they left, and He could see the sadness on her face that she was trying hard not to show it on her face.

Ang(hugging her): I am sorry, due to me, You are separated from your family!

I(resting her head on his chest): I am happy!

Ang: You’re not! If you want to go, you can go back there, Vansh will accept you.

I: No! Don’t dare to try to get rid of me, Because you won’t.

Voice behind them: Of course he won’t !!

I: Riddhima?

Appeared suddenly in their house taking a pic in her hand.

R: Yes! it’s me! Nice pic, guys! 

I: If Vansh bhai comes to know, He will think that you betrayed him !!

V: I would never think about her like this! Did you forget that she is my mate, and I can hear her thoughts too now!

R: So annoying thing !! What If I want to talk privately with myself? You are hacking my system! Uff You are a virus that doesn’t have an antivirus!

V: so funny, sweetheart, Try harder to improve your skills!

I: guys! !! Did you both come here to fight?

V: Fight? never (hugging Riddhima) I love my sweetheart!

R(coming closer): Love you too.

I: Hey you !! We’re here !!

V: Yeah , later! (to Angrey) I want you to come back with us, but I have a condition.

Ang: I will do anything you ask me to do, leader!

R: great !! Now, let’s go.

I(tensed): But Vampires can not forgive deception, Bhai forgives him, however, they will not do it even on Bhai’s saying!

R: Don’t argue, Ishaani. Let’s go!

The house

All the vampires were looking at Angrey which made Ishaani tensed.

I: why aren’t they doing anything?

R: because they are under someone’s control!I: who?

K: me! I am controlling them till he fulfills the condition!

I: which condition?

V: You have to erase the memory of you in their head. The day on which you were exposed, remove it from their head! so that everything can go smoothly.

K: Ready?

Ang: Yes.He did it and they could not remember that Angrey deceived them, He looked at Kabir guilty.

Ang: I am sorry for the past!

K: I think I can get over the matter for my sister’s sake!

I(hugged Kabir and Vansh): Thank you !!

R(hugged Angrey): welcome back!


PERSON: She doesn’t know that I made her change her physical appearance because I was there! I wanted Vansh to be punished! It was good that they made a stupid theory of her being changed due to the fact that she has werewolf’s powers in her, I can not only change mine but the others too, therefore I changed her. Vansh snatched my Ragini from me, She was only mine, Ajay’s love! I saw her first! But Angrey saved him at the last minute! I will absolutely kill him! I have waited for years but they spoiled everything!

Ajay said while fuming with anger! 

Angrey knocked on the door of Ajay willing to ask forgiveness.

Aj: what do you want?

Ang: I am sorry Ajay for what I did, Can’t we be friends like before?

Aj: No ! we can’t! Angrey tried to stop him from going but Ajay avoided his hand.

Aj: don’t you dare!

Ang: I am sorry for coming here! Saying so he walked out of the room and Ajay let out the breath he was holding.

Aj: Uff it was so near! damn !!

In seconds he found herself pushed against the wall, while two people held his hand and Angrey touched his hand with red eyes.

Ang: I was right! (looking at Riddhima and Vansh who was holding him) See. 

They saw the memory of Ajay approaching injured Riddhima and using his powers on her. Their eyes darkened and Vansh held his neck while Riddhima stood on his shoulders in a fast move and separate his head from his body and threw his head away.

R: This is your punishment for making us suffer.

V: Burn him!Ajay’s body was burnt in front of the vampires.

V: This is a lesson for you all to never disobey if you don’t want to end up like this.

All of them bent their heads scared of their leader”s anger in obedience.

R(rested her head on his shoulder with red eyes): and you all know the destiny of danger right? Every danger that comes near him Will be seen and changed by me. If you love your life, you have to never try to harm him. 

Harsh smiled at the way they were supporting each other!

R(whispered): I love you!

V: I love you too! for now, I see no risk but you, I must say, you’re so dangerous for my sanity!

R: And I’ll always be, Just me! They kissed each other slowly forgetting about their surrounding.


Sorry for the errors, guys, and Thank you for reading the story.


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