Riddhima’s dangerous obsession. #Riansh OS

Hello guys. Here is a new os of mine. I have got requested to write this one before so I hope you could enjoy it and do tell me your opinion on the comments.
So let’s start.
Riddhima was being surprised seeing Vansh laying on his knees and proposing her.

She was super surprised from his action.
But she was happy.
Her happiness was very high while seeing him proposing her.

She got more happy when Vansh starts talking.
Vansh: I love you so much Riddhima. I love you to the core. You are the reason of every beautiful thing in my life. When you have entered my life, I started to see just good things and I started to feel very happy. You are the reason of any good thing has happened to me. I do love you a lot Riddhima and I want to be with you forever. So can you marry me sweetheart? Can you be with me till the end of our lives? Can you accept to marry the one who loves you so much? Can you marry Vansh Rai Singhania Miss Riddhima Mehra?
Riddhima was smiling so much.
Riddhima: Yes I accept.
Riddhima’s imagination ends.
Riddhima’s POV starts:
Oh shit!!! It was just an imagination!!!!
What the hell is happening here?!!!!!
He isn’t proposing me.
He is proposing Ahana!!!
All those words that I have imagined him saying it to me, he was saying it to Ahana!!!!
How dare him to propose her?!!!
How dare him to love her not me??!!!
How he could propose her in front of me like that?!!!!
She has accepted his proposal.
They are now happy and smiling.

They are happy together!!!!
How he could do that to me?!!!
This proposal supposed to be for me not for her.
He should say that he loves me not love her.
Vansh is mine.
Vansh would never be for any girl other than me.
I will not allow this stupid Ahana to be with my Vansh.
She will never be able to snatch him from me.
I will not make this marriage happens.
Vansh will just marry me not her.
Vansh will marry Riddhima not Ahana.
I love him and he also loves me.
I know that he loves me.
He doesn’t love any girl other than me.
He will be just with me.
Vansh was mine, he is mine and he will always be mine.
I’m his childhood best friend.
I’m the one who he shares everything with.
I’m the only girl who has the right on him.
I will not allow this relationship to occur.
I will destroy it.
I will be with my Vansh forever.
My obsession of him could cross any limits and could pass any barrier.
My obsession could lead to anything.
I could do anything and everything to take Vansh and make him just for me.
I will stop this marriage.
Vansh is mine.
He will always be mine always and forever.
Just death what could separate us.
Nothing else.
Riddhima’s POV ends.
Vansh’s POV starts:
I’m being very happy now.

Finally, I have proposed Ahana.
Finally, we will be together now.
We will get married and nothing will separate us.
I was happy that Riddhima was there when I have proposed Ahana.
She was always here when I needs her.
She is my best buddy and my great friend.
She is my supporter who is always here for me.
I’m very happy that she is sharing this happiness with me.
I have came near her.
Then I have putted my hands on her face.

Me: Thank you so much Riddhu for always be here for me. Thank you for sharing with me this great happiness. You don’t know Riddhima how much I’m being very happy that she has finally accepted my proposal and we will get married. She is the only girl who I could see her as my wife. I’m so happy that you are here my close buddy. Now, my happiness could be completed.
Then I have putted my finger on her nose in an nock joking way like we used to do it together.

She wasn’t giving me any reaction.
Actually, she didn’t even has done the same for me like she used to do.
She was distracted and she wasn’t with me at all.
I wasn’t understanding the reason behind her distraction.
Me: Get up from your distraction Miss Riddhima Mehra. What is making you distracted that much that made you aren’t even able to concentrate with your best friend and do to him the thing that we both always do it to each other? Do my girl has fallen in love or something?
I have winked at her after saying those words.

She started to concentrate with me.
Riddhima: Nothing like that Vansh. I was just thinking about how I could tease my friend.
After she has said those words and then she has putted her finger on my nose like she used to do.

I was happy seeing her enjoying her time with me and doing our best friends stuff, but I was feeling that she was hiding something that I wasn’t understanding it.
Her looks was very sharp which has made me for the first time panic from what Riddhima owns it inside her.
Vansh’s POV ends.
At night, Riddhima was being at her home being very distracted and annoyed from what has happened from Vansh’s proposal and the confirmation of his marriage with Ahana.

