#Riansh -The path of thorns- 4 (IMMJ-2)

” Adithya, where are we going?” asked Ridhima with a surprised tone where she could see they were not going to home from the hospital.

” A small trip for 2 days,” said Adithya.

” Really?” asked Ridhima where as Adithya nodded his hand.

” Zoya and Sejal are at Zoya’s home where we are going to pick them up and then go to lonavala,” said Adithya.

” You are the best,” said Ridhima hugging Adithya tightly where she kissed his cheeks.

” Riddhu, please don’t do this,” said Adithya with a grumpy face where he wiped his cheeks where Ridhima naughtily leans towards him and kissed him again in his cheeks.

” Stop teasing Ridhu, please,” said Adithya.

” It is my childhood habit to tease you always,” said Ridhima.

” You are the same, exactly the same when I met you 18 years ago,” said Adithya.

” Ridhima is always the same, and you too are the same. See how much grumpy face you make for a small kiss,” said Ridhima.

” Kissing a boy is wrong,” said Adithya turning his face.

” Who told you are a boy?” asked Ridhima lifting her eyebrows.

” Then what I am? A girl?” he asked her with a wide eyes to which she nods her head with a giggle.

“Oh I am a girl right,” asked Adithya ticking her where she burst out laughing due to his tickles.

” Stop please,” she said with the giggles where her phone bumped with an incoming call. With the same giggle, she attended the phone call.

” Hello,” she said in between her giggle.

“Ridhima,” said Vansh where Ridhima guessed it was Vansh with his voice. She clenched her hands tightly.

” Yes Mr, you didn’t get enough of questioning me today at the cabin such that you called my number itself?” asked Ridhima with a composed tone. She didn’t want to talk to him as now only her mind was relaxed to some extent. But then it seems that this man wouldn’t let her be in peace she thought.

Adi asked if it was him and she nodded her head. He immediately grabbed the phone.

” Ridhima, please. I am sorry, Very sorry,” said Vansh where Adithya just boiled in anger listening his words. What is the use when it had exceeded the worst condition?

” Mr, this is Ridhima’s husband. Adithya Raichand. I don’t know who you are, what you are, but the next time if I see you near my wife, I would kill you the same instance, so remember that well,” said Adithya with a rude and warning tone where he cutted the call.

” Wife? Me?” asked Ridhima with a perplexed tone looking at Adithya where he closed his eyes tightly.

” Zoya told like that to Vansh,” said Adithya.

” Is she mad?” asked Ridhima.

” She was just trying to protect you, that’s it and I too did for the same,” said Adithya.

” But then this is a lie, right? You both are going to get married and now saying like this to him. What if it affects your life?” asked Ridhima with a little worried tone.

” Riddhu, me and Zoya know everything, so let it be,” said Adithya.

” You know, I felt I got my identity back when I met you. I was worried that I don’t have any relation after that incident, I was broken,” said Ridhima.

” Ridhima, your identity is not me, not our friends, not Raichand, nothing else. It is your baby which is your identity,” said Adithya

” And along with that my identity is you, my brother, Adithya Raichand, my childhood best friend, the person who helped me in every step I had taken,” said Ridhima holding his hands to which Adithya smiles.

” And then along with you two, Zoya and Sejal.You four make this new Ridhima,” said Ridhima with a teary tone where she then smiles whole hearted.

” Okay okay, Enough of this brother and sister segment, you both didn’t even realize when the car stopped and when we got in,” said Sejal with a huge sigh where she handled the car asking the driver to go back from there. Zoya sat at the front along with Sejal.

” So lets go to our destination,” said Sejal holding the steering of the wheel.

” Passengers beware, this car would be an express car and make sure you take security for your life,” kidded Ridhima as if how they say on Railway Stations.

” Riddhu,” said Sejal with a pout where she started driving the car.

Riddhima just giggles looking at Sejal.


Vansh sat down on the hospital kneeling down with tears rolling from his eyes. He wasn’t able to digest the news. Did he really lose them forever?

He thought he can win her back, he would do anything to earn her apologize and then unite with her and her baby. But then now that was too not possible because she and his baby had moved forward.

She got another man in his life, Adithya Raichand he thought where he laughed to himself with a mock because his destiny had led him to that position.

