Hello sweethearts i am back
I am so happy from your response keep it continue
I thought to make this epi emotional but then i thought in the serial riddhu is trying hard to pacify vanshu and track is bit emotional so i m giving u this funny epi hope u liked it
Epi starts here
Scene 1
At night
Vansh is sitting in garden on bench closing his eyes
Vansh’s POV
I WON’T. Lie staying away from u is killing me from inside but i can’t forget what u did..
When i give u love u bear it now i am giving u punishment you have to bear this also sweetheart
Pov ends
Vansh (closed eyes) – Why are u here riddhima i don’t want to talk to u..
Riddhima is smiling sitting on bench beside him
Riddhima (innocent ) – Oh!! you are also here..
Sry Mr.hubby i didn’t see you
Vansh open his eyes in anger
Vansh(angry) – Stop following me riddhima
Riddhima (chuckles) -dont give this much importance to urself i came here for fresh air..not for u
Vansh (angry) – Just leave
Riddhima – Why will i go..this is my house also i can go wherever i want if u have prblm with me u can go
Vansh (angry) – Fine i will go..
Riddhima (smiling) – Ok go!! Good night hubby
Vansh’s POv
What the hell i thought she will stop me..
What are u upto now riddhima
Anyways i have to go now i can’t fall weak in front Of her i am VR
Pov ends
He gets up angrily to leave but ended up falling on bench with thudddd!!!
Riddhima laughs
Vansh(angrily) – What is this now riddhima
Riddhima (innocently) – What!
Vansh (pointing towards his shoe laces) – You tied this na..
Yes!! She tied his shoe laces together
Riddhima (laughing) – This is my favorite thing vansh u know i always used to do this with bhai..
Vansh stomped his feet in anger and leaves
Riddhima’s POv
If u r VR then i am also Mrs. VR
Now just wait and watch..
Scene 2
Ishangre’s Room
Ishani is in bathroom taking shower (her most fav work nowdays in episode )
Angre’s POV
I will pacify u jaan
But plz don’t kill me for the stunt i pulled just now
God plz save me..
Countdown start..
And bhooommmm!!
Ishani’s voice is coming from bathroom
Ishani (shouting) – Angreeeeeee!!!!
Angre (from outside the door) – What happened jaan do u need something
Ishani (angry) – Where the hell are my clothes i know u stole them give it back
Angre (chuckling) – Why will i stole ur clothes i have my own moreover your clothes won’t look good on me
Ishani (angry) – I swear i will kill u with my bare hands give me my clothes
Angre – first forgive me then i will give
Ishani (angry) – In ur dreams i m not gonna forgive u at all and for that i have to stay in bathroom for whole life i am ready
Angre (casually) – Ok!! As u wish enjoy there..
And he moves towards bed
Ishani’s POv
What the hell what will i do..now
There are no clothes here and i won’t ask for help from him
Should i go out..
No no I won’t i can’t fall weak
Pov ends
After half an hour
Angre’s POv
C’mon ishu come outside i wanna see ur angry bird face I know i will be dead after that..
Pov ends
Suddenly sound of door opening comes
Angre turn towards the door and left jaw dropped
Ishani is standing with wet hairs wrapping herself in towel till above her knees
Very next moment a pillow is thrown on angre’s Face
Ishani (angry) – How dare u to do this with me..
She started hitting him with her palm
Angre (holding her hands) – Calm down jaan what if your towel slips in fighting
Ishani gives him deadly glare
Ishani (angry) – You pervert…i will kill u..
Very next moment
She finds herself on bed with thuddd with her husband
Yesss!! Angre jumped on bed with ishani in his arms
Ishani (angry) – Leave me angre i am not going to forgive..u
She tries her best to free herself but angre’s grip is much more firm on her
Angre (sliding her hairs ) – I am sry jaan plz maaf krdo..
I won’t do this mistake again
Ishani – Not so easily U troubled me alot..
ANGRE (raising his brows) – So u won’t forgive me right
Ishani – No!! Do whatever u want..
Angre (trying to pull her towel) – Ok!! i will do what i want..
Ishani jerk him and stormed towards bathroom blushing with her clothes
Scene 3
Riansh’s room
Vansh is working sitting on bed and riddhima comes with a plate of food in her hands
She comes and keep the plate on table
Vansh (angrily) – Don’t force me i am not gonna eat the food made by u.
Riddhima (casually) – Who told u that i brought this food for u.
It’s for me i will have this
But if u want u can have this with me i won’t mind
Vansh (firmly) – No..!! i don’t need food of yours
Riddhima (casually) – Ok!!
Vansh’s POv
i refused with so much attitude but i m hungry yr sweetheart plz offer again..yr
He looks at riddhima
Riddhima is sitting on couch with plate on her lap and eating food like she is hungry since ages
She feels stare of vansh she looks at him and ask him again for food through sign
(Showing food in plate)
But vansh being vansh refused again with attitude
She sleeps on bed after eating
Her POv
Mr.hungry VR till when u will stay hungry
I bet u will come to me soon afterall i did grand arrangement for u
Pov ends
Vansh also lay down beside her on bed
Riddhima (opening one eye) – Won’t U sleep on couch u r angry with me na
Vansh glares her and turn his back to her
After some time
Vansh’s POv
Enough Now mouse from my stomach will come out and kill me
I am damn hungry now
What she think of herself if she won’t give me food i won’t eat
I will go to kitchen and eat (,jao jao waha bhi surprise h tumhare liye)
Pov ends
He goes to kitchen and search for food
But after the treasure hunt of 15 minutes he didn’t find a single food stuff
His pov
What the hell is this..
The great VR is longing for food now..
Don’t worry i will cook myself
But wait!! I don’t know even how to boil water how will i make food
Pheww!! I have sole option now..
He marched to his room with full attitude
Entering his room
He goes near riddhima
His pov
What u thought i will beg in front of u for food
U were right sweetheart i m hell hungry now
He whisper in her ears
Vansh -Riddhimaaa!!!
Riddhima wake up..yr..
But riddhu being riddhu don’t even budge to open her eyes
Riddhima (closing eyes) – Let me sleep ..vansh..
What u want now
Vansh (pleading) -Riddhima i am hungry plz cook something for me
Riddhima (still closed eyes) -Why will i cook
You are the great VR na go and cook yourself
And u were the one who told me u don’t want to have food made by me
Vansh (pleading) – Riddhima plz..na..i am hungry
Riddhima -No..!! I m sleepy let me sleep
Vansh (glaring her) – Look if u won’t get up now and cook for me
I swear I will eat u and u r smart enough to understand the meaning
And i mean it, (or isi ke sath vanshu ne mara chhkka
or riddhu hui clean bold )
Very next moment
Riddhima wakes up with sudden jerk..
Riddhima – No!! Don’t do anything i will cook
Vansh smirks
Riddhima – Let’s go before i change my mind
She murmurs
Laut ke buddhu ghr ko aye..
Vansh – And i heard that..
Riddhima (smiling) – Oh nice!! That was for u only
She smirks (riddhu rocked vanshu shocked)
Done for today i hope u all liked it.. i tried my best to make it funny
Precap : riddhangre’s secret plan
Do support love u all
It was so nice and funny

