In this ff riddhima is pshyotherepist and unable to earn enough money and leaves in rented house and ishani is medical student and vansh is searching na psyotherapist for sia
So episode starts
Scene 1
VR mansion
Everyone is sitting at dining table..for breakfast and ishani come to vansh in hurry.
Ishani- bhai i m getting late for college plz pick me at 2 pm sharp.
Vansh – fine bt atleast have ur brkfst
Ishani- no bhai i m getting there is a special lecture from our guest teacher
And ishani leave from there grabbing a piece of sandwich
Vansh- this girl is crazy..
Scene 2
A black car is following ishani.. on the way of college then ishani park the car and started crossing the road suddenly some goons come in her way..and try to snatch her duppatta( yes guys she is wearing a duppatta all thnx to me)
Ishani- u blo*dy bastard leave me.. Otherwise i won’t spare u..
Goon – do whatever u can (wink)
Suddenly a man in black hoddy and mask come and bash all the goons and drop ishani to college safely..
Before ishani could say anything he disappeared..
Scene 3
College auditorium
Principal- good morning students here i invite Miss riddhima malhotra a physiotherapist for a special lecture..
Riddhima comes in white suite and orange duppatta
.. and started giving lecture
After finishing lecture she headed towards exit..
Ishani is going to exit suddenly her ankle twist and she is about to fall bt a hand caught her and save her from falling ( its none other than riddhima)
Riddhima- hey dear r u fine..
Ishani( firmly ) -i am fine..thnk u.
And she leave from there.. thinking why i m feeling something strange about this girl..
Scene 4
Vansh arrived at college
Ishani- bhai u come on sharp 2 not bad..( wink)
Vansh( smirking)- VR never break promises
Accha fine now u go to car i m just coming after making a call
Ishani- ok bhai.
Scene 5
Riddhima is walking in hurry. and suddenly thuddddd!!! Yeah.. she collided with hard chest and abt to fall bt a hand caught her by her waist..
She is engrossed in those black eyes who is staring her
Yes u guys right..he is vansh( thnx to me)
Vansh is mesmerized by her beauty and the are sharing an eye lock
# ishq me marawan plays in bgm
A call broke their eye contact and they get back to their positions
Riddhima ( hesitantly) – i m so sry…i was in hurry
Vansh- its ok.. i was a beautiful accident ( winking)
Yes guys vansh is flirting all thnx to me
Riddhima ( perplexed)- thnk u so much
She is about to go bt vansh stops her
Vansh- hey can u help me
Riddhima- yes sure
Vansh – so i m searching for a physiotherapist for my sister so can u help me if u know anyone
Riddhima – actually i m a physiotherapist
Vansh( murmurs) – raste ki talash me manzil tk aagye..
Chlte chlte ek khubsurat hasina se takra gye
Vansh ( to riddhima) – ok then u give me ur number i will call u later as i m in hurry now
Riddhima ( hesitantly) – ok..
Then exchanged number and leave..
Ishani tell everything abt morning incident to vansh and vansh’ s blood started boiling..
Vansh- i will not spare that bastards …
saying this he calls angre
Angre- yes boss..order plz..
Vansh tells everything to angre
Vansh- i want that blo*dy bastards at any cost ASAP
Angre- yes boss.
They hang up the call..
Scene 7
At VR mansion
Vansh( to angre) – any information angre!?
Angre- yes boss they were just random road side goons nothing else.. and the man who saved ishani was local person of that area.. so their is nothing suspicious u plz relex
Vansh- ok
Then angre gets a call
Unknown person – what the hell he was asking u to do
Angre- relex i lied to need to worry abt..
He hang the call
Scene 8
Ishani’s room
Ishani is crying badly seeing a picture and caressing it..
Ishani- am i so bad that u r giving me this punishment i loved u to the core of my heart..what is my fault plz tell me.. why are u doing this.. and she dozzed off while crying
Meanwhile angre after hanging the call ..Angre( smirking) – i m doing this only for u..
So guys this is for the 1st epi i hope u will like it..
And thnq so much @mennahussein55 for helping me alot
Author’s note – kisi ke liye marna bohot asaan hai pr kisi ke liye jina bohot mushkil
Awesome episode.
I have liked your start.
You made me so curious for more episodes.
Please post the next one soon.
Yes dear thnq so much keep support loads of luv to u
1st episode was just amazing….hope you will keep updating amazing episodes like this….
all the best.. and yes eagerly waiting for next episode…
I will post soon dear keep supporting
Awesome episode
Flirty vansh…!
Beautiful start
Thnq dear plz keep supporting guys
Awesome I was waiting for it..
Keep supporting dear i will post soon
Nice episode
Thnq dear keep supporting
Thnq so much
Am curious to know what happens next
Post asap
I will post soon dear
Nice first episode…

waiting for next episode…
Thnq dear i will post asap
Amazing episode yr plz post soon the next part,,,nice dear

Thnq dear keep supporting i will definitely post asap
You rocked dear …keep posting
Yes dear i will keep posting n u plz do keep supporting
Nice update
Thnq dear keep supporting
Ur poetry is awesome.. very deep meaning !! I really loved it… And I think the man who saved Ishani was Angre and the man whom Ishani loved is also Angre… My theories.. kindly ignore
… Pls post asap
Thnq so much dear..keep making ur theories i m enjoying it bt..the truth is indeed shocking for everyone
Awesome. Please post soon.
I just submitted episode 2 lets when it will publish keep supporting dear
Awesome episode
… Loved it 
… Waiting for the next one
I will post soon dear keep supporting
Awesome episode dear eagerly waiting for next update keep rocking
Thnq dear keep supporting
great work
Thnq dear
Amazing episode!
Thnq dear keep supporting

Thnq dear
Thnq dear keep reading
Thnq dear

Thnq dear
After seeing your hashtag….You are on wattpad right?!
Yes dear i m on wattpad but i dont write ff there i was writing poetry bt i got no response so i shifted to tellyupdate
Yes dear i m on wattpad bt i write poetry there bt i got no response there so shifted to tellyupdate
Did you give a check there, now??

How can you say there’s no response
I checked and i m sooo happy that i got response thnq dear
I don’t think so that you haven’t got any response!!
I got 20 views and only single comment on my 1st poetry.r u on wattpad then plz follow its a pleasure for me to have a frnd like u
NICE ONE. I love it<3
Thnq dear
I know I am commenting so late. Sorry for that!!! Your Ff is amazing keep posting!! Your poetry is outstanding and this FF also seems promising.. I am eagerly waiting for this!! Glad you started writing a ff. Good luck dear and God bless u

Its ok dear u r an inspiration for me plz keep supporting as u r doing and yeah post ur ff soon i m missing it..
Nice update. Take care dear.
Thnq dear keep supporting tc