Fan Fiction

Ruhaniyaat (Segment 150)

His sister’s point of view –
“Go away .” He said before swatting my arm away.
“Come on baby get up.. we have to go out..?”
“Nooooo i want to sleep..”and he turned away burying his head in the pillow.
“Okay how about we do a deal..?” He turned towards me eyes still closed.
“We cuddle and sleep for some time and then we go out .. ”
“Awesome…” And there i was scooped up in a big bear hug.

Few hours later

Her point of view –
Should i just go home.?
J.J was not feeling well and i couldn’t concentrate.
“Ma’m the meeting is ready .. shall we go…?”
“Yea i guess .. i will just be there i have a phonecall to make..”
“Baby me J.J ..”
“He is sleeping .. i am going to give you a little peek..”
He walked up the stairs and into our room.
“Why is he sleeping in our room..? He will roll off..”
“Yea i am washing and drying his bedding so i put the boys here..”

He turned the camera the other way and i saw both my boys asleep tucked into our bed with many pillows around them
“Did he eat anything…?”
“No..just the milk .. and some medicine..”he sighed.

“Should i come home..?”
“ take care of your clients and i will take care of our boys..and yea i spoke to Dr. Shanaya.. she said its normal for babies and prescribed some medicines..”
“Okay…call me later..”
“Hey love.. its alright.. i am here.. go get you..” he said blowing a kiss and hanging up.

His sister’s point of view –
“Come on up now..” i said pulling on the blanket from him.
Why is he shirtless..?
Don’t look at the abs stay focused
Don’t look at them. Stop it look away.
He cleared his throat and god i was embarrassed.
“So now that you are awake get ready and we are going out..”

“Join me for a shower..?” He asked.
“Sorry mister i already had one..” i teased giggling.
“Better luck next time..” he shrugged

Her best friend’s point of view –
Once we were dressed and ready to go she took us to the terrace attached to her house.
It was just beautiful.
It was beautifully decorated with flowers , lights all around and a dinner setup for two.
“Hey whats all this..?” I asked turning around and oh my god.
She was on one knee.
My eyes widened.

Is she going to propose for marriage..?
” Love ,Please be mine..”
I din’t realise i was crying until she kissed it away.
“No more crying baby..”she whispered kissing my cheek.


My name explains it all..!

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