Hi guys,
Thank you all for your immense response. Please, do keep supporting me like this..
Episode begins with..
Vansh and riddhima enjoys their night walk and comes to their room. Both goes to sleep..
Both vansh and riddhima were getting ready to go for office.. Just then, vansh receives angre’s call..
VANSH: Riddhima, angre is calling..
RIDDHIMA: Put the mobile on speaker.. It’s been long, since I heard his voice..
Vansh attends the call and puts it on speaker..
VANSH: Tell me angre..
ANGRE: Vansh, I have a very good news for you..
VANSH: Good news?
ANGRE: Yes, ishani is pregnant…
VANSH: What!! Really!! Angre, such a great news.. My God!! Mom is not here to hear this..
Riddhima gets happy hearing it..
ANGRE: I’ve informed her. She’ll be coming within an hour. I too will come there. Ishani told that she wants to see you all..
VANSH: Okay, come fast.. Wait, rid..
Angre cuts the call..
VANSH: Riddhima, there must be some network issue.. Wait, I’ll call him..
RIDDHIMA: No, vansh.. I know my bhai very well.. It’s not because of network issue.. It’s misunderstanding issue.. Leave it..
She smiles and goes..
Angre, ishani and chanchal comes to raisinghania house. Just then, sia and uma too comes there.. The moment sia and uma sees ishani both hugs her. Just then, vansh , virat and riddhima too comes there. Vansh hugs ishani. Virat too wishes ishani. Riddhima comes forward towards ishani but she turns her face and goes.. Vansh notices this. Riddhima moves back. Just then, sejal comes there.. She too hugs ishani and wishes her.. Riddhima looks at angre. Angre too looks at her. He feels like crying but controls his emotion and thinks of riddhima’s behaviour towards rudra.. Virat notices riddhima and laughs..
VIRAT: (thinking) Even, I felt the same pain when I couldn’t be with him even though he is nearer to me. You need this..
Riddhima goes to the kitchen..
Vansh follows her..
VANSH: Riddhima, why did you come here? Everyone are there.. Come..
RIDDHIMA: Vansh, you know the answer for your question. Don’t ask me.. Go, I’ll come..
Vansh goes. Riddhima notices chanchal standing alone. She goes near her.
CHANCHAL: Don’t call me like that.. A killer can’t be my daughter. I’m ashamed of myself whenever I think that I gave birth to you. I don’t even want to see your face. Get lost..
Chanchal goes. Riddhima thinks of all the incidents and chanchal words and smiles and goes. Vansh sees her. Riddhima receives a call from shwetha..
SHWETHA: Riddhima, sorry for the delay.. Don’t worry, I’ll be at the office within an hour.
Saying so, she cuts the call..
RIDDHIMA: My God!! I totally forgot about shwetha..
Just then, she again receives a call from an unknown number.. She attends the call. The person on the line remains silent without speaking..
RIDDHIMA: Varun, I know that it’s you.. Why did you call me? I know that there must be something.. Tell me..
VARUN: You are so smart. But, I’m smarter than you.. Mark my words.. Shwetha won’t reach your office safely..
He cuts the call.. Riddhima panics. She comes down and notices everyone being happy.. She was about to go but just then, she remembers her promise to vansh.. She looks at vansh from far..
RIDDHIMA: Sorry vansh.. I want you to be happy now.. I don’t want to spoil your mood.. Forgive me for my mistake which I’m going to do..
She leaves the house and drives the car at the maximum speed..
She goes to shwetha’s house. Her parents informs that shwetha has already left.. She comes to the office and finds shwetha there.. She runs and hugs shwetha..
SHWETHA: Riddhima, what happened?
RIDDHIMA: Nothing.. Actually, we have to go out..
RIDDHIMA: We have to meet an important person for your visa process..
Riddhima takes shwetha and leaves..
She comes to a hotel and meets a officer. Shwetha completes all the formalities..
OFFICER: Mam, give me two more days time. I’ll complete all the process and inform you..
Riddhima thanks the officer and leaves..
Riddhima takes shwetha from there..
RIDDHIMA: Shwetha, shall we leave..
SHWETHA: Riddhima, I’ll go by auto.. You carry on with your work..
