Hope you all are doing well! Without any bakwaas as I’m damn busy with my school house captaincy work lets start, all of you pray that my House wins the competition anyhow
Episode starts with:
Author’s POV;
Vansh saw Vyom and Riddhima hugging eachother, his blood boiled. He heard them talkin’, Riddhima (secretly saw Vansh angry and said..
Riddhima: (hugging Vyom) I missed you V! Where were you since morning?
Vyom: (feeling elated) Ridz today first time you missed me. I’m so happy.
Riddhima: (breaking the hug) Yeah, it just takes a night for life to change.
(Meanwhile Vansh was just burning in and out, Riddhima smirked seeing him when Vyom asked..)
Vyom: (holding her hands) How are you Ridz? You don’t look fine?
Vansh: She’s ok Vyom.
(Vansh Angrily comes to them and holds Riddhima’s hand removing Vyom’s hand, he says..)
Vansh: You better go to your class and have lunch.
Vyom: Excuse me Sir,
Vansh: leave I said!
(Vyom left clinching his hand, Vansh dragged Riddhima with him inside the car, she asked..)
Riddhima: Where are you taking me?
Vansh: Not a word more, I’m damn Angry. Keep quiet.
Riddhima: No I won’t keep quiet. Leave me.
Vansh: Fine keep shouting.
(Vansh finally stops the car neat a dense forest, he drags Riddhima out of the car and enters the forest, Riddhima says..)
Riddhima: Why have you brought me to this forest Sir?
Vansh: Sir dare you call me sir again. I’ve started hating that word because of you. (Scaring her)
Riddhima:(moving back) Aaaa I’m not scared of you. If not sir then what should I call you?
Vansh: Vansh! Only Vansh.
Riddhima: Why have you got me here? You want to rape me?
Vansh: What? Are you out of your senses?
Riddhima: Listen Sir (Vansh glares) I mean Vansh, I know I’m damn hot n s*xy and you have Fantasies about me, even though you are a VAMPIRE but that doesn’t change the fact. Is it? But I’ve heard rape is painful, can you do it without pain? Well I’m also not officially adult now, I’m just 17.
(Riddhima said all this just to irritate him, Vansh said..)
Vansh: I’ve never seen a crazy girl like you. I’m a VAMPIRE not a rapist.
Riddhima: Really?
(She starts laughing, Vansh sees her laughing, sits on a stone nearby and says..)
Vansh: You look prettier while laughing.
Riddhima: (being normal) Thanku and BTW I’m angry and and I’m leaving from here. Okay byee.
(As Riddhima was about to leave Vansh pulled her back by her waist and her back hit his front, he whispered in her ears..)
Vansh: But I’ve promised myself that I’ll vanish your anger.
(Riddhima silently blushes, Vansh turns her towards himself facing each other, Vansh continues..)
Vansh: Riddhima I’m not a human, I don’t know I how convey my feelings, I’m just going to tell you something, hope listening to me, your anger will go.
Riddhima: What?
Vansh: (roaming around) this Jungle, since 130 years I’m roaming in these bushes around aimlessly in just one thing to find; PEACE. Wandering About Decades I’ve finally found peace but not in this dark, dense forest but in your smile, with you. I don’t know what love is? But if these feelings like Feeling restless on not seeing you around, getting Jealous when you are with Someone else other than me, smiling like fools when you are around and considering you my life, if this is love then yes “I LOVE YOU SWEETHEART”. Now staying away from you in not in my control, I feel protective of you. I just want to cross all my boundaries by loving a human. Riddhimm..
(Before Vansh could say anything, Riddhima hugged him tightly having tears,Riddhima said..)
Riddhima: (hugging him) Even I’ve crossed all my boundaries Vansh,by Lovin a VAMPIRE . I LOVE YOU Vansh. I want to stay like this in your embrace forever.
They break the hug, Riddhima stands on Vansh’s feet and forces her head to her level and kisses his forehead, she steps ahead, they both were close enough to feel EACHOTHER’S breath, but suddenly..)
Episode Ends!
Tell your theories regarding the Precap! What made Vansh say so?
Hope you all liked it. Suggestions, corrections and appreciations are needed in the comment section below Thnqu
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Stay safe and healthy All!
Yay 1st
Finally vansh ne confess kiya
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Congratulations for first comment
You just end ur story in a very serious moment eagerly waiting for nxt episode
Suspense mein mar jawan
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Will try to post ASAP
awesome stuti
So lovely confession by vampire urf vansh….awesome episode….post soon..
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Will try to post ASAP
Fabulous episode
. Loved it. Finally Vansh confessed. Precap mein vansh ko kya hua
. Post soon.
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Keep thinking
Will try to post ASAP
Amazing episode
Mana liya miss class captain ko
All the best..I am sure your house would win
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Woh toh manana hi tha
Thanks for this wish
loved it 
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. Show some mercy yaar. Best of luck . Amazing 
Suspense mein mar jawan
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Amazing episode
plz post soon