In the step of protecting his family members, he lost his most valuable possession, his wife, Ridhima it. And the reason is only him.

Now he cannot do anything, he can do nothing he thought in a dejected tone where he got up and walked out of the hospital as he didn’t want to create a scene.

He came to the hotel where they all were staying. He, Angre, Aryan were staying in a room, Chanchal and Chacha in another room and then the rest in other room.

” What happened Bhai?” asked Ishani.

” She isn’t there, she has moved on in her life,” said Vansh looking at the floor.

” She loved you Vansh, she cannot move on in her life that easily, I know about my Ridhima,” said Dadi.

” She is married to Adithya, I spoke to him only now a few seconds before,” said Vansh.

” What? Ridhima is married?” asked Ishani with a wide tone.

“Yeah, to Adithya Raichand, a Cardiologist,” said Vansh.

” This cannot be possible, not at all,” said Ishani.

” It is possible Ishani, she may have moved on,” said Angrey coming towards them.

” But she can’t. She can’t leave my Bhai back,” said Ishani.

” You are being selfish Ishaani here, when your brother can move on with Ahana within a day, she can also move on,” said Angre.

” Yes, Angrey is right, I lost them,” said Vansh.

” Bhai, don’t give up. Atleast for the child,” said Ishani.

” Yes Vansh, it is Rai Singhania’s heir, we can’t give up that easily, we all will beg for her forgiveness, let’s go,” said Dadi.

” She isn’tthere in hospital, she had applied leave for 2 days, I don’t think she would be available,” said Vansh.

” Then we would go after 2 days, all of us would go,” said Dadi.

Vansh nods his head with a single tear rolling from his eyes.

” Everything would be alright Bhai,” said Ishani hugging Vansh where Angrey looked at them with a glare.









Two days later,

Riddhima interestingly opened her lunch box and found her favorite dish of Aloo Paratha along with Paneer on it. She whipped happily and was about to have it when her mind got struck with an idea. She slowly closed her box and got up from the canteen table and marched towards Adithya’s cabin.

She entered and saw that he wasn’t there. She slowly took his lunch box and came downstairs with a wide smile where she opened the two lunch boxes and started having the food.

Just as she was having the food, Adithya came towards her.

” What madam, finished having my lunch box?,” asked Adithya to which Ridhima slides the empty lunch box to him with a mischievous smile.

He say down opposite of her and smiled.

” What do you want to eat?” asked Adithya.

” This is itself fine. But then, Pav bhaji would be much enough,” said Ridhima licking her lips where he just smiled looking at her and ordered for himself.

” Right, you look pretty today, there is some kind of extra glow in your face,” said Adithya.

” My face always glows Mr Adithya,” said Ridhima pinching his nose.

” Want a bite?” asked Ridhima to which he nods his head.

Ridhima took a bit of Paratha and dipped it in the gravy and forwarded her hands towards him. He forwards to take a bite where as she immediately gulped it in her mouth with a naughty smirk where she showed her tongue to him.

Aditya just chuckled with her antics. She was never this much crazy before, but now the pregnancy has given a very new shade of her.

” Adi another bite?” asked Ridhima with a giggling tone.

He frowned and pulled her ears with a glare.

” Sorry Sorry,” she said with a pout where he grabbed her hand which had a piece of bread and fed himself voluntarily from her hand.

” Rude,” she said in a huffed tone where she completed eating the paratha.

They both finished eating their lunch and Ridhima headed towards her cabin with a smiley face. Lunch was so fun with teasing Adithya.

” Riddhima, many people are waiting inside to meet you,” informed the nurse where as Ridhima frowned.

Did she do anything wrong she thought where with the same thoughts she opened the door. She was shocked to see the entire Raisighania family along with Angre too over there.

Why are they here? she thought in her mind.

” What’s the problem?” she asked with a little stern tone looking at them with the stern look.

” Ridhima,” said Vansh coming towards her where he held her hand tightly.

” I am sorry Ridhima, I am sorry,” he said with tears rolling from his eyes.

” Oh finally you realized your mistake. That’s soo good Mr Vansh Raisinghania, now you won’t torture me by your useless rants of asking who is my husband,” said Ridhima with a tight smile.

