Fan Fiction

Rivals – they can’t be change!!?? (Episode 8) By Aryna

To be continued… Same scene of Boston harward university
Ishaani -where is Swara… Aadarsh!!
All look at her…
Aadarsh in anger – I don’t know!!
Ishaani – don’t you lie…. I know you all six boys know about Swara… Why can’t you see from past four years we are finding her..

Aadarsh – oh really… I should salute you Miss Ishaani Rathore!!
Roshani – look you all what happened before four years is deadly past of all of us which changes everything everyone but in all these Swara is important culprit and murderer who have ran from Mumbai child jail she is a wanted criminal who killed Kristy gadodia… Sanskar ‘s father sister and…

Before she could complete a hard slap was on her cheeks… Everyone was shocked to see the person and turn the face to see… Her ‘” Ragini ‘”….
Ragini who have enough of her poisoning words for Swara slapped Roshani so hard that her lips corner was bleeding!!!
Ragini in dangerous voice – don’t you f**k dare to say anything against Swara.. I really feel ashamed today that in my life once I called you Di but today…
Roshani look at her with amazed after four years she have talked with her but like this…
Ishaani – Khushi, Aarohi please let’s go…
Aarohi – don’t u dare next time order me and Ragini please come..
Khushi – I don’t have time for all this family melodrama Ishaani so I am going to watch campus… Hey you ( Samuel) don’t you listen just guide me to principal cabin…
Roshani.- I am sorry Ragini …I was just…
Ragini – I was just what… Huh… Listen you two (Roshani and Ishaani) whatever you want to get you get it right in your jealousy we have lost many things so now just stop your drama and Aarohi let’s go inside saying they ( Khushi, Ragini and Aarohi) left with Samuel…
Boys were still there looking all things they don’t know whatever they saw it was real….
Aadarsh – Arjun let’s leave

They all started leaving… But stopped when they heard Roshani…
Roshani – I wanted to talk to her (Ragini) but she always kept silent which was making me insane whatever I have done before four years that was decesion of stupid fifteen years roshani deceison but I realized because of me one spark has taken a birth which changes into fire….and I also know this all fire can only be end by Swara… My little sister… My princess.. Whatever I have said about her only because I thought anyone of you all can say about where is Swara…… I am sorry I know you all hate but please I am selfish but from past four years we are trying to find and still finding her… I beg you all please return me my Swara please… Saying this she fell on her knees in front of boys… Ishaani was silently shedding tears….
Arjun – let’s go… They all left from there…
Ishaani also walked from there alone only Roshani was left…
Far away from there one person was standing and looking all the scene… Said – so trappings are started not bad and I think one by one every one get their fruits in equal amount… Ha ha ha.. Left from there…

………………………….in auditorium Dean has call everyone for announcement (well I don’t know about university and their program so what I write its just thinking)…………………
Dean – as you all know today is freshor party for whom who have joined newly so I want old students corporate with new students that’s why this rules are changed one new student will be partner of old student and that’s why couples name has been placed in notice board. I want every one to come and no more arguments!!!
…………. …………. …………..over…….. ……..
In Canteen…
Arnav – what now!! These girls are here and Sammie is also here..
NK – yes Nannav if Sammie gets her memory back by seeing them then…
Laksh – shut up NK!!! Are you sick or what!! Before four years Sammie, me, you, Arjun, Arnav, Sanskar, that Ishaani, Ragini, Khushi, Aarohi were fourteen and Aadarsh and Roshani were of fifteen years …and that time we were small and our faces were different so how it possible they come to know about Sammie and most important we have changed her alot Now she wears trousers and tops…. So they can’t guess!!!

NK – oh yeah that’s right!!!
Arjun – but I am thinking about Roshani and RAGINI they were so much changed… Laksh you didn’t tell us that Ragini is changed she is no more that fearful and sensitive Ragini looking like second version of Swara Malik…
Laksh – that’s why I didn’t get to know at first that she’s Ragini Rathore!!
Aadarsh – but we can’t be cool… These girls are trying to find out Swara Malik which we can’t take it!! Before two years…
Arnav- Arjun did you close that case of wanted Swara Malik…
Arjun – I have talked to India’s best lawyer but still there is time to close this case…
Laksh – how much time!!
Arjun – six months… After that there will be no case…
Aadarsh – that’s fine then…

Arnav – looking like Arjun you are really studying well in law and MBA…
Arjun – what can I do Arnav law is My passion and MBA is duty… Just like you where you are doing fashion designer coarse and MBA both….
Arnav – I am glad that you are following my path!!!
Arjun – and I am glad that you are in so much misconception!!
NK – stop it guys… Look here it comes beast The Sanskar Gadodia!!
Sanskar takes seat and said – I get to know that Ragini had slapped Roshani…
NK – yes that’s right said sadly…
Arjun – why I am thinking NK you are in trouble….
NK – What trouble!!???
Arjun – trouble of love with Roshani Rathore!!
NK shocked but composed himself and said – I have to take some books from library catch you later guys!! Saying this he immediately left from there…
Sanskar – so you have played with his nerves…
Arjun – nope!!
Aadarsh – but Arjun words are truth and I think here each person is in love with their enemies either it is love at first sight or old love!!

Arnav – well that’s right I can’t forget that green Hazel eyes!! Said absent minded
Laksh – it’s Khushi!!
Arnav come to reality – no !!
Laksh – and for Aadarsh… Who is.. Immmm… Yaa Ishaani right!!
Aadarsh spit out coffee – no!!! It was just she looks good now..
Laksh look at Arjun – and….
Arjun – Aarohi is short tempered but also with quite nose which is always red…
Laksh – woo…
Sanskar- well Laksh you and me are fixed already one with Ragini and and another with the biggest enemy of every one Swara I think we should say Swaragini…!!!
All look at sanskar with pain full eyes…
Sanskar – I know Mom always like to say them like this…
Arnav held hands on Sanskar’s shoulder and said – Sharmistha auntie will be always with us….
Sanskar whisper – I know…..
Just then NK came there with shouting…. – nooooooo!!!!!!
All jerked up…
Arnav – what the hell NK!!!

NK – Nannav listen first….
Laksh – what!!
NK – notice board!!!
All immediately goes to wards notice board and stood infront of that with horrible expression… Just then Sanskar said – who’s this Katty!!
On other side…
Samuel – Sammie listen you know any Karan Rathore is going to be your partner in freshor ‘s party….
Sammie who was working in laptop in class stopped and look at Samuel…
Sammie – so what Samuel!! Please don’t disturb me I have to prepare some assignment so you please go….
Samuel – OK saying this he left the class there was no one is class just then Sammie listen someone footsteps and look at that direction…
Khushi – so here you are Miss Sammie!!
Sammie – any problem…
Khushi – no just came to say Hai to you!!
Sammie – OK hai anything else…
Khushi – why all this university is on your father name that you are asking me like this….
Sammie – no and started doing work Khushi also sat there beside her….
Khushi – look in this university I don’t have any friends so it’s just… Can you be my friend…
Sammie – no…

Khushi – atleast a good college mate…
Sammie -no…
Khushi – oh god!!!
Sammie get the call…
On phone
Sammie – hello… Yaa… OK… Dean…. I will be… There… Call ended…
Sammie packed her things and started going…
Khushi – atleast like sisters type…
Sammie – no saying this she left… Leaving alone Khushi…
Khushi – she is so arrogant here I came to make friendship with her and she!!!
…………………scene shift of university ground………

Ishaani was sitting on bench looking at one photo in her mobile…. And have teary eyes…


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