Fan Fiction

Rosid…Is this love??? One shot…

Hi friends… Swasthi here… I’m preparing for exams now…so I finished my ff…but I can’t keep myself away from rosid…so this is my another story… As I can’t write it daily I am giving it as one shot…

Apartment in Delhi…. Ground floor… A handsome man helps his mother…
Mummy… Is there anything else?…
No beta… You please go and take rest…
Mother and son due is very famous in that whole apartment… They have a very good bonding… They helps everyone which makes them very famous…
Siddhant…that boys name….he is a business man…he have acrophobia… He never went to terrace…

A girl with her friends came there to stay in 7th floor… They are college students… Lovely and charming girl… She is very active… She is a radical feminist… She always hate boys…. Roli… Though she is looking soft and cute, she always behaves rude with others….

She have to come in front of sid’s home to take lift… Whenever she came there… Her heart beats increased randomly… She don’t know why… Is this any symptoms of disease… She thinks… But she don’t know that her heart beats for her love…

One day…a courier service boy come with a parcel… Sid stopped him… Where are you going… He asked…

A parcel came for 7th floor… Sid forget that he has acrophobia… He don’t know why he stopped that boy… He received that parcel… He read tha name… Roli… Something happened inside him…

His mom came there…beta what are you doing here… Who’s parcel is this… He didn’t say anything… She checked the parcel…it’s for 7 th floor… I’ll give it… Sid stopped her at once…
Mom…I’ll go…

His mom shocked… Are you ok beta…do you forget about your phobia…
Sid comes out of his thinking… Haan…ma…I forgot… You give it to her… He went inside his home…I’ll give it later…said sujata…

Sid looks at that parcel… Something pulls him… He takes that parcel and went to give it to her…
In lift…
What happened to me…how do I came here…
His phobia affected him…he reached 7th floor… He came out of lift…he couldn’t proceed further… He holds his head and stopped there…

Roli who is sleeping in room feels something wrong… Suddenly she wake up… She rushed to door…sid who is it in control couldn’t look at her… Roli who is always hate boys helped him…
She managed to take him to lift…

Inside the lift…
Sid could feel the touch… Roli continuously look at him… Sid came out his phobia… He is normal now… He looks at Roli for the first time… They both have an eye lock… Which is deep…deeper…

Lift comes to ground floor… This is my home… Please come inside… He asked her… Roli nods yes without thinking anything….

They still don’t know their names… They don’t who are they…they don’t know why he forget his phobia and came to 7th floor… She don’t know why she wake up from deep sleep and rus to help him…

In their home….sujata welcomed her…they have a coffee… Sid and Roli continuously looking each other… After sometime… Roli went out…

Sid speaks to his mom…at the same time Roli speaks to her friends…
Ma…I don’t why I went there…
Haan… Roli… What happened to you… Why did u run like that…
Beta…are you OK…
Roli… Are u ok…

Roli and Sid lost in their own world…
Yes…I forgot my phobia while looking at the name… Roli… That name pulled me towards her… Hey touch cured me… I don’t know what is it…but I know one thing… That… I want to see her in my whole life…

Yes…I don’t know why did I wake up from my sleep… I don’t know why do I help him though I don’t like any boys…I don’t know why did I touch him though I don’t like it… But I know one thing that I want him in my whole life…

Is this love???


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