RIANSH (They Have No Boundaries) E42 (RAICHANDS Shocked)

Hello dear readers. Sorry for late updates but as you all know inn Preboards ne meri Jaan leli hai, online hain phir bhi I believe in Studying Hard 🙌 more 3 exams to go 😥

Episode starts with:

Raichand Palace: Author’s POV;

Vansh and Riddhima reached her House, as Riddhima was about to enter, Vansh held her hand and hugged her tightly leaving no space in between, Riddhima sensing his tight hold on her said..

Riddhima: Aa…Aa.. kya hua Vansh? Chodo na mujhe..

Vansh: Kabhi nhi..

Riddhima: Arrey please leave me…

Vansh: Shut up and keep hugging me tight would be Mrs. Vansh Raisinghania.

Riddhima: For your last line, I’ll keep hugging you.

(Vansh and Riddhima kept hugging eachother for good 10 minutes and then broke the hug, cupping Vansh’s face, Riddhima asked..)

Riddhima: What happen?

Vansh: I’m just scared what if your parents doesn’t agree and take you away from me?

Riddhima: Nothing of that sort will happen. Taking me away from you, means hurting me and my Papa especially cannot do anything that hurts me. So you go back and relax, I’ll give you a call after talking to Papa and Mumma.

Vansh: I Love You ❤️

Riddhima: I Love You Too ❤️

(Pecking his forehead to calm him, Riddhima runs inside her Palace and Vansh returns to VR Mansion, as Riddhima entered her house she saw Abhay and Piya waiting for her, she went to Abhay and said..)

Riddhima:(kissing his cheeks) Hello Papa.

Abhay: (kissing her cheeks) How’s my Princess Doing?

Riddhima: I’m Good but Sad 😥

Abhay: And What makes my princess sad?

Riddhima: You don’t Huggy me nowadays 🥺

Abhay: So my Baby, Papa was busy with Business works na, come I’ll Huggy my princess.

(Spreading his arms Riddhima runs into his Father’s embrace, seeing father daughter adorable bond, Piya smiles and says..)

Piya: now if papa princess time is over then come let’s have dinner, servants have already served it.

Abhay/, Riddhima: Yes Boss 🤭

(They all sit at the dinning table and start eating, as always Abhay was feeding his princess and Piya clicked their Photo as her Daily Routine, finishing the food, when servants were taking the dishes back, Riddhima held her papa tightly and said..)

Riddhima: Papa mumma I want to talk something really special and important to you both.

Piya: Go ahead Darling..

Riddhima: I’m nervous and scared.

Abhay: PRINCESS you know na you can share anything and everything with us, especially me. Comeon tell to your papa what’s bothering his Princess.

Riddhima: Aaa..Aa.. I… M…..

Abhay: Yes BABY what? Say.

Riddhima: Aa, I … Me .. lo…

Piya:(shouting) Say It Clearly..

Riddhima: IAmSeeingSomeone!

Abhay/Piya: What??

Riddhima: (taking a deep breath) I am seeing someone.

Abhay: (shockingly) Seeing Means dating right?

Riddhima: Yes Papa, I love someone. That person is really special, even he loves me the most.

Piya: Fine, we are not against love, infact even your Papa and I dated since 10th standard, but…

(Suddenly Piya and Riddhima notice Abhay sitting in a shock, Riddhima shakes Abhay and asks..)

Riddhima: Are you Okay Papa?

Abhay: You Love someone, means that person is special for you?

Riddhima: Yes Papa. I really Love him, he’s too special for me.

Abhay: And what are you saying Piya?

Piya: I was just telling we are not against Love, even you and I are dating since 10th standard but ..

Abhay: No,(hugging Riddhima tightly) she’s my princess no one will love her more than me, I can’t share my princess with anyone.

Riddhima: Papa no one is saying that we will share your love. In my heart you both have Separate places. Please try and understand I love him too much 🥺

Abhay: Fine but you don’t cry, your tears can make me bring the entire universe in under your feet. You know why I and your mumma never conceived another child.

Riddhima: Why? I always wanted a Sibling 😒

Abhay: Because the day I held my little new born princess in my arms, she looked at me with her Doe shaped eyes and I decided I’ll never ever give her place to anyone else in my heart, neither I’ll share her share love, rights and happiness with others. I Love you the most my Princess. I’m happy with what you are happy.

Riddhima: I Love you too Papa 🥺💓 And Mumma tell what you were saying?

Piya: Finally, two times you both have interrupted me🤨 so I was saying that who’s the Boy whom this Princess has chosen?

Riddhima: Vansh. My Class Teacher and Ajay Sir’s Elder son.

Piya: Your teacher? What’s his age?

Riddhima:(in flow) 130 years.

Abhay/Piya: What😨?

Riddhima: (realising)🤣🤣🤣 joking Mumma Papa. He’s going to be 21.

Piya: if he’s only 20 now then how can he be your teacher?

Riddhima: Mumma he was teaching as a fresher for Experience, after college.

Abhay: I want to Meet him tomorrow, infact call Ajay with his entire Family. He’s already a friend of mine, ofcourse his Son would be good, but I need to check myself if he’s perfect for my Princess or not.

Riddhima:Hurray 🥳 I’ll call him and inform.(hugging both of them) You both are the coolest parents. Love you Loads of Love to both of you and ofcourse my Vanshu😍

(Breaking the hug) Abhay: Vanshu? What is that? I don’t like that name 😒

Riddhima:(pulling his cheeks) Oho papa stop being JEALOUS 😂😂

(And the dining room was filled with their laughters..)

Episode Ends!


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Stay safe and healthy 😚😚 All!

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