” Ridhima, please don’t kill us by these words, we are already devastated by Kabir’s betrayal. He took the entire property,” said Ishani.

” We came to know the truth then only, I am sorry Ridhima beta,” said Dadi coming towards her where she cupped her face with love.

” We all are sorry,” said everyone one by one .

Ridhima felt herself to laugh heavily with this family’s emotional drama. And she did too without any hesitation.

” Ridhima?” asked Vansh with a little perplexed tone.

” Excuse me,” she said releasing her hand from his hold where she held her mouth.

” What is there to laugh in this?” asked Aryan.

” No no, I think your whole family needs to be in mental Asylum,clear mental case,” said Ridhima where she laughed again.

” What has happened to you?” asked Ishani.

” Have we met before?” asked Ridhima to Ishani with a wide tone making Ishani shocked.

” Ridhima, I am your sister in law, Vansh’s sister,” said Ishani.

” Mental case’s sister is also a mental case,” she murdered with a heaving tone.

” Mental case?” asked Ishani with a confused tone.

” Mr. Vansh, I thought you apologized for the behavior earlier. But I think you have brought your entire family to support it,” said Ridhima.

” Ridhima, you are my wife, I can say that now too, we are married,” said Vansh.

Ridhima’s temper raised very highly.

” Show me the evidence then,” she screamed in a loudest tone making everyone shiver.

” I don’t have,” he said in a devastating tone.

” Then get lost along with your stupid family,” said Ridhima with the same loud tone.

” Ridhima we all are a family beta, don’t behave like this. I agree we did wrong but please beta. Humans make mistakes, it was just a mistake from our side in not believing you,” said Dadi

” Mistake?” asked Ridhima with a sarcastic laugh.

” It is called a sin, Mrs Vansh Rai Singhania, A sin,” said Ridhima correcting Dadi.

She thought she could just avoid them. But now they had touched her bad nerve by calling it as a mistake .

Mistake? Seriously!!! She thought in her mind

” If Kabir does this to you, it is betrayal and if you do that to me then it is called a Mistake, Woow, you guys all amuse me a lot,” said Ridhima with an astonished tone.

” Ridhima we are sorry,” said Ishani.

” The word SORRY doesn’t even add 0.000001% of what sin you did to me. So just don’t show me your face of apologizing,” said Ridhima.

” We did wrong, but this behavior is not so done of you,” said Chanchal.

” Then I am so like this, do what the hell you want to do,” said Ridhima folding her hands where her heart was just saying one thing. Not to fall into their words or behavior.

” Ridhima beta, I am sorry on behalf of Chanchal. You don’t need to forgive us for the sin, but at least consider the life inside you, Vansh’s baby, our heir. For him/her at least try to forgive us,” said Dadi

” It is my baby, only mine. Not your heirs or your Vansh’s”

” And What evidence you have you to show that this baby is Vansh’s. It can be Kabir’s too right, after all he was my boyfriend till now,” said Ridhima

” Ridhima,” shouted Vansh little frustrated

” Oh come on Vansh, I am character less, gold digger, and for money, I would have went to any extent and why not sleep with others?” asked Ridhima.

” Ridhima,” he shouted again where he held her shoulders tightly with his both hands caging her

” Don’t you dare, don’t you dare speak like that,” he screamed where as Ridhima shivered with his touch.she felt her baby also shivering as she could feel its moments.

Tears rolled from her eyes where she removed his hands from her shoulders.

” Don’t touch me,” said Ridhima closing her eyes where she felt her heart thumping fast.

” Baby relax, mummy is here,” she said to herself where sweat broke through her forehead.

” Ridhima relax,” said Angre coming towards her where as Ridhima just held his hands. He kept quiet as he wanted her to give them all the straight answers which he was trying to make his family understand but then they didn’t understand. And now he could sense it is going out and the way Ridhima shivered clearly indicates that she is not fine. So he immediately went to her.

” Please get them all out, please, I don’t want to see these people’s faces and not want their shadow near my baby too,” said Ridhima.

” We are a family Ridhima, you can’t deny that,” said Ishani.