RIDDHIMA:No.. Actually, I.. I need an important file.. And that’s in my cabin. So, I need to come to office. You come with me, I’ll drop you..
Riddhima and shwetha reaches the office.. Riddhima goes to her cabin..
On the other hand, vansh asks ishani to comes aside..
ISHANI: Tell me, bhai..
VANSH: Ishani, what’s your problem with riddhima? Why are you behaving like this to her? Do you know how much is she hurt because of all of you?
ISHANI: Seriously bhai, she tried to kill my angre and still you are supporting her.
VANSH: Ishani, what ever I told that day was not true.. Believe me..
He takes two rings from his pocket..
VANSH: Do you remember this ring? This was the one which I showed you on the other day at my office that I found at the place where angre was hurt. See, there is another one same like this.. Actually, it was me who made a duplicate ring so that I could make you believe that it was riddhima.. Because, I was angry with riddhima at that time. It was all lie..
Vansh thinks making a duplicate ring so that he could convince ishani..
Ishani takes both the rings from vansh’s hands..
VANSH: (thinking) God, ishani should believe me.. She shouldn’t identify my lie. This is the only way to make her believe. I can’t tell her the reason why riddhima behaved like that for that suitcase.. Please, help me..
ISHANI: Wow, bhai.. Both your story and your duplicate ring was perfect. Seriously, you have started lying to your own sister for someone who tried to kill you sister’ husband..
Vansh loses his temper..
VANSH: (shouts) Enough, ishani!!
ISHANI: Truth won’t change even if you shout, bhai.. The truth is riddhima tried to kill my angre..
VANSH: You were repeatedly saying my angre, my husband.. Wow!! You forgot one thing that before your husband angre is riddhima’ brother.. How can you even think like that? Angr eis riddhima’s world, her happiness, her everything.. How can she her own happiness? When I hated riddhima and tried to seperate you both, you easily believed my lie. But, you are not ready to believe me now.. You easily suspected… no, confirmed that riddhima did all that with this one duplicate ring. But, you won’t believe me now.. Wow!! This shows your level of trust on her.. But, till now she is thinking of your happiness and hiding her tears and sorrows behind her smile.. For the first time, I’m ashamed of my sister.. Riddhima even sacrificed her life for you. She married me for your love. You know that.. Even after marriage, she hurted herself to make you feel comfortable. She didn’t even speak to angre properly because of your unnecessary insecurities.. It was you who told me this, right? She didn’t even tell that to anyone. She hurted herself and smiled for you. She planned a trip for your happiness and lied to everyone that she had work so that angre will spend time with you alone. For the first time, she even lied to her bhai for you. Till now, she didn’t tell this to anyone. She even spoken harshly to angre for you. But, you… You easily hurted her.. She even sacrificed her life for you and angre.. Finally, she was even ready to punish herself for your both happiness.. She promised you that she won’t speak to angre.. Till now, she is keeping her promise. I know her pain and her hidden tears. The moment she heard your pregnancy news, she became very happy. After long, I saw that happiness in her eyes.. But, still you ignored her when she came to you. Still she smiled and left the place without saying anything.. Just think once how she would have felt the moment she came to know that her bhai who is like her father, friend, everything is going to become a dad? Even now, there is no use of saying all this to you.. Because, we can wake up the one who is sleeping.. But, we can’t wake up the one who is acting like sleeping.. Similarly, even you know all this.. But, you don’t want to believe this..
He was about to go..
ISHANI: Bhai..
Vansh stops..
VANSH: Bhai, I’m sorry.. Where is riddhima?
Vansh looks for her.. Vansh realizes that riddhima is not in the house. He gets shocked. He calls sejal..
SEJAL: What happened bhai?
VANSH: Riddhima is not here. She left the house without informing me..
