RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? (A beautiful journey) Episode 22

Hi guys,

Thank you all for your immense response. Please, do keep supporting me like this… 

Episode begins with.. 

Riddhima is in the car.

RIDDHIMA: Already, I’m late. I must somehow reach there on time. 

She goes fast. Just then, a pregnant lady comes in front of her. Riddhima loses her control. She was about to hit that lady. But, she manages herself and applies the brake. Riddhima gets down from the car. She asks the old lady whether she is fine. She gives her some water. She helps her to get an auto. Meanwhile, a masked person comes to riddhima’s car and opens her laptop. The person enters her password and deletes the presentation which she had done for that deal. Before riddhima could return to her car, the person closes the laptop and escapes. Riddhima takes her car and reaches the hotel. Along with riddhima, other Business men and women were also there. Even virat was there to get that deal. Everyone were giving there presentation. Riddhima opens her laptop and checks her presentation. Riddhima was shocked. Because, she couldn’t find her presentation. 

RIDDHIMA: (thinking) What happened? Even morning I saw my presentation. Where has it gone? She checks again and again in all folders. But, she couldn’t find it. It was riddhima’s turn. Everyone were waiting for her presentation. Because, everyone knew that when it comes to her business riddhima is always perfect. Everyone there had a good impression about riddhima except virat. Riddhima stands up. 

RIDDHIMA: Sorry sir. My presentation is not there in my laptop. It was there. But, I don’t know how it got deleted. 

VIRAT: What’s this riddhima? We thought that you will be giving your best to get this project. Because, this is a 5 crore project. But, you are giving excuses like a school girl. What’s this? I couldn’t believe this. I think after your marriage you have lost your interest in your business. This normally happens. In that case, why did you come here? You could have sat at your home and looked after your husband and your family, right? Why do you want to waste our time? Anyway..

Saying so, he laughs. All the others present there also laughs at riddhima. Finally, the project was given to aryan. He signs the deal papers. Riddhima was about to leave. Just then, aryan stops her.. 

VIRAT: Riddhima, after seeing your works, I wished to be a partner in your company. But, you denied my proposal. But, now I’m happy that you denied it. Otherwise, today even I would have been insulted and put down my head in front of them like you. I’ve heard many people saying that woman become weak after their marriage. But, I’m seeing it right now. Now, just think about your image. How are you going to deal with your other clients and dealers? What will you tell them? 

RIDDHIMA: That’s none of your business. And don’t think me like other women. I may fall, but I have the guts to get back..

Saying so, she goes.. 

VIRAT: She won’t change. Whatever happens, she won’t leave her headweight. But, just wait and watch. This incident is going to break you..

He smirks.. 


Riddhima comes to her office. The manager ask her about the incident.. 

MANAGER: Mam, how did this happen? Now, what will we say to our other clients. 

RIDDHIMA: Just leave..

MANAGER: But, mam..

RIDDHIMA: (shouts) Just leave..

The manager leaves.. 

RIDDHIMA: How did this happen? I didn’t give my laptop to anyone. Even morning my presentation was there. Who can do this?

Just then, she thinks of vansh. 

RIDDHIMA: Did he do this? But, why should he do this? How come he know about my password? No chance..  Then, who did this? 


Angre calls and informs vansh that they have reached. 

ANGRE: Vansh, where is riddhima? I called her, but she didn’t attend my call. 

VANSH: I think she must in any meeting. She already told that she has some important meeting, right?

ANGRE: I know. But, by now the meeting must have got over. Actually, aunty wants to talk to her. That’s why, I called her. Anyhow, just ask her to call aunty when you see her or if you call her.

VANSH: Okay. Is everything fine there? Are you all comfortable there?

ANGRE: Vansh, we are in the resort. You have made all the preparations perfectly. Actually, aunty, mom, dad, sejal, sia and ishani are very happy. They all have been chatting and laughing during the travel. Now, they are tired. They all are in their room.

VANSH: Okay. Fine.. I’ll call you later..

ANGRE: Okay.. Don’t forget to tell riddhima to call aunty.

Saying so, he cuts the call. 

VANSH: Really, riddhima is great. She makes everyone happy. But, she doesn’t want anyone to know about it. Angre is thanking me. But, even I should thank riddhima. 

He calls riddhima. But, the calls were left unanswered. 

VANSH: Why is she not picking the calls? Let me message her. 

He messages her to call him. 


Vansh reaches home. He goes to his room to see her. But, he doesn’t find her. He searches for her everywhere. But, he doesn’t find her anywhere. He asks the servants about riddhima. They inform him that she haven’t come. 

VANSH: Okay, you all can leave. 

The servants goes. 

VANSH: (thinking) Why hasn’t she reached home, yet? Let me wait for her..

Vansh waits for riddhima. Time passes by. 


VANSH: Why hasn’t she come home yet? Let me go and check.. 

Vansh takes his car and checks for her everywhere. He almost checks everywhere, whichever place he knows. 

