Fan Fiction

RiKara OS : Happy Start By Fenu & TuttiFrutti

Gauri looked at Omkara ‘s picture and got teary eyed, she missed her better half so much and finally after three weeks he would return home after a business trip. She touched her stomach and said:
” Baby , today when your papa will come home I will tell him about you .

He will be so happy and will take really good care of us ” Gauri said smilingly , thinking about her husband ‘s nature. Gauri had not told Omkara the news yet, because she knew Omkara would leave his work and come home right away. The only one who knew about her pregnancy was Priyanka , because she was the one who went with Gauri to the doctor.

Gauri laid the picture carefully on the table and went towards the mirror, she wiped off her tears because she knew that Omkara would become unnecessary worried and it was important that today went perfect.

She fixed her hair and looked at herself satisfied and went towards the living room and saw that Jhanvi Maa had made sure that all Omkara ‘s favorite dishes were prepared .

Gauri went towards her mother in law smilingly and said: ” Maa , is there anything I can help with?” Jhanvi looked at her daughter in law happily and said : ” Just keep your grandmother (Gauri’Dadi-who stays with them) away from the kitchen , bahu. It is not enough for her to drive me crazy , but she is driving the worker’s mad as well ” Jhanvi said and Gauri laughed , happy that now it more of a friendly nok – jhok between them as in start Jhanvi and Gauri’s dadi always keeps fighting on useless points as Dadi was love to tease her samdhan.

” You two have again started teaming up and talking behind my back , mere Omkara ko ane dho ” Dadi warned these two and in reply only she got was sound of laughter . There nok – jhok was interrupted by the sound of knock on the door. Gauri ‘s heart started beating faster by the realization that Omkara was standing on the other side. She told her feet to walk and open the door , but her legs were not working.

She saw that Jhanvi opened the door and embraced her son in a big bear hug and then took hold of his ear and scolded him for losing weight. Gauri looked at Omkara and saw the tired expression on his face, yet there was a glow on his face because he was back home after a long time .

” Arrey Jhanvi , let me also greet my Omkara” Dadi said and hugged Omkara affectionately , Omkara smiled at the both ladies and took their blessing. He kept giving secret glares at Gauri, but she was standing like a statue her eyes on him but still she did not move.
Hmm , looks like Chiriya is angry on me .

” Omkara , tumhari Chiriyaa and maa have teamed up against me after you left ” Dadi said and Omkara pulled dadi closer to him : ” Don’t worry Dadi , I am here now and our team has always been the strongest one ” Omkara said and both high fived, after this he met the rest of family members and then he went closer to Gauri .

He gave Gauri a smile and saw a teardrop on Gauri ‘s face and he froze , concern and fear took control over him .

“Gauri , what’s wrong? Gauri , answer me !” Omkara demanded panicky, but Gauri kept crying. Everyone made a ring around the couple and started asking Gauri about her wellbeing , but Gauri just kept staring at Omkara’s worried eyes.

” Dadi ” Omkara said after some while and Dadi looked at Omkara questionably.

” All of you were so happy to see me , everyone greeted me and are really happy to see me home but meri wife ko dekho na she did not come to greet me and she is crying. Look like she did not miss me , you know what maybe I should go back ” after saying that Omkara turned around and was about to walk when Gauri pulled him closer to herself and hugged him.

She closed her eyes and allowed her emotions getting the best of herself, gosh she missed him so much . His voice , the sound of his laughter , his cheeky smile , waking up in his arms , having nok jhok with him , his scent and everything about him.

” Please don ‘t leave ” Gauri was able to say between her sobs and Omkara kissed her hair and whispered in her ear :

” I never left , you just did not see me ” Omkara said and Gauri frowned by his reply
” I saw you Omkara , everywhere I saw you but when I come close to hug you, you would disappear . So I like this Om much more ” Gauri said childishly and everyone started laughing at the cuteness of the couple.

” I won’t go anywhere Chiriyaa , and if I have to go then I will bring you with me” Omkara said and let go of Gauri to only kiss her cheeks , which turned red due to blushing.

Dadi coughed and said : ” Ehm , Omkara you saw Gauri and forgot about me ” teased dadi , and Gauri started to blush more and Omkara laughed and winked at dadi : ” Arrey don ‘t worry dadi , you know I love you more ”

Everyone laughed and then Jhanvi told everyone to go to the kitchen to eat there meal , everyone walked to the kitchen only one remaining was Omkara and Gauri. Both looked at each other smilingly, both understanding each other’s emotions.