Riddhima to herself: I will never allow this to happen. This marriage that has got confirmed that will happen after 2 days will not occur. Or to be more accurate it will happen, but with just one change which is the bride will not be the same. The bride will not be Ahana. The bride will just be Riddhima. Vansh is for Riddhima and Riddhima is for Vansh and I will never make this fact change. My Vansh will just marry me. Just wait and watch for what I will do Vansh.
Afterwards, Vansh has came to Riddhima.
He holds her closely to him.

She was happy seeing him in front of her.
Riddhima: Vansh?! You are here? You have left this stupid Ahana and you have just came for me?!
He has kissed her in her cheek.

Vansh: Yes Riddhima. I have left everyone and I have just came for you. I was wrong Riddhima. Ahana will never be the perfect wife for me. The perfect wife for me is always around me, but I wasn’t able to see her. The perfect wife for me is you Riddhima. You are the one who deserves to be my partner.
Riddhima was happy while hearing that Vansh has finally understood that fact fast.
She was happy seeing his love towards her being that noticeable inside his eyes.

He has pushed her near bed.
Then he gets above her.

Vansh: I want to make you mine forever Riddhima.
He has kissed her in her forehead.

Then he gets so close to her to have a kiss.
At this exact moment, Riddhima has waked up from her dream.

It was just another dream of Riddhima.
She was shocked that this was just her dream.
Riddhima to herself: Enough imagination Riddhima. Enough silly dreams without making it true. It is the time for action. It is the time to end this game forever. It will be ended in Riddhima’s dangerous mood. When it comes to Vansh and my obsession of him, I don’t mind to take anyone’s soul. Now, you will see Riddhima’s dangerous obsession Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania.
24 hours after that.
Vansh shown being captive.

Vansh’s POV starts:
I’m not understanding what is happening.
I’m not able to see everything perfectly.
I’m just trying to open my eyes so I could see where am I?

I’m not able to remember very much what has happened during those previous 24 hours.
Or to be honest, I don’t want to remember it.
I don’t want to remember that my Ahana has got died in front of me.
I can’t believe that the girl that I was going to get married to her after just a couple of hours has left me forever.
I’m not understanding anything!!
What is making me more shocked that the one who has taken her soul supposed to be my close friend.
Yes Riddhima is the one who has killed Ahana in front of my eyes in a cold blooded way.
She was very shameless.
She didn’t cared to even try to hide her truth from me.
She has killed her while she was looking at my eyes.
And her excuse is that she loves me!!!!
What love she is talking about?!!!!
It isn’t love.
What she has done isn’t a behaviour of a lover.
It is an obsession and the obsession’s result is never good.
I will not spare you Riddhima.
I will not leave you after what you have done.
I will never ever leave you in my whole life.
She has came.
She is the one who has kidnapped me.
She is looking at me in a very shameless way as if she didn’t has done anything.

I was looking at her in a shocking way.

Riddhima: I’m sorry Vansh for making you come with me in that way, but you didn’t have given me any other choice. I’m sorry my love. But I know that you will understand that what I’m doing it is the best for both of us.
I got very angry on her.
Me: I will not leave you Riddhima. I will punish you so much. You will never reach to your motive. I will never be yours never ever.
She has came from my back.
Then she has injected me with an injection.
I was hearing her last words hardly.
Riddhima: I’m sorry Vansh, but you aren’t giving me any other choice. Just calm down and relax now. Everything will be fine my love.
Vansh’s POV ends.
Riddhima’s POV starts:
Finally, my Vansh is with me.
I have ended the chapter of this stupid Ahana forever.
I have killed her and putted her on the place that she deserves it.
Now, no one will take my Vansh from me.
I can’t imagine that he is now with me.
I can’t imagine that he is being on the same bed that I’m sitting on it.
I’m staring at him so much while he was sleeping and looking like a cute angel.

