As you all know I’m busy with preparing for my exams from 21, so once again sorry for late and short updates Overwhelmed with the constant love and support
Raichand Palace: Author’s POV;
Riddhima was sleeping peacefully in Vansh’s embrace, while he was just adoring his personal Peace, Vansh kissed her forehead Riddhima opened her eyes and saw Vansh, she smiled but soon her eyes widened listening to her Dad calling..
Abhay: Princess come down, are you awake?
Piya: Come fast Riddhima.
Riddhima: Ohh no papa mumma are calling me, I’ll just come you don’t go Vansh.
Vansh: Fine, go to them I’m here only.
Riddhima: Dadaaa I’m coming
(Riddhima goes to her parents and says…)
Riddhima: Good morning papa n Mumma, what happened?
Abhay: We are going to your cousin’s house, would you like to come?
Piya: Don’t ask her, she’ll come with us and that’s final.
Riddhima: I won’t come today, I’m going to Shreya’s house for Studies (permanent Jhoot ) so I can’t come.
Piya: No excuses..
Riddhima: please mumma it’s not an excuse..Papa ..
Abhay: Piya, my princess takes her decisions on her own, let it be. You go to Shreya’s house, now happy?
Riddhima:(hugging Abhay) Very happy, ok now you both go I’ll also leave in sometime
(Abhay and Piya leave, while Riddhima runs to her room, where she sees Vansh lost in his own world, she pulls his cheeks and says..)
Riddhima: where are you lost?
Vansh: Riddhima I saw you with your parents, Your father loves you too much, like you are everything to him, then why do you want to leave him and your mother and marry this heatless monster?
Riddhima: Shh! Dare you call yourself a heartless monster again, it hurts Vansh. And I just know that I love you that’s why I’m marrying you, aur waise bhi even after marriage I’ll visit my Papa Mumma Daily. So you don’t worry. Now I’m going to get ready to visit the Ancient Palace, you wait.
(Saying so she pecks his lips quickly and runs towards the washroom, after 20 minutes Riddhima finally comes out of the washroom dressed in an Off White frill top till navel, with white loose pants, hair falling carefree till her waist, and minimal casual makeup, leaving Vansh mesmerized by her SWEETHEART Riddhima says..)
Riddhima: As usual I know I’m looking pretty but stop staring and lets go. BTW how much time will it take for us to reach?
Vansh: It’s far but we can reach within 10minutes..
Riddhima: Not at all we’ll reach by normal speed, dare you use your powers.
Vansh: Okay Baby girl! Now shall we Leave?
Riddhima:(smiling) Yess!
Ancient Palace: Author’s POV;
Riddhima and Vansh sit in the car, Vansh starts driving with a normal speed and finally after two hours they reached the palace, as Vansh was About to get down, his eyes caught his most precious Sight, his Nymph, his Sweet sleeping like a baby with a pout, not distrubing her sleep, Vansh picked Riddhima in his arms and walked inside the palace. He saw all the clan members assembled in the hall along with his Family glaring at both of weirdly, ignoring their glares Vansh placed the sleeping Riddhima on his throne carefully while Siya asked..
Siya:What happened to her?
Aryan: Is she not well?
Uma: Is she fainted?
Kabir: I think…
Vansh: Stop it you all, she’s just sleeping, she told me ti drive at normal speed and herself slept feeling tired.
(Suddenly Riddhima starts opening her eyes, Vansh sees this and bending to her level says..)
Vansh:(stroking her hair) Sweetheart see we are here in our Palace. Get up
(Except the Raisinghania’s, rest all present there were shocked to the core as their Monstrous Master in a completely different shade, Victoria was burning inside out, Riddhima cutely rubbed her doe shaped eyes and saw dangerous figures looking at her, she immediately hugged Vansh tightly getting scared she said..)
Riddhima: Vansh… Who are they
Vansh:(rubbing her back) look at them, they are my clan members…(breaking the hug, to others) and She is Your QUEEN, honour and treat her the same way you all treat me.. Is that clear??
All(unison): Yes Master. Welcome QUEEN
(Riddhima passes a slight but genuine smile to them, they all come near her, she immediately hungs around Vansh’s neck and hides her face in his crook, they all look at their Soon To Be Queen and chuckle..)
Episode Ends!
Tell me your theories regarding the precap!
I hope you all liked it. Suggestions, corrections and appreciation is needed in the comment section below Thnqu
keep supporting
Stay safe and healthy All!
Amazing update
Victoria is very bad
She just want to be queen
Post soon
The episode was amazing
keep supporting 