VANSH: Where has she gone? Is she fine? Is she in any problem? Let me go and check at her office. 

Vansh goes to her office. He asks the watchman regarding riddhima. 

WATCHMAN: Sir, Mam is inside the office. She is in her cabin. I told her to leave. But, she asked me to get out.

VANSH: What happened? Is everything okay?

WATCHMAN: I don’t know anything, sir. But, some staffs told that mam is very angry and upset. I don’t know anything else, sir..

VANSH: Okay, thank you.

Vansh parks his car and goes in. 

VANSH: What’s her problem? Has she gone mad? She thinks that she can do anything. 

Vansh gets angry. He directly goes into her cabin. He sees her sitting on the chair closing her eyes. 

VANSH: Have you gone mad? What’s all this? You are sleeping peacefully. 

Riddhima opens her eyes hearing his voice.

RIDDHIMA: How come you are here? 

VANSH: You could have atleast informed me, right? I have been searching for you everywhere.

RIDDHIMA: Just leave. I don’t want to hear anything from you.

VANSH: What happened? Why are you like this?

Just then, riddhima recieves uma’s call. Riddhima notices it and picks her call. 

RIDDHIMA: Mom, what happened? Is everything fine? Didn’t you sleep? Are you fine? 

UMA: Riddhima, what happened? Why didn’t you pick my call?

RIDDHIMA: Mom, I’m fine. Actually, I had some work. My phone was in silent. I didn’t see your calls. Sorry..

UMA: Where are you now?

RIDDHIMA: At home, mom..

Vansh looks at riddhima.

UMA: Is vansh is with you?

RIDDHIMA: Yes mom.

UMA: Put the phone on speaker..

Riddhima puts it on speaker. 

UMA: Vansh, did riddhima had her food? Is she fine?

Riddhima signs him not to tell anything. 

VANSH: Yes, mom..

UMA: Riddhima, what about your meeting? You got that project, right?

Riddhima gets upset.. 

RIDDHIMA: Mom, you first go and sleep. We’ll talk about this later. Did you have your medicines?

UMA: Yes.

RIDDHIMA: You should take rest. I’ll call you in the morning.

UMA: Okay..

She was about to cut the call. 

RIDDHIMA: Mom, one second..

UMA: Tell me, riddhima.

RIDDHIMA: Are you happy?

UMA: Yes.. I’m very happy. I like this place. You go to sleep now.

Riddhima smiles. 

RIDDHIMA: Okay, mom.

She cuts the call.. 

RIDDHIMA:  Now, you just leave.. 

VANSH: What happened to you?

Riddhima thinks about Virat’s words. She sees at vansh..

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, if I ask you a question. Will you answer me truly? 

VANSH: What..

RIDDHIMA: Did you do that?

VANSH: What are you asking about? What do you mean by “that”?

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, please don’t try to lie. If you have done that, then you know what I’m talking about?

VANSH: Ask me straightly. What do you want to know about?

RIDDHIMA: Did you do anything in my laptop? Tell me..

VANSH: In your laptop?

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, you might have done that to take revenge from me. I’m totally confused. If you have done that to take revenge from me. Then, you have succeeded. At least now, tell me. Why did you do that?

VANSH: I don’t know what you are talking about. And why should I take revenge from you? Do you think me like that? Am I looking that cheap to you? And I’m not going to tell anything to you. Because, you are asking me, Why I did that. Which means you came to the conclusion that I did that. Then, how will you believe in me.

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, please don’t confuse me. This is why, I told you to leave.

VANSH: Riddhima, I don’t know what happened. I came searching for you. But, you are doubting me. If I have problem with you then, I’ll tell directly to you. I would not do any cheap things. Moreover, there is no need for me to take revenge on you. I know that you don’t like me. But, atleast try to understand me.

Riddhima thinks about virat’s words. 

RIDDHIMA: (thinking)Am I doing wrong? 

VANSH: Riddhima, look at me..

Riddhima looks at him.. 

VANSH: If you want your answers then, just ask to yourself. Because, when you don’t trust me you won’t believe in my words too. So, I won’t answer your question. Better, ask to your heart. Because, only you know what happened? So, just think whether I can do it. That all I want to say. Now, come..

RIDDHIMA: No.. You go. I don’t want to come.

VANSH: Didn’t you see the time?

RIDDHIMA: (shouts)Even if it is 3.00, I don’t care. I don’t want to go anywhere. Just leave.. I don’t want your fake concerns..

VANSH: (shouts) You think that you can speak whatever you want. But, I’m not your friend or your staff to hear everything. Even, I don’t want to stay here anymore.

RIDDHIMA: (shouts)Then, just leave..

Riddhima in anger throws the files. Vansh gets angry and leaves. 

RIDDHIMA: (Shouts) How did this happened? Who did this? 

She throws the files.. 

Vansh sees her from outside and gets angry and goes.. 

PRECAP: Riddhima gets unwell. Vansh without even looking at her, leaves. Riddhima cries thinking about angre.. Virat gets happy hearing the news. 

Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made. 


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