I told you Vansh that my love to you could cross any limits.
I could kill anyone just to make you be mine and don’t make anyone take you from me.
I love you so much Vansh.
Riddhima’s POV ends.
Riddhima has got closer to Vansh while he was losing consciousness.
Then she has kissed him on his forehead.

She was smiling so much while she was being that close to him.

She was just keeping staring at him and she was doing nothing.
Afterwards, Riddhima starts to observe that Vansh is going to gain consciousness.
So she has came near him.
Then she has got him a juice.

When he has waked up, he has found her that close to him.
Riddhima( smiling): Good morning my love. I hope you have taken a good sleep. Please drink this juice as it will give you power.
Vansh has got angry from her cold attitude.
He has pushed her then he has got away from her.
Vansh: How dare you to be that cold blooded after killing my Ahana?!!! How dare you to call me your love?!!! I’m just Ahana’s love. I’m just for Ahana and I will never be for your Riddhima.
Riddhima has tried to control her anger.
She has came near Vansh.
Then she has hugged him.

She was hugging him very tightly.
Riddhima( while hugging him): I love you Vansh. I love you more than my own self. My love to you has reached to other level Vansh. It is an obsession. Killing anyone is any easy thing for me just to be with you. I could kill anyone. Anyone means anyone Vansh.
Riddhima’s voice was being very strict while saying the previous words.
Vansh has pushed her in an aggressive way.
Vansh: I can’t imagine that you are the same Riddhima who was my best friend and close buddy. I can’t imagine that you are the same close friend to me. I was always telling myself that if Ahana wasn’t in my life I wouldn’t have chosen any better partner other than you, but no you don’t deserve that. You are a killer. You have killed my love Ahana. I hate you. You are a stupid girl with this stupid obsession. Do what you want I will not be afraid of you.
Riddhima was still trying to control her anger.
She has came closer to Vansh and she has tried to pacify him.

But he didn’t has responded.
Vansh( being angry): I said be away from me. I will never be yours Riddhima. On my dead body. I will just own hate to you. I will leave from here and you will not be able to do anything to me. I will make the police arrest you. I will make them give you the punishment that you deserve it for killing my Ahana. This will be the perfect end for such a girl like you.
Vansh has said those words and have left from that place.
Riddhima got angry.
She was being very very angry.
Riddhima to herself: If you will not be mine Vansh, so you will not be for any other girl. If I will not be able to make you love me, I will not make you live normally. My obsession isn’t an easy thing my love.
Riddhima has followed Vansh.
They went into a jungle.
Riddhima has shocked Vansh when she has pointed gun at him.

Riddhima: Do you think that I will leave you that easily Vansh Rai Singhania?! No my love. You still don’t know Riddhima’s obsession. Riddhima’s dangerous obsession will never leave you.
Vansh: I don’t give a damn.
Riddhima: But you have to. You still have a chance Vansh. Be with me. Accept my love and we will be together forever.
Vansh: Never. Kill me if you want, but I will never accept the love of such a girl like you.
Riddhima has came near Vansh while she was still holding the gun.
Then she has kissed him a very long kiss.
Riddhima: I love you Vansh.
Then she has shot Vansh.
He has fallen on the ground being dead.
Then she has smiled a painful smile.
Riddhima to herself: I’m sorry my love, but Riddhima’s obsession is very dangerous it has ended the lives of us today.
Then she has shot herself.
She has fallen beside Vansh’s body.










The end of the os. I hope you like it guys. This is the end of any obsession. Obsession isn’t love. It never could succeed. I hope you have enjoyed the update. Do tell me your opinions on the comments. I will be waiting for all of yours comments. So please comment a lot guys. And wait for the last part of the arrange marriage os soon. The respond here is what will make me know when I will publish the last part of the arrange marriage os so please break the previous record of my comments and comment a lot here. Pray for me a lot as I will go today to the doctor at night with Egypt time to check on the wounds that I got it because of my fall from stairs when I have fainted as it got to have an infection plus that there is so much redness and inflammation in my face so pray for me and I will tell you all on the next update what he has said to me. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. Please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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