RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? (A beautiful journey) Episode 30


Sorry guys for not posting regularly. Actually, I was totally busy in searching for college and jobs. Sometimes I was upset too. I couldn’t concentrate on the ff properly guys. I tried but, I couldn’t. Sorry. Actually, 17th July is my birthday. As I’ve already said 8 have planned to write the 100th episode of this ff and the 50th episode of my another ff on that day. But, I don’t think so that I’ll be able to do that. But, I can at least be able to write one ff properly. I know that I have to complete many episodes. But, still I’ll try. Hope you all will understand me. Please, guys don’t mistake me. As usual please, support me. I need it. Once again I’m sorry if I have disappointed or hurted any one of you. I’m sorry. Please, bear with me. Sorry.. 

Episode begins with.. 

Riddhima drives the car. Angre follows her in another car. 

ANGRE: Where is this riddhima going at this time? What happened to her? She is behaving weirdly. She is ignoring dad. Even when I try to ask about it, she ignores me too. Now, at this time she is going out. That too even without informing anyone. What’s going on in her mind.. 

RIDDHIMA: I should find the truth. Hope I’m in the right path. Definitely, I’ll get something there regarding that diary and that photo. I can’t just blindly come to a conclusion. I must know the entire truth. If whatever I read is true, then I can’t even imagine the consequences that will happens when it comes out. But, I have to find it. I hope this to be a lie.. God, please show me the right way.. 

Meanwhile, angre was following her.. 

ANGRE: This route.. Where is she going? 

Riddhima stops a car at a particular place. She hides her face using a shawl and gets down and starts to walk. Angre sees it. He follows her. Riddhima stops in front of a house. She sees around to check that there is no one. Angre hides behind a car. Riddhima goes inside the house. Angre sees it and gets shocked. 

ANGRE: Riddhu, what are you doing here? What’s happening here? I couldn’t understand anything. Let me better wait and watch.. 

Riddhima goes inside the house. She enters a particular room and searches all the shelves and cupboard. 

RIDDHIMA: I don’t think so that I’ll be getting anything. But, what will I do now.. 

She was about to go. Just then, she sees a small box under the bed. She takes it out. She finds that the box has been locked.. 

RIDDHIMA: This box!! But, how is this here? And it’s locked. It might have some information regarding that diary. Otherwise it wouldn’t have been kept like this secretly. But, how will I open it. Better, I’ll take it now. Because, anytime vansh might wake up. If he finds that I’m not in the house then, I can’t answer his questions. Moreover before I find the truth none should know about it. It might bring a big storm in both the families. I don’t want that to happen. 

She takes the box and leaves. She comes out of the house with the box and angre sees her. Angre notices the box in his hand. She gets into her car. 

ANGRE: Riddhu, what’s this.. 

He immediately gets into his car and follows her. Riddhima notices angre following her and gets shocked. 

RIDDHIMA: Bhai!! What is he doing here? Is he following me? No.. This shouldn’t happen. None should know this truth. I can’t answer his question. What will I do? Did he saw me? Now, what am I going to do? I must do something that would divert his mind. He shouldn’t ask me anything. 

Just then, she thinks of a idea. She wantedly hits her car on the tree. She faints. Angre notices this and gets shocked. 

ANGRE: (Shouts) Riddhhhuuuu!! 

He immediately stops the car and runs to her. He finds her unconscious. He immediately takes her to the hospital. He calls vansh.. 

VANSH: Angre, why are you calling me when you are at home? 

ANGRE: Vansh, I’m not at home.. 

VANSH: What!! 

ANGRE: Vansh, just come to the ABC hospital.. 

VANSH: Angre, what happened? Is everything fine..

ANGRE: Vansh, don’t inform anyone at home. Just come to the hospital. 

VANSH: I must atleast inform riddhima, right? 

ANGRE: Vansh, riddhima is not at home. 

VANSH: What!! 

ANGRE: Vansh, you just come here. Riddhima met with an accident. Come here. Don’t inform anyone. Make sure that none sees you.. 

Saying so, he cuts the call.. 

VANSH: What happened? Why is angre so shocked and worried? Is everything okay? Let me first go there.. 

He leaves. The doctors were treating riddhima. Just then, vansh comes there.. 

VANSH: Angre, what happened? 

Just then, the doctor comes there.. 

DOCTOR: She is fine. You can see her. But, don’t ask her anything regarding that accident. She is still in that shock. She is not stable. So, don’t ask her anything. Don’t remind her of this accident. 

Saying so, he goes. Vansh and angre thanks him. They both goes in and sees riddhima.. 

ANGRE: Riddhu, Are you fine? 

Riddhima remains silent.. 

VANSH: Riddhima, are you okay? 

Riddhima remains silent.

VANSH: Angre, how did you find her? 

ANGRE: Actually, My friend met with an accident. I went to meet him. On my way I saw riddhima driving. Suddenly she lost her balance. 

VANSH: Where is her car? 

ANGRE: It is at the accident spot. Before anyone sees it, we must remove it from that place. None should get to know about this accident.. 

VANSH: You are right.. 

They was about to go, but just then, Riddhima faints. Vansh and angre gets shocked. Vansh immediately calls the doctor. The doctor comes there.. 

VANSH: Doctor, suddenly she fainted. 

DOCTOR: Don’t worry.. I told you, right. She is still in that shock. She is not stable. Don’t worry. She’ll be fine by morning. But, see to that you don’t ask her anything after she gains conscious. Don’t remind her again  of this accident. Just forget about this accident.. 

PRECAP: A masked person attacks angre and vansh.. 

Sorry guys, if I have disappointed you. I’m sorry. Hope you all will understand me. Please do support me. Do comment your veiws and suggestions if any to be made.. 

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