Fan Fiction

Ruhaniyaat (Segment 126)

His point of view –
We were on our way to the airport to fly down to our ancestral place.
Pie was in the back with Junior while we i drove he had a doctor’s appointment earlier in the day.
He got his regular vaccines today and he has been a bit off since then..
He is crying so hard that it breakes my heart..
Pie is trying her best to calm him down but i guess its not working..
“Baby should we got back home..?” I asked her for the nth time..
“Love i don’t know.. the pooja is important too..” she said sighing.
“Babe try feeding him..i think that will work.” I said suggesting an idea from the many books that i read..
As soon as she started to feed him his cries died down to small whimpers here and there..
“Love i think its working..” she said relaxing back on the back seat..
I mentally thanked the writer of the book and focussed on the road.

Her point of view –
I was trying hard to calm him down but nothing was working..
When the twins were small we used to play with them to distract them from crying but heck it was not working with this guy..
Then Dex suggested to feed him i was surprised.
where is all this baby advice coming from.?
Like junior is the first kid in his family.

Nevertheless i wanted Junior to calm down so i took in his suggestion of feeding him.
As soon as i started to feed him he began to eat like he was hungry from years..
Luckily his cries had died down and he only whimpering now..
I guess he was just hungry..
“I am sorry” i told Dex after junior was full and asleep
“Baby we both are first time parents..we are going to learn this way only..trial and error method.” He said emphasing the last part..
I smiled at him as he winked at me in the rearview mirror..

Her point of view-
As we reached the airport i carefully picked up junior and swadelled him with a blanket before placing him in his pram..
I hope he sleeps through the flight.
We passed through security and finally reached the waiting room when we were greeted by John and family..
“Hey baby..” i said placing junior’s pram on the side before picking up my titli.
She was going to turn 1 soon but she was still my baby ..
She giggled as i hugged her close before wrapping her arms around me.
“Shhii..” she said.
She has been saying few words and crawling around..
Main bhi..” squeals my boy as i hand over titli to Dex before bending down to the twins.
“Hi love bugs..” i greeted them as they throw themselves at me..
“Yaar humari toh koi value nai hain ” says John jokingly.
“You both are the same.. old and boring ” i say and my sister glares at me..

His point of view –
Pie hands over baby titli to me and she smiles at me..
“Hey beautiful..” i coo to her as she rests her head on my shoulder.
I want a girl too someday..
She will be my princess ..
“Hi bro .” I shook hands with John and smiled at bhabhi..
“Where is your kid..?” John enquired.
I point to his stroller in the corner of the room ” the devil is asleep” i say and john laughs at my statement.
“What did you say about my baby..?” Bhabhi asked
“Nothing” i defended and both me and John burst out laughing..
I felt something wet on my shoulder only to realise that Titlu was chewing on my shirt.
I pulled her away from my shoulder and she whined..
“Its time for her snack..” bhabhi said .
“Yea .. i got this.” I said before setting down with her on my lap and her baby food on the table..
His best friend’s point of view –
Jhonny sat down with my princess to feed her..
The man has got guts.

Afterall he is trying to feed the drama queen food..
“Aaaaaa” he sang to her and she giggled.
“Come on bub sing with” he said.
She sang along aaaaa and there he had put a spoon in her mouth..
She simply swalloed her food too surprised to react..
Good trick..
I am sure he learnt that from all the parenting books he has been reading lately..
I think i should do that too..sach mein helps a lot.
I watched as Bhabhijaan played with the twins..
“I guess we did a pretty good job ” i whispered to my wife..
“Yea i think so too..” she says before resting her head on my shoulder.


My name explains it all..!

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