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Will try to post ASAP
Awesome episode dear again you ended with suspense eagerly waiting for next update
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Suspense mein mar jawan
Will try to post ASAP
Amazing episode loved it
. I believe vansh said he cannot kiss riddhima because if he kiss her something would happen to him or he would feel the urge to bite her.
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what happens!
Let’s see
A very wonderful n brilliant episode Dear Stuti. I enjoyed teading the last 3 episodes. You wrpte very well. Finally Vansh pacified Riddhima the Class Captain after seeing her hugging Vyom n getting jealoud. He slso asks Riddhima to call him just Vsnsh n not Vansh Sir. He takes her to a wood n tells her that he has been roaming here n there in the jungle, to find some peace but he has found peace in her smile
. He says thatvhe doesn’t know the feelings of love but he will crisd all boundaries to love a human. Riddhima hugs him n she us hsppy in his embrsce n says she can stay in his embrace for ever. She also says thst she has crossed all the boundaries to love a Vampire. Well done Dear Stuti. You wrote very well. 

. Riddhima stands on Vanshes feet to reach his height n kisses his forehead. I think that when they get close, Riddhima wants to share a kiss with Vansh, but Vansh says No, i can’t kiss you. Stay away becsuse his kiss could be deadly as he is a vampire. All the emotions, feelings n reactions of the characters were perfectly portrayed . Well done once again My Dear Stuti.


. Lots of love, hugs, kisses n loads of blessings flying over to you 

. Looking forwards to next episode. Until then, please take care n stay safe. 

. Lots of love for you.

keep supporting 

So glad the way you always give me a detailed analysis of the episode, it’s always damn encouraging. I was missing your comments since past two episodes, now finally u r back
Will try to post ASAP
You too take care and love you
Post next part soon please
keep supporting 

Will try to post ASAP
Fantastic episode

All the best for the competition
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Waiting for yours now please update

Really very proud of you My Dear Stuti.

What is house competition I didn’t got u?? Amazing epi.. precap

Actually dear in school different houses are divided na like Red, blue etc. So!!
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Amazing episode Stuti
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Superb episode!!!
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So lovely
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Best of luck i also have different houses like you
And its awesome
Itni wishes ke baad I’m sure my house will win
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amazing ep.
i know di u and your team will win. just rocked it di as always..
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Love y Chintu
Means a lot dear
Dii chintz maat bolo . New name do mujhe


Your house will win for sure….
Vansh is saying because what if he ends up eating her
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Hope it wins
Shi pkde hain
Wow amazing

. It’s really wonderful and beautiful etc. Thanks for mind-blowing updates 

. Keep rocking 

. Iam pray for your house win
keep supporting 

Means a lot dear
Thanks for the wishes

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keep supporting 

Wow fabulous

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Fantastic episode

keep supporting