Fan Fiction

Only ROSID (Part 11)

ROSID lost in each other

Everyone gets out and they are the only ones left

Sid : we won yaar

Roli gives Sid a fist bump and a hug

Everyone claps

The winning couple and 5 runner up couples go into the next round

Man : next round is to test ur team work skills

You must both work together to complete the word

You need to drink these drinks together and at the bottom you’ll find a number

Go to the desk at the side where my assistant will be stood pick the card with this number and there will be general knowledge questions

If u get them correct you will get a letter

When u get all the letters unscramble them to make a word

But there’s a twist

Both your right hands will be tied together

Are you guys ready?

Roli: this seems quite complicated

Sid : we can do it Roli I kno we can

All couples stand at the start

Man: ready set go !

ROSID run towards the first drink and both sip on a straw each

Roli : eww this isn’t nice

Sid : come on Roli you can do it

The number they got was 1

They run towards the desk

The question is

What is the capital of England?

Roli writes the answer on the paper and shows it to the lady she gives them thier first letter which is v

ROSID drink all drinks and answer all questions correctly

They have letters and another team does as well

Roli : come on Sid think wat is v,e,l,o

Both together : LOVE!!!

Man : well done once again u have won the challenge !

Sid : wait to go Roli
ROSID and 2 runner ups go into the final round

Man: last round is a question for the husband and wife …


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