Tysm dear…
Amazing di
.It’s so funny
. Loved it
Tysm dear…
Awesome episode di
Thnq dear…
Thnq dear
awesome di .
Tysm dear..
Thnq menna take care
Wonderful episode

Post next one eagerly waiting
Thnq dear..will try…

vanshu last me
but riddhu ki attitude 

Amazing episode dear

Thnq dear….
Oh my God !!
Riddhima rocks 

Vansh bichara 

Oh my god from last 3 days I was reading your ff from 1st episode because I don’t know the story and finally I can go with the flow BTW nice episode .
Awww…thnq so much dear for sparing this much time for me…keep supporting
Awesome episode
loved it 
Tysm dear..
Amazing episode di please post soon and riddhu’s attitude was

.Take care and lots of love.
Tysm dear lots of luv to u too
This was amazing and funny

Di mai abhi abhi character sketch dubara padke aayi..di aapke ff mein Anupriya bhi hai

Tysm dear..

Thnq for reminding me..but me bhid bhadkka ni chahti..jb uski need hogi tb usko bhi le ayenge 

Amazing episode
and funny too 

Thnq dear….
Awesome and funny episode and Vansh’s attitude….

Tysm dear..
Kyaa kahu, a very funny episode
. What you think that great VR will beg in front of u for food, so you are correct riddhu

FABULOUS episode loved it.
Tysm dear
Awesome episode dear precap is very Interesting eagerly waiting for next update
Thnq dear…
Please post it soon
Will try
Poor vansh ….amazing episode…post soon…
Today’s episode was
specially your commentary aag(fire) laga diya di

I loved it
Post soon
Tysm dear

Cute episode it was pst soon
Tysm dear..will try
Thnq dear…
Post soon
Will try…
And u r passed in the funny test di

I am laughing till now.. ishangre 

… And riansh alag hi

… Now which plan… Post soon
Tysm dear..

Riddhangre plan
Awesome episode
Thnq dear…
Amazing episode
Tysm dear…
thanks for delighting our mood
Tysm dear..
Fabulous Episode
Tysm dear….