Riddhima asa kid #Riansh OS by Aayu


After so much struggle I somehow manage to write…

one question:-You know how to write without making mistakes..Actually I am hell irritated..anyhow I have to make mistake and after that My whole hard work got wasted because of one mistake..do tell me the solution..

So this Os was requested by one of my reader I don’t know the name..(bhulakkar me)

so yay let’s start….

Vansh:-Doctor how is she?

Doctor:-She is out of danger..you can meet her..

Vansh:-Thank you Doctor..

he rushed towards the hospital room..


tears were rolling down from his cheeks..

He saw his wife attached to so many machines..

Vansh:- I am sorry I couldn’t safe u..

When Dadi entered..

Dadi:- Vansh how is she??

Doctors ne kya bola??

Vansh:- Dadi she is fine..

Doctor said she is out of danger but she will take time to get absolutely fine.

Dadi:- Vansh how this happened??

Vansh:- Dadi we were coming back to VR Mansion..

Don’t know how our car was not starting..

So we just move out of the car and then one truck came at full speed at hit Riddhima..

Dadi I couldn’t safe her..

How will I face her..

Dadi:- it’s not your fault..

When nurse came..

Nurse:- mr.singhania patient has gained conscious..

Vansh rushed to her…

Vansh:- Riddhima!!

Riddhima:- Me??

Vansh:- yes..(he was shocked why she is behaving wired..)

Vansh:- Riddhima how are you feeling..??(happy!!..what a wired question)

Riddhima:- Uncle who are you…you are looking so wierd (wierd 🤧🤷 wierd..bezati hogayi…)

Vansh:- Riddhima!!

Riddhima:- My name is Riddhima wow so nice name.. thank you uncle can I call you kadhoos uncle..

Vansh was like what the hell why is she behaving like this..

He call the doctor..

Doctor examine her….

And call Vansh to his cabin..

Doctor:- Mr. Vansh your wife is now a kid..(kya bakwaas hai)

Vansh:- matlab??

Doctor:- she has a meomory loss…she remembered the things when she was 5 or 6…(aisa hota ha kya?)

Vansh:- what..

Doctor:- yes you have to take care of her…

Saying so he left shocked vansh..

Vansh in grave shock went towards the room…

Vansh told dadi and other family members..

Everyone was shocked and was feeling bad..

Riddhima got discharged..

Way to VR Mansion..

In car..

Riddhima:- Uncle why are you so silent..

Vansh:- First thing I am not your Uncle..

Riddhima:- So??


Vansh:- No way..Accha we will start from beginning…

Hello I am VR will you be my friend?

Riddhima:- yes..but before that you have to promise one thing..

Vansh:- what?

Riddhima:- you will never leave me..

My parents leave me…🤧🥺

Vansh:- promise I will never leave you..

Riddhima:- pinky promise??

Vansh:- yes Pinky promise..

Riddhima:- so you are my bestie now..

So bestie where are we going..??

Vansh:- We are going at my place from now we will stay there only..VR mansion..

Riddhima:- VR means vansh and Riddhima??

Vansh:- yes..☺️

Riddhima:- will you share your chocolates with me??

Vansh:- yes..but not whole !!

Riddhima:- why..😔

Vansh:- because we will be having equal share..

Riddhima:- done..😚

They reached VR mansion…

Riddhima:- Wow this is so big…Like in Princess world..

Vansh:- yay because you are the princess..so it will be of your match na!!

Riddhima:- really

Vansh:- yes…

Dadi:- Meri bachi..

Riddhima:- bestie how are they..?

Vansh:- oh!! Let me introduce..

She is our dadi..

Riddhima:- can I call you dadi..??

Dadi:- yes!! Vansh said na our dadi..

Vansh:- This is Siya my sister..

Riddhima:- hello Siya will you be my friend..??

Siya:- yes..

Riddhima:- wow I made two friends!!


Vansh:- Acha Riddhu she is Ishani..my sister..

Riddhima:- hello..

Ishani:-(excitedly)you will not make me your friends?

Riddhima:- No I don’t make cat as my friend..(lol)

Everyone laughed..

Ishani was super angry..

She went inside stamping her feet..(I think she is more behaving like a kid…)

Dadi:- Let’s go inside…

Days passed Riddhima and Vansh developed a great bond…

Thier friendship was becoming more deep…

Riddhima was really insane..she pranked everyone..

Specially her target was Ishani..

Riddhima teamed up with Siya and Vansh to tease Ishani…

Everything was perfect..

But Vansh missed her Sweetheart…the previous one..

He wanted her to be normal..

He can’t see her taking medicines…and behaving like this…

And one day vansh Riddhima and Siya were playing..

And Riddhima fainted…

Vansh:- Riddhima!!!

He rushed to the hospital…

doctor said that she is alright..she is absolutely alright..

And after few hours she gained conscious..

Riddhima:- Vansh…

Vansh:- Riddhima you are alright now..I am so happy..I love you…

Riddhima:- love you to..

Happy Ending….

I know it was short and boring..but my brain cells were dead..I wrote this very quickly..

I am sorry If I bored you…


Take care..


"𝔄 𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔬𝔫 𝔱𝔯𝔶𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔰𝔞𝔡𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔰, 𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔫 𝔦𝔫 𝔧𝔬𝔶, 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔯𝔶𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔞 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔩𝔢𝔯 𝔦𝔫 𝔡𝔦𝔰𝔤𝔲𝔦𝔰𝔢."

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