” Family, my foot,” said Ridhima freeing herself from Angre where she marched towards her

” This is called a family who abandons the daughter in law who is pregnant out of the house saying she is gold digger and characterless and instead of announcing someone else in her place snatching her identity, ”

” This is a family who always insults the daughter in law and even tries to kills her,”

” This is called a family who always ill-treats a girl just because she is an orphan, a middle class,” said Ridhima with a sarcastic tone.

” And sorry to break your dream, but I am not a part I this family, the moment I stepped out of the house, I broke all my relations with you, everything got crumbled that day, and I am so happy now because I got a true family, my loved ones with me. And I am very very happy because thankfully I came out of your so called family, ”

” And I have to say, your family never deserved me,” said Ridhima with a cold face where she heaved a long breathe to control the urge to freak out. Her eyes were just dropping due to the sudden emotional baggage which she is facing but then she didn’t mind it.

All she wanted to do was to make them get out of her life. Period!!!

” Yes we didn’t deserve you Ridhima, we never deserved you,” said Vansh with a slow tone realising the things which she had said. All were attacking him as if arrows hitting him but then he managed to bring out the words.

And her eyes reflected deep pain which he is able to sense from it. She was hurt and he won’t do much more of this now.

” Thankfully you realized,” said Ridhima with a retort.

All of their trance was broken with a sudden interruption inside the room where Adithya came inside saying something to her.

” Ridhu, your phone is busy, Zoya wants to talk to you about your session,” said Adithya where he gets shocked to see the whole of some family there. He could only recognize Angre over there.

” Ridhu, Angre, what is the matter?” asked Adithya where he immediately marched towards Ridhima and scooped her in his arms.

Ridhima just laid her head on his shoulders where she was feeling dizzy.

” Ask them to get lost Adi please,” said Ridhima.

” They are Ridhima’s so called EX FAMILY,” said Angre looking towards Adithya making everyone numbed.

” Didn’t I warn you Mr. Rai Sighania ?” asked Adithya with an angry tone.

” Who the hell are you?” asked Ishani.

” Aditya Raichand, Ridhima’s husband, ” said Adithya with a stern tone where he crosses Ridhima’s hair and kissed her hair.

” I am sorry, I won’t interfere here after,” said Vansh in a apologetical tone. He could see how tired she has became and he regret for doing this to her again by hurting her.

He didn’t want to hurt her again by any means.

” You know Adithya?” asked Ishani to Angre

” He is my friend,” said Angrey replying to him.

” Get out now, immediately out of this place,” said Adithya with a loud tone where he felt her whole weight on him.

” Ridhu,” said Adithya shaking her face, but he didn’t get any response.

” Ridhima,” shouted Vansh coming towards them where Adithya gazed him with fire in his eyes.

” Stay away,” said Adithya where he picked up in her arms and exited the room. The family was about to follow Adithya where Angrey stopped them with his loud tone.

” Just stop, don’t follow them, he would take care of her,” said Angre.

” She is my wife damn it,” said Vansh.

” Wife? Oh, you are speaking about the wife whom you threw out of the house? The wife who faced a massive heart attack due to your very great deeds,” said Angre in a mocking tone.

” Heart Attack?” asked Vansh with a grasping tone where his heart thudded fast with the words.

” Yes not mild, very massive, and the reason is all you, only you said Angrey with a loud voice shaking everyone present there.

At other side,

Kabir came along with Ahana to pick their mom who was to be released that day. He had done his back works and now his mom was set free with the fake evidence he created.  Self confession is a valid evidence but then he knows how to change everything into his favour.

After a long wait Anupriya came out of the jail with her usual smirk.

” Kabir,” she said hugging him tight.

” We have everything mom, we achieved our goal,” said Kabir.

” I am so proud of you my son,” said Anupriya

Kabir just chuckles.

” Mom meet Ahana, my to be wife,” said Kabir introducing Ahana where Ahana just smiled looking at Anupriya.

” Welcome to our family,” said Anupriya with a smile where she gritted her teeth.

“Thanks mom,” said Ahana where she too gave the same smile.

” Oh God now this baggage also added along with Kabir. Kabir itself was on over burden and now this too,” she thought frustrated where she plastered a sweet smile and went along with them.

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