Fan Fiction

Ruhaniyaat (Segment 107)

Few months later

His point of view-
It was nearing my wifey’s wake up time and she was sleeping soundly..
She gets really tired these days with handling office work and house work..
Dad has transferred many of his shares to Pie after our wedding..
And we have shifted with Mom and Papa to the mansion after the wedding .
At times she has to baby sit the twins as John and Bhabhi are going to have a baby..
Besides she is tensed about Big-B and Birdie as there seems to be something wrong with them.
I am bad at talking to people thats why my wifey does these things on my behalf..
If i would be doing this then i would have blown his head by now..
Pie is the water to the fire inside me..
My attention shifts back to my beautiful wife..she has not been keeping too well these past few days .
Vomitting … I think its a stomach flu that she caught somewhere .

Her point of view –
As soon as i got up the bile in my stomach started to rise and i rushed to the bathroom to throw up.
“Baccha..” Dex said entering the bathroom and rubs my back..
I collapse beside the toilet bowl too tired to walk back to bed..
Its been happening for a week now and i am getting frustrated
Dex gently scoops me in his arms and brought me to the washbasin ..
Washing my face gently he asked
“Love can we be pregnant..?”
“We.?” I enquired confused as to how both of us can be pregnant..
“Yes baby will be our kid so we will be pregnant..” he said kissing the top of my head..
“But …” I asked panicked..
How will we manage things..?
Papa and mom were still in the honeymoon stage..
Dad had retired and wanted to enjoy with his grandchildren..
“Shona..remember our vow..?” He asked

His point of view-
She nodded in response..
“Come what may we will stand together always..” we repeated our vows from the pheras..
Those vows are promises that i made her and she me..
That were not only for that day or that point of time…they were to be lived and re-lived every single day of our life.
“Let us get you checked up baby girl..” I whispered and she blushed understanding my hidden meaning.
I walked out of the bathroom allowing her to get ready while i prepared breakfast for both of us..
Yea i have started to cook now as i am under the training of my smt ji..
A good husband always abides by the rules made by his wife..

Her point of view –
The mere thought of being a mother caused goosebumps on my skin..
Will i be able to handel such a huge responsibility of being a mother..?
“Shona …breakfast is ready babes..” calls out Dex from the kitchen ..
I hurry down the stairs and settle myself down on the dinning table.
“Here you go bacha..” he says and serves me french toast..
The smell of fried egg makes me feel nuseous and i push my plate away.
“I don’t want to eat it..” i declare.
“No worries sweety ..i will make you something else..” he says and kisses my cheek..
He quickly walks up to the kitchen and gets me toast with nutella..
His point of view –
I just can’t believe myself that i am the same person who never worked for themselves..and here i am working for my pie ..
I don’t consider it as working its my way of expressing love to her..
I just like spoiling my baby..
“Babu i already booked an appointment with doc .we should leave soon..”
I am just too exited to be a father..i want the results to come out positive…
She looks frightened though.

Her point of view –
“Baby is something the matter .?” He asks.
“Wo..i am not so sure wether i can …you know…have it in me to be a good mother..”
He wraps his arms around me and says..
“I know you will be a great mom..besides i will always be there with you.. I love you..”
“But what if i don’t fulfill your expectations.?” I questioned worried..
“Babes you are already above my expectation..i just don’t know how did i get so lucky..

Satisfied with his answers we head over to the doctor’s

“Congratulations ma’m you are pregnant..” doc says
“No dr..we are pregnant..” dex emphasises.
A broad smile makes its way over to my face at his statement.
The doctor smiles too.
“Thank you doctor ” we say in unison before heading out of the clinic..

His point of view –
As soon as i start driving John calls me up..
“Bhai..kaha hai tu .?”he gushes even before i greet him
“Wo shri mati ji ki tabiyat thodi theek nai thi toh doc kay paas aaye the..”
“Bhai jaldi ghar aa..She is leaving with the kids..”
” Par hua kya ..?”
“Tu bas aa ..” he says and hangs up.
Just then Pie’ s phone rings and its Bhabhi..
“Hey si i am coming over to your place..” she declare and hang up.
I look over at her and she shrugs her shoulder..
I just hope John hasn’t screwed this up.
I reverse my car from the parking and drive off to John’s house..

#happy new year#


My name explains it all..!

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