#RIANSH – SCAR ON SOUL# – #Part – 2#

Angre POV:

I feel something odd about Riddhima. Her professional bio and background study revealed her as something which is the total opposite of how she was behaving. As Vansh asked me to gather information about her I placed my informers on that work and announcing that results will be declared tomorrow I left in search of Aryan as he wasn’t answering my calls. There I found him in the cafeteria with Riddhima and Sejal. Sejal is one of our employees, a hardworking and dedicated person. Is my PA. I observed that Riddhima was telling something and their reactions were having many emotions. Riddhima was crying I guess and even Sejal had tears while Aryan was holding his fist as if he’s about to kick someone. His eyes carried angry and frustrating looks. Riddhima was shivering while narrating something and every second her tears grew to the next level and Sejal was trying to console her. Aryan hit the table in anger and she jerked with fear in her eyes and Sejal gave Aryan an angry look. Aryan calmed himself and was catching his ears as if asking apologies.

This is so confusing and now even I want to know everything about her. I was reluctant but then made my mind and approached the trio. Seeing me Sejal stood and Riddhima wiped her tears and glaring in different direction stood. I gestured Sejal to sit but Riddhima didn’t see me gesturing her so I gestured Sejal about her too and she held Riddhima and gently helped her sit. I was observing her expressions as if she’s bearing some unsaid pain while she’s sitting. My thoughts were interrupted when Aryan spoke

Aryan: Angre you here?

Angre: Yea I tried calling you but you weren’t answering so had to come searching for you

Aryan: Oops sorry I didn’t pay heed

Angre: It’s ok! Actually, am here as Vansh invited you to his home for dinner. He asked me to pass the invitation.

Aryan: Even I was about to come. It’s been many days since I met dadi, and all. Inform him that I’ll be there by 8 pm.

I smiled and was about to go when my eyes fell on Riddhima who panicked seeing the caller’s name and her hands were shivering when she answered the call. She with slight tears forming in her eyes answered the call and just gave single-word answers like “Hmm, ok, yes”. I felt it weird and then she cut the call and using the tissue she wiped her tears and staring at Aryan and Sejal, she stood and spoke gently.

Riddhima: I need to go.

Sejal and Aryan gave her some look which I didn’t understand and she just nodded and without uttering anything she collected her belongings and was about to leave when Sejal stopped her

Sejal: Riddhu let me drop till the gate

Riddhima as if she heard something which she shouldn’t and nodded her head swiftly in disapproval with fear clearly evident in her eyes. Sejal understood and let her go and glared at Aryan who was burning in rage. Riddhima left and I understood Sejal’s glares as if she needs to speak to Aryan so I excused myself and left the place.

Riddhima POV:

I came to VRS industries for my scheduled interview. I was in need of this job. As I stepped into the lobby, everyone was glaring at me and I know the reason behind their glares. I try to walk swiftly but my ….. my pain is so deep that I can’t even move fast. I enquire about the interview in the reception and she guides me into the waiting room. I find many candidates almost occupying every seat and yes then my eyes fell on a corner seat and I take my seat their but uff!!! This pain is hurting a lot. I try to control my tears and to avoid the glares of everyone I started playing with my fingers and laid my glares on the floor beneath. I could hear their whispers about me but I try to avoid listening to them. Then for the shock, I feel a hand on my shoulder and with fear, I turn to find my long-lost best friend. I hug her and she reciprocates it. But then the pain over my back hurts so I break the hug. It’s been 2 months since I met her. We both sit and she’s asking about me and am giving her just one-word answers. The glares of everyone are making me uncomfortable. That’s when I heard my name being taken by a person in a loud manner and I jerk out of fear. Yes, am a victim of phonophobia. I can’t bear any loud noise which isn’t normal. The sound of anything falling, the sound of anyone speaking loudly, the sound of horns continuously, etc such sounds freak me and I at times even get panic attacks.

I bid bye to Sejal and with difficulty walk towards the cabin and asking permission I enter the cabin and though am not glaring at their faces of who are there, I could sense that there are around 2 – 3 persons in the cabin and their glares on me and I get anxious and try to cover my hands but seems to be in vain. Then I heard a person speaking a bit loud

Angre (firm): Please take your seat!

I jerked with the sound and as if he realized, he once again calming himself spoke

Angre: Please take your seat

I nodded and gently pulling the chair sat and then Oh God this pain once again hurts me!! I take a long breath and hand my file to the person, it’s then I saw them. Yes, there are 2 persons and one person is going through my file and asking me questions of which am answering while I could sense that the other person is glaring at me and somewhere am aware of why is he doing so. After a while, the one who was asking me questions hands my file to the other, and the person’s eyes widened as if he saw a ghost after seeing my file. I didn’t understand his expressions and then he shouted which jerked me and my pupils grew larger. I held the arm of the chair tight trying to handle my anxiety. I didn’t even dare see the person and then I heard a familiar name “Aryan”!!! I was shocked and wanted to turn but the bruise on my neck hurt me preventing me to turn around and then I heard another voice “Riddhima you can wait outside. We’ll let you know who’s selected”. I nodded and was about to collect my file from the other person but suddenly seems like my anxiety is growing, my hands are shivering and am unable to reach my file but then the person passed my file which I grabbed and was about to leave when I heard a familiar voice but in fact, it was too high in a voice that I freaked “RIDDHUU!!!”. I gave him a wide look and then a small smile crept my face and suddenly he hugged me even I wanted to but the bruises on my back were clenched when he hugged and I couldn’t even react. He was asking about my whereabouts and I sensed the stares behind me and was hesitant. He understood and bidding them bye he led me to the cafeteria and asked Sejal too to join us. Once we settled, Sejal was telling him about something and then he was glaring me with questions and even I wanted to let the burden on my soul go. Unaware of myself tears formed in my eyes and Aryan was worried and I gestured to him and started speaking –

After marriage with Kabir, I moved to Mumbai and first few days everything was just a dream of a fairy tale. He showered me with love, care, and affection. He used to go to the station at 9 and reach home by 6. We didn’t consummate our marriage as I was a bit nervous and afraid, he understood my situation and gave me space. He used to take me to parks and beaches on weekends, we used to have our dinner in the restaurants. He was caring. Once while cooking I accidentally cut my finger and he banned my entry into the kitchen and he cooked for us for 2 days and after my insistence, he allowed me to enter the kitchen and always made sure I don’t hurt myself. His parents stayed back in Pune as they wanted to give some space to the newlywed.

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