Fan Fiction

My RiKara Diary – Analysis- GUARI KUMARI SHARMA 4—-The Love Saga Continues…

” Her Love will Never stop…Her Anger too…”

Ok So She sound like a Pati Parmeshwar is my everything girl, doesn’t she? But wasn’t she the one who always gave her contrasting views about ‘Vishwas’ , About ‘Pyaar’ , About ‘Shadi’ to Omkara as Chubul? She was indeed one , she does considers him as her God , she is supposed to , according to her he saved her Life , according to her she is indebted to him… She loves him , as she knows him more , she starts loving him more , her love doesn’t see the boundaries that he doesn’t love her , her love just sees the fact that she loves him , Her love is not about ‘You are Mine’ , Her love is about ‘ I am yours’ , is it wrong?

Her life has just 2 reasons to live , her mother and her new found Love , Her Omkara and so she can go to any extend for him , any extend , Live with him as a boy…for him , Love him forever never expecting anything in return…forever , leave him for his benefit…forever.
But wait , this is just for Him , not for anyone else though , for others she is same Gauri, for the one who throws muddy water on her on road and for anyone else who tries to enter her zone , she is the same Guari , The Same Kaali…

A/N: So back after a long time , actually I wasn’t finding some developments in the characters from past 1 month and was even busy with my exams too thats why.


Life isn't about Finding yourself , its about creating yourself...

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