Will try to post ASAP
Nice dear
Amazing dear
Amazing update dear
loved it
I can’t say anything but only one thing that I know is if Victoria did something wrong with riddhu then she is gone
keep supporting 

That’s for sure
A superb episode Dear Stuti. Very well written too.

. You wrote very well. You got all the emotions, feelings n reactions n they were perfectly portrayed. 

. Lots of love, hugs, kisses n loads of blessings flying over to you
. I thi k that Victoria is going to scare Riddhima as she herself wants to be the Queen n by scaring Riddhima, Victoria hopes that Riddhima will leave from there. Looking forwards to the next episode. 
. Until then, please take care n stay safe
. Love you. 

Riddhima was sleeping in Vanshes embrace n Vansh was adoring his personal peace. He missed her forehead n she woke up, opened her eyes n saw Vansh. Her eyes widened in shock as her parents were calling her. She told Vansh thst her parents are calling her n she must go down. Vsnsh tells her to go n he will stay in the room n wait for her.
She goes down n her father adks her if she wants to come as they are going to visit her cousin. Riddhima tells them that she will not go as she has study to do with Shreya. Her mum says dont adk her. She will definitely come with us no questions asked. Her father says whstever my Princess decides will do.
Riddhima goes back to the room n Vznsh says that when you have wonderful loving parents who love you so much, why do you Want to marry a monsterous Vampire like me. She says you are not a monster n i love you very much n cannot live without you. Vansh says we have to go to the Palace. Its a long way from here but we can 10 minutes.
Riddhima says no we will go the normal way. She goes to the bathroom to get ready. She comes out n Vansh admires her n says she looks Riddhima. Vansh is ready n they both go to his car. Vansh drives n Riddhima falls asleep.
They reach the Ancient Palace after 2 hours n Vansh sees Riddhima sleeping. He lifts her n carries ber inside n puts her down on tne throne. The clan are glaring at Vansh but he ignores them. His family asks what has happened to Riddhima. Vsnsh tells them thst she was tired n fell asleep.
Riddhima wakes up n Vansh k eels fown to her level n says welcome tonour Palace.
She gets scared seeing the clan staring at her. She hugs Vansh n adks who are they. Vansh tells her that tbey are the clan.
He tells his clan thst she is the fiture Queen n to treat her as they would treat him . Riddhima gets scared as tbey come forwards n she gives them a smile n hangs around Vanshes neck n hides in the crook. The clan all look at their to be Queen n chuckle. Well done on a superb n brilliant episode Dear Stuti.
keep supporting 

Will try to post ASAP
Your detailed analysis of the episode gives so much encouragement!
You too take care and love you too
Awesome episode dear
Amazing dear
Fabulous episode
. Loved it
. Agar Victoria ne kuch galat karne ki koshish ki to she is for sure gone. Post soon.
keep supporting 

Will try to post ASAP
Amazing that was

keep supporting 

Kisiki marne ki tammna hai fir marne ka irada hai
all the best victoria for future
Fir* kisika
I’ll make sure this happens

Maza aa gaya yaar amazing
keep supporting 

Amazing episode
loved it
it’s just mind blowing episode 

keep supporting 

keep supporting 

Awesome episode Di…… I am feeling that I am in love with you and your ff…… Lovely study hard try to post soon
keep supporting 

Means alot dear
Will try to post ASAP
Awesome one!
Loved the meet
keep supporting 

Vera level episode sis!!! Enjoyed it very much…. Waiting for the next episode eagerly!!
Awesome dii