Omkara kissed Gauri ‘s hand and say : ” Gauri as much I missed you , I am really hungry so if your majesty can we please go and join the others ” Omkara said and Gauri frowned at him :
” Omkara why did you not tell me earlier , you are probably very hungry after all you have not eaten anything because of the long way you had to drive and Maa was saying the truth you have loosed so much weight Omkara ”

” Gauri you know I had to save the company from the financial loss , and I had to work day and night ” Omkara reminded Gauri , who in return just gave him upset look : ” I understand that Omkara , but all the time you told me , Papa,Maa , Dadi and Priyanka to take care of us and look after each other but yourself you did not look after yourself ” Gauri said and Omkara took hold of his ears and gave her the puppy look :

” Sorry Gauri , I just came home please don’t be angry on me ” Omkara pleaded , and Gauri nodded but warned him that he should eat the meal today .

” Accha , baba and now that I am home you will look after me so no worries ” Omkara said and winked at Gauri rolled her eyes and said ” correction Mr. Oberoi from now on you have to look after me ”
Omkara looked at her widening his eyebrows and said : ” I was the one who was not home for three weeks ”

” Yes , but I am the one who is…” Gauri stopped herself from revealing that she is pregnant in the correct time and bite her tongue and thought for herself : Gauri , that moment has to be perfect you can’t just tell him like that ”

Omkara looked at Gauri confused at why she did not finish her sentence and now she was looking down the floor , before he could ask Priyanka come to Gauri ‘s rescue and said :
” You two can romance later , come and it ” Priyanka said and both went to kitchen.

After the meal , Omkara and Gauri went towards their room hand in hand while holding hands . With each step they went closer to the room , Gauri ‘s heart started beating faster and her hands were sweaty now and Omkara noticed it so he stopped on his tracks which made Gauri to stop.

” What ‘s wrong ?” both said in union and smiled at each other , Gauri signalized Omkara to go first.
” Gauri are you okey ?” Omkara asked worried , from he had come Gauri had acted weird and he could not figure out the reason why.

” Actually I have a surprise for you , and I am very nervouse about it ” Gauri shared her fear with Omkara and Omkara looked at Gauri with so much love that Gauri felt her nervousness fly away . She wondered how Omkara only could do that with his look.

” Gauri , I know I am going to love it because my Chiriyaa has put so much love in it ” Omkara said and kissed her each finger and for every kiss he said : ” I love you ”

Gauri smiled at Omkara and said : ” How do you make me fall in love with you by all your actions?” Gauri asked dazed and Omkara gave her a understanding : ” the same way you make me fall in love with you all over again each time I see you ” Omkara said and came really close to Gauri , and in instinctse she closed her eyes and he whispered in his ears : ” You know what that mean , it means that our love never stops it only becomes stronger ” Omkara said and Gauri opened her eyes and gave him a small peck on his check which made Omkara smile .

Together they went to their room , Gauri ‘s eyes on Omkara . Omkara looked around and found pink and blue balloons and saw children clothes, teddy bears and children toys . Omkara looked at Gauri confused :

” Gauri , why is things in our room . It ‘s like you are trying to tell me that you are …” Omkara looked at Gauri with big eyes and Gauri gave him her best smile and said :

” Yes , Omkara I am pregnant we are going to become parents ” Gauri said and saw that Omkara nodded in response but did not say anything. Gauri got disappointed , she had expected Omkara to jump in joy and hold her in his arms.
After a short time , Omkara went close to her and gauri looked at him anticipated . Omkara stood on his knees and took his hand on Gauri ‘s stomach and with a shaky voice he said :

” Hey baby , I am your papa. I hope you have not troubled your mom to much , but when you come out we will trouble her together” hearing Omkara ‘s words Gauri started to giggle and Omkara continued by saying:

” Baby , I don’t know anything about parenting , but I promise that I will do anything to make you feel loved , cared and wanted every second and your momma and I will do anything to make sure you don’t get the same childhood we had . Papa loves you and your mommy so much ” Omkara said and kissed Gauri ‘s stomach and Gauri mimicked a child ‘s sound and said cutely :

“Momma and baby loves you too ” Gauri said and Omkara stood up so both could meet each other’s gaze which were full of love for each other .
Omkara hugged Gauri and she hide her head in his chest and both smiled at each other content and happy , making promises to be with each other and reminded each other how much they loved each other .

~~~~~The End~~~~~

Hello Friends !! This is Fenil & Shirali. Our First Rikara OS.
Fenil:- Hello Friends, I already planned one OS for Rikara and then many friends of mine here request me so i m writing this OS with Shirali, Hope you liked it.
Shirali:- Hello Shirali here, fenil bhai ke saath first combo OS maja aaya likhne mein.Hope you liked it.

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