Vansh infirms sejal about last night’s incident at the office and tells the person who tried to attack riddhima was sent my varun..
VANSH: Riddhima is thinking that varun is trying to harm shwetha but his actually target is riddhima.. He doesn’t need shwetha anymore. But, he neds revenge from riddhima.. He is waiting for the right time.. Riddhima is not safe..
SEJAL: Bhai, wait.. I’ll check..
Sejal calls shwetha and asks about riddhima. Hearing shwetha, sejal gets shocked..
VANSH: Sejal, what happened?
Riddhima receives a call from vansh.. An unknown person informs her that the person who owns the mobile has met with an accident has been taken to the xyz hospital.. Riddhima drops her mobile in shock.. Her eyes we’re filled with tears. Her hands begins to shiver.. Shwetha who comes there sees her. Riddhima informs shwetha about the call. She asks her to be in the office and takes her mobile and runs from there..
Flashback ends..
Sejal informs all this to vansh..
VANSH: What!! My mobile is with me. There is something wrong.. We need to leave immediately. Riddhima is in danger..
Vansh and sejal was about to leave.. Just then, angre comes there..
ANGRE: What happened to you both? You both were seemed to be nervous.. Is everything fine?
VANSH: Nothing..
ANGRE: Vansh, what happened? Is everything fine? I’m having a feeling that something is wrong.. I haven’t felt like this before..
Vansh looks at sejal..
SEJAL: Bhai, riddhima is missing..
ANGRE: What!! She must be somewhere here.. But, why are you so tensed?
VANSH: Angre, varun is now out of the jail… do you remember? Shwetha’s ex, varun.. Whom riddhima sent to jail is out now..
Angre gets shocked..
VANSH: I’ll tell everything to you later.. But, now we have find riddhima first..
He informs about the phone call to angre..
VANSH: Angre, my mobile is with me.. This is not possible.. Something is wrong.. It must be varun’s plan.. We need to leave..
All the three leave sin hurry.. Virat who was hiding behind the door hears them.. He laughs..
VIRAT: It’s not varun’s plan.. It’s virat’s plan..
He calls varun and informs that they have left..
VIRAT: Thanks for your help.. Now, I’ll complete my remaining plan..
Varun cuts the call and laughs..
VARUN: Stupid virat.. His plan!! He didn’t know that even he is just a pawn in my plan to kill the queen, riddhima.. He is thinking that I’m being the part of his plan.. But, the truth is he is working for me unknowingly.. His aim is queen’s empire, Riddhima enterprise. But, my aim is riddhima.. He laughs..
VIRAT: Riddhima, today, is the last day for your arrogance, stubborn, dreams, everything..
He laughs.. I’ll destroy your company using varun..
On the other hand..
VARUN: Today is not only the last day of your company but for you too.. But, nobody knows this.. Virat too…
Varun laughs..
PRECAP: Riddhima’s car brake fails.. She loses her control. On the other hand vansh, angre and sejal searches her.. Meanwhile, income tax officers arrives at riddhima’s office for ride and asks shwetha to call the MD..
Guys, I know some of you might have got upset due to virat’s behaviour.. Now, virat is having mixed emotions. Basically, virat is a good human.. But, he hates riddhima. He has unknown concern and affection for riddhima.. But, he didn’t realize it. His hatred is alone visible for him.. It will take sometime for him to realize it.. Hope you all will understand me… Do comment your views and suggetsions if any to be made. Please, do keep supporting me like this..
Awesome update dear loved it
I just want virat to realize his mistakes and felling soon. 

Nyc one
post ASAP 

But don’t u think dear this particular plot is being dragged too much? Just a thought.
Well Done
Nice one
. Post soon
Superb episode. Loved it. Hope nothing happens with Ridhima as well as Virat soon realises.
Awesome episode dear eagerly waiting for next update

Amazing post next soon
Loved it
Please make virat realize his mistake a bit soon and
Nothing should be happend to Ridhima and make Riansh a bit close too
Most importantly post soon like u did today
So please please post soon dear
Mind blowing


Awesome dear
Amazing always

Keep rocking
Atleast Ishani